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Shearon Harris

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Author Topic: Shearon Harris  (Read 52663 times)

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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #25 on: Apr 05, 2008, 03:53 »
HNP is hiring 12 more operators to start in June/July. Interviews are going on now. Get your resumes in.

We just hired 12 in February, 8 last August, and then my class of 13 in January of 2001.


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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #26 on: Apr 05, 2008, 04:29 »
Yah ive put in on the website for all those sites at least twice so they know im serious, but havent heard anything yet.  Hope they call me.  Im ex hp do you think that qualifies for something?

Offline thompson63

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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #27 on: Apr 07, 2008, 08:38 »
I was a HP house tech, chemistry tech and primary chemistry supervisor from 1992 - 2000.  Shearon Harris was a great place to work including HP, chemistry and operations.  I made the decision to leave so I could move back to Alabama and care for my mom.  If  my Mom had not became ill, I would still be there.  As mentioned in previous posts, when I was there the overtime was unlimited.  Again a great place to work and a great area to raise a family.


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Progress Energy ( Salary)
« Reply #28 on: Jul 29, 2008, 08:39 »
I am currently seeking a job with Progress Energy at the Harris plant. Does anyone have a salary range for a chemistry tech?


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Re: Progress Energy ( Salary)
« Reply #29 on: Jul 29, 2008, 10:16 »
That depends on a lot of things (i.e., education, experience).  A house chem tech can make anywhere from 27 to 35 per hour and this of course varies from locale to locale.


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shearon harris plant
« Reply #30 on: Jan 11, 2009, 10:37 »
Hello everyone,javascript:void(0);

i have read though many threads on pay and rotating shift. sorry if anyone thinks i should use the search method. i am an ET1 been in for 5 years, will be out in November.  will have the thomas edison degree when i get out. i am looking into the Shearon harris plant. am trying to find out if there is a difference between a nlo with a degree or not there. what is the starting base pay? what is the rotating shift that they implement? i don't believe that i would accept an instant SRO (in seems alot of people believe that they are set up for failure) position but i am curious if they do that. i have looked on the website and didn't see much for entry level positions. is there a freeze on hiring? does anyone know how i should go about applying if there wasn't a posting on their website? any information on shearon harris would be great. i am not limiting myself to just shearon harris, but i just like to be well informed.     




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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #31 on: Jan 13, 2009, 07:03 »
First off, if you are offered SRO class, take it, be humble, and work your tail off. That should dissuade anyone from thinking you are not worthy of the chance. Its your career.

I just applied to Harris for an upcoming NLO position. I was told that Brunswick NLO class is filled. Crystal is hiring for an Assistant Aux Operator which I was told was a lower position than Aux Operator-C, however the position descriptions read about the same.

I'll PM you a link that may help get you to a progress recruiter.




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I hope someone can help.
« Reply #32 on: Feb 07, 2009, 06:01 »
I am an ex Enterprise ELT and I really want to work at the plant. I was hoping the right people see that I applied for the AUX Op job... or someone knows the right people. Does anyone have the inside info on how many they are hiring and when they are going to start. Thanks.


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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #33 on: Feb 11, 2009, 08:45 »
I work for Progress down at Brunswick, and from looking at our job postings, yes we are hiring NLO/AO's; we're hiring new AO's pretty much constantly.  Actually, our Ops Manager just told me that we are going to have a new AO class at least yearly, so I'm sure Harris is in the same boat.  I think the rush on instant SRO's is pretty much over for us (at least for a while.)  The people I know at Harris are easy going and good to work with; in fact I almost went there, but I couldn't resist living 3 miles from the beach.  Keep hitting the Progress website and stay apprised of openings.  That's the best advice I can give.  Eventually someone should give you a call if you are competitive.  Don't be surprised if it takes a little while.  Human Resources runs alot of the recruiting, and they typically aren't in tune with how important it is to scoop up good operators.  And NukeNub's advice is spot on: if someone offers you an SRO spot, don't say no.  From what I've seen, they wouldn't offer you that spot if they didn't think you could make it.  Also, we've had a few people drop out of license class for various reasons and they are still at the site working as AO's or maintenance guys. 


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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #34 on: Feb 12, 2009, 10:44 »
I currently live in Garner NC and am working in the mid-west.  Since the Enron incident which I am a victim, I have been seeking an in-house non-ops training position at Shearon Harris.  I am almost 62 years old and have a very strong SAT based training background.  Can anyone provide me with some information on the situation at Harris.  I have submitted numerous resumes and have filled out applications but to no avail.  Knowing that no companies age discriminate, HaHa, could someone provide me with some insight at Harris.


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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #35 on: Mar 02, 2009, 02:24 »
Yah I applied for the operator job as well.  Took the POSS test for southern company and passed with no problem.  I live in Augusta GA and hope that is not a detering factor when they look at my application.  Lived in Raleigh for a few years when my dad worked at Harris, and loved it.
« Last Edit: Mar 02, 2009, 02:26 by B.PRESGROVE »


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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #36 on: Mar 02, 2009, 08:18 »
I'd say to keep up with the job postings online and follow up on your resume's online.  That's how I got hired at BNP.


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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #37 on: Mar 21, 2010, 08:25 »
I am very interested in an NLO position at this plant.  Does anyone know if they are still looking for people to hire for the August Class?

Thank you.


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Re: Shearon Harris
« Reply #38 on: Mar 22, 2010, 11:20 »
They are now just calling people in for the test/interview for the August position.  Does anyone know if the Harris plant offers a pay wage increase after qualification?


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Harris Plant contact info.
« Reply #39 on: Mar 25, 2010, 08:30 »
Anybody have Harris plant Operations Manager contact information?  Or perhaps anyone in Operations there that I can PM?


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