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Offline SloGlo

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #75 on: Nov 28, 2006, 08:47 »
.... those miscreants jumping in riding their high horses... 

hay, heigh!  sumz us miscreants dahnt jump in riding high horses, we sleep on on 'em n@!!!

btw, inyourface, eye like yer screen name.   ;)
« Last Edit: Nov 28, 2006, 08:48 by SloGlo »
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #76 on: Nov 30, 2006, 07:30 »
inyourface, please let us know that you're still with us. it was a thoughtful post and the site can use thoughtful people.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #77 on: Jun 16, 2007, 12:19 »
Okay    I missed four pages of threds without any guilt.......

Can I har a hell yeah for a specific group of techs that need their hands held????

I for one would be more than happy to contibute to a fund to support capable techs, provide for the youngens,,,,, and force the ummmmm... yeah those to sit down (preferably at a much reduced pay)

oooops   musta been the beer... sorry folks I believe thiis was off topic
« Last Edit: Jun 19, 2007, 10:08 by LaFeet »

Offline Lorrie Henson

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #78 on: Jun 16, 2007, 06:35 »
If anyone is in need of daycare for the Fall outage at D.C. Cook, please send me a PM.  I live 6 miles from the plant and my husband will be working the outage.  I won't be because I have my two little guys.  However, I am very partial to the industry and want to do my part, even if that means watching your little ones.  It's very difficult to find someone who knows the hours we keep and willing to help out. 

Please let me know.

Lorrie :)


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #79 on: Oct 20, 2009, 01:35 »
This is not the utilities job.


Offline Adam Grundleger

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #80 on: Oct 20, 2009, 07:15 »
I agree.  Utilities do not have a responsibility to provide anything in the way of services to employees.  That they offer so much is testament to their concern for the value of their employees.  If there's something you (plural) want outside of the plant's offerings, why not organize it yourself outside of work? 

Example: You want daycare (I have three kids, so I can relate), and so do several co-workers.  You call around and set something up.  If there's nothing available, maybe one of the spouses comes along and gets a temporary license from the county/state as required.  Local colleges sometimes have employment programs that include daycare/babysitting.  The point is, there are options for daycare, and the utility doesn't owe it to you.

The utilities convert matter into energy to make electricity for profit, and everything else is gravy.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #81 on: Oct 20, 2009, 09:37 »
Turn the kids time to making something useful, get a contract with Nike and they provide the day care center and the kids make the shoes like they do in Asia.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #82 on: Oct 20, 2009, 12:29 »
there it is done


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #83 on: Oct 20, 2009, 06:40 »
Do the plants with daycare provide the service on site or is it just outside the gate?  It is actually a good idea.  There are so many families with both parents working or single parent families who could use the extra help.

Offline Adam Grundleger

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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #84 on: Oct 21, 2009, 07:48 »
If you think there's a market for it, why not set it up?  Could be a real money-maker.  Of course, you've got zoning and such to worry about.  If there's money in it, someone will go for it.  If there isn't, well... just wait for the government to throw your tax dollars at it.


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Re: daycare at the plants?
« Reply #85 on: Oct 21, 2009, 04:05 »
Lol good point about the tax dollars.  No I wouldnt want to go through all the red tape, insurance, startup costs, staffing, and all that to much work.


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