Last time I saw a topic get this hot was when we discussed drugs and second chances!! Ok here is my 2 cents (all the change a poor active duty guy can spare)
1. Employers are in the bussiness of doing bussiness, if provideing a benefit for the employee will benefit bussiness then they will likely do it. (I offer health care for exhibt 1 They offer it cause the long term benefit is to the company not the worker! NO REALLY I MEAN IT!!!)
2. If they can replace you with someone else you can do the job as well for less money then they will try (and should, within reason, but remember that there is a COST in personnel turnover if you treat people unfairly, to say nothing of the cost of constant turnover)
3. A company only has a moral obligation to live up to its end of what ever bargin they sign(agree to) with an employee if you are of value to them then they will find ways to provide incentive to keep you up until you cost more than you are worth (see #2)
4. Day care is a benefit like health care and dental. Some companies offer it because it makes sense for thier work force structure (IMHO it does not in this industry from what I have seen). Are we missing some great pool of talent by not offfering it?? (not likely, maybe a few good people here and there but as we all know there are lots of people out there willing to step up for jobs).
5. As for the few comment on what the military offered, well if you look to #1 and 2 you will see the the military only gave what it had to to 1)keep effective fighting force (Army marches on stomach, Navy sails on its BAC ect..) 2) Try and keep volunteer force stable and attract "high" quality individuals. Anything less and good people leave and good peopel on outside do not sign up!! Funny but military is in many ways just a big business!
Oh yea as for day care centers at Nuke plants; Most of the Nukes I know have kids who are to darn smart to leave them under anything less than armed security around fissionable material!! I shudder to think what my son or daughter could build if give to much exposure to a room full of other "Nuke Kids"!! Let alone it they get around some of the extremely capable high enders (see post where bragging might be included)
PS RadBas you sound interesting but I happen to know that Broad might be more interested if you were a Red Head
(I assumeing you were making a pass at him no?, I mean I could be wrong, these social issues always trip me up and ever since the dont ask dont tell thing I get confused about this gender stuff and weather a guy is making a pass at another guy
) (Oh and me I am just avg guy of no intrest to anyone but my wife some please no personal information that might appear like a pass cause I will likely not "get" it.
PSS Now come on you can luagh cause that was funny "get er done"