inyourface.... pleez don't be sorry to start a post because of dealing with narrowminded ignorant people. dis industry portrays some of the best narrow mindedness there is, maybe because the u.s. of a. turned their collective back on us decades ago, maybe not and that's probably an udder good thread to be started at a future date. 'n we're knot ignorant.... whut other industry gots to take teknickel proficiency tests every job? no reply needed, pleez, datz anudder good thread which is in existence alreedee.
personally, i roaded for over two decades. did my family suffer? i dunno. eye yam divorced. was it because i was away or just a jagoff? i dunno, there's lotsa divorced peeple woo kant spell newclear. did my kids suffer? i dunno. i wasn't there every day for them. lotsa people who live 'n work in da neighborhood aren't with their kids every day due to overtime, family problems, working two jobs, ettsetterra. but, wood my kids have been better off with me at the home site alla time and not having the finances to supply a home with individual bedroom for each of then, new clothes for them, good food on the table at all times (including veggies... there wuz a time my kids wood tell you that that made them suffer), letting them play in their sports, go to their summer camps, get orthonics, ettsetterra. i dunno that either. i made my choice, and supplyed a lifestyle as best as i could. i also decided, that as part of this lifestyle, i wouldn't travel my kids all over the country and that i would do short term high pay jobs in order to finance the family and my time at home as best as i could. when i got into this biz, i cood work 6 months in a year, make the pretax equivalent of 12 months of work, and collect unemplyment insurance for 6 months (tax free at that time,
now, iffen you wanna take yours with you, that's your decision. i support that decision for you, i didn't make that same one. duzant make me a bad person. you aren't either. this industry ain't a bad industry. they don't make decisions for your benefit, they make decisions for themselves. if you can abide by those and want to work with them, you are welcome. if you don't, you're welcome to that decision also. no one is bad because two decisions were made, are they? coors not.
most sites, a worker cannot go off site without clocking out. childcare should not be an exception. few sites have on site employee beneficial services. child care should not be an exception. if you want child care for you kids while they are with you, either find one in the village where the plant is located, or start your own. but to think the utility should do that for you is a pipe dream. this industry has more legal, financial, 'n societal headaches than any other in these united states. there is no way they are going to add to their problem. if you want to solve the problem, they will most likely be fully supportive of your action.
btw, keep posting.... oui dew enjoy thoughts outside da box.