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Author Topic: UK Citizen applying for work in USA  (Read 5432 times)

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UK Citizen applying for work in USA
« on: Mar 29, 2010, 06:10 »
I'm new to this website but just browsing through, i couldn't see anyone other Brits who have applied for work in the states. Does anyone know if a visa would be very difficult for a British person to obtain? I'd love to work/live in America but I'm guessing my only chance would be to find a long term job there with sponsorship?
Thanks in advance for replies!  :)


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Re: UK Citizen applying for work in USA
« Reply #1 on: Mar 31, 2010, 12:11 »
Thanks very much  :)


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Re: UK Citizen applying for work in USA
« Reply #2 on: Apr 10, 2010, 09:43 »
Here's my post from a similar thread...

Which UK plant are you coming from?

I'm originally from Scotland but now live in the U.S. and work as an HP - I also did this in Scotland, at Hunterston Power Station.  I married an American, though, so that's how I got here.

Before coming over, I had contacted Bartlett and was basically told, "Get here, then contact us and we'll be able to put you to work."  Not really much help.

There is a definite shortage of HPs over here, which may help you, but believe me, it is incredibly difficult to get Work Visas etc. for the U.S.  I had even tried to get Bartlett to set up some sort of exchange programme with RadWise (and there's now also Nuvia) but they didn't seem too interested.

I saw you mentioned DoE.  I was told as a non-US Citizen, even as a Permanent Resident, that I couldn't work most DoE sites.  That was around 5 years ago, but I haven't tried since.  Just make sure you check it out before getting your hopes up.

Would Canada interest you?  As far as I know, there's a lot of Brits working at Bruce Power on Lake Huron.  Just a thought.

If you have any other questions about us ex-Pats living/working here, just ask.  I'll try my best to answer you.

Good luck and "Best of British"!


Here is the thread it was taken from...,23648.0.html

Good luck!
« Last Edit: Apr 10, 2010, 09:44 by FatMalky »


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