Here is the story straight from the one responsible for the staffing of the Exelon system, including Clinton. When Bartlett was awarded the Exelon contract one of the reasons was that the previous vendor had a difficult time staffing the Illinois plants. Bartlett came in and changed things around as far staffing the system as a whole instead of individual plants. I know that makes a lot of the techs upset because they may want to do only certain plants and not others, for that I am sorry. After the first few seasons staffing the system as a whole instead of as individuals it was obvious from my vantage point as well as Corporate's that this was the best way to both fullfill Bartletts obligation to Exelon and to ensure that Exelon remained content with our performance, hence why the Illinois sites happen to line up with little time in between them and why they have a multiple plant incentive bonus. In talking to corporate they have agreed that staffing the system as a whole is preffered.
As far as the the overall number of techs going into the Clinton station - what happened was that there was a failure of communication between the site and myself, for which I have accepted full responsibility, where i had a much larger number of SHP techs requested than that that was actually asked for, therefore leaving me to reduce the number of SHP techs hired by 30+. :-/
So there be the story. I know its of no consolation, but there it is. Oh, one last thing - hey DJ, long time no talk to - hope your do'n well - by the sounds of it you are - as far as the "commitment" to do more than just one exelon outage at a time as being just Bartlett thing and not an Exelon thing, unless corporate is tell'n you how they want Bartlett (namely me) to staff you may wanna check on things before you make erroneous statements.(just an idea)

Eric Bartlett