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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #50 on: Nov 26, 2006, 11:55 »

Why? People without kids wouldn't have the same benefit and if they can't get people with kids to support an outage there are PLNTY without them.

It's not the utilities job to rear someones brats so they can work.


Ok so maybe i am a little thin skinned.  And maybe I don't understand where people are coming from or how much "experience" and "knowledge" they have, but nobody and I do mean nobody refers to my child as a "brat".  That's just uncalled for.  I don't care if you were in the navy or even if your god walking this world, to call someones child a "brat", is just juvenile and childish.

I'm sorry i started this subject.  I will no longer post anything on nukeworker again.  Escpecially if it means I have to deal with ignorant narrow minded people.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #51 on: Nov 27, 2006, 12:38 »
Ok so maybe i am a little thin skinned.  And maybe I don't understand where people are coming from or how much "experience" and "knowledge" they have, but nobody and I do mean nobody refers to my child as a "brat".  That's just uncalled for.  I don't care if you were in the navy or even if your god walking this world, to call someones child a "brat", is just juvenile and childish.

I'm sorry i started this subject.  I will no longer post anything on nukeworker again.  Escpecially if it means I have to deal with ignorant narrow minded people.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #52 on: Nov 27, 2006, 06:37 »

YOu guys were defin. OVERPAID then!

Not then...maybe now.

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #53 on: Nov 27, 2006, 07:19 »
Ok so maybe i am a little thin skinned.  And maybe I don't understand where people are coming from or how much "experience" and "knowledge" they have, but nobody and I do mean nobody refers to my child as a "brat".  That's just uncalled for.  I don't care if you were in the navy or even if your god walking this world, to call someones child a "brat", is just juvenile and childish.

I can understand how you feel about your children and I wholeheartedly agree. Some people get a great deal of joy out of being rude. Sometimes the only way they can make themselves feel good is to make other people feel bad. For all the talk about being thin skinned or someone just being blunt, I feel there is no need to be rude and that is exactly what it boils down to. I deleted a post of mine earlier that expressed those thoughts a little more directly because it was off topic, but it now seems a bit more on than off.

I'm sorry i started this subject.  I will no longer post anything on nukeworker again.  Escpecially if it means I have to deal with ignorant narrow minded people.

Please do not abandon this site just because a few people choose to be ignorant. We are supposed to be able to debate just this kind of subject here, although it should be a bit more civil outside of the poly-sci section. Unfortunately there will always be the ignorant and narrow minded that have to be dealt with. I am often tempted to take a stronger hand in 'moderating' those people but I have always been a bit more lenient than some of the other moderators. Take their postings for what YOU think they are worth and ignore the idiots that enjoy flaming others to make themselves feel worthwhile. Arrogance is seldom deserved, and never appropriate.
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Offline Imaginos

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #54 on: Nov 27, 2006, 10:21 »
LOL... Bad argument, RR.  We were only paid about .25 cents an hour.

We'll assume you meant "25 cents per hour" and not "1/4 cent per hour."  ;)  We'll further assume, conservatively, that you were paid for all twenty-four hours in a day, since you were on-call (especially when underway). That said, you expect us to believe the Navy only paid you $6 a day? Gonna have to throw the BS flag on that one...  :)

Daycare at the plants - isn't that what the utilities are doing for us, keeping us off the street?  ;)
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Offline SloGlo

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #55 on: Nov 27, 2006, 10:25 »
inyourface.... pleez don't be sorry to start a post because of dealing with narrowminded ignorant people.   dis industry portrays some of the best narrow mindedness there is, maybe because the u.s. of a. turned their collective back on us decades ago, maybe not and that's probably an udder good thread to be started at a future date.  'n we're knot ignorant.... whut other industry gots to take teknickel proficiency tests every job?  no reply needed, pleez, datz anudder good thread which is in existence alreedee.
personally, i roaded for over two decades.  did my family suffer? i dunno.  eye yam divorced.  was it because i was away or just a jagoff?  i dunno, there's lotsa divorced peeple woo kant spell newclear.  did my kids suffer?  i dunno. i wasn't there every day for them.  lotsa people who live 'n work in da neighborhood aren't with their kids every day due to overtime, family problems, working two jobs, ettsetterra.  but, wood my kids have been better off with me at the home site alla time and not having the finances to supply a home with individual bedroom for each of then, new clothes for them, good food on the table at all times (including veggies... there wuz a time my kids wood tell you that that made them suffer), letting them play in their sports, go to their summer camps, get orthonics, ettsetterra.  i dunno that either.  i made my choice, and supplyed a lifestyle as best as i could.  i also decided, that as part of this lifestyle, i wouldn't travel my kids all over the country and that i would do short term high pay jobs in order to finance the family and my time at home as best as i could.  when i got into this biz, i cood work 6 months in a year, make the pretax equivalent of 12 months of work, and collect unemplyment insurance for 6 months (tax free at that time,   8)  ).  
now, iffen you wanna take yours with you, that's your decision.  i support that decision for you, i didn't make that same one.  duzant make me a bad person.  you aren't either.  this industry ain't a bad industry.  they don't make decisions for your benefit, they make decisions for themselves.  if you can abide by those and want to work with them, you are welcome.  if you don't, you're welcome to that decision also.  no one is bad  because two decisions were made, are they?  coors not.
most sites, a worker cannot go off site without clocking out.  childcare should not be an exception.  few sites have on site employee beneficial services.  child care should not be an exception.  if you want child care for you kids while they are with you, either find one in the village where the plant is located, or start your own.  but to think the utility should do that for you is a pipe dream.  this industry has more legal, financial, 'n societal headaches than any other in these united states.  there is no way they are going to add to their problem.  if you want to solve the problem, they will most likely be fully supportive of your action.

btw, keep posting.... oui dew enjoy thoughts outside da box.
« Last Edit: Nov 27, 2006, 10:25 by SloGlo »
quando omni flunkus moritati

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #56 on: Nov 27, 2006, 10:35 »

I hope to see more posts by you, as we need your input. I faced the same problem you are going through years ago and finally gave up working in the industry; I suggest you check out your coworkers and see if they have a wife or mother traveling with them to watch your children. This is what we finally did.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #57 on: Nov 27, 2006, 10:38 »
On site daycare would be a nice thing except for one thing:  For some, it would become another place to go hide.  Like any other privilege, (smoking areas, break trailers, internet access, etc.) all it would take are the actions of a few dumba$$es to ruin it for everyone else.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #58 on: Nov 27, 2006, 10:45 »
As a roadtech parent, I do know where inyourface was coming from with the original post. I know that I had the thought myself quite a few times over the years when I was looking for daycare before an outage, but only because that would have made it easier for me and let's face it---definately not the utilities job to make my life easier for an outage.
I never had an instance where I could not find great, reliable daycare usually within 15 minutes of a plant. I could not even say for certain that if a plant did provide daycare that I would actually use it. Like most parents I am very picky when it comes to child care and always had at least 2-3 places to check out before I made a decision on which daycare my daughter would be staying at and in a couple of instances ended up going with a place that came through recommendations of locals.  Just because a plant would offer daycare does not mean that I would use it--and not for (nuclear) safety reasons, but I may not like the set-up, the people running the daycare, how many children at the daycare etc.
So while I appreciate the thought behind the original post, I would have to agree (with the many reasons already listed) that the utilities should not and probably will not ever offer daycare services for outages.
I do agree that if daycare was going to be available at outages than it should be contractor sposored as Broad and JMK suggested. Again---slim to none chance.

Now with all of that said, this may be a little off topic but, there are ways to make finding a daycare a little easier for outages:
- start researching on the computer well in advance, make a list of possible daycares and start making phone calls. The list is usually narrowed down quickly based on hours availabe, days available or personal reaction to the person you contacted.
-Don't be afraid to ask the daycare if they are willing to provide expanded hours or weekends....especially if they are located fairly close to a nuclear plant. They are used to outages and may not advertise that they are willing to expand their hours, but they are a business and most I have found are willing to work the extra hours for the extra money.
-Plan on arriving to the area at least 4-5 days in advance (or take a quick daytrip if close enough) so you can thourougly check the day care out and have your child visit it a few times before your first scheduled day of work...makes it easier on everyone and gives you a chance to find out what else is available.
-Ask for recommendations form everyone you talk to---a daycare you contact may not be available for the hours you want but usually knows who in the area is and in some cases have emloyees who are willing to put in weekends or extra hours. Talk to your site coordinator, they may have a lead on a daycare or on another worker looking for the same. Talk to a house tech---sometimes there is a workers wife (or daughter) who is willing to babysit one or two children during an outage since her husband is working long hours anyways. If not, they can usually recommend a local babysitter or daycare.
-Check this site....I know that you may not be a big fan of this site at the moment but it really is a great tool filled with information. You will get used to the people and the way that they post.....some may seem rude or narrow minded at times, but really are very knowledgeable and a great source of information...they just come across a little harsh at times.

Best of luck on the road.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #59 on: Nov 27, 2006, 10:50 »
We'll assume you meant "25 cents per hour" and not "1/4 cent per hour."  ;)  We'll further assume, conservatively, that you were paid for all twenty-four hours in a day, since you were on-call (especially when underway). That said, you expect us to believe the Navy only paid you $6 a day? Gonna have to throw the BS flag on that one...  :)

Just as BS as RR's comment.

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #60 on: Nov 27, 2006, 11:29 »
One thing that was briefly mentioned which I think will be a problem.
People will abuse it to get away from doing their work.
They will say Little Johnny has a runny nose and I must check on him every hour, so will you cover for me?
There will be some who will want to have lunch together, will you cover for me?
Get the picture? You know it will happen and happen and...

Offline SloGlo

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #61 on: Nov 27, 2006, 11:49 »
One thing that was briefly mentioned which I think will be a problem.
People will abuse it to get away from doing their work.
They will say Little Johnny has a runny nose and I must check on him every hour, so will you cover for me?
There will be some who will want to have lunch together, will you cover for me?
Get the picture? You know it will happen and happen and...

abusers of having people cover for them or clocking out for personal reasons are dealt wit according to procedures.  those procedures wood be followed for this abuse in the same venue. 
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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #62 on: Nov 27, 2006, 03:42 »
oh by the way, why do people get to pay lower income taxes just because they have kids?????

Same reason as people that have mortgages, donate to charities, etc. It has been passed by your representatives in congress. Generally considered to "promote the general welfare" of the country / business / community.
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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #63 on: Nov 27, 2006, 04:26 »
Depends hows he look in some backless  biker chaps? I mean can you bounce a quarter off those cheeks booyah!
Whats with the  same crap we have heard 5 times over numbering things and it doesn't make sense
PS: you spell worse than I do- dee dee dee

staying on  topic support health care

Yes me r bad speller (knot so good typeist ether) and as four the counting thing it is all the higher I can get sew I use it when I gets a chance to show off!

If the points were already made well then I am sorry I missed them, guess I should have let the ten hours of road wear fade before I started
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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #64 on: Nov 27, 2006, 05:42 »
you expect us to believe the Navy only paid you $6 a day? Gonna have to throw the BS flag on that one...  :)

when I went in, they paid us $154/month. Do the math. (off topic, I know, but I can't help it)

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #65 on: Nov 27, 2006, 06:32 »
when I went in, they paid us $154/month. Do the math. (off topic, I know, but I can't help it)

1969 E-3?

I can't believe that I make more in a day than I did in month in 1970....

No day care on that salary.

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #66 on: Nov 27, 2006, 09:29 »
I'm sorry i started this subject.  I will no longer post anything on nukeworker again.  Especially if it means I have to deal with ignorant narrow minded people.


Please do NOT quit posting just because a few of the other posters failed to have the same ideas of courtesy that you do.  Some mean well, but come from a harsher background.  Others are 'trolls' and are just trying to get a rise out of you. 

Like you, I have quit responding on certain threads when I don't like other posters' attitudes, but that doesn't mean I (or you) need to let them control us.  Just take a break and avoid the people who annoy you the most and post when & what you want.

I hope to see you posting again soon.
« Last Edit: Dec 03, 2006, 11:19 by UncaBuffalo »
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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #67 on: Nov 27, 2006, 09:49 »
when I went in, they paid us $154/month. Do the math. (off topic, I know, but I can't help it)

We'll further assume that my reply to M1Ark was addressed to M1Ark, as that is who I quoted, and not to anyone self-described as "old and mostly bald" who, based upon having a 32 year old child, presumably joined the Navy over three decades ago...   ;)

Day care? It could happen.
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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #68 on: Nov 27, 2006, 09:52 »
inhale, hold, exhale..... inhale, hold, exhale....  now, don't we feel better?  ain't lamaze like child care, when all is sayed 'n dun?
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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #69 on: Nov 27, 2006, 11:06 »
I'm sorry i started this subject.  I will no longer post anything on nukeworker again.  Escpecially if it means I have to deal with ignorant narrow minded people.

inyourface, please do not feel that your posting was a bad idea...quite the contrary it stirred up the troops more than they have been in quite a while ;)
I realize that some of the members come across as somewhat harsh, but we all deal with folks everyday in this business that are like that, don't we? I know if you work inside the power house, you get your share of radical folks :-\ Some folks have a tendency to just not know how to "candy coat" what their saying and it becomes doubly hard when your doing it way to read voice inflection, or facial expressions...the little smiley's only go so far <sigh>.

I hope you hang around because you brought up an interesting idea that sparked lively discussion. Don't let it get personal, and I'm sorry if I let things get a little bit out of hand with some of the rhetoric, for that I apologize.

For the record, I like the idea of daycare...however no utility is going to pay for it, nor should they, for any temporary employee's; but I agree with SloGlo, I think it's a great business opportunity for someone.

Again please don't judge NukeWorker after a single go around, it really is a great place, try it some more you'll get to like it...promise ;)

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #70 on: Nov 28, 2006, 09:36 »
onsite day care is inappropriate unless it is outside of the initial site evacuation area.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #71 on: Nov 28, 2006, 01:04 »
We'll further assume that my reply to M1Ark was addressed to M1Ark, as that is who I quoted, and not to anyone self-described as "old and mostly bald" who, based upon having a 32 year old child, presumably joined the Navy over three decades ago...   ;)

Day care? It could happen.
sorry, since the reply was posted on the open forum, and not as an PM, it appeared to me that it addressed to all. BTW, my recollection was wrong about how much we were paid when I went in, 1971 E-1 $134/mo and change.

Inyourface; don't stop posting and don't stop using the site. It's been very useful to me, and a lot of fun, too. Your post opened an excellent thread as evidenced by the number and rapidity of the responses.
« Last Edit: Nov 28, 2006, 01:48 by illegalsmile »

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #72 on: Nov 28, 2006, 01:37 »
inyourface I for one appreciate this thread. Daycare and family is something that will always be an issue. One of the reasons I did not make the Navy a career is that I heard "Your wife did not come in your seabag" one to many times. The only practical solution I saw on the road was a coworkers spouse or child, that would seem unlikely now that the outages are so short. I suspect fewer workers take thier family with them. Talk with your company prior to a job they may not provide you the child care but may be able to help you find it. Don't forget the house techs they may be able to help as well. Don't give up, maybe this a job for Nukeworker by posting what you find for the next person.

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #73 on: Nov 28, 2006, 06:04 »
sorry, since the reply was posted on the open forum, and not as an PM, it appeared to me that it addressed to all. BTW, my recollection was wrong about how much we were paid when I went in, 1971 E-1 $134/mo and change.

That's okay. As you'll notice, most of the posts on this thread are addressed specifically to one individual - Inyourface - but they are presented on the open forum for all to enjoy. Mine are no different. I'll strive to do better in the future to not cause any confusion....and I'd like to revise my previous statement by saying, "...over three and a half decades ago."  ;)

Looks like most people agree that daycare is not a completely horrible idea and that our employers will never pay for it.
"I'm not quiet; I just don't demand to be heard." ---George Harrison


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #74 on: Nov 28, 2006, 07:04 »
I'm sorry i started this subject.  I will no longer post anything on nukeworker again.  Escpecially if it means I have to deal with ignorant narrow minded people.

okay so add me to the list of those who appreciate a lively discussion without those miscreants jumping in riding their high horses...   unfortunately there's no keeping them out...  so i hope you'll follow the good advice you've read here and keep posting...   


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