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Unemployment Claims
« on: Nov 28, 2006, 01:22 »
Does anyone out there know what the requirements are for filing an interstate UI Claim? Specifically, if we work for a company based in Mass (I'll let you guess which one that is) but don't work in Mass, can we file our UI claim in Mass?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 09:28 by BeerCourt »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #1 on: Nov 28, 2006, 01:42 »
My last experience (5+ yrs ago) was that:

You had to work in at least 2 states.
You had to come to the state that you open the claim in.
You at least had to have an initial address in that state.
Then you move back home, and transfer everything.

Things may have changed.....   ::)

Remember, VY is having a late spring outage in May 07, which will place you right up here next to MA to file your summer claim.... ;D 
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #2 on: Nov 28, 2006, 01:43 »
not sure of the exact specifics but from what i was told by a unemployment clain rep. as long as you have worked in 3 or more states, within the last 12 months. you can file in any state you wish, although MA may require you to be in the physical boundries of the state when originally open your claim.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #3 on: Nov 28, 2006, 01:53 »
State of Massachusetts Unemployment Benefit Information:

You may file a claim for unemployment benefits in Massachusetts on the Internet at:

File by phone
Call the TeleClaim Center at 1-877-626-6800 if you are calling from the following area codes: 351, 413, 508, 774, and 978.

Call the TeleClaim Center at 617-626-6800 if you are calling from any other area code.

The TeleClaim Center is open from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday and 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday. Shorter waiting times can be expected after 4:30 p.m., later in the week, and on Saturday morning. These expanded hours are for telephone services only and do not apply to Walk-In Centers.

If you choose to do so, you may file your claim in person at a Walk-In Center. There are locations throughout Massachusetts. Some walk-in centers have limited hours. Use the walk-in center directory to find the office nearest you, and to check its hours of operation and find directions.

At walk-in centers, you can:

File a new claim for benefits
Reopen an existing claim
Be interviewed if there are issues that affect your eligibility
Resolve problems with your claim
Attend an orientation session

Information they'll need from you include:

Your social security number
The year you were born
Your home address and telephone number
Whether you have filed an unemployment insurance claim in Massachusetts or in any other state during the past 12 months
Your last day of employment
The names and addresses of all of the employers you have worked for during the 15 months prior to filing your claim and the dates you worked for each of these employers. If you are reopening a claim, be ready with the same information for the past eight weeks
The reason that you are no longer working or that your hours have been reduced
The names, dates of birth and social security numbers for any dependent children, if you are going to apply for dependency allowance
Your alien registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen
Source: Massachusetts Division of Employment and Training
« Last Edit: Nov 28, 2006, 01:57 by Rennhack »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #4 on: Nov 28, 2006, 01:57 »
You can file interstate claim in the state you live in.  New York investigates and tells you whichstate is the best to claim in and gives you options.  Mass has the highest weekly payment especially if you have dependents.  You must work in several states and have to physically show up at an unemployment office in the state.  You do not need an address in that state, nor have worked in it. 
Hope that helps.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #5 on: Nov 28, 2006, 02:18 »
It is important to distinguish between an interstate claim and a combined wage claim.  An interstate claim is filed by one who has worked in one state and lives in another.  For example, one who has worked in New Jersey but lives in New York can file an interstate claim in New York against New Jersey.  New York would administer your claim and pay your checks at the New Jersey rates.
A person who has worked in two or more states is eligible to file a combined wage claim in any state.  If you worked in Pennsylvania and Florida (or any two states), you can file in Massachussetts, which has the highest maximum benefit in the US and an additional allowance of $25 per dependent child per week.  To file a combined wage claim in Mass., you must do so in person and cannot normally back date to the date of layoff.  That means don't wait a month affter layoff to file, because the claim doesn't start until you get there.  This is NOT THE SAME as an interstate claim.  Massachusssetts, having the highest payout of all 50 states, is quite used to processing claims from residents of other states.  Just tell them you want to file a combined wage claim, and where you worked.
Your employer needs to have reported the wages to the states where you worked.  This is TOTALLY SEPARATE from where they withheld taxes.  If they only reported your wages to Texas, you cannot file a combined wage claim.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #6 on: Nov 28, 2006, 02:22 »
Contact info for all the states unemployment depts:

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #7 on: Nov 28, 2006, 02:32 »
Combined-Wage-Claim A claim filed in one State against wage credits earned in two or more States.

Interstate Combined-Wage Claim A combined-wage claim in which the paying State is not the State in which the claim is filed and the interstate claims procedures are used in making the payment. 

Intrastate Combined-Wage Claims A combined-wage claim in which the paying State is also the State in which the claim is filed and to which the other State or States will transfer wage credits. 

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #8 on: Nov 28, 2006, 02:33 »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #10 on: Nov 28, 2006, 04:09 »
I was filing combined wages for multiple states and I had the UI office tell me if there was a time I thought I would run out of benifits I could apply to each state, example I worked eight weeks in Mass.,seven in Fla and twelve in VY.What she said to do is file for the first state I worked in and get how many weeks I was eliglible for,then when that ran out file for the second state and get the weeks there and so on.You have to work a certain length of time to get the max weeks or combine them to get that States max amount and weeks.She said it may work in my favor but I never did.It doesn't hurt to ask.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #11 on: Nov 28, 2006, 05:36 »
The reason why most people find it best to combine the wages and file in Mass. is that Mass. pays a maximum benefit of over $550.00 per week for up to thirty weeks.  No other state pays nearly as much since Washington lowered their benefits.
If you claimes against each particular state, they would pay you very little for a very short while, you cannot use those wages again to claim from another state, and you cannot have two claims open at the same time.
There is no good reason to file anywhere except Massachussetts if you qualify.  It may be a bit of trouble to get there and to reopen your claim after each layoff, but it is worth it.  You'll net thousands of dollars more every year by going there, especially if you have dependent children.
« Last Edit: Nov 30, 2006, 06:35 by BeerCourt »
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #12 on: Nov 29, 2006, 04:33 »
Am I missing something here. I thought you could only claim UI against the state with which you worked and paid state taxes(if any). Just because you work for big blue in South Dakota does that allow you to file in Mass?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #13 on: Nov 29, 2006, 05:25 »
Am I missing something here. I thought you could only claim UI against the state with which you worked and paid state taxes(if any). Just because you work for big blue in South Dakota does that allow you to file in Mass?

Big blue has nothing to do with what they are talking about.  Please re-read the posts, in detail, there is a lot of good info in them.  If you work in multiple states, you can file anywhere and get a combined state claim, where the state you claim in gets the money from all the states you worked in (combined-wage claim).  If you work in one state, you can file any where, and they will draw the funds from the one state you worked in (intrastate claim).  WHO YOUR EMPLOYER IS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, AND WHERE YOUR EMPLOYTER’S CORPORATE HQ IS HAS NOTHING TO DO WIHT IT, it’s just a coincidence. To claim in Mass, you have to have worked there, or lived there.  Some people get a PO Box in Mass for their first claim, or use a friend’s address as the 'lived' there part is very loosly defined.  After that, it's on file, and you can have the checks sent anywhere...

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #14 on: Nov 29, 2006, 07:39 »
Mike is right, except that you do not have to live or work in Mass. to file a combined wage claim there.  You do if you are filing an interstate claim other than a combined wage claim.
Here's the deal, if you worked at Pilgrim and live in Tampa, you file an interstate claim against Massachussetts.  You can do this in Florida.  Just call Florida Unemployment.
If you worked it TWO STATES, that is ANY two states (even including your home state) during your eligibility period, you can file a Combined Wage Claim in any state.  To do this in Mass. you must physically visit an employment center in Massachussetts.  Then, when you get home (the next day perhaps) you have your state's unemployment office file an IB1 to start your payments.  As long as that claim is open (one year) you call your state to file a new IB1 every time you get laid off.  You never have to have an address in Massachussetts in order to file this type of claim - you just have to go there to open it once each year.
Normal people (those not privy to these nuggets of knowledge) just file UI claims in the place where they live.  These claims may be interstate or combined wage claims too.  If you work outside your home state, they are going to do an interstate or combined wage claim - maybe without bothering to tell you. 

Where you work, and where you pay state income taxes has NOTHING to do with your eligibility to file an interstate or combined wage claim.  What matters is where your employer REPORTS your earnings.
My current employer reports all my earnings to New York.  They are not required to report my earnings to any state just because I worked there.  The requirement to pay taxes to any of those states has absolutely nothing to do with where your wages are reported for unemployment purposes.  Unemployment is a federal program, administered by the states.  State income taxes are completely separate.
Some of you may remember a company who reported all their employees' income to Oklahoma, because the company was located there.  The obvious answer was to collect at least one paycheck from some other employer in any state other than Oklahoma.  Eventually, that employer stopped reporting only to OK.  They no longer exist.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #15 on: Nov 29, 2006, 09:09 »

Troy is right, I stand corrected.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #16 on: Nov 29, 2006, 09:56 »
    y el mejor bien es la are a national treasure


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #17 on: Nov 29, 2006, 10:20 »
...........Yo, ILLEGAL SMILE...If these posts havent answered your question, call Mass Unemployment...they will tell you everything to do...its a toll free call.............but if you will re-read, ALL, of BEERCOURT's posts you will get the full answer..I am drawing Mass unemployment now,,,$551/wk/26 weeks...its worth a plane ticket..I signed up and there were 3 vans full of construction workers from West Virginia, doing the same thing,,,,you do not have to pay taxes in the states, but the company you work for has to pay unemployment insurance to the state, that is where the hassle comes in,,,once you sign up it isnt a no-brainer, you better check all the paperwork they send you, or you will be 8-10 weeks into it and your money will run out if you havent done your homework, especially if you work for more than one company,,,not knocking Atlantic, but it took me a month to get through to their payroll what I was after,,,so go to Mass, go to your home state and get an IB1, and check all your paperwork for completeness,and enjoy your time off,,,,,,,,,,,,,red

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #18 on: Nov 30, 2006, 11:08 »
Mass lets you collect up to THIRTY weeks.  I've never collected more than about 22 weeks in any year, but it's nice to know that that additional 4 weeks is there if I need it.
Shovelhead makes a good point.  The difference between $551 per week (plus the dependents allowance) and the rate in your state is huge.  If you live in Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, or any other low-paying state, you could fly to Boston, sleep in a nice hotel, have three meals in decent restaurants and still recoup the cost of the trip with the first two checks.  G.W.Badkitty does exactly this every year.  If you ask him, he'll probably tell you which hotel to stay in, and which restaurants are nearby.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #19 on: Nov 30, 2006, 11:39 »

                8) I've been claiming from Mass. for over 6 years and have not had to return to restart my claim...EVER... All I do is call them and tell them I am reopening my old claim and they restart the clock... :)
             I do know several people that tell me Mass. made them return to restart but they have never made me show up in person... I was in Fla.,S.C.,and Ct. each time I restarted, (by phone).


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #20 on: Nov 30, 2006, 12:33 »
Everybody, thanks for the info. I have an open claim in Mass now, but I worked in 5 states in the year before I opened that claim. I've worked in 2 since opening that claim. I'd heard you had to work in 3 if you didn't live in Mass and wanted to find out so I could plan the Spring Thing. My daughter lives in VT, about 5 miles from the Mass border, so it's actually very easy for me to file in Mass and I get to see her and the grandsons too.
BTW, I hear Boston is a pain to file in. North Adams was easy.
Again, thanks for the responses.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #21 on: Nov 30, 2006, 01:02 »
Thanks for the info .Now I can say I am not as dumb as when I came to work today.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #22 on: Nov 30, 2006, 02:50 »

                8) I've been claiming from Mass. for over 6 years and have not had to return to restart my claim...EVER... All I do is call them and tell them I am reopening my old claim and they restart the clock... :)
             I do know several people that tell me Mass. made them return to restart but they have never made me show up in person... I was in Fla.,S.C.,and Ct. each time I restarted, (by phone).

As I stated earlier, the rules are different for different types of claims.  I never have to return to "restart" an open claim, just once each year to start a new claim when the old one has expired.  A Combined Wage Claim filed in Massachussetts must be filed in person.  An interstate claim may be filed by phone.  If you worked only for Bartlett, you might be able to file either way.
I also cannot reopen an existing claim by calling Mass. directly.  I have to call New York and have them send an IB1 every time.  The one time I called Mass. and they reopened my claim, it was because the person who answered the phone did not know any better and made a "mistake".  Every time since then, I have had to spend 15-20 minutes punching keys on my phone with NYS Unemployment so that I could tell a live operator to disregard it all and file an IB1.
Nobody here ever said that the rules make any sense, or that the system isn't fraught with bureaucratic ineffieiency.  All we're saying is that the money is in Massachussetts, and most of us are qualified to claim there.
As far as the number of states goes, I am certain that it is two.  My current claim was eligible based on an entire year's wages in New York except for a single paycheck reported to Illinois at the very beginning of the eligibility period.
« Last Edit: Nov 30, 2006, 02:56 by BeerCourt »
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #23 on: Nov 30, 2006, 03:00 »

                     ???If you don't want to fly into Boston you might want to try Hartford,Ct.(Bradley).   It's easy in and out and Springfield,Ma. is only a few minutes north...
         It would probably be a bit less expensive if you stay over night as well... Hope this helps. 8)


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #24 on: Nov 30, 2006, 07:26 »
I reopened my existing claim a couple of weeks ago and I had to call MD (my 'home' state) and have them send the IB1 and I still haven't received my first check, but hey, $550/wk is worth a little wait. Thanks again, particularly Troy, you're a wealth of knowledge....hey man, have you ever thought of changing your handle to 'answerman' or something like that? ;)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #25 on: Dec 01, 2006, 01:56 »
When I filed my mass claim it was as simple as walking into one of the offices doing the paper work there, giving them my home address, and then going home and collecting the cheque.  I didnt have to file anything with florida where I lived at the time of the claim. Reinstating it was a jiff too, just called up and told them where i worked and boom cheque was there in no time flat. 

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #26 on: Dec 01, 2006, 09:25 »
What is the quarter deal here.  Do you have to have 4 or 5 quarters. I know some states take 5 quarters but do not count your last quarter.  Also what is the minimum you have to make a quarter to get your maximum unemployment.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #27 on: Dec 01, 2006, 10:17 »
What is the quarter deal here.  Do you have to have 4 or 5 quarters. I know some states take 5 quarters but do not count your last quarter.  Also what is the minimum you have to make a quarter to get your maximum unemployment.

They ask for the names and addresses of all of the employers you have worked for during the last 15 months and the dates you worked for each of these employers.  However, they calculate it based on the 2 highest quarters in the last 4 quarters.  You need to make 15k in those quarters to get the max benefits of $575/wk for 30 weeks.

Here is the answers to ALL of your questions:
« Last Edit: Dec 01, 2006, 10:53 by Rennhack »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #28 on: Dec 01, 2006, 10:36 »
some states have a minimum amount you had to make to use the quarter; in PA I think it was 4 thousand.  but look that up....also, some states will let you use an alternative method to file (using less than 4 qtrs) if you don't have enough work history, but the amount of weeks you get paid drops from 30 to 13 or so, and you still have to wait a whole year to start a new claim so it may not be worth it.  Mass does this, but i can't remember what it was exactly.  I think they would allow you to use the previous quarter and the actual quarter you were in while you were filling.  I did it but I already forgot exactly what I did now!  I was paid for 13 weeks only and used 2 quarters (one of the quarters was the one i was still in!) when I first got back into  the bizzness after being out for 4 years.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #29 on: Dec 01, 2006, 03:12 »
    as with states other than last four quarters you mean... not the quarter we're in or the quarter preceding it (called the lag quarter), but the four quarters prior...
   now is fourth quarter of 2006 (i file)...lag quarter is third quarter of 2006, not considered ...wages considered would be third and fourth quarter of 2005 and first and second quarter of i right?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #30 on: Dec 01, 2006, 03:42 »
i don't think so...i think if you filed right now it would be based on 1,2,3 qtr in 2006 and 4 qtr in 2005. no positive though

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #31 on: Dec 01, 2006, 06:06 »
   "The primary base period that is, the period containing the weeks of work that are first used to calculate unemployment insurance claims is the last four completed calendar quarters immediately preceding the date on which your claim is effective."

   copied this from the massachusetts site...washington, the previously favored state, had a lag quarter...



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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #32 on: Dec 03, 2006, 08:13 »
You can file in Mass using your own address.  Only thing is you have to physically be in a Mass unemployment office to open the claim.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #33 on: Dec 04, 2006, 01:18 »
Can I cancel a claim in one state (Nevada) to open up another claim in Mass?  Or am I stuck for the rest of my claim year?
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #34 on: Dec 04, 2006, 10:10 »
i've asked that question to mass and pa and BOTH said I gotta wait the year out...

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #35 on: Dec 04, 2006, 11:37 »
Thats what I have been told too.  If you open a claim you are stuck for it for one year.  There is no recourse. But after a year as long as you made the Mass 15 grand a quarter average for two quarters then you will get a minimum of 551 a week plus 25 dollars for child dependents for 30 weeks.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #36 on: Dec 04, 2006, 02:32 »
Thats what I have been told too.  If you open a claim you are stuck for it for one year.  There is no recourse. But after a year as long as you made the Mass 15 grand a quarter average for two quarters then you will get a minimum of 551 a week plus 25 dollars for child dependents for 30 weeks. 

   if you exhaust the funds in the claim, you can file a new claim in another don't have to wait until the original benefit year is up... i correct?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #37 on: Dec 04, 2006, 02:52 »
i tried to do EXACTLY what you are talking about and was told no way by 2 different states (PA and MA).

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #38 on: Dec 04, 2006, 07:30 »
Your claim lasts for a year.  If you have exhausted the funds for the year, you may be able to apply for an extension, if one is available.
BTW, that $15,000 average for two quarters really could be $28,652 in one quarter and ZERO  in all the others.  MA just adds your two highest quarters, divides the total by 26 to get your weekly average, and divides that again to get your weekly maximum benefit.
There are some other rules too.  You should refer to the websites that Mike has posted above.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #39 on: Dec 04, 2006, 08:05 »
i probably should have dug a little deeper, but they both told me no.  they may be wrong because both state's UI offices have proven inept at other times.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #40 on: Dec 05, 2006, 01:51 »
I have exhausted combined wage claim in Michigan and California and have been able to open a claim in the other state even though my benefit year had not ended in the other state.  Never had any problem doing that as long as I open a claim in a state other than the one where I had exhausted the funds.  I called Pa a few weeks ago and asked them if I exhausted my Mi claim, can I file a combined claim there and they told me yes!? I did not ask Mass. I don't think you can cancel a claim in another state but you can open if your funds are exhausted.   :-\

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #41 on: Dec 05, 2006, 09:53 »
How do they claim your quarters?  I thought once a state claimed your quarters, another can not claim them?  I know you can work after your claim but if you exhausted your 6 months on unemployment you will have goose eggs or low amounts if you have not worked much or you will only have 2 or 3 quarters to claim from since the other state took them if you do not wait a year.  Can some one explain this? Do you get a lower amount and a lesser time frame you collect?
« Last Edit: Dec 05, 2006, 09:55 by thenukeman »


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #42 on: Dec 05, 2006, 09:59 »
lrunget, I was told the same thing by pa. they said that once my funds are exhausted i can open another claim in another state.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #43 on: Dec 05, 2006, 11:04 »
i THINK states will use as few quarters as they can  to get you your max amount of money in an order to save more recent quarters for future use. for instance, I think if the state can use your most distant 2 quarters to max you out, the more recent quarters will still be available for any legal claim.  not sure though.  I've been told so many things that were wrong by the 2 different (PA and MASS) UI offices, i never know what is real and what isn't.  for instance, mass wasn't going to let me file using the alternative filing method (for people with hardly any work history) because the person I was talking to either didn't know it exsisted or was playing ignorant.....I had to show it to him in the MASS-UI handbook.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #44 on: Dec 05, 2006, 06:02 »
When you apply initially most states will take your last 4 quarters which will leave you nothing forward, so if you are off the next 6 months and are not working how can you use these 2 quarters. even if you work a few months during this time , you will have little to draw from for three quarters, if you work 1 to 3 months which will put you at 7-9 months from your initial claim.  I know some people have been saying I think that is how it works, but no one is saying how much they make actually from a less than 1 year claim. I understand a extension makes sense, but applying again with less than a year seems stupid to me. why not work 2 good quarters and reapply after a year and get your maximum.  Explain this please,  I'll entertain the thought that I am stupid but need to be enlightned by actual fact from someone who has actually done this or knows exactly how it works instead of saying I think this is how it works.
« Last Edit: Dec 05, 2006, 06:07 by thenukeman »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #45 on: Dec 05, 2006, 06:38 »
Alternate Base Period
Is based on the wages paid during the three most recently completed calendar quarters, plus the time between the last completed quarter and the effective date of your claim. If you are not monetarily eligible for benefits using the primary base period, and would be eligible using the alternate, DUA will automatically use this method to determine your benefits. Also, you may elect to use the alternate base period if you provide credible documentation showing that your Benefit Credit would be increased by at least 10% by using the alternate base period
 I got this off Mass Unemployment.  Now I am trying to figure if this would be of a benefit.  There was no clear way they showed how they calculate this or if you would get less money.  This would mean you would need at least 9 months after 1st initial claim.  Can some one show a benefit of this or would this be preferred?  I guess it depends on circumstance.  It also seems that they will not let you use this unless you do not have a initial 4 quarters or show that you would make more money using this.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #46 on: Dec 05, 2006, 06:53 »
Alternate base seems to help low wage earners.  I found one more thing on alternate base.  It seems to me that most HP's would benefit by filing yearly.  But this is available.  If I am wrong Enlighten me.   I have enlightned myself somewhat in the last hour.  See below,  I guess  have posted enough LOL,

Unemployment Insurance

State Material

What Is An "Alternative Base Period" And Why Does My State Need One?
(April 2003)

Introduction: Over recent decades, unemployment insurance (UI) programs have paid UI benefits to fewer unemployed workers in part because UI eligibility rules have not kept pace with changes in the labor market. In 2002, about 45 percent of all unemployed workers collected unemployment insurance benefits. This number is smaller for low-wage workers. In many states, a significant reform bringing more low-wage workers into the UI system is the alternative (or alternate) base period. This fact sheet explains how ABPs help laid off workers, especially low-wage and part-time workers. The Addendum discusses some drafting issues regarding alternative base period legislation.

What are alternative base periods and how do they work? Alternative Base Periods, or ABPs, are found in eighteen states, most of them adopted in the past five years. Basically, ABPs allow more workers to qualify for benefits by adding flexibility when determining monetary eligibility for UI benefits.

All states use a base period, or base year, to determine whether laid off workers have earned enough wages to qualify for UI benefits. A base period is typically four calendar quarters. (The calendar quarters are January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December.)

Most traditional states define their base periods as "the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters." Depending upon when a UI claim is filed and how the state defines its base period, the quarters of wages considered can include wages earned as long as 18 months prior to the filing of the UI claim, with more recent wages excluded.

As our illustration shows, with a traditional base period, wages earned in the current calendar quarter (the "filing quarter") and the intervening calendar quarter (the "lag quarter") are not used to determine if a laid off worker qualifies for UI benefits. States with ABPs permit workers to use these more recent lag quarter wages.

Here's a specific example: Marcos files a claim for UI benefits on June 23, 2002, having worked from October 13, 2001 to his layoff on June 23, 2002. He worked at the minimum wage of $5.15 an hour for 25 hours per week (totaling 36.5 weeks and $4,699.38 in earnings). Despite this significant amount of work, Marcos does not qualify using a traditionally defined base period requiring $1500 in earnings during the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters. His hypothetical state recognizes only $1480.63 in earnings for the 11.5 weeks of work that falls within the fourth quarter of his base period. However, under an ABP, he qualifies based on the $1673.75 in the lag quarter (and, in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Vermont , also the $1545.00 of wages in his filing quarter).

What states have adopted ABPs? Eighteen states have adopted ABPs (Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin), representing well over one-third of the nations UI claims. In 2002, four states joined the ranks of ABP states, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, and Oklahoma. New Mexico and Virginia adopted ABP legislation in early 2003.

Who gets helped by ABPs? Studies show that up to one in five workers failing to qualify for UI benefits because their earnings did not meet their states' monetary eligibility requirements end up qualifying under ABPs. The highest proportion of these of these are low-wage or part-time workers. Seasonal workers, including those in the building and construction trades, also benefit from ABPs because these workers earn wages concentrated in fewer quarters of their base periods in many states. Unemployed workers who previously collected welfare are also more likely to collect unemployment benefits as a result of the ABP. Because more recent wages are used, ABPs result in higher weekly UI benefits in some states as well.

What are the costs of ABPs? According to a national study of the states that have adopted the ABP, the costs of administering ABPs have not been significant. On average, the benefits paid out of the UI trust funds have increased by 4-6%. Given the comparably large numbers of workers who benefit from ABPs, this cost is justified. In calculating the costs of ABPs, states should take into account that a fair proportion of workers would have eventually drawn UI if they remained unemployed and filed later, valid UI claims. In addition, because those qualify using the ABP include a higher proportion of low-wage workers, their unemployment benefits are lower than average as well.

Who can we call to help? The National Employment Law Project provides advice and support for policy makers and advocates relating to unemployment insurance, including ABPs. Contact our UI Safety Net Project through Maurice Emsellem at (510) 663-5700 or     

EDIT: Deleted 1 page of wasted space-RT                                           
« Last Edit: Dec 06, 2006, 07:48 by Roll Tide »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #47 on: Dec 06, 2006, 02:35 »

SO once my funds are exhausted in one state, I can open up another claim in MA or PA?  What about WA? I thought their benefits were on par w/ MA and PA???
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #48 on: Dec 06, 2006, 03:53 »
In my case my ui claim uses all my wages up to the 3rd qtr of 2005.  I did not make as much money for that claim as I will for my next claim.  So from Mi, where the max is $360.  I am getting 16 weeks @ $250.  (I did not know all that I do now about Mass and Pa)  Since I worked so much this year, I have 2 weeks left of ui to use and will use that after I finish here at PI and start a new claim in January in Pa.  If I file in Mass in Jan, they will use my earnings for 2006 only(I think) and then I lose my last qtr of 2005 wages.  Since I want to use 4th qtr of 2005 and the first three of 2006 for a claim,I am going with Pa for the $497 for 26 wks. Mass would be 518 for 26 but I would have to finish here by 12/9 to file in Mass so it makes more sense to work longer and have this qtr in the bank for another claim!  If I had waited to file this year(Feb) so I had more money for a claim, I would have had to wait until April and at the time I was not sure where I would be working in the spring.  (dose jobs not so easy to find) 
So yes, it can be for less money and less weeks and not all states use the lag qtr and I still am not sure about Mass,(will verify when I am on days)  but am sure about Pa.  My husband used Wa but you do have to do the work searches and for me, Pa and Mass are closer.  Mn pays well too but you have to make a lot more to max out.  A lot of the craft file in Mn.  Hope this helps? :-\

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #49 on: Dec 19, 2006, 06:37 »
I know this has been asked and answered before (and I have read all of Beercourts posts), but...
I was inquiring about the IB1 form and Arizona Unemployment just told me that to file here in AZ (and any place else she knows of), you MUST have an AZ address (likewise all other states). 
She stated that to file a combined wage claim here, you must live here... and it was comitting fraud to use an address here while living somewhere else.  As I am flying out Wed. Night to Boston, this has now got me thinking...

So the question is, does MASS require an instate MA address to file combined wage claims or not... or does the Public Servant I just spoke to just not know what she is talking about.  I did file in MASS several years ago using a PO Box there, and then drove back here to AZ, so would I be covered that way?

Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #50 on: Dec 19, 2006, 09:36 »
The lady in Az was in error. She did say that she knows of, but as many of us have learned every state has their own rules, and even they may change on us. As of now Mass allows filing with your home address as long as you are physicaly in a Mass office to file. The requirement is to register at your local job services with an IB1 when you return home. I have learned the hard way that, at least in Ga., many of the employees at job services have a hard time handling just that part. Even had 2 tell me I had to open a new claim when I still had 10K left in my existing claim. If you believe (or know) that they are in error, try to diplomatically ask them to contact somebody in Mass to verify the requirements.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #51 on: Dec 19, 2006, 10:21 »
I wrote the following questions to Massachusetts Problem Resolution Unit. Just copy this line to a letter to your email with questions you may have according to your situation.
They responded in 1 work day.

I have taken out some personal info and condensed this.

Subject:Unemployment Benefits Interstate Claim
Dear Sir:
I have worked in Three states, NC, CT and TN in the last year. I have worked for Bartlett Nuclear of Plymouth Mass. doing outages at Nuclear Plants.  I have made approximately the following, 1qtr 2006 18000, 2qtr 10000, 3rdqtr 1000, 4thqtr 13000. I filed in TN for unemployment and they used my 2005 quarters. I filed on February 17, 2006 but my benefits run out December 30, 2006.  Bartlett has offered me a 3 month job starting February 18, 2007 and I have accepted it.  I have been permanently employed prior to 2006 for 19 years.
The questions I have are,
1.  Can I file in Massachusetts an interstate claim?
2.  Since my benefits end on December 30, 2006, can I apply Jan 2nd? ( assuming first day Massachusetts unemployment open after December 30, 2006) If not, when can I apply?
3. Given the 4 qtrs of 2006 I have estimated, what would be my estimated unemployment for Massachusetts?  I have 2 children under 18. 
Thank you for your time and information.

( This was Massachusetts reply)
We don't make predeterminations.  You have the right to come to Ma to file when you benefits are exhausted in Tn.  We will send a form to the States where you have worked to verify wage and separation information.  When the wages are transferred to Ma, we can then determine your eligibility.
When you file in January, we will be using the base period of 01-01-06 through 12-31-06.  If the quarterly wages that you gave me are correct, you should be eligible for $575 per week.  However, we do have to verify your earnings with the States where you worked.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #52 on: Dec 19, 2006, 10:28 »
By the way my brother in law used to work for unemployment in TN and told me I had to file in TN. I decided to write Mass to see if he was correct. Obviously he was not when it comes to a multiple state claim. I used to work for the state. The director of my department actually said all we expect is the minimum from everyone.  So I encourage everyone to write to multiple people to include the address I have given in my last post.  You get it in writing and these people seem to be on the ball.

Also I doubt any states that pay low have people wanting to file an interstate claim there,  Therefore they do not know about it. Another reason to check and get it in writing from a big paying state as Massachusetts before you go so there are no problems or misunderstandings.  The low paying state employees may not be dumb and lazy, just uninformed and inexperienced in interstate claims.  Who in their right mind knowing there is a 300 dollar a week difference would file in a low paying state? I had to file in TN last year because I only worked one job. If I had a do over I would have worked an outage or 2 and then file. But I was uninformed also. Now I am some what self and nukeworker educated.
« Last Edit: Dec 20, 2006, 08:22 by thenukeman »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #53 on: Dec 20, 2006, 08:26 »
nukeman is quite correct....I flew into Providence, R.I. (on Southwest very reasonable) 2 weeks ago. The unemployment office was 15 miles northeast of the airport. It took me all of 55 minutes at the unemployment office to start a claim. When I got back to Ohio, I had to get a form from them and they sent it back to Massachusetts. My first check for $575 will be here tomorrow. It is a smooth process and they don't put you through all the crap. I talked to a friend of mine who got laid off the same time I did, and Ohio unemployment told him some mumbo-jumbo about him not being able to do a Massachusetts claim. If you have any question, call the Mass. office and let them tell you the answer.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #54 on: Dec 20, 2006, 09:11 »
Also, after reading through the other posts, I was never once asked for a Massachusetts address......I do all my weekly work-search questions online too. I answer 4 questions that takes about 2 minutes to process.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #55 on: Dec 20, 2006, 09:18 »
As it stands, so long as you walk into a Mass. unemployment office and it will work like clockwork, however being in CT  I have dealt with  my unemployment office  over the phone( "sir you must use the phone system for your issues") it has taken(5 weeks)( till 12/18 )for them to file  an IB-1 to Mass.  correctly.
And now we have to wait another 2 weeks for the employer to respond
And it wasn't for a lack of trying. just try calling the CT unemployment office on a Monday. it would seem that you are taking money out of their wallets by filing an interstate  claim.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #56 on: Dec 20, 2006, 10:10 »
As I am flying out Wed. Night to Boston, this has now got me thinking...

So the question is, does MASS require an instate MA address to file combined wage claims or not... or does the Public Servant I just spoke to just not know what she is talking about.  I did file in MASS several years ago using a PO Box there, and then drove back here to AZ, so would I be covered that way?

Any help is appreciated.

The answer to your ? is, no.  You do not need to have a Mass address.  The PS prob is more misinformed than doesn't know what she's talking about.

I've called to file, reopen a claim, use to handle it right over the phone, never saw an IB1 form, they always handled it.

Now, I have to contact the home state to have them submit the form to Mass.  To reopen the claim, I've ben told that I have to caontact the home state, I hang up, call back, get someone else, and they take care of things.  Soooo they really aren't quite on the same page.
Now they ask you to fill out a survey list of ?s asking why you're coming to Mass for UE.
Somebody will throw a wrench in things and make this harder for those that file multi-state claims outside of their home state.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #57 on: Jan 11, 2007, 10:33 »
Well, I made my Pilgrimage to Mass.  Flew to Logan international Boston, Took cab to  210 South Street, Cost me 18 dollars.  My interview lasted about 30 minutes. I had all the information Renhack mentioned in previous post typed on a sheet of paper.  The interviewer took all the info off the sheet and put it on his computer. I only had to write down a couple of items. He gave me a sheet of paper to set up my pin, a Mass Unemployment book and told me to file a I8-1 in TN which I have done. The lady up front told me I noticed you took a cab. Why dont you take a right outside the door walk a block take another right and that will take you to you see a glass building. Take the Silverline bus back for 2 bucks to the Airport.  They took me right to the gate I needed.  This place is called the South Station and had several food courts.  I ate there since I had plenty of time for my flight. Easy, and TN office said thats what you should do if you work 2 or more states, because TN pays so low.  They were helpful also and seemed amused.   8)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #58 on: Jan 12, 2007, 07:52 »
It's about time some of us started using the system to our advantage.  I wish this info was readily available 17 years ago.  I think of all the money I gave away over the years.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #59 on: Jan 12, 2007, 02:29 »
Concerning combined state claims,
A couple of mistakes I made, 
1. Filing in TN when I should have waited an took an outage in another state. Even if it was a wait for a few weeks.
2. It cost me 600 dollars last week because my claim was exhausted in TN Dec 30 but I did not show up until Jan 9, 2007. I thought I could go back to January 6 and claim it. Unfortunately I was wrong. Your claim is not retroactive for a combined state claim. So as soon as your funds are EXHAUSTED file in another state. Do not wait over a week.

Things I have done right thanks to Nukeworker.

1. I understood the exhausted part. Meaning if your funds are exhausted in the state you claimed, even if your benefit year is not over you can claim in another state.  This helped me in 2 ways,
a.  My benefit year was not over in TN till Feb 17 2007, But my funds were exhausted on DEC 30.  I legally claimed in Mass on Jan 9,2007.
b. Since I was not laid off till mid quarter last year which was my lag quarter for TN I got to count this for my 4 quarter average for MASS.  In effect working 3.5 quarters last year but claiming 4 quarters for average for my Mass claim. 

I encourage everyone else to write any other legal ways they can come up with so we can help each other.  I am going to become a Gold member as soon as I get my first Mass check to celebrate.  If this has helped anyone else and they are not a gold member I encourage them to become one.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #60 on: Jan 13, 2007, 04:28 »
Does anyone know where I can get a list of maximum weekly unemployment for each state.  I used to know, but i guess its CRS or too much wind in my hair :P.  Also, if you file a combined wage claim and don't have wages in the state you live in, how is your weekly benefit amount figured out?  Thanks guys  8)


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #61 on: Jan 13, 2007, 07:55 »
It's about time some of us started using the system to our advantage.  I wish this info was readily available 17 years ago.  I think of all the money I gave away over the years.

I'm with you!  I remember when Mass took over the lead in UC benefits.  I think it was around 1980.  Some of my friends would harass me about making more but no one ever said anything about Interstate Claims.  I have a question on this.  When you work in two or more different states, do you have to have the state of employement withhold state income tax from you or can you work in reciprical states and have only your home state tax withheld and still be eligible for the Interstate Claim?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #62 on: Jan 13, 2007, 08:06 »
Does anyone know where I can get a list of maximum weekly unemployment for each state.  
Mass Pays the most, what more do you need to know?  Why would you want to know who pays the least?

As for the others questions, it depends on where you file.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #63 on: Jan 13, 2007, 08:41 »
I'm with you!  I remember when Mass took over the lead in UC benefits.  I think it was around 1980.  Some of my friends would harass me about making more but no one ever said anything about Interstate Claims.  I have a question on this.  When you work in two or more different states, do you have to have the state of employement withhold state income tax from you or can you work in reciprical states and have only your home state tax withheld and still be eligible for the Interstate Claim?

I'm going to REPEAT what the person in Mass., UI office told me.
"We don't care where your taxes are withheld.  It has no bearing at all on your unemployment claim."
Your unemployment claim depends solely on where your wages are reported for unemployment purposes.  Taxation and Unemployment Services are two totally separate agencies of state governments, and apparently they never communicate.  It is very LIKELY that an employer who withholds taxes for one state will also report the corresponding wages to that state for UI.  You can probably have your taxes withheld in your home state if you are working in a reciprocal state, but you have to make sure that your employer is reporting the income to UI in the state where you are working.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #64 on: Jan 13, 2007, 08:42 »
Your claim is based usually on the maximum you make in 2 quarters.  Each state has a different formula, To max out in Mass you have to make about 30 K in 2 quarters.   You could make  29 K in one quarter and only 1K in another.  As for the tax laws per state. You could get exempt from paying in a state you work in if its for a short time.  I personally paid tax in CT, NC and expect to get all my tax back I paid in from each state. I worked in TN and also live there so I pay no state tax there. You may also have to pay state tax based on where you live.  Thats what HR block is for.  Since I do not know all the state rules I have HR Block do my taxes.  If you plan to make Road teching a living I believe Filing in Mass and Living in TN would be a good choice, Max unemployment in Mass. No state tax in TN. :)


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #65 on: Jan 13, 2007, 11:41 »
It is very LIKELY that an employer who withholds taxes for one state will also report the corresponding wages to that state for UI.  You can probably have your taxes withheld in your home state if you are working in a reciprocal state, but you have to make sure that your employer is reporting the income to UI in the state where you are working.

So you are telling me that I have to convince my company that they need to increase their paperwork in order to maximize my Unemployment Compensation.  Oh, this is going to be fun.  I guess I get to irritate the HR people first and end up banging heads with the bean counters.  Oh well, that's life in the trenches with the small companies.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #66 on: Jan 14, 2007, 01:31 »
That is exactly the dilemma I'm facing now.  My company reports my wages to my home state of New York only.  They started doing so about 15 months ago.  Unless I work a week in some other state for another company, or convince my company to change back, I'll be stuck claiming in NY.

If your company is only reporting wages to one state, you can either ask them to change that, or take a short job with the other guys before you file your next claim.
« Last Edit: Jan 14, 2007, 01:35 by BeerCourt »
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #67 on: Jan 15, 2007, 11:47 »
Does anyone know where I can get a list of maximum weekly unemployment for each state. 

Follow this link, it shows the following information for each state for 2006: Weekly benefit amount, Dependent benefit amount, and Base Periods.

For more information you can also go to this page:

Hope this helps

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #68 on: Jan 16, 2007, 12:17 »
This is a good post, thanks to all for the information.  This is a great example of why this site is so good for us carnies!
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #69 on: Jan 16, 2007, 12:27 »

Thanks Frog, I've been looking for that for a long time.

But all I really need to know is $575/wk + $25/wk per dependant.  For 30 weeks.
« Last Edit: Jan 17, 2007, 10:41 by Rennhack »


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #70 on: Jan 16, 2007, 05:58 »
Mass. unemployment requirement in 2004. initial sign up, physically had to be in state, work in at least 2 states.

Washington 2005 same requirement for intial sign up.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #71 on: Jan 17, 2007, 09:28 »
« Last Edit: Jan 17, 2007, 09:30 by vikingfan »


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #72 on: Jan 17, 2007, 10:00 »
Holy cow! Makes it even harder to get motivated to go back to work!! I have to shake my head thinking about my daddy telling me I need to get a real job  ;)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #73 on: Jan 18, 2007, 10:46 »
2708 a month for almost 7 months with 2 dependents.   30 weeks unemployment and 22 weeks outages makes for a work year,  Just make sure your Quarters fall right and your bonuses get paid in your high quarters!! LOL

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #74 on: Jan 18, 2007, 12:11 »
 :) I hope to contribute  more up to date information on this subject  ;) this last year I filed my claim in Mass ... my residence at the time was Illinois ... once I personally filed my first claim in Mass I went back home to Illinois and submitted an IB1 Form at my local unemployment office which emailed it to Mass and my unemployment started arriving... I was required to call a computer every sunday to anwser a few questions in regard to my job search but no big deal.... then I went back to work for two weeks and after submitting my sunday information my checks stopped but once my two weeks was done I called and reopened my case file by phone and started my unemployment back up ... I even moved my residency from Illinois to Oklahoma and was able to collect my unemployment with out having to go into a Mass office... and as for Mass unemployment they are the only state that offers medicale coverage for unemployed people if you live in their state.... they hope the trend will go to other states as well but as for now they are the only state offering medicle insurance to the unemployed...  ::) Hope this helps good luck  ;)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #75 on: Jan 18, 2007, 07:28 »
One thing to remember:  different states have different rules to qualify for the MAX benefit.  I can't remember what it was in 2005 exactly, but it seems MUCH harder to make the big bucks in MASS today than in 2005.  I think it was about 14k in total from 2 QTRS in 2005, but it is way more now, something over 25k I think to max out your weekly ben.  I'm probably wrong on the exact figures here, but unless you've made huge dollars in at least 2 quarters you may be way off the max in massa.  So people that don't work alot or people who don't make a large hourly rate (JR and Deconner take note, right?).  A jr I know was asking all the seniors where to file, and they all said MASS, so the jr went, and is only getting 350 or so.   I'm pretty sure its much easier to get the max in PA, but check me on that.  I checked MASS website to make sure amount was correct and the formula matches the assigned low $$$$ amount in this case, so MASS made no error here.  too bad, should of checked the formula before going all the way to mass!

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #76 on: Jan 18, 2007, 09:05 »
One thing to remember:  different states have different rules to qualify for the MAX benefit.  I can't remember what it was in 2005 exactly, but it seems MUCH harder to make the big bucks in MASS today than in 2005.  I think it was about 14k in total from 2 QTRS in 2005, but it is way more now, something over 25k I think to max out your weekly ben.  I'm probably wrong on the exact figures here, but unless you've made huge dollars in at least 2 quarters you may be way off the max in massa.  So people that don't work alot or people who don't make a large hourly rate (JR and Deconner take note, right?).  A jr I know was asking all the seniors where to file, and they all said MASS, so the jr went, and is only getting 350 or so.   I'm pretty sure its much easier to get the max in PA, but check me on that.  I checked MASS website to make sure amount was correct and the formula matches the assigned low $$$$ amount in this case, so MASS made no error here.  too bad, should of checked the formula before going all the way to mass!

This has already been covered with the exact information, please read the entire thread, and not just the last 2 or three replies.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #77 on: Jan 18, 2007, 11:36 »
No disrespect inteneded, but I have read the whole thread.  If you look, I have a couple other posts in the thread.  I was just telling a story that recently happened to a friend of mine for real-world data.  I worded the post so people would realize how important it is to choose a state not just based on the MAX but also on the rules of the game per state.  There was an earlier post saying 575/week was all they needed to know, I didn't want a novice to the unemployment game getting the wrong idea from this info.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #78 on: Feb 06, 2007, 12:54 »
Another good thing about claiming in a state that you did not work in is that it does not count against your state income tax.  I filed in NC and CT for state income taxes but have Mass as my state for unemployment. But it seems it would have counted against me if I filed unemployment in either state.  :)  Like it was said before you have to check each state and each is diffrent. But this works for me.  I guess I will not be working Pilgrim. LOL  Bad thing though, I filed January 9th and they are still processing my claim.  :(  But I hope the money is worth the wait.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #79 on: Feb 06, 2007, 02:32 »
Another good thing about claiming in a state that you did not work in is that it does not count against your state income tax.

Check this in your own individual state...some (Idaho) will still want their cut...  :/
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #80 on: Feb 06, 2007, 07:08 »
Another good thing about claiming in a state that you did not work in is that it does not count against your state income tax.  I filed in NC and CT for state income taxes but have Mass as my state for unemployment. But it seems it would have counted against me if I filed unemployment in either state.  :)  Like it was said before you have to check each state and each is diffrent. But this works for me.  I guess I will not be working Pilgrim. LOL  Bad thing though, I filed January 9th and they are still processing my claim.  :(  But I hope the money is worth the wait.
You filed in NC and CT, but does your home state have an income tax?  If not, cool.  I live in New York, and have to pay state income tax on every penny I make, no matter where it comes from.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #81 on: Feb 07, 2007, 08:19 »
The IB1 form is one of the most crucial points in all of this. I completed mine 3 days after I claimed in Mass. and have had ZERO problems. I go online on Sunday and the check is in the mailbox on Thursday afternoon. A friend of mine claimed 3 weeks before me, and wasn't told about the form, and my 1st check came before his did. They may not inform you about this form, but you need to raise the issue when you claim and do it when you get back to your residence state. The problems will add up quickly if you don't follow through in getting this form completed ASAP.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #82 on: Feb 07, 2007, 10:56 »
IB1 form..... what is it?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #83 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:08 »
My Home State is TN, No state tax. If you are going to be a roady. You may want to move to a no tax state. Like I said before you have to check each state. 
I filed my IB1 the day I came back from Mass.  I even wrote the problems resolution unit I mentioned previuosly and they promptly answered and indicated that it is still being processed and it sometimes takes a while to get info from each state you worked.  So now its been a month and Iam still waiting.
« Last Edit: Feb 07, 2007, 11:12 by thenukeman »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #84 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:08 »
Once you have opened your claim in Massachussetts, you return to your home state and call your unemployment office.  Tell them that you have an open claim in Mass. and ask them to submit an IB1.  You have to file one as soon as you open your claim and every time you restart your claim after a layoff.  Some people here claim that they can restart by calling Mass. directly (which they tell you to do when you open the claim) but this is a little spotty.  The correct procedure for a non-resident to claim UI benefits from any state is to have your home state file the IB1.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #85 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:20 »
IB1 form..... what is it?

Basically, it shows that you reside in the state that you claim to reside in.

I was directed to get on the phone in the Ashtabula, Ohio Unemployment Office and have the main Job Services operators handle it that way. I assumed that the humans working in that office didn't want to deal with it, so I was told to do it over the phone with someone who had time to do it. Physically going to the office is a must, but you may get pushed off to the telephone. 10 minutes of phone time, and I was on my way.

The IB stands for Interstate Benefit.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #86 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:22 »
My Home State is TN, No state tax. If you are going to be a roady. You may want to move to a no tax state.

I may be a roady, but I am first and foremost a husband and father.  There is no way I'm going to move my wife and children away from their home, their grandparents, friends, school, scout troops, church, and community just to save some state income tax - only to pay it in sales tax or property tax.
For years, people have been touting Florida to me because they have no income tax and comparatively lower property taxes.  They also have hurricanes, year-round mosquitoes, rednecks, sun-broiled trailer trash "living the dream", burning swamps, roaches so big that they are often confused for Volkswagens, and wind-storm insurance that makes my ridiculously high property tax look like parking meter change.
A state has to have money to operate.  Either you pay it one way or you pay for it in another.  I refuse to pay sales tax on milk, bread, and eggs.  And I refuse to live where the infrastructure and services are lacking because the state is too broke to provide better.
New York may have hight taxes, but Massahussetts has higher ones.  That is why they can afford to pay the UI benefits that are over THREE TIMES the rate they are in Tennessee.  You don't get what you don't pay for unless you steal it or it comes as a gift - like Massachussetts Unemployment.
« Last Edit: Feb 07, 2007, 12:07 by BeerCourt »
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #87 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:38 »
 :) Well the one thing Mass offers that no other state dose is health insurance to their unemployed.... if you live and draw there they give you health insurance  ::)  I drawed their last year but didnt live there and was struck by illness no health insurance for me  ::) I wish more states would do the working person this favor  8)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #88 on: Feb 07, 2007, 01:28 »
Mass will send a 1099-G to your home of record state.  Plus, it shows up on your federal taxes, as it is federally taxed.  You risk an audit if the state you live in sees it on your Federal return, and not on your state one.  Unless, of course, you live in a state with no income tax.
It is what it is!

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #89 on: Feb 07, 2007, 04:25 »
I agree that there are more important things than a few bucks, I stay in TN because of Grandparents, schools etc.  It is a extra benefit to me to not pay state tax and only pay partial to the states I have worked in without them claiming my unemployment.  I could move to the border and shop in KY or NC and not pay sales tax for food but I choose not to.  If any of you squids are retired or are thinking of retiring there is a good place to retire. Clarksville TN. No state tax. Commisary at Fort Campbell Ky. KY state line a few miles away.  Good fishing hunting and can do a few outages if you want. Low taxes and reasonable housing costs which are three times less then the North east or California.  I had a few CT people tell me they were leaving CT because of the housing costs and taxes. One I know has already left.  One persons trash heap may be some one elses paradise.  And TN is mine with The MASS checks, If I ever get them. LOL  :) I do not consider these gifts either, I earned them by working 72 hours a week, But I only have to do this for 20 weeks and be off 32 a year to make 80K.  Thats enough for me.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #90 on: Feb 12, 2007, 03:46 »
OK, someone please, please, please tell me if this sounds correct!!!

I lived in NY and worked the same job in NY for 2 years then quit my job in July 2006 and moved to Minnesota. I didn't file a NY unemployment claim in July 2006 because I quit.

At the end of September 2006 I worked in Minnesota (now a resident there). On 12/29/2006 my temporary job was completed (layoff). I filed an unemployment claim in Minnesota the following Monday 1/1/2007. I included my employment from NY on the application. My MN claim was denied because I had no MN income in the base period because MN excludes the most recent 3 months of employment.

I then filed a claim in NY 2 weeks later. NY denied my claim stating I quit my job in NY and that I needed to earn 5X my weekly rate to clear my disqualification. But I had already earned 5X my weeekly rate in MN.

I called the MN UI line and talked to a supervisor and they told me I couldn't file a combined wage claim since I had no MN income in the base period. They told me to call NY and get the disqualification cleared so I could get my money from NY. NY said that my MN employment would clear the NY disqualification but that I had no new NY employer to draw money from NY state.

Does this sound right??? No claim in either state???

I thought this type of situation benefited from a combined wage claim???

MN or NY has to be wrong here.

Which state is wrong?

Is there anything that can be done? Even if I filed a new claim now I would "lose" all the weeks pay from January until now.

Request a hearing?

Someone please help me.

Thank you.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #91 on: Feb 12, 2007, 07:22 »
Call Massachussetts.

They will use the 4 quarters of 2006 as your primary base period - unlike Minnesota or New York.  Therefore, you can file a combined wage claim because you worked in two states during the base period.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #92 on: Feb 12, 2007, 08:46 »
Mass is very liberal in using quarters and will even use your current quarter if it will help you. However you said you quit. They may not count the money you made from the company you quit from which will really hurt your benefits.  You can email Mass at  They are very prompt and informative.  Write all your specifics and they will give you an answer, See my previous post in this thread.  Hope this helps.  Also I was thinking that If they do not count the job you quit from you may not be able to file a combined wage claim.  Write Mass and get it in writing to take with you if Mass has a favorable response. I carried my response with me. This helped the office who may not be versed on all aspects to help you. They did for me.
« Last Edit: Feb 13, 2007, 10:30 by thenukeman »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #93 on: Apr 29, 2007, 03:53 »
I finally got my Checks from Mass, 609 a week.  I sent some money for my goldmembership on Nukeworker.  If this has helped anyone I encourage them to become a Gold member also.  We can help each other with current news and New Unemployment techniques!!! LOL


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #94 on: Apr 30, 2007, 08:47 »
what about if you exhaust your money in 1 state before the year is up. what are your options if any at all. i thought i seen someone reply early about being able to open another claim in another state once you exhausted in another.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #95 on: Apr 30, 2007, 10:44 »
 does anyone know if you can go straight to mass after your last job ? in my case its quad cities, or do you have wait a week before going ? also do you just need the company that you worked for in the previous year and their essential info such as address phone number ect. do you need to supply info as to what site you worked at also ??

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #96 on: Apr 30, 2007, 11:15 »
You can open another claim once your funds are exhausted in another state.  I did it in Mass. But you still need good quarters to draw from to make good money.  You need all the addresses of all the companies and sites you have worked for.  I did a google search for nuclear sites and it is.  Also for specific questions on when you can show up, Quarters you claim etc. Write mass at,  They will respond in about 1 working day.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #97 on: Apr 30, 2007, 11:52 »
Thanks for the info

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #98 on: Apr 30, 2007, 02:47 »
hey kave, just to let you know, I just exhausted my PA claim and they TOLD ME to go to another state even though my year wasn't up.  It worked out fine (i went to mass) because i had money left in unused quarters to draw from. sweet.  all you have to have is a ZERO BALENCE on your initial claim and enough money left in other quarters to claim with a second time...


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #99 on: Apr 30, 2007, 03:10 »
Ham, this past sunday was my last bi-weekly claim from do i have be inperson in mass to open another claim or can i accomplish it by phone or website.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #100 on: Apr 30, 2007, 09:08 »
you have to show up in person and they will either do you in person or put you on a special phone that can only be used at the Mass Unemp office.  Go early; if you show up at the end of they day they may make you come back in the morning which sucks if you are not from mass.  I'd say show up by 1pm and you will be ok unless something is really screwy.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #101 on: Apr 30, 2007, 09:58 »
cool i maybe heading that way next week, but is there some sorta waiting period or just a zero balance..also give me a I.M. as to where you are these days.....also the father inlaw says hi.....just kidding

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #102 on: May 02, 2007, 06:44 »
Update, just got back from 210 South St, Boston, MA (Jobnet). Very easy to find ( I-93 to exit #20 right on Kneeland 1 block and it’s on the corner of South St) don’t bother driving around Chinatown looking for parking, go directly across the street and use the CETA parking lot (plenty of room). There is a dumb guy there that will tell you cannot park there. But tell him you are there to put in an application for CETA (didn’t hurt I was carrying a manila envelope and wearing a suit coat, even with a 2 ft ponytail) he will give you a yellow pass to put under your windshield wiper, and wish you good luck. Then go to the front of the building and walk across the street. There is a green awning above that says “210 South Street” and a glass door that says “Jobnet”. Go up the stairs and sign in. Try not to be nervous about the Chinese American babbling in the cubicle to your right. His name is Shu-Chung Shen, and a super pleasure to deal with. He explains everything to you including the fact that you will not receive $508, but only $575/wk. He was also be adamant that you file an “IB1 form” as soon as you get home and even put that in writing. The information I brought with me is listed below and was the difference in the 25 min this took and who knows how long.
I was gonna make this work one way or the other but I needed to consult “Nukeworker” for the advantage. I was afraid that I would have to get another mail service. I read all the posts especially “Beercourt”. I have met, known and lived with him. I have worked, counted, trusted him to be right every time (annoyingly so). His info and interpretations  were perfect, as they always are.


Dates of employment:
Phone #:

Address of work performed:
Reason for leaving:
Hope it helps, Bruce Moffatt

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #103 on: May 04, 2007, 12:51 »
You're making me misty, Brewster.  But I'll never forget the wise words you once said to me; "It's okay to cry, but you gotta drink milk while you're doing it."
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #104 on: May 04, 2007, 01:32 »
Update, just got back from 210 South St, Boston, MA (Jobnet).

I needed to consult “Nukeworker” for the advantage. I read all the posts especially “Beercourt”. I have met, known and lived with him. I have worked, counted, trusted him to be right every time (annoyingly so). His info and interpretations  were perfect, as they always are.

Brewster, thats for the walkthrough, I bet a lot of people print that out, and take it with them in the future.

I have to echo what you said about Troy.  I've never worked with him that I know of, but on this site, he's never been incorrect. (except politically incorect, lol).  He's correct me a few times, and I appreciate it.  I think he's a "NukeWorker national treasure".
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 02:08 by RDTroja »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #105 on: May 04, 2007, 02:10 »
I think he's a "NukeWorker national treasure".

I can see the new poll now... "Vote for the NukeWorker National Treasures of your choice."
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #106 on: May 04, 2007, 07:47 »
Where's that friggin' moderator when a subject gets off topic?!?!?!?!
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #107 on: May 07, 2007, 04:16 »
Only 575?  You also receive 25 dollars per child up to 17 years old.   I do not know if they have a max number of children.  My max with 2 children is 625,  I only got 609 because I did not quite max out.  Get your dependents SSN to take with you to help.  It helped me. 210 South street, Boston MA, The Nukeworker unemployment site, LOL,  I seen a forum on PA unemployment, But why, when Mass is better?  LOL

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #108 on: May 07, 2007, 07:04 »
I believe the max$fordependents is "up to one-half" of your weekly rate, or the max rate, can't remember which.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #109 on: May 08, 2007, 06:51 »
For Mass   you get 25 bucks a dependent (not including the spouse)

The age cutoff is 18, but can be expanded if they are a special needs child or a full time student (up to age 25)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #110 on: May 12, 2007, 07:09 »
my daughter lives in Wilmington, VT so I go up and stay with her when I register. I take the 20 min drive to N Adams, Mass where the UI office people are like the Maytag Repairman. No lines, no waiting and people so underworked they come running when a customer walks in.
The first time I went there I actually had spectators while I was being walked through the process.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #111 on: May 13, 2007, 07:49 »
my daughter lives in Wilmington, VT so I go up and stay with her when I register. I take the 20 min drive to N Adams, Mass where the UI office people are like the Maytag Repairman. No lines, no waiting and people so underworked they come running when a customer walks in.
The first time I went there I actually had spectators while I was being walked through the process.

Thats so cool,  avoid the Springfield office.  Itsa zoo.  If you have to go to the Springfield area, take a few extra minutes and go to the Holyoke office instead.  Just like the N Adams.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #112 on: Aug 09, 2007, 09:35 »
The post with cool links to unemployment info was lost in the server move.  I have the attachment I made from one of them, I'll re-attach it here:

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #114 on: Aug 14, 2007, 04:24 »
Hammy, thanks for reposting the links.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #115 on: Aug 16, 2007, 01:29 »
Hello I made the journey to Boston to file my combined wage claim.  I just wanted to pass along my experience and a warning.  Watch out for the beggars and pickpockets.  I was approached many times by very friendly people that struck up a conversation and every time ended up asking me for money.  What really opened my eyes was when I was standing outside the south station bus terminal.  It was about 8:00 am and an old man approached me while I was having a smoke, he had a suitcase with a greyhound tag on it.  I didn’t think much of it and figured he was just traveling, he was preaching to me about smoking, another person showed up and asked to bum a smoke and said he had been waiting for a bus overnight, I gave him one and didn’t think much of it as he sat down.  Another man walked up and struck up a conversation about him being from Houston since I had my Houston Astros shirt on, and said he was from Houston as well and became overly friendly repeatedly shaking my hand and pulling me close to pat me on the back.  He said since I was from Texas I should have a big Texan belt buckle and wanted to see it, I told him I didn’t but he still wanted to see since my shirt wasn’t tucked in, I didn’t do it, anyway after a few pats to many on my backpack I noticed the old man was sitting there playing with the greyhound tag and ignoring the situation.  The friendly man then asked if I was a cop and I said no, then he asked for some money so he could get a forty, I told him I didn’t have any cash and quickly walked inside the terminal while he was telling me not to leave come back and talk.  When I got back inside I turned around and they were all gone, I looked at my back pack and many of the zippers had been unzipped.  Luckily nothing was missing.  I then realized what almost happened, the man that bummed a smoke from me was the pickpocket, the overly friendly man was prepping me to be mugged and locate my valuables, wallet, phone etc.. and unzip my backpack and distract me, it also gave the appearance to passers by that I knew him with all the hand shaking, the old man was there to hide anything inside the suitcase.  I told the security guard what almost happened and he said it happens all the time there, he called it in and some officers quickly showed up, but since nothing happened there was nothing to be done.  I know this can happen anywhere but felt I should pass along for those making the journey to 210 South Street.

Other then that, the journey was easy, arrived at Boston Logan airport, waited outside airport arrivals bus stop and took Silverline bus to the south station, cost was 2 dollars, waited in South station train terminal until I was begged to death and moved to the bus terminal, security seemed tighter in the bus terminal, waited until about 8:25am then walked to 210 Southstreet, quickest way from the bus terminal is to walk down to Kneeland Street and take a right, then another right on South street, its right there.  They took my info and setup my pin.  They were very nice and even walked with me to the bus terminal to show me how to get back to the airport, you will need to go to one of the machines and buy a prepaid card, when your buying the pass choose other amount and  enter 2 dollars on the touchpad and pay, follow the signs to silverline down the stairs, there is more then one silverline, there is a sign further down to the left and says SL1 to Logans airport, take that one.

I had a Texas claim that ran out of funds but hadn’t reached the one year anniversary yet, I qualified for the max of $575 plus $25 a week for my dependent.  Hope this helps and don’t talk to strangers.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #116 on: Aug 16, 2007, 02:11 »
Just another reason to go to the N Adams office.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #117 on: Aug 16, 2007, 02:33 »
I didn't get begged on when I flew into Providence, RI. Probably because I rented a car and drove to the nice office. Heck, they had 3 guards, and didn't need one. Probably to screen the applicants. Nicest neighborhood I have ever seen an unenjoyment office in.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #118 on: Aug 16, 2007, 03:58 »
If we post a few walking and riding maps, we have the makings for a fromers travel guide here.  My MASS unemployment runs out in 6 weeks.  I am sad about that.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #119 on: Sep 17, 2007, 04:14 »
Had some time to kill a couple of years ago so I Amtrak'd up to Providence, rented a car downtown and drove to the Plymouth UE office. Really nice place, took about 45-50 minutes and I was done. Back to Prov, bummed around, ate at 3 Steeples or something like that, then got on the train home. Not a bad experince at all.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #120 on: Sep 18, 2007, 09:48 »
I'm glad someone put some details down, i was told that you couldn't do that. Live in one state and draw from Mass. how do you do the weekly claim, do they let you call it in. What about a local address. Thank for the info. Remo

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #121 on: Sep 18, 2007, 10:51 »
All this already explained, go back and read the entire post and you will know all. 8)
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #122 on: Sep 18, 2007, 11:32 »
You put your home address down. As long as you work in 2 different states during the reporting period you're an interstate worker - the state you're standing in when you file a claim is your agent state. I just report online weekly and it goes to direct deposit.

This does not constitute legal advice. Use it at your own risk. I've had no problem.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #123 on: Sep 19, 2007, 10:31 »
The actual term to use is a Combined Wage Claim. If you are claiming Mass. unemployment then you have to go there to file the first time. After that all you have to do is go to your home employment office and have them file the form for you and Mass will automatically start sending your checks as soon as they recieve the form. When your claim runs out you have to go back to Mass to start a new  claim. I was told by someone here that Pennsylvania will let you file online but I haven't tried myself. Fly to hartford and take a 15 minute taxi ride to Springfield  office in and out in about an hour. Good luck


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #124 on: Nov 17, 2007, 04:38 »
This is not legal advice but I believe that Federal rules/regs govern the fact they go back up to 6 quarters of work.  How each state defines that varies.  NJ will not count the most recent quarter but MA will if you are into the next quarter when you file.  Check each states definitions.  I believe they all go back as far as possible and only claim the minimum amount of quarters to get you to the maximum benefit amount so theoretically you could still have quarters available for the period that you are filing against.  Only way to know is to talk to an unemployment person and have them check what is what. 

In MA it is easy.  In NJ it is not.  It is one of the worst to file in as far as beaurucratic nonsense/incompetence.  Basically you start to file and if you do not like what you hear then get up and leave or hang up the phone and file elsewhere.  I did that in NJ and made a 3 hour drive to Falls River, MA and was in and out in an hour.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #125 on: Nov 27, 2007, 01:09 »
What other states can you file (as you can in Mass)?
Mass only uses the last 4 quarters and I need one that will use the 1st 4 of the last 5 quarters.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #126 on: Nov 27, 2007, 01:34 »
The actual term to use is a Combined Wage Claim. If you are claiming Mass. unemployment then you have to go there to file the first time. After that all you have to do is go to your home employment office and have them file the form for you and Mass will automatically start sending your checks as soon as they recieve the form. When your claim runs out you have to go back to Mass to start a new  claim. I was told by someone here that Pennsylvania will let you file online but I haven't tried myself. Fly to hartford and take a 15 minute taxi ride to Springfield  office in and out in about an hour. Good luck

I just got caught up in the numbers game today.
My current claim runs out on December 1st.
The period they draw from in Mass. is 10-1-06 to 9-30-07, and I didn't go to work in PA until 10/21/07.
I can't claim in Mass because I worked in OH for that entire duration.
They did tell me that if my unemployment was paid in 2 different states, and not necessarily worked in 2 different states, that I would be eligible. I know Bartlett draws from the state that you work in. Not sure about Parallax yet.

Anybody know the PA and OH weekly check amounts??


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #127 on: Nov 27, 2007, 02:41 »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #128 on: Nov 27, 2007, 03:47 »
Anybody know the PA and OH weekly check amounts??

I don't know Ohio but Pa, gives up ~$475.00 per week, paid every two weeks. The amount will vary based on number of dependents. Very easy to file in Pa., not sure on Oh.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #129 on: Nov 27, 2007, 04:24 »
Thanks, Guys.

I don't think I will be able to file in PA, because I only worked there for 28 days from 10/21 to 11/16.
I will have to look into it, because that is $100+ over Ohio's weekly.
I'll find out tomorrow.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #130 on: Nov 27, 2007, 11:24 »
What other states can you file (as you can in Mass)?
Mass only uses the last 4 quarters and I need one that will use the 1st 4 of the last 5 quarters.

New York uses the first 4 of the last 5, unless this causes you a lower benefit than the last 4.  If that happens, they use the last 4.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #131 on: Nov 27, 2007, 11:34 »
Thanks, Guys.

I don't think I will be able to file in PA, because I only worked there for 28 days from 10/21 to 11/16.
I will have to look into it, because that is $100+ over Ohio's weekly.
I'll find out tomorrow.
You can claim in any state if you had wages reported to two states during your eligibility period.  However, the company that you worked for in PA reported your earnings to your home state.  Even if it were otherwise, those wages won't be counted by any state until the quarter is over.  You would have to wait until Jan 1st to use those wages unless you use the alternate period.  (Mass will use the current quarter under certain circumstances.)  I wondered about this, but the woman who took my claim in Mass. told me that they basically can report your earnings anywhere they want.  She also told me that income tax had nothing at all to do with unemployment, and that all those W-2's I had with withholding to MN, NJ, IL, MI, CA, and PA were not proof that I worked in those states.
There was time when Numanco always reported everyones wages to Oklahoma.  They stopped doing that, but it was always legal.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #132 on: Dec 04, 2007, 11:05 »
There is a lot of excellent info in this thread.  I'm going to try not to cover anything that's already been answered numerous times, I hope.

The current max in Mass is $600/wk as of Sunday October 7, 2007.  Plus $25 per dependent up to half you draw.  In other words you could have 12 kids and get another $300/wk.  You only need wages to support the WBR of $600, not the total amount including dependent allowance.  This is indeed good for 30 wks, all 49 other allow 26 wks.  Their year begins the 4th quarter of each year, not the 1st quarter, so their new rates begin in October.

I understand from a recent co-worker who is drawing from, and lives in, NJ that he's getting $542/wk.  I have no idea otherwise except to say it's my understanding they're a pain for non-residents.

That brings us to PA.  My state of residence.  The max is $520/wk as of January 7, 2007.  The dependent allowance is $5 for the first and $3 for the second for a total of $8.  Yes, it was a total of $8 in the 70's when my dad collected it on my sister and I every winter.  New rates will be out soon for January 2008.  Year begins 1st quarter.

I keep seeing quarters being discussed as January 1 to March 31 for example.  Unemployment is based on a week beginning Sunday and ending Saturday.  As such each quarter begins on the first Sunday of the month, but not necessarily on the first day of the month.

The issue of exhausting benefits has been kicked around a few times throughout this thread.  The question of available eligible quarters came up.  This is where states using lag quarters (Not using the most recently COMPLETED quarter) versus a state like Mass which uses the 4 most recently completed comes into play.  As an example let's say you want to take a 6 month vacation beginning essentially now.  If you were opening a claim in a state using a lag quarter, your best money and simplicity being PA which uses a lag quarter, they would be looking at the 3rd & 4th quarters of 2006 and the 1st & 2nd quarters of 2007.  You still have the 3rd quarter of 2007, and the not yet completed 4th quarter of 2007 as unused quarters to establish eligibility in Mass 6 months from now.  You open your PA claim, suffer your waiting week and draw 26 checks, and go to Mass the week immediately after filing for that 26th check from PA to open for another 30 weeks from them.

The question of why worry about any other state when Mass pays the most came up.  As a PA resident who is on my 4th Mass claim as of 2 weeks ago it's a fair question.  The only practical reason would be if you didn't have sufficient wages to max out in Mass.  If you're going to draw at least the same $520 as PA, or whatever it goes up to in January, or especially if you have several kids you can collect $25 each on to boot then Mass is a no-brainer.  If you're going to come up short of $520 total going to Mass it MAY benefit you to look at PA.

To qualify in PA you must meet the following 3 criteria in order to qualify for benefits.

1) You have total base year wages of $20,720 (Part C of the benefit rate chart-link posted below)
2) A minimum of 20% of your base year wages were earned outside of your high quarter.
3) You have 18 credit weeks.  A credit week is any week in which you earned at least $50.

You do need $13,520 in your high quarter to qualify for the max of $520, or so part D of the chart says.  The part you won't get from the benefit rate chart is that as long as you meet the 3 criteria listed above you may still qualify for max under the alternate benefit rate calculation.  This is calculated by taking your predominant hourly wage within your base year times 40 (hours) divided by 2.  If that number is higher you qualify for the higher amount.  I've personally used this alternate method to max out before I knew about collecting from Mass.  All you need to do is wait for your notice of financial determination in the mail.  If it will benefit you then you have 10 days to appeal the determination in writing.  Whatever you do, and no matter what anybody tells you over the phone, this MUST be done in writing within 10 days.  Sit back and wait for the make up checks for the difference to start rolling in about 6 to 8 weeks later.  You'll get the lower amount right along until they get it adjusted so you're not out everything waiting for them.

Benefit rate chart for PA:

Entire PA UC law: (for the rare few who like me read all this stuff looking for the loopholes)

It has been correctly stated that you must be in state in Mass to open, and you need only give them your home address wherever that may be.

As a PA resident I've never done a non-resident claim.  I do however know we haven't had any walk in centers for years now.  You used to have to do it all over the phone.  You can now open online as well.  I'm told by friends who have opened in PA that when done online there is one box to check stating you are inside PA when filing.  On this point I'm passing along what I've heard, but not personally witnessed.  I do however know that Pa has also done direct deposit for years.  Mass still mails me a paper check every week, in an envelope which expressly says do not forward.  It's an extremely minor inconvenience which I live with for the extra $100+/wk.

I'm sure somewhere thru typing all this I've forgotten something I meant to comment on when I read thru this thread.  I'm equally sure I've rambled on long enough for now.  If you want to hear about rambling ask Rennhack how long winded I got in person at Three Mile on the subject when it came up there last month.

The bottom line is that this is perfectly legal and not difficult.  I think everybody who is entitled should get every penny they legally can in unemployment.  Hopefully something I've said helps somebody out there just like I've benefited.  We all win when we help each other out.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #133 on: Dec 05, 2007, 07:50 »
You can claim in any state if you had wages reported to two states during your eligibility period.  However, the company that you worked for in PA reported your earnings to your home state.  Even if it were otherwise, those wages won't be counted by any state until the quarter is over.  You would have to wait until Jan 1st to use those wages unless you use the alternate period.  (Mass will use the current quarter under certain circumstances.)  I wondered about this, but the woman who took my claim in Mass. told me that they basically can report your earnings anywhere they want.  She also told me that income tax had nothing at all to do with unemployment, and that all those W-2's I had with withholding to MN, NJ, IL, MI, CA, and PA were not proof that I worked in those states.
There was time when Numanco always reported everyones wages to Oklahoma.  They stopped doing that, but it was always legal.

The way it panned out was this:

I claimed my last 2 weeks from Mass.
I had to open in a claim in Ohio right when the Mass ran out.
They gave me $431 a week, so Christmas will be fine.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #134 on: Jan 13, 2008, 06:42 »
Update on Mass -  You no longer need to go to an instate office to file an Interstate claim.

I just opened a claim for Mass via my Oklahoma office via phone.  Hope this holds true for all others as well.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #135 on: Jan 13, 2008, 07:53 »
I just opened a claim for Mass via my Oklahoma office via phone. 

Were you in person in an Oklahoma office when you did this?

I'm wondering because my home state of PA hasn't had any walk-in unemployment offices in probably 8-10 years.  I can just imagine me calling PA's office, getting a newbie just like I get half the time trying to file an IB-1 to reopen, and then telling them I need them to conference me thru to Mass to open my combined wage claim for the year.  I'll never get to see that deer in the headlights look over the phone, but I'm quite sure somewhere in Lancaster that newbie will have just that look.  The good news is that worst case it's only 5 1/2 hours one way to drive to Holyoke MA as I've been doing.

On a separate note I just looked up the new PA max as of 1/6/2008.  It's up to $539/wk.  I also see they will no longer mail a paper check as of last October.  Direct deposit or debit card are your only choices.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #136 on: Jan 14, 2008, 07:21 »
Update on Mass -  You no longer need to go to an instate office to file an Interstate claim.

I just opened a claim for Mass via my Oklahoma office via phone.  Hope this holds true for all others as well.

Did you work in Mass?  You have always been able to open an interstate claim from your home state.  If you worked in Mass., you could file one of those.   The Combined Wage Claim, which is the one most of us have (worked in two or more states but not in Massachusetts), had to be done in person inside Mass.  They let me open one from New York a few years ago, but then they made me come in to the Mass. office anyway.

I'm also hearing rumors that Mass is no longer participating in the Combined Wage deal.  I can't believe that this is true.  Like most rumors, it is probably false, but I'm still curious.
« Last Edit: Jan 14, 2008, 07:23 by BeerCourt »
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #137 on: Jan 14, 2008, 11:41 »
Were you in person in an Oklahoma office when you did this?

Oklahoma no longer has walk in UE offices other than the central ones in Tulsa and OKC.  I filed online, but had to finish filing via phone call.  The online system does not yet have selections for Interstate claims.

Did you work in Mass?  You have always been able to open an interstate claim from your home state.  If you worked in Mass., you could file one of those.   The Combined Wage Claim, which is the one most of us have (worked in two or more states but not in Massachusetts), had to be done in person inside Mass.  They let me open one from New York a few years ago, but then they made me come in to the Mass. office anyway.

I worked for Bartlett.... and the Mass office stated that it was no longer required for one to travel for an interstate OR combined wage claim.  I have an Interstate claim active - at least until I hit the road again.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #138 on: Jan 14, 2008, 01:19 »
Interesting.  I wonder if that applies also to people who work for companies outside of Mass.  It would be very handy.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #139 on: Jan 15, 2008, 11:18 »
I'm also hearing rumors that Mass is no longer participating in the Combined Wage deal.  I can't believe that this is true.  Like most rumors, it is probably false, but I'm still curious.

I had heard the same thing before going to open my most recent claim.  I asked the guy who took my claim in Mass about it.  He said that if anything changed it wouldn't be at Mass's request, but it is in the US DOL right now being reviewed.  According to him the other states, and the employers, are essentially whining that it's costing them money.

The reality is different from their complaints, but when has that ever gotten in the way of whining?

If we open a Mass claim ALL the monies paid into each state we worked in is forwarded to Mass.  If at the end of the year there is money left on the table Mass gets to keep it.  The other states no doubt are upset we're not opening there and allowing the money left on the table to become theirs.  In their opinions that should be their money and as such they are losing money.  In reality we can't open in multiple states at the same time so those monies from all but one state would have to be forwarded somewhere.  In other words it was never their money in the first place and you can't lose something that isn't yours.  You can however steal something that isn't yours and that's apparently what they hope to do.

He told me that there were several possible directions under consideration with the most restrictive being a requirement to physically work in whatever state you're claiming.  That would essentially mean interstate claims would continue unchanged, but combined wage claims would cease to be.

This DOL decision needs to take another year until administrations change and see if it doesn't die in the next term.  This guy we have now loves to break it off in people who work for a living.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #140 on: Feb 04, 2008, 07:03 »
Hello 1st time poster here. really like your site.  now on to my question:
I am confused as to how long ago you can have worked in different state and can still claim in Massachusetts. I thought I saw 15 months somewhere in this post but when I sent a email to Massachusetts asking them if I was eligible they told me 12 months. Is this correct? Here is the email I sent and their reply

Dear Sir,
     I would like to know if I am eligible for Massachusetts
unemployment.I live in Wisconsin but I do most of my work in Illinois. I
worked in Illinois in 2007 and the first month of 2008,  but in 2006 I
worked in Wisconsin for a few weeks. my last day on the job in Wisconsin
was October 30th 2006. I understand you can go back 15 months but I am
confused as to weather you go by the last day you worked till the day
you sign up for unemployment, or only by the quarters that you worked
in, I believe this would be 5 Quarters.

Reply:In Massachusetts the primary base period (the period that we use to
obtain wages and calculate your benefits) is from 1/1/07 to 12/31/07. In
order to qualify for a combined wage claim you have to have employment
in 2 or more states during that period. Since you worked only in
Illinois during this period you do not qualify for a claim in MA.   

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #141 on: Feb 04, 2008, 07:17 »
They may count this quarter as an active quarter, You wrote them and they gave you an Answer, I wrote them and they gave me the answer I wanted. In this case they gave you one you did not. 

The only other thing I think is that you rephrase the question and use another email address if possible and tell them you are filling for a combined wage and how far they would go back so you could make this claim.  also the minimum amount of weeks you have to work in another state to make a combined wage claim.  If you left October 30 2006, they could only use 4 weeks going 5 quarters back.  It won't hurt to write again. 


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #142 on: Feb 04, 2008, 11:48 »

By my understanding the only methods available for base year calculation in Mass are what they told you, base year being 1/7/07 thru 1/5/08, or to use the current quarter in which case you would be 4/1/07 thru today. 

Technically even their reply lists incorrect dates, albeit well intentioned and referencing the correct 4 quarters, because unemployment quarters roll over on the first Sunday in each new quarter, NOT on the actualt first calendar day of a quarter.  That is why I've listed the 4th quarter of 2007 as actually ending on 1/5/08 because that week began on Sunday 12/30/07 and as such the entire week is 2007 as far as unemployment weeks and quarters are concerned.

IF you are unable to establish eligibility in Mass, and as much as I hate to say this I doubt you can, you always have the option of states which use a lag quarter and do actually go back 5 quarters.  I know Minnesota is the 4th or 5th highest in the country and closer to you than PA.  I however don't know if they go back 4 or 5 quarters.  Maybe somebody can answer that for you.  I do however know that PA goes back 5 quarters and is up to a max of $539/wk.  I am a PA resident and am on my 4th claim in Mass myself and wouldn't recommend PA to anybody as a first choice, BUT if you can't establish eligibility in Mass it's your best second choice available.  There is a thread with some specific regarding PA unemployment that should be of help if you find yourself going that route.  If you have any specific questions on PA that you're not finding answers to in that thread feel free to ask them in that thread or fire me a PM with them.  The link for the thread I mentioned is below.,10552.0.html

Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions.  We all learn valuable info from each other and all put a little more money we're entitled to into our pockets.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #143 on: Feb 10, 2008, 07:43 »
thanks for the reply guys. decided to claim in Pennsylvania used their web page to start claim. I,ll let you know how it goes..

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #144 on: Mar 31, 2008, 04:26 »
I applied for MASS unemployment back on Jan.7 and still haven't gotten a check. I was only out 2 weeks but wanted to have ready to start when the job I am on now finishes. The company I worked for claimed my earnings as NC for taxes and SC for unemployment insurance. I talked with the MASS office and faxed a copy of my W-2 form at my request showing NC wages. I tried to get in touch with NC to see if there was anything I could do to have the funds transferred and never even got a response. A very nice lady at the MASS office took the NC # I had and called and got to talk to someone and now they are looking at it and I should know in the next 30 days if I am going to be able to file a Combined Wage claim. I wonder if in the future I should make it part of my employment condition that the company claim the wages against the state I am working for.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #145 on: Apr 21, 2008, 01:52 »
Okay, everyone seems to go to the Mass. Unemployment Office in person...but the website has the following about filing by phone...has anyone tried that?

File by Phone

There are two ways to file an unemployment insurance (UI) claim: by telephone or in person.
File by phone
Call the TeleClaim Center at 1-877-626-6800 if you are calling from the following area codes: 351, 413, 508, 774, and 978.

Call the TeleClaim Center at 617-626-6800 if you are calling from any other area code.

TTY/TTD: 1-888-527-1912

How to obtain services by telephone
When you call the Unemployment Insurance TeleClaim Center, you will press a number on your telephone to choose services in English or another language.

Press 1 to file a new UI claim or to reopen an existing claim. You will be asked to enter your social security number and the year you were born. You will be transferred to a DUA agent who will help you file your claim.
Press 2 for immediate information on the status of your check. Enter your social security number and the year you were born. You will be able to obtain automated information on the status of your weekly signing or your UI check. This is the same information available to DUA staff. If there is a problem with your claim, you will be transferred to a DUA agent.
Press 3 for customer assistance, to resolve a problem, to provide a social security number for a dependent child, or to change your address.
Press 4 for information on the unemployment insurance program, how to file for benefits, and how to obtain job search and retraining assistance. You can listen to recorded information on the unemployment insurance program and obtain the addresses and telephone numbers of the nearest Career Center providing reemployment services and information on training opportunities.
DUA TeleClaim Center Hours
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.

Shorter waiting times can be expected later in the week.

These hours are for telephone services only and do not apply to Walk-In Centers.

Calling the TeleClaim Center makes it easy to:
File a new claim for benefits
Reopen an existing claim
Be interviewed if there are issues that affect your eligibility
Resolve problems with your claim
Obtain up-to-date information on the status of your claim and benefit payment check
When you call the TeleClaim Center, you will be asked to enter your social security number and the year you were born—using the numbers on a touch-tone telephone. You will then be transferred to an agent who will take the information necessary to file your claim.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #146 on: Apr 21, 2008, 06:00 »
Your initial interstate claim must be in Mass. After that you can call or do by internet.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #147 on: Apr 21, 2008, 12:14 »
You can't open or reopen a claim on line or by phone.  You can do your weekly update that way, but a Combined Wage claim has to be done in-person (actually, you show up in person and they put you on the phone)

To reopen after a layoff, you have to file an IB-1 with you home state that they will send to MA.

You can try to call the teleclaim number to reopen, but that only works when you get somebody who doesn't know what they are supposed to do.  It is actually easier and better when somebody who isn't knowledgable does the work.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #148 on: Apr 21, 2008, 12:21 »
You can't open or reopen a claim on line or by phone.  You can do your weekly update that way, but a Combined Wage claim has to be done in-person (actually, you show up in person and they put you on the phone)

To reopen after a layoff, you have to file an IB-1 with you home state that they will send to MA.

You can try to call the teleclaim number to reopen, but that only works when you get somebody who doesn't know what they are supposed to do.  It is actually easier and better when somebody who isn't knowledgable does the work.

Legally, you have to be in the state, as Troy stated. And we only condone doing things legally.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #149 on: Apr 21, 2008, 09:23 »
Legally, you have to be in the state, as Troy stated. And we only condone doing things legally.

Yeah, we were going to be in-state...but thought that if we could call from the airport, it would make plane tickets easier to manage...

Thanks for all the info!
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #150 on: Apr 22, 2008, 12:39 »
Has anyone who has posted here ACTUALLY opened a claim up in the last 3 months? Things change. Hearsay can have alot of misinformation. Who actually has opened one up recently?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #151 on: Apr 22, 2008, 02:45 »
I have claimed twice and reopened twice in the last year.  Troy and I KNOW what we are talking about.

You should be able to call from the airport, but I can't guarentee it.  I CAN say that I tried calliong from home in TN, and that didn't fly... er.. that dog didn't hunt ;)  I also opened a claim in one of their offices, where they just handed me the phone.

Another time I called from a Michigan cell phone in my Mass Appartment, and it worked... but I had just finished working in Mass for a year, so my story of being in Mass was plausable.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #152 on: Apr 22, 2008, 10:01 »
As per my post at top of page I opened a claim in January and still haven't gotten a check yet. They are still in the appeal process with NC. Just a reminder you better make sure the company you are working for isn't claiming your home state for UI benefits.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #153 on: Apr 22, 2008, 10:44 »
Try it over the phone at the airport brother, ya got nothin to lose. Take advice from others with a grain of salt. The best way to learn is from personnel experience, not from people who think they walk on water and are experts at any and everything. Know what I'm sayin?

From someone who has done this SEVERAL TIMES:

You not only need to be in state, you need to be at their office.
Yes, they will put you on the telephone with the Boston office, BUT, they will also talk to that person first and verify that you are physically in the office with them.

You also have to fill out the forms manually while at the office.

This only applies to Combined Wage Claims.

If you worked in MA and want to file a simple Interstate Claim, you do that by calling YOUR HOME STATE Unemployment Office and telling them you want to file against Massachussetts.  This ONLY works if you had wages in Massachussetts that were reported to Massachussetts.

If you live in MA, use the procedure quoted by UncaBuffalo above.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #154 on: Apr 22, 2008, 11:34 »
From someone who has done this SEVERAL TIMES:

You not only need to be in state, you need to be at their office.
Yes, they will put you on the telephone with the Boston office, BUT, they will also talk to that person first and verify that you are physically in the office with them.

You also have to fill out the forms manually while at the office.

This only applies to Combined Wage Claims.

If you worked in MA and want to file a simple Interstate Claim, you do that by calling YOUR HOME STATE Unemployment Office and telling them you want to file against Massachussetts.  This ONLY works if you had wages in Massachussetts that were reported to Massachussetts.

If you live in MA, use the procedure quoted by UncaBuffalo above.

When I was in Boston in January I didn't fill out any paperwork. It was all done over the phone. I was filling out a Combined Wage claim.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #155 on: Apr 22, 2008, 11:50 »
When I was in Boston in January I didn't fill out any paperwork. It was all done over the phone. I was filling out a Combined Wage claim.
I didn't fill out ant paperwork either, just over the phone in their little room, and they did verify I was there by talking to a person in the office.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #156 on: Apr 22, 2008, 12:31 »
I file in Pittsfield.  I have no idea why on Earth I had to fill out those forms.  The person on the phone didn't care about any of the stuff I put down, and the person in the office just took the forms and said she would file them - she never even looked at them.

The first two times I claimed in Springfield.  The last two, I claimed in Pittsfield.  The first time at each place, they took my claim on site.  The second time at each place, they put me on the phone.  Go figure.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #157 on: Apr 22, 2008, 04:52 »
Has anyone who has posted here ACTUALLY opened a claim up in the last 3 months? Things change. Hearsay can have alot of misinformation. Who actually has opened one up recently?

Yes... I opened a claim via my Oklahoma internet UE site.  I did hve to call someone in Okie land to get the IB1 initiated.  But I got my claim started for this year without having to call Mass or be in the state.   

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #158 on: Apr 22, 2008, 09:45 »
Yes... I opened a claim via my Oklahoma internet UE site.  I did hve to call someone in Okie land to get the IB1 initiated.  But I got my claim started for this year without having to call Mass or be in the state.

Like I said.

You are talkiong about something than what we are talking about.  We are talkiong about working in (for example) IL and PA, lifing in TN and getting $600/wk for 7 months from MASS.  -- To do that, you have to show up in person.

Andone can claim in their local office.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #159 on: Apr 23, 2008, 05:03 »
Yes... I opened a claim via my Oklahoma internet UE site.  I did hve to call someone in Okie land to get the IB1 initiated.  But I got my claim started for this year without having to call Mass or be in the state.   

This is what I'm talking about. Someone who has opened one up THIS YEAR. For people that haven't opened one up in the last 3 month's, please DO NOT give us your opinion. Laws change, processes change. Please don't give out misinformation and confuse people! Unless you have personally done it, keep it to yourself. I don't care if that's the way they did it last year or the last 4 times you opened one. What are they doing NOW!


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #160 on: Apr 23, 2008, 05:06 »
Yes... I opened a claim via my Oklahoma internet UE site.  I did hve to call someone in Okie land to get the IB1 initiated.  But I got my claim started for this year without having to call Mass or be in the state.   

Sorry, didn't figure out how to respond to quote. But this is who I meant to give an example of. Thanks Paule!

This is what I'm talking about. Someone who has opened one up THIS YEAR. For people that haven't opened one up in the last 3 month's, please DO NOT give us your opinion. Laws change, processes change. Please don't give out misinformation and confuse people! Unless you have personally done it, keep it to yourself. I don't care if that's the way they did it last year or the last 4 times you opened one. What are they doing NOW!


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #161 on: Apr 23, 2008, 07:51 »
You are talkiong about something than what we are talking about.  We are talkiong about working in (for example) IL and PA, lifing in TN and getting $600/wk for 7 months from MASS.  -- To do that, you have to show up in person.

Andone can claim in their local office.

Sorry  but I DID NOT HAVE TO SHOW UP.... all was done via PHONE FROM HOUSE or Internet via Oklahoma Unemployment Office......

I did go to Mass last year -  2007.  But I have NOT been in the state at all this year.  I called and spoke to the claims agents and they directed me to my Okie office.  My claim THROUGH Mass has NOT REQUIRRED me to be in state, call from in state, or file through MASS UE website.   
 I don't know if my status as a military retiree has any weight inthis matter.  they seemed to handle me different when I originally opened a claim with them many years ago.

BTW  are you typing with gloves on?? I misspell often while doing that.

Mass is going through some changes, hopefully for the better. 

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #162 on: Apr 23, 2008, 09:42 »
You are talkiong about something than what we are talking about.  We are talkiong about working in (for example) IL and PA, lifing in TN and getting $600/wk for 7 months from MASS.  -- To do that, you have to show up in person.

Andone can claim in their local office.

I have to agree with Lafeet. I called yesterday to start my claim again and was told to go to my local unemployment office and have them fill out a IB form and mail it to Mass. Then just start calling in like before. Just left the local office and had the form mailed.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #163 on: Apr 23, 2008, 03:07 »
That's gonna leave a mark

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #164 on: Apr 23, 2008, 03:39 »
Not a very big mark.

I decided, in the interest of keeping an open mind (something that I try to do always) to call Mass. Unemployment and ask.  That seems simple enough, but we are all too stubborn to go to the source as long as we can come here instead.  Plus, here we have the added benefit of disregarding answers that we don't like even if they are correct.  Anyway, I figured that someone had to be the one to break down and actually ask the right questions at the right place.  Might as well be me.

I learned a few things.

1. They will let you file an interstate claim from your home state.  You cannot do this on the Mass website or by phone to them.  You use your state's procedure and they will go collect from Mass.

2. Mass. will deny that claim if you have not worked in Massachusetts, but you will still be eligible to claim against any state where you did work or your home state if you meet the eligibility rules.

3. To combine wages for two or more states, you must physically be in the claims center - just as before - to open the claim initially.
To repoen that claim, you file an IB1 through your home state just as before.

4. There is a pending change to the federal law governing unemployment claims that will end this wonderful arrangement at some future date that nobody knows for sure.  The new law will require you to file combined wage claims in your state of legal residence.  The Mass. teleclaim line actually tells you to do this now, but you can disregard that for the moment.

5. The good news it that this hasn't happened yet, and there are plenty of houses for sale or rent in the Commonwealth if you decide to relocate there.

6.  If you live in Mass., use the method that you prefer - telephone or walk-in center or internet - 'cause none of the above matters to you.

7.  They still have direct deposit!!!!

If you still don't think I know what I'm talking about, call 617-626-6140, wait on hold for 22 minutes, and get the same answers that I did.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #165 on: Apr 23, 2008, 03:45 »
Sorry  but I DID NOT HAVE TO SHOW UP.... all was done via PHONE FROM HOUSE or Internet via Oklahoma Unemployment Office......

I did go to Mass last year -  2007.  But I have NOT been in the state at all this year.  I called and spoke to the claims agents and they directed me to my Okie office.  My claim THROUGH Mass has NOT REQUIRRED me to be in state, call from in state, or file through MASS UE website.   
 I don't know if my status as a military retiree has any weight inthis matter.  they seemed to handle me different when I originally opened a claim with them many years ago.

BTW  are you typing with gloves on?? I misspell often while doing that.

Mass is going through some changes, hopefully for the better. 

When in 2007 did you go?  It sounds to me like you are re-opening an already existing claim.  When it runs out you will have to go back to open a new one.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #166 on: Apr 23, 2008, 03:49 »
Yes... I opened a claim via my Oklahoma internet UE site.  I did hve to call someone in Okie land to get the IB1 initiated.  But I got my claim started for this year without having to call Mass or be in the state.   

This is what I'm talking about. Someone who has opened one up THIS YEAR. For people that haven't opened one up in the last 3 month's, please DO NOT give us your opinion. Laws change, processes change. Please don't give out misinformation and confuse people! Unless you have personally done it, keep it to yourself. I don't care if that's the way they did it last year or the last 4 times you opened one. What are they doing NOW!

"THIS YEAR"  doesn't mean anything.  Claims do not run concurrent to calendar years.  If you open a claim, it lasts 52 weeks from that date.  If you go back to work and get laid-off within that time period, you are NOT opening a new claim, but re-opening the already existing claim.  You must return to the Mass, UI office to open a new claim after the current one expires.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #167 on: Apr 23, 2008, 04:36 »
Ummm,Yeah, I'm gonna  have to go ahead and say Troy is right on the money with this one.
I went to Mass and opened up a claim in Dec of 06,I drew until Feb of 07,when I went back to work.I was laid off exactly six weeks past the one year mark of my initial claim..I had the same crazy idea Troy had ,and called the Mass unemployment office,after being on hold for 26 minutes,I was told my initial claim had expired and to open a new combined wage interstate claim,I would have to physically come back to the Mass unemployment office and open a new claim.
 I normally don't know what I am talking about,and I try  not to give information that I don't have first hand experience with,but in this matter ,I do on both counts.----Paul


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #168 on: Apr 23, 2008, 05:41 »
"THIS YEAR"  doesn't mean anything.  Claims do not run concurrent to calendar years.  If you open a claim, it lasts 52 weeks from that date.  If you go back to work and get laid-off within that time period, you are NOT opening a new claim, but re-opening the already existing claim.  You must return to the Mass, UI office to open a new claim after the current one expires.

I filed on 4 Jan 06... filed another claim on 9 Jan 07, I did work Pilgrim this year.  This year for me started on 10 Jan 08.... opened a claim from Mass via my Oklahoma internet UE service.  I have not entered Mass this year.  My NEW CLAIM has been filed via my home state office for MASS UE.

 All I know is what I have done and what I am receiving - from Mass

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #169 on: Apr 23, 2008, 06:15 »
I did that too, the first time.  They made me come to Mass anyway,about a month later, but they preserved the start date of my claim as the date I called.
Because you worked Pilgrim, things may be different for you.
Keep us posted.  Have they sent you money yet?
« Last Edit: Apr 23, 2008, 06:17 by BeerCourt »
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #170 on: Apr 23, 2008, 07:45 »
I have a Mass claim still open, re-activated it today.  Called my home state, went thru the 15 minute automated BS before talking to a live person.  I told her that I needed an IB1 form for the combined state claim (interstate), she asked the typical ?s and wired the IB1 to Mass.

BTW, I had to show up in the office last year to start the claim, took all of 45 minutes, max.

Good Luck


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #171 on: Apr 24, 2008, 06:29 »
I did that too, the first time.  They made me come to Mass anyway,about a month later, but they preserved the start date of my claim as the date I called.
Because you worked Pilgrim, things may be different for you.
Keep us posted.  Have they sent you money yet?

Yeah  I got the three checks that I was due for January prior to going back to work.

I am currently on the road (Michigan) and dont see entering Mass anytime soon.  If anything changes Ill be sure to post.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #172 on: Apr 24, 2008, 06:30 »
oh no, my karma level went down! I will I ever get to sleep?

 Been there  done that  spilt milk still taste the same if the floor is clean

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #173 on: Apr 24, 2008, 08:00 »
Yeah  I got the three checks that I was due for January prior to going back to work.

I am currently on the road (Michigan) and dont see entering Mass anytime soon.  If anything changes Ill be sure to post.

How's that direct deposit working out?  They started it after I got my last check, so I never got to use it.  Seems like just the thing for roadies. 
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #174 on: Apr 25, 2008, 10:39 »
I did not sign up for direct deposit yet.... the wife gets the checks and puts them in the bank pronto.  A few days makes little difference to me.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #175 on: May 06, 2008, 11:03 »
I filed an Interstate claim this morning in Mass. I went in to an office, filled out a rather simple form, and the woman set it all up on her computer. I did not speak to anybody on the phone while I was there. She said my first check should be in about three weeks. 

I asked her about having my home state sending a IB1 form.....and she told me not to bother.

I hope it all goes well....I made just over 30k since November of ' I should be all set.

Thanks for this thread!!!.......lots of good info!!


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #176 on: May 13, 2008, 09:31 »
Got laid off from Cook...called Mass from Okie land, contacted local Unemployment office as directed via internet.....  check from Mass in route... never went to Mass....not gonna either till next year (Pilgrim Outage)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #177 on: May 13, 2008, 01:13 »
Got laid off from Cook...called Mass from Okie land, contacted local Unemployment office as directed via internet.....  check from Mass in route... never went to Mass....not gonna either till next year (Pilgrim Outage)
C'mon, you gotta drive through Mass to come up to VY this fall.... ;)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #178 on: May 13, 2008, 02:07 »
Three direct deposits were made to my checking account today since I reopened through my local office 3 weeks ago. No followup visit to Mass was required.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #179 on: May 13, 2008, 02:47 »
C'mon, you gotta drive through Mass to come up to VY this fall.... ;)

 You know I wanna go there... but it looks as if I will not be released from Fitzy in time for VY... I asked for it  have to wait and see.  And yeah...I wann go back to VY   I love it there..... except that one guy that pissed me off..... but thats another story


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #180 on: May 19, 2008, 01:50 »
In 2007, which is the year I will be claiming against this year, I only worked Outages in VA.  With some foresight, I saw this a problem in collecting unemployment in higher unemployment rate states.  (Since the one I live in is fairly low).  So when I wasn't working for Bartlett, I did some small side gigs so I could officially say I worked in two states.

My problem is, I believe my home state (where I got small seasonal jobs) will run dry far as unemployment funds are concern, fairly fast, and the state VA, where I did all my outages have plenty of unemployment funds in.

My question is, once my funds from Mo runs out (which I know they will fast), will I have to stop filing with PA?  Will I have to claim through VA since that is where 90% of my income came from?  Or does PA even care that Mo funds ran dry?


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #181 on: May 19, 2008, 02:04 »
Hi Jeremy,
Welcome to
If you check this out:
NukeWorker Forum > Career Path > Pay & Salary > Interstate Unemployment Claims
I think you'll find the answers to all of you questions and put more Kasheesh in you pocket t'boot.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #182 on: May 27, 2008, 08:50 »
i flew into boston/logan airport. took the silverline to the south train station. cost me $2. went upstairs to street level walked down essex about 2 blocks to south street. go down about 3 blocks to the end of south street and the job net office is on the left side of the street from the train station to 210 south street. interview process took about 15 minutes. and now let the checks roll in :):)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #183 on: May 27, 2008, 09:59 »
I have to remember to have taxes taken out this year.  They hammered me at tax time.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #184 on: May 27, 2008, 10:28 »
I have to remember to have taxes taken out this year.  They hammered me at tax time.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #185 on: May 27, 2008, 11:05 »
Has anyone else encountered the office saying it could take 3-5 weeks for a wage determination?  My last hop in mass.  I had a determination before going out the door....I'm thinking something wasn't done right or something along those lines since its week two going on three and haven't heard a thing.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 11:06 by JessJen »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #186 on: May 28, 2008, 04:33 »
I have to remember to have taxes taken out this year.  They hammered me at tax time.

take yer own tax cut out 'n put it in a short term cd or udder investment.  make da monee!
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #187 on: May 28, 2008, 10:12 »
Got my check for the layoff following DC Cook.  Still have not been in Mass to file, everything done online or via phone.

There is hope out there after all.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #188 on: May 28, 2008, 10:23 »
But it is different for you.  You worked in Mass.  You had wages reported to them directly.  Most of the rest of us did not.  We have to file a combined wage claim - by combining wages from other states.  We all know by now that 1) you can do this from any state and 2) Massachusetts pays the most so 3) filing a combined wage claim in Mass. is the best deal.

You do not have to play the same game that we do.

Just for the edification of all who are considering where to file:  If you worked in Mass., do as LaFeet did.  If you did not work there you have to go there.  Either way, it is worth the effort.  They pay the most by far.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #189 on: May 28, 2008, 10:06 »
Many people I know took 5 -10 weeks before they got their first check.  It took me 8 weeks. I think what really messes this up is you claim a quarter that has not finished yet.  I did this as did others I talked to,  Therefore the state or states you are claiming from are slow to get that quarter.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #190 on: May 29, 2008, 04:06 »
This all real interesting, i have  friend that i have know for years that works at the local Employment office and has for over 20 years. I ask her about this,going to Mass and filing. All she said was is "Don't get Caught." It's not legal."It may be illegal in Ar but legal in Mass. Who knows, 4 sides to every story. I know a lot of people do it and i have thougth about it, but since Ar has raised there's to 414 dollars a week i will just stay here. Remo

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #191 on: May 29, 2008, 07:15 »
Don't get caught?!?  It's legal.  You tell the truth.  They ask if you worked in Mass, you say no.  They ask if you live in Mass, you say no.  They ask if you worked in more than one state, you say yes. (Of course, that has to be a true statement).  Then you tell them who you worked for, when you worked for them, and where you worked.  Give them your SSN, then go back home and wait for your checks.

If you don't believe us, or the Mass web site, then call them.  You are getting $10,764 in AR when you should be getting $18,000 in MASS, you loose $7,236.  That's 67% more that you could be getting.

Good luck with that.  To me the math is easy, I'll pay the $300 for an airplane ride.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 07:16 by Rennhack »


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #192 on: May 29, 2008, 08:20 »
Don't get caught?!?  It's legal.  You tell the truth.  They ask if you worked in Mass, you say no.  They ask if you live in Mass, you say no.  They ask if you worked in more than one state, you say yes. (Of course, that has to be a true statement).  Then you tell them who you worked for, when you worked for them, and where you worked.  Give them your SSN, then go back home and wait for your checks.

If you don't believe us, or the Mass web site, then call them.  You are getting $10,764 in AR when you should be getting $18,000 in MASS, you loose $7,236.  That's 67% more that you could be getting.

Good luck with that.  To me the math is easy, I'll pay the $300 for an airplane ride.

It is that easy.  I filed in Mass.  Don't forget to bring in your DD214.  As far as it being illegal, Remo's friend is ignorant of the ways of uneployment.   During T.A.P. class, the instructors teach us about unemployment and tell us to file in Mass.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 08:23 by alphacookie »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #193 on: May 29, 2008, 08:28 »
I wrote Mass and asked them because I thought this was ridiculous that Mass would pay and that you have never worked there or lived there.  They said it was legal as long as you worked 2 or more states. In fact you have to file a form with your home state. Its all up front. I agree with Mike on the math. You second week you come out ahead, Yourjet fare is then paid for and you get a free visit to boston for Seafood.  But if you insist take the 414.  You can read this whole post, I know I posted their web address, and at least a dozen people posted that they did it. Let alone all the people on the road.  The form you fill out at your home sate is also here somewhere. Ask your own state what that form is for. They will say its for a person filing in another state. My own brother in-law worked for the state of TN in a small town called ERIN and said it can not be done.  I went to Oak Ridge TN and thelady only asked how much does Mass pay now and I told her 625, she laughed and said thats a whole lot better than we do, Just 275 Max, The TN unemployment lady got her other friends to asked me too. They thought it was funny, I just filed theI8I, Ithink thats it. but they will tell you on this thread and Mass. But if you insist on getting 200 dollars less be my guest.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #194 on: May 29, 2008, 08:32 »
Eight Weeks for a check?!?!?!?!?
never had to wait more then three, and then three checks would show up.

As for DD, I called in a week after filing.  The following week, two checks showed up on Tues. and the third showed up on Thur.  The following week my check was deposited to my account on Mon. night.  Nice to get the pay in the account 5 days sooner. 

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #195 on: May 29, 2008, 08:35 »
Don.t Get caught that is most laughable!!!!!   You file in your homestate in addition to Mass and get paid by Mass. How more up front can you be??? I even give them my home address in TN and Mass mails it to me at my home in TN.  How more upfront is that, Theperson giving you the info is the one who is laughable, Just like my brother in law.  He admitted he was wrong, buthe has had no one come from another state to file in Erin TN.  I guess you could fly to Erin from Boston and tell them I feel bad about getting 625 a week and I will take the 275 TN offers.  This  does not happen, and I bet does not occur in ARK. LOL hey Iwant to fly to Little rock and file, I worked In Mass and ARK.  Can I have the Ark  Unemployment.  LOL  And file my I8I with Mass.  Hilarious.  I was a skeptic too and was way upfront because I did not want to get in trouble.  I have been Nukeworker schooled by this thread and it has been worth more than the 36 a year Gold dues I pay!!!


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #196 on: May 30, 2008, 07:04 »
I tried file on line and it would NOT let me. YOU experts and mind readers figure it out. I was just telling you what i was told, and i will say that was several years ago. Yeah it seems like it should be OK, after all Bartlett is in Mass. . Remo
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 09:37 by BeerCourt »


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #197 on: May 30, 2008, 07:45 »
i flew into boston/logan airport. took the silverline to the south train station. cost me $2. went upstairs to street level walked down essex about 2 blocks to south street. go down about 3 blocks to the end of south street and the job net office is on the left side of the street from the train station to 210 south street. interview process took about 15 minutes. and now let the checks roll in :):)

if you didn't work directly in mass you will need to make a yearly appearance. if ya worked in mass hen you can do it online. now if you don't wanna fly to mass and file and miss out on close to $1000 a month then so be it. plus you get 30 weeks of UI from versus 26 from your home state. in my world 2 + 2 = 4. in other words do the math. buy your ticket to boston, go to the office and file, in and out in less then 30 minutes and then go home call your local office tell them you need to have an IB1 sent to mass and let the checks keep a rolling !!! you will recoup the cost of your trip in 2-3 weeks :):):) good luck !!

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #198 on: May 30, 2008, 08:02 »
I have found that you don't need the IB1 when you open the claim, but you need it when you reopen.

this last time, 210.00 flight from Detroit. Well worth the effort for 600.00 a week.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #199 on: May 30, 2008, 08:16 »
 ok a little clarification here. after you have returned from mass following your succesful trip :):) you will need to contact your unemployment office in your home state and have them send a IB1 form to mass. you will also need to do this everytime you have to reopen your current claim.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #200 on: May 30, 2008, 09:35 »
I have, in the past, forgotten to do the IB1 when opening a new claim once.  I still got the money.  I know a few other people who didn't even know that they were supposed to file one on a new claim.  They got paid too.  But, I still recommend doing it - even though it is a major PITA to try to do it in New York.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #201 on: May 30, 2008, 09:48 »
I tried file on line and it would NOT let me. YOU experts and mind readers figure it out. I was just telling you what i was told, and i will say that was several years ago. Yeah it seems like it should be OK, after all Bartlett is in Mass. . Remo

If you had been paying attention to the dozens of posts here that are just trying to help you, you would have found out that MA does not allow you to file an interstate claim online.

If you do not live in Massachusetts - whether you worked there or not - you can't file online.  You either have to file an Interstate Claim (which you do at your home state's unemployment office) or you file a combined wage claim (which yo have to do in a Mass. Unemployment office).

Bartlett being in Massachusetts has NOTHING at all to do with where you file your claim.  You could work for a company from Mongolia and file in Mass. as long as they reported your wages to Mass or to any two other states.  Likewise, you could work for Bartlett all year, and NOT be able to file in Mass. because all your wages were reported to one state that is not Massachussets.

Don't insult people who come here to help just because they did their homework and you didn't.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #202 on: May 30, 2008, 11:27 »
If you had been paying attention to the dozens of posts here that are just trying to help you, you would have found out that MA does not allow you to file an interstate claim online.

If you do not live in Massachusetts - whether you worked there or not - you can't file online.  You either have to file an Interstate Claim (which you do at your home state's unemployment office) or you file a combined wage claim (which yo have to do in a Mass. Unemployment office).

Bartlett being in Massachusetts has NOTHING at all to do with where you file your claim.  You could work for a company from Mongolia and file in Mass. as long as they reported your wages to Mass or to any two other states.  Likewise, you could work for Bartlett all year, and NOT be able to file in Mass. because all your wages were reported to one state that is not Massachussets.

Don't insult people who come here to help just because they did their homework and you didn't.

Thanks Troy, I couldn't think of a nice way to say it.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #203 on: May 30, 2008, 12:31 »
I have, in the past, forgotten to do the IB1 when opening a new claim once.  I still got the money.  I know a few other people who didn't even know that they were supposed to file one on a new claim.  They got paid too.  But, I still recommend doing it - even though it is a major PITA to try to do it in New York.

Did you read Smart People's post? He is RIGHT! You DO NOT need the IB1 from your home state to open a NEW claim, but you need it to RE-OPEN the claim. HELLO?


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #204 on: May 30, 2008, 12:39 »
  you will need to contact your unemployment office in your home state and have them send a IB1 form to mass. you will also need to do this everytime you have to reopen your current claim.

enough said

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #205 on: May 30, 2008, 01:42 »
Did you read Smart People's post? He is RIGHT! You DO NOT need the IB1 from your home state to open a NEW claim, but you need it to RE-OPEN the claim. HELLO?

I was told by Mass to do it both times and I did. I spent more time in the SC office than I did in Mass. I flew round trip from Myrtle Beach and stayed in a suite in the financial district through Expedia for a little over $300. Well worth the trip!

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #206 on: May 30, 2008, 08:54 »
Did you read Smart People's post? He is RIGHT! You DO NOT need the IB1 from your home state to open a NEW claim, but you need it to RE-OPEN the claim. HELLO?

I'll repeat that I have had no problem filing a new claim without filing an IB1 when I got back to NY.

However, I live by the Golden Rule: He who is handing out the GOLD makes the RULES.  MA told me to file an IB1.  They are probably wrong.  But it is simple:  They give me money - I do what they say.  Fair enough?
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #207 on: May 30, 2008, 09:24 »
As stated earlier, different reps give you different instructions.  I too have received money though I haven't filed an IB1.  That was before I was ever instructed to do so.  Since, I have heard both when filing a new claim or opening an existing one. 
"All it takes is following a few simple rules".... aka... KISS, 'keep it simple stupid',
do what you suppose to do, don't make it harder than it has to be.  Listen to those trying to help you and get your money or keep asking questions and sitting in wonder.  Either way.... we're out fishing and hunting while getting paid.

As for filing on line, no way, unless your situation is as Troy stated. 
Understand the difference, filing a new claim can't be done, re-opening can't either, claiming weekly bennies of course can.  Re-opening online flags the dept. to the date that you first claim, then you'll be prompted to call in, they'll then tell you to contact your home state for the IB1.

Be sure you get online the first day following your layoff date.  If you wait, you'll have to sweet talk the rep into back dating your claim.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #208 on: May 31, 2008, 05:41 »
My son and I just returned from Boston last night. We both printed off "Bruce Moffatt post", and filled in our information.  ;D Very helpful!!!We arrived at downtown office, that was clean and empty. We signed in, waited maybe 5 mins. we were called into office, presented our information, typed out. The whole thing took a total of 30 mins. for both of us.
Back to the airport, where we called from the airport pay phones to start claim.
We file our first claim tomorrow on internet. We were both told we only had to file a IB1 form if we needed to restart a claim. Not on new claim. Were told our checks would start arriving in about 3 weeks max., possibly sooner. First check would probably be for at least 2 weeks, with 3rd check arriving shortly there after. The key here is that for a Multi-state claim (Combined Wage Claim) must be done in person. Restarting claim during your calendar claim year can be done over the phone. After exhausting your claim, new claims must be filed in person. Interstate claims can be filed from your home states. The only way you can file an interstate claim is if you worked in Mass. or the company you worked for reported the unemployment to Mass. (Which usually never happens) 8)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #209 on: May 31, 2008, 07:21 »
Yes this thread is not named properly and has been brought up before. This should be combined wage claim, which is what we are mostly talking about, The interstate claim is a diffrent claim.  You can read about that some where here.  Bottom line work two states file in any state is going to be a COMBINED WAGE CLAIM, not Interstate as stated as the heading of this thread.  Maybe the moderator can change the name to combined wage which is what we are mostly talking about and is what the Nukeworker in 99 percent of the time needs to know about.  If someone ask about interstate to a state employee they will look at it and may get it confused. Moderator may want to look at this and edit for clarity on this thread to put in combined wage where it is needed and put edited by moderator.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #210 on: May 31, 2008, 07:24 »
I have stolen this from Beercourt which was stated earlier in this thread but I think needs to be put in for clarity.

It is important to distinguish between an interstate claim and a combined wage claim.  An interstate claim is filed by one who has worked in one state and lives in another.  For example, one who has worked in New Jersey but lives in New York can file an interstate claim in New York against New Jersey.  New York would administer your claim and pay your checks at the New Jersey rates.
A person who has worked in two or more states is eligible to file a combined wage claim in any state.  If you worked in Pennsylvania and Florida (or any two states), you can file in Massachussetts, which has the highest maximum benefit in the US and an additional allowance of $25 per dependent child per week.  To file a combined wage claim in Mass., you must do so in person and cannot normally back date to the date of layoff.  That means don't wait a month affter layoff to file, because the claim doesn't start until you get there.  This is NOT THE SAME as an interstate claim.  Massachusssetts, having the highest payout of all 50 states, is quite used to processing claims from residents of other states.  Just tell them you want to file a combined wage claim, and where you worked.
Your employer needs to have reported the wages to the states where you worked.  This is TOTALLY SEPARATE from where they withheld taxes.  If they only reported your wages to Texas, you cannot file a combined wage claim.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 09:35 by BeerCourt »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #211 on: Jun 01, 2008, 09:22 »
Good change to the title of this thread!  Thanks oh great Moderator. This is the thread that may me go Gold and see the promised land of Mass. It needs to be right!!!  I was a great Doubter like Remo, I said this can not be true, I was a non Believer,  A Atheist of the place called Massachusetts unemployment.  I was about to accept my offering of 275 from  TN a most evil place when it comes to unemployment.  I still doubted I wrote Mass and they answered all my questions positive.  Just to be sure I carried my Questions and Answers with me to Boston.  I was a little Agnostic about this but I felt that with Mass's answers that I have entered the promised land.  I had a little trouble talking to the person since I was from TN and I think he was from Cambodia.  I told him I wrote your state and this is what I want.  Then the tablets of Mass unemployment were thrown in front of me, and with my magic pin I was back to going to the airport to go back to lovely TN ( except for unemployment)  I then got my first 8 checks in a row, I then said I am a believer!!!the tears came to my eyes and said why was I ever an atheist to Mass Unemployment. Nukeworker told me the scriptures , I just did not want to believe, Hopefully we can make another convert, Mr. Remo!!!  I then wrote a small offering to Nukeworker.  A mere 36 dollars for my change of heart,Halleuiah I am a believer.  Yes the difference between 625 and 275 is 350 a week over 10,000 a year.  If I just tithed the amount I made I would have had to send a thousand dollar check.  But no Nukeworker ain't no greedy televangelist preacher who says let us PREY,  I still pocket 9964 and send a 36 dollar check. Also This 36 dollars a year allows me to the Gold Polysci area to explain to the liberals their failings in thought. They  try to explain the liberal ways.  I am Atheistic when it comes to liberal thought. But hey I was converted to Mass unemployment maybe I can be converted to a liberal.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #212 on: Jun 04, 2008, 11:48 »
Wondering if I could get some advice...

I live in Georgia but worked two outages at different times in the state of PA..One was December of 2007 and again in May 2008.My Georgia unemployment claim has been closed out and I will have to start a new one, but I was told that it was possible to file on PA, which would get me about 200.00 more a week..Problem is I have no idea what the requirements are and if I qualify..I was also told I would have to drive up there and be in the state when I filed..I dont want to make the trip all the way up there only to be told I dont qualify and have to eat the gas up there and back. I have worked in more than one state in the last 18 that part is covered..just foggy on the rest..any help would be appreciated..


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #213 on: Jun 04, 2008, 12:25 »
boilermaker, search the previous posts on this thread. and you will find your answers here ! you can also contact the mass unemployment office and thye can give you a ball park figure of what your benefit rate will be. $600 a week for mass is alot more then the $300 a week or so that GA would pay ya . so pay for the gas or plane trip and go to boston.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #214 on: Jun 04, 2008, 01:29 »
The cheapest flight is to Providence, RI then rent a car to drive 18 miles to Taunton,MA to unemployment office. Get in early as possible. The counselor there is very familiar with out of state claims. She is a great lady.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #215 on: Jun 04, 2008, 07:03 »
Wondering if I could get some advice...

I live in Georgia but worked two outages at different times in the state of PA..One was December of 2007 and again in May 2008.My Georgia unemployment claim has been closed out and I will have to start a new one, but I was told that it was possible to file on PA, which would get me about 200.00 more a week..Problem is I have no idea what the requirements are and if I qualify..I was also told I would have to drive up there and be in the state when I filed..I dont want to make the trip all the way up there only to be told I dont qualify and have to eat the gas up there and back. I have worked in more than one state in the last 18 that part is covered..just foggy on the rest..any help would be appreciated..

Here is a link to the PA unemployment info:

File for PA UC Benefits
PA Benefit Overview
PA UC Eligibility
« Last Edit: Jun 04, 2008, 07:07 by Rennhack »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #216 on: Jun 04, 2008, 07:21 »
PA requires 16 credit weeks which can hurt at times....also atleast 16k between your two high quarters. 

They are really good about seeing if you qualify before doing anything though so definitely call and see if you can qualify before writing them off. 


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #217 on: Jun 05, 2008, 08:09 »
call both the PA and MASS office talk to them on the requirements in terms of how much you made in each qtr etc. pa pays about 525 a wek for 25 weeks. where as MASS pays 600 a week for 30 weeks. pa pays $8 for dependent. MASS will pay you $25 per dependent child. either way you need to be in the respective state to do the initial claim.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #218 on: Jun 05, 2008, 08:48 »
You don't have to be in PA to open a claim. You can open a claim by phone, They will ask you what state your calling from & you simply tell them PA.
Mass you have to go to the Mass office and do it buy phone there. The person on the phone with you will ask to talk to the receptionist there to verify your in the office.
Mass is the way to go for a good weekly return. I got a round trip ticket for a $100. Flew out of Charlotte in the morning, went to unemployment office across the street from the airport had lunch and was back in Charlotte by 4pm. Back home by the time the wife and kids were home from work and school. Just like another day at the plant.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #219 on: Jun 07, 2008, 06:25 »
watch out for that "u don't need a phone in PA".  depends.  you most likely have to use a cell phone, or you have to lie and say you are on a cell phone.  and if they have caller ID or other slightly more sophisticated means of finding out where you are you may be in for a shock.  be ready.  i filed "in pa" over the computer from NY and they knew it and turned me down...cost me 2 or 3 weeks of $$$$ because it took them almost 2 weeks to let me know  i had been disapproved.  i know using cell towers it is relatively easy to find out where you made a call from within 1- 5 miles depending on the "cell phone tower density" in the caller area.  it would suck to be given the stamp of approval then 2 months later have to repay your unenjoyment because the state of PA has easy access to cell phone tower data.  do they?  probably not...yet.  :-\

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #220 on: Jun 07, 2008, 07:09 »
watch out for that "u don't need a phone in PA".  depends.  you most likely have to use a cell phone, or you have to lie and say you are on a cell phone.  and if they have caller ID or other slightly more sophisticated means of finding out where you are you may be in for a shock.  be ready.  i filed "in pa" over the computer from NY and they knew it and turned me down...cost me 2 or 3 weeks of $$$$ because it took them almost 2 weeks to let me know  i had been disapproved.  i know using cell towers it is relatively easy to find out where you made a call from within 1- 5 miles depending on the "cell phone tower density" in the caller area.  it would suck to be given the stamp of approval then 2 months later have to repay your unenjoyment because the state of PA has easy access to cell phone tower data.  do they?  probably not...yet.  :-\

Cell tower data is hard to get without a court order, it is unlikely anyone would bother.  The internet, opn the other hand, ever time you access a server, your IP address is saved, and easily accessed for free.  With an IP address, you can get location data easily.  I do it all the time.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #221 on: Jun 07, 2008, 11:05 »
i understand that, i was just saying you never know what is around the corner for data use.  this is just one example.

you never know, they might come up with a system that has a YES or a NO on it, so as not to give out your data.  you never know what new uses technology will bring!  once a technology becomes "old hat", it starts to be used in many different ways never envisioned prior to the onset of that technology.

i just want people to know PA is actively looking at your location whatever way they can get it, so watch out!

remember how hard it used to be to trace someones call?  now it just shows up on caller id!


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #222 on: Jul 23, 2008, 09:17 »
i just want people to know PA is actively looking at your location whatever way they can get it, so watch out!

I've never understood the motivation to not just follow the rules on this one.  I drive 5 1/2 hours each way to Mass every year and we've had numerous people on this thread alone state what it cost them to fly into Boston.  I live in PA and only upped my WBR by $130 on my current claim and didn't think twice about the cost of going up to Mass.  Why in the world do people who are looking to increase their WBR by $200 - $300 a week balk at a one time expense of less than one weeks increase to just be in the state they're supposed to be in?  I did myself in a post above mention that I know guys who live outside PA who have told me about the one little check box saying they're in PA.  It is however on you to do the right thing or be willing to suffer the financial repercussions of not doing so.  Despite a few non-believers this is perfectly legal and as Troy said in one post a gift.  Why try cheating in getting a perfectly legal gift?  To each his own.

To correct the 16 weeks and 16K in your two high quarters comment a few posts above regarding PA.  You can qualify based on 16 credit weeks but you only qualify for 16 checks.  To qualify for a full 26 checks you need 18 credit weeks.  A credit week is any week in which you earn $50 or more.  If you get a Sunday layoff that Sunday is in a new unemployment week and as such will be yet another credit week for you.  In regards to the two high quarters PA has never used two high quarters in at least the last 30 years.  I explained in detail in a post several pages back by now exactly what you need to qualify for PA.  As anybody can see claiming PA would be second choice to Mass but there are a few circumstances in which PA may be of benefit and for those people that info was offered.  Pa looks at your high quarter, just one quarter in your base year.  If you fall into the alternate redetermination issue that I mentioned above the appeal letter is quite simple. 


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #223 on: Jul 31, 2008, 06:58 »
If you become unemployed, you should file your claim within 7 days of your last day of unemployment to avoid delay in your payment.. To qualify for unemployment, you will have to provide your social security number and the full name, address and telephone number of all employers you have worked for in the last two years. If you are not a United States citizen, you need to provide your alien registration number.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #224 on: Jul 31, 2008, 07:25 »
If you become unemployed, you should file your claim within 7 days of your last day of unemployment to avoid delay in your payment.. To qualify for unemployment, you will have to provide your social security number and the full name, address and telephone number of all employers you have worked for in the last two years. If you are not a United States citizen, you need to provide your alien registration number.

isn't that a given ??


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #225 on: Jul 31, 2008, 02:22 »
Those PA F^%*s are bastagees.  Twice now they've refused to report my my wages to Mass.  Luckily I had enough in the quarter that I didn't need their input and still maxed out.

I got pretty close to the investigator in Mass, she said that it's common with Pa as they're pissed at the loss of money.  This'll be the last year that I work in Pa if I can help it.  (hint for Troy)

Motions are also being made that the Mass gravy train be derailed, making us claim in our home states.  Anybody else hear this news? 
May be old.... sorry if it is.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #226 on: Jul 31, 2008, 02:58 »
Those PA F^%*s are bastagees.  Twice now they've refused to report my my wages to Mass.  Luckily I had enough in the quarter that I didn't need their input and still maxed out.

I got pretty close to the investigator in Mass, she said that it's common with Pa as they're pissed at the loss of money.  This'll be the last year that I work in Pa if I can help it.  (hint for Troy)

Motions are also being made that the Mass gravy train be derailed, making us claim in our home states.  Anybody else hear this news? 
May be old.... sorry if it is.


I just talked to someone in the Mass. unemployment office and they said that should be coming to pass at the first of the year. if you haven't worked in Mass. then you can't file in Mass.


Might be going to PA next year.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #227 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:25 »
I just talked to someone in the Mass. unemployment office and they said that should be coming to pass at the first of the year. if you haven't worked in Mass. then you can't file in Mass.

Oh no!! Not good, not good at all... isn't this a Federal program, distributed by the state?  While driving to Mass from Michigan is a PITA, it's only a once a year thing and well worth it with the weekly checks.... I guess we'll have to check out PA next year..   :-\

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #228 on: Aug 09, 2008, 04:59 »
I talked to a guy who works at the mass office.  He said the rumor for the last 10 years is that mass is going to stop interstate claims.  but they havn't yet.  but who knows?

and no, it doesn't always make sense to claim in mass, if you didn't make enough money, it makes way more sense to claim in pa.  people i know found this out the hard way.

rob143, we thought the same way you did, but when jr and deconner friends went to pa and mass, (they had both worked the same plants), the one who went to pa almost maxed out (500), while the ones who went to mass got about 320 a month.  big difference.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #229 on: Aug 25, 2008, 09:35 »
I looked through the previous post and did not find an answer to my question....

I have been very lucky over the years and have only had to draw unemployment twice for very short periods of time,one a combined wage claim in Mass and once in OH,which is why I am very inexperienced to these matters......
It looks like my current project is going to end a couple of months before my next one begins so I will probably have to file for unemployment again...
My question is this: I meet the requirements for filing a combined wage claim in Mass,but I did not exhaust my previous OH unemployment benefits...Am I still eligible for unemployment in Mass or do I have to continue to draw from my previous OH claim ???
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated-----Paul

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #230 on: Aug 25, 2008, 10:00 »
I looked through the previous post and did not find an answer to my question....

I have been very lucky over the years and have only had to draw unemployment twice for very short periods of time,one a combined wage claim in Mass and once in OH,which is why I am very inexperienced to these matters......
It looks like my current project is going to end a couple of months before my next one begins so I will probably have to file for unemployment again...
My question is this: I meet the requirements for filing a combined wage claim in Mass,but I did not exhaust my previous OH unemployment benefits...Am I still eligible for unemployment in Mass or do I have to continue to draw from my previous OH claim ???
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated-----Paul

   ...yes, you must either exhaust (use all the funds) in an open claim or the base year must have expired before you can open another claim...

   ...I suggest a PM to BeerCourt for specifics...

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #231 on: Aug 25, 2008, 10:23 »
   ...yes, you must either exhaust (use all the funds) in an open claim or the base year must have expired before you can open another claim...

   ...I suggest a PM to BeerCourt for specifics...

I believe that the open claim, regardless of whether or not you have used all the funds, is key.

if it has been less than a year since you opened the claim then you have to use that claim for unemployment until you use up the funds or your benefit year ends.

if you use up the funds, then you have to wait until the benefit year ends to open a new claim
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #232 on: Aug 25, 2008, 11:19 »
Or just quit being a leech on society and get a job.....
(Muffled chuckling)


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #233 on: Aug 25, 2008, 11:24 »
Or just quit being a leech on society and get a job.....
(Muffled chuckling)

Geez.....Thanks for the compassion my brother.....For the record I am still employed..(As of today anyway)..

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #234 on: Aug 25, 2008, 12:17 »
if you use up the funds, then you have to wait until the benefit year ends to open a new claim

This is true in some's what Idaho told me...BUT it is NOT true in all states.  I exhausted my claim in Idaho, and Massachusetts told me it was still fine to open a claim in Boston - even though only 6 months had passed since my Idaho claim had been opened.
« Last Edit: Aug 25, 2008, 12:38 by UncaBuffalo »
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #235 on: Aug 25, 2008, 12:53 »
UncaBuffalo is correct, As long as you exhausted all your funds from one state, Massachusetts will let you open another claim, Key here is that all funds are exhausted.  This helped me because TN went back 4 quarters but did not use the current quarter I was in which was almost done.  Mass also used my partial quarter I was in so this bracketted nicely and almost got my full 625, got 609.  Massachusetts to the rescue again!!!!!!!!!!!  Use up your Ohio funds T.Vols and you are in business, Just hop a jet to Mass!!  If you worked 2 or more states.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #236 on: Aug 25, 2008, 01:04 »
Or just quit being a leech on society and get a job.....
(Muffled chuckling)
Spoken like a true Republican. 8)

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #237 on: Aug 25, 2008, 01:10 »
This is true in some's what Idaho told me...BUT it is NOT true in all states.  I exhausted my claim in Idaho, and Massachusetts told me it was still fine to open a claim in Boston - even though only 6 months had passed since my Idaho claim had been opened.
UncaBuffalo is correct, As long as you exhausted all your funds from one state, Massachusetts will let you open another claim, Key here is that all funds are exhausted.  This helped me because TN went back 4 quarters but did not use the current quarter I was in which was almost done.  Mass also used my partial quarter I was in so this bracketted nicely and almost got my full 625, got 609.  Massachusetts to the rescue again!!!!!!!!!!!  Use up your Ohio funds T.Vols and you are in business, Just hop a jet to Mass!!  If you worked 2 or more states.

Thanks for the info guys, glad to hear it!
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #238 on: Sep 12, 2008, 05:57 »
I know this was maybe answered early in these pages but I live in FL and I'm self employed and file a 1099 every year and I wanted to know if I can claim UE on a 1099. I plan on working in Mass for weekend to get combined wage UE. Will any of this work or is it a waste of time. I have read all the posts here and I'm still a little confused so any info will help and be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #239 on: Sep 12, 2008, 09:15 »
I know this was maybe answered early in these pages but I live in FL and I'm self employed and file a 1099 every year and I wanted to know if I can claim UE on a 1099. I plan on working in Mass for weekend to get combined wage UE. Will any of this work or is it a waste of time. I have read all the posts here and I'm still a little confused so any info will help and be greatly appreciated.

If you are completely self employed, you must pay the unemployment insurance to the states you worked - same as an employer does. If you don't, you are out of of the questions they ask is "are you self employed or officer of the company".

Sorry to say, I don't think you will qualify. But if you are up hee anyway, go ahead and try, I may be wrong.... ;)
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #240 on: Sep 20, 2008, 02:32 »
I talked to a guy who works at the mass office.  He said the rumor for the last 10 years is that mass is going to stop interstate claims.  but they havn't yet.  but who knows?

and no, it doesn't always make sense to claim in mass, if you didn't make enough money, it makes way more sense to claim in pa.  people i know found this out the hard way.

rob143, we thought the same way you did, but when jr and deconner friends went to pa and mass, (they had both worked the same plants), the one who went to pa almost maxed out (500), while the ones who went to mass got about 320 a month.  big difference.

I have always stated that PA is second choice to MA in all but a few situations.  One of those situations is where you don't meet the more difficult two quarter qual numbers for MA.  Anybody planning on going to MA should do the math before going anywhere and make sure they will indeed make more in MA.  If PA ultimately pays more for you in any particular year then file there.  After all that is the point of this entire discussion to maximize benefit to you while unemployed.  I think what it takes to max out, and how this is determined, for both MA & PA have been more than adequately covered above and as such won't repeat it.

I'm sorry to hear some of your friends lost money going to Mass.  It doesn't help them much during that claim year but hopefully at least we have all learned from it to do the math BEFORE filing a claim anywhere.


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1099 UE question
« Reply #241 on: Oct 01, 2008, 04:52 »
Has anyone worked on a 1099 and paid their own UE insurance? 


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #242 on: Oct 13, 2008, 12:31 »
It's that time again.  The first Sunday of every October the new maximum WBR for Massachusetts unemployment becomes effective.

As of 10/05/08 max is now $628/week, up from $600.

This $28 increase follows increases of $25, $24, $23, & $21 over the last 5 years.

FWIW the max WBR in MA is calculated as 57.5% of AWW (average weekly wage) which works out to an AWW in MA of $1092.  May the workers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts keep getting good raises and driving that AWW ever higher.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #243 on: Oct 13, 2008, 08:34 »
Thank you for the updated information Rob... Karma to ya.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #244 on: Oct 13, 2008, 09:41 »
It's that time again.  The first Sunday of every October the new maximum WBR for Massachusetts unemployment becomes effective.

As of 10/05/08 max is now $628/week, up from $600.

This $28 increase follows increases of $25, $24, $23, & $21 over the last 5 years.

FWIW the max WBR in MA is calculated as 57.5% of AWW (average weekly wage) which works out to an AWW in MA of $1092.  May the workers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts keep getting good raises and driving that AWW ever higher.

And when ya count the kids you know about...... that could be a pretty good hit.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #245 on: Nov 11, 2008, 09:58 »
It is with sadness that I post this news.   :(

If you're eligible to open one last Massachusetts claim before the end of the year it will be the last one.   :(

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #246 on: Nov 12, 2008, 05:30 »
Bummer...  My pilgrimages to Mass must come to an end.   

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #247 on: Nov 12, 2008, 06:36 »
Looks like Pilgrim, and plants in other high paying states will have no problem staffing in the future. Combined wage claims (after 1/6/09) will need to be filed in states that you worked in, not just the highest paying ones....

All you gotta do is do an outage in a high paying state during your benefit period to claim there.

Good luck roadies...I'm sure the contract companies will factor this in to their "favorites" lists.... ;)
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #248 on: Nov 12, 2008, 06:37 »
It is with sadness that I post this news.   :(

If you're eligible to open one last Massachusetts claim before the end of the year it will be the last one.   :(

+k for the research, and providing the info....
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #249 on: Nov 12, 2008, 12:05 »
This is going to significantly alter some people's work patterns and/or lifestyles. After reading the rule, it seems it was designed to close a loophole specifically used by a lot of workers with jobs just like contract technicians.

Pilgrim and the Pennsylvania plants are going to become very popular places to go for an outage each year. I can think of a few places that are going to lose out... and some of them can't afford for it to get harder to attract technicians.

Location, location, location.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #250 on: Nov 12, 2008, 12:11 »
This is going to significantly alter some people's work patterns and/or lifestyles. After reading the rule, it seems it was designed to close a loophole specifically used by a lot of workers with jobs just like contract technicians.

Pilgrim and the Pennsylvania plants are going to become very popular places to go for an outage each year. I can think of a few places that are going to lose out... and some of them can't afford for it to get harder to attract technicians.

Location, location, location.

I see the southern plants getting real hard to staff without the Blue or Atlantic tying in a northern job as part of the deal.

Make sure the northern CWC claim site is first..... ;)
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #251 on: Nov 12, 2008, 12:34 »
Pilgrim is looking good these days.  Or, you could ask Bartlett to hire you for a week to clean their bathrooms at minimum wage every year.  Or, you could work in Mickey D's in Pittsfield for a week every year.  You could even coordinate that so you do it right before you start your claim.  The trick is getting laid-off from McDonalds without quitting.
Maybe I ought to open a lawn mowing business in Massachusetts.  Looks like I can find a lot of employees to mow those lawns really cheap.
How do you all feel about bringing your own mowers up north?  You could always rent one for a week.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #252 on: Nov 14, 2008, 08:17 »
Maybe Bartlett should take a page from the Numanco playbook and start paying all of our wages through Mass. Eric are you listening to this? ;D


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #253 on: Nov 14, 2008, 09:40 »
Maybe Bartlett should take a page from the Numanco playbook and start paying all of our wages through Mass. Eric are you listening to this? ;D

Pointless endeavor.  They're not looking for wages paid from the state.  They're looking for employment IN the state.  I'm disappointed by this change, and hope the new labor department might reverse it, but honestly we all knew this was coming eventually.  We basically have two options after January 6, 2009.  1) Work in Massachusetts during your base year.  2) File for unemployment elsewhere in a state we actually worked in.  As was mentioned PA might be a good second choice given its 5 plants and $539/week max.  It's not $628 but it still beats states in the $200's & $300's.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #254 on: Nov 15, 2008, 01:00 »
That is not how it works.  UI is based on wages REPORTED to a state.  It doesn't matter if you worked there at all.  So, if Bartlett were to report all wages as paid in MA, you could either file a normal UI claim in MA, or you could file an interstate claim from your home state against MA.

This only affects the workers who file CWC in MA.  If you live there, this doesn't hurt you at all.

Considering how much this would cost, I don't think Bartlett would do it.  Of course, they ARE ALREADY paying for most of their employees to collect from MA, so the cost would not likely increase, and the reporting of wages would get a lot easier.

Eric, what do you think?  How would that change your FUTA and SUTA rates?  Would it change them at all?
« Last Edit: Nov 15, 2008, 01:16 by BeerCourt »
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #255 on: Nov 15, 2008, 03:08 »
what is the minimum amount of money you need to earn in a state to qualify TO FILE THERE?  Can I go hang drywall in Mass for a day, report the income, then be all set?  there has to be a way around this!

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #256 on: Nov 15, 2008, 04:11 »
Bartlett would have a good barganing chip if they paid from Massachusetts for their Techs.  Good Idea BeerCourt. I have basically a permanent job,  But have worked for Bartlett before and they treated me well!!  If I had this option I would really try to get an Outage or DOE work from Bartlett versus some other  company!!!  Could  they make this an option??


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #257 on: Nov 16, 2008, 11:33 »
I hope when we work in brazil they pay our taxes to mass.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #258 on: Nov 18, 2008, 03:45 »
I have another week left on my benefits here in Ohio and then I would have to open a new claim because the time period was up, even though I still have money left for the year. Am I eligible to go to Mass and apply for unemployment there?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #259 on: Nov 18, 2008, 10:31 »
You have to have earnings in the last 4 qtrs (from the day you plan to claim) never used by OHIO unemp.  If you do, you are eligible until the new law is in effect (must have worked in claiming state), but if you don't have 2 quarters with a combined earnings of around 30,000$, don't go to Mass.  Go to PA if you have 2 available quarters that are much lower than 30k.  It is easier to max out in PA, and it is still pretty high weekly payout.  Plus it is closer to ohio!

2 qtrs combined about 20k, go to PA.
2 qtrs combined about 30k, go to MA.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #260 on: Nov 20, 2008, 09:20 »
What are the rules about getting unemployment when you retire?
Can you do it, what things should you know or have done, etc.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #261 on: Nov 20, 2008, 09:26 »
I was wondering if Ashley Dupre (associate of Elliot Spitzer) who worked in multiple states and now because of the media has to stay home and collect unemployment insurance is elliglible to file in Mass.
Can anyone please advise this poor girl.She can type three words a minute!

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #262 on: Nov 20, 2008, 09:34 »
You can get UI while drawing a pension, but the states rules for this are all different.  You need to have returned to work after retiring to establish a new base period based on the new employment.
Retirement itself is usually not a qualifying condition for UI.  In most cases it is a voluntary separation.  so, you need to go and get laid off from somewhere.  But just working a couple of weeks after retirement won't get you  much, because the employer you retired from will have the right to contest your UI.  So, any wages or pension that you got from them won't count.
But, it all depends on a lot of things.  I, for instance, will get a small pension from a company that I will not have worked for for over 25 years when I do retire.  That company will be irrelevant in determining my UI.
This is one where you need to check with the state where you plan to file and ask them what their rules are.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #263 on: Nov 20, 2008, 11:11 »
Thanks for the info on retirement. I was misinformed I guess.
Was told that it was a little easier to do.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #264 on: Nov 20, 2008, 03:47 »
Also, once you have exhausted your benefits in PA..there is a recording when you call in about Pres. Bush authorizing an extra 13 weeks of benefits there. This does not apply to seasonal workers filing from interstate claims unless you are a resident of PA. I was told to report back to the state of my residence to apply for benefits there.

no problem doing this, i just didnt realize i wouldnt qualify. 8)
just passing alsong the info
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #265 on: Nov 22, 2008, 09:59 »
quando omni flunkus moritati

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #266 on: Nov 23, 2008, 06:23 »
Big changes in Mass as of January 10th, 2009!  Better get it while you can!


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #267 on: Nov 24, 2008, 02:59 »
Yeah, RG, just got my letter in the mail, "effective January 11, 2009 and after, you cannot file a Combined-Wage Claim with Massachusetts as the "Paying State" unless you had employment and earned wages in Massachusetts during the base period (the four completed calendar quarters prior to filing), regardless of whether you traveled to be physically present here."  Bummer. :(
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #268 on: Nov 24, 2008, 03:45 »
Dose this letter happen to specify a minimum the in-state wages have to be and a minimum work time to be eligible to file?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #269 on: Nov 24, 2008, 04:12 »
No, just that "the claimant has wages and employment in that State's base period(s) and the claimant qualifies for unemployment benefits under the unemployment compensation law of that State using combined wages and employment."  The other bummer is when switching from MA to PA, you lose a quarter's worth of employment the first time.  MA includes the last full quarter completed, first four out of the last five, while PA skips a quarter before it starts its base period.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #270 on: Nov 24, 2008, 04:17 »
is the change a federal change or just a change in MA state guidelines for unemployment insurance ?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #271 on: Nov 24, 2008, 04:22 »
Unfortunately, it is Federal.  It says that,"since this is a U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration ruling, all States must follow this amendment.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #272 on: Nov 25, 2008, 05:37 »

   ..."Dear Combined Wage Claimant:

         The US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration amended the regulations governing combined wage claims filed under the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program.
         Beginning January 6, 2009, the definition of "Paying State", when filing a Combined Wage Claim, has been changed...
      ...this means, effective January 6, 2009 onward, that in order to file a Combined Wage Claim, you must have had employment and earned wages in the paying state's base period.
         This notice is to inform you that for new claims effective January 11, 2009 and after, you cannot file a Combined Wage Claim with Massachusetts as the "Paying State" unless you had employment and earned wages in Massachusetts during the base period (the four completed calender quarters prior to filing), regardless of whether you traveled to be physically present here.
         Since this is a US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration ruling, all States must follow this amendment."

      ...received by paper mail...
        ...Mon, Nov 25, 08...

« Last Edit: Nov 25, 2008, 05:38 by wlrun3 »


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #273 on: Nov 25, 2008, 06:33 »
Looks like Pilgrim will be a high demand assignment!

There are several other states that pay in the low to mid $500.00 per week.

Some of them have had this rule in place for well over a year.

Happy Hunting..............RG!


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #274 on: Nov 25, 2008, 08:27 »
What if you live in Ma. but still don't work in the state??

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #275 on: Nov 25, 2008, 09:31 »
What if you live in Ma. but still don't work in the state??

   ...good question...

   ...concerning combined wage claims (more than just one state claimed) i think this excert from the previously posted letter i received answers it...

   ..."this means, effective January 6, 2009 onward, that in order to file a Combined Wage Claim, you must have had employment and earned wages in the paying state's base period."

   ...correct me if i'm wrong, but i think this means that we have to file in a state we worked in...

   ...the obvious question is, will we still have to physically be there when we initially file...

   ...the difference may matter when choosing which state we choose as the paying state...

   ...typical example would be connecticut, new york, texas, arkansas...

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #276 on: Nov 25, 2008, 10:41 »
Quote from, "Please be aware of this amended regulation and plan accordingly if you need to file a Combined-Wage Claim in the future.  Before making plans to travel to Massachusetts to file a Combined-Wage Claim, please call our TeleClaim Center at 617-626-6800 if you have any questions. "

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Re: dMass. Unemployment Claims
« Reply #277 on: Nov 25, 2008, 01:35 »
 :(  Well that just about sucks, so now we cant get anything from Pa. or Ma. or anywhere that pays decent unless we worked in that state?? Boy, screwed now, that makes working on the road look a lot different when you are getting unemployment of $270 or something versus $575 or so. What the hell we gonna do now? Being paid out of Ma. doesnt count I suppose?? Can we get Bartlett to say we were employed by them based out of Ma. but working on contract elsewhere. Damn, this sucks.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #278 on: Nov 26, 2008, 10:15 »
What if you live in Ma. but still don't work in the state??

Then, you would file a normal unemployment claim in MA.  You won't be affected.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #279 on: Nov 26, 2008, 10:23 »
Dose this letter happen to specify a minimum the in-state wages have to be and a minimum work time to be eligible to file?

According to the new Federal rule, a claimant must qualify for unemployment compensation in the paying state.  Each state has different levels of income in your base period to qualify.

Caution:  your base period never includes the current quarter in any state unless you use an alternate base period.  This "uses up" that quarter so it can't be used again.  So, going to MA and working there, might mean that you have to wait for up to three months to file there.

The most important thing that we can all take from this discussion is that this discussion is only that.  The best place to find out about a State's rules is to ask the state.

So, I'm going to post this link one more time for MA:

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #280 on: Nov 26, 2008, 12:11 »

From Mass web site...

   Calculating your Benefit Rate:

Step 1: List your wages in the last 4 quarters.   Add your wages in the two quarters you were paid the highest, then divide by 26 (the number of weeks in two quarters) to determine your average weekly wage.  If you have earnings in one or two quarters only, the highest quarterly earnings are divided by 13 weeks to determine your average weekly wage.

Step 2 : Your average weekly wage is divided in half.  This is your “Benefit Rate”.

Q1: $7,800

Q2: $7,800

Q3: $8,840  } 2 highest quarters

Q4: $10,000

Average weekly rate= ($8,840+$10,000)/26= $724.61

Benefit Rate = $724.61/2=$362.30

Rounded down to $362.00

Calculating your Benefit Credit:

Step 3:    The total amount of benefits you can receive in your benefit year is your “Benefit Credit” and is the lesser of two amounts:

- either 30 times your weekly benefit rate
30 times weekly rate = $362.30 x 30 = $10,860


- 36% of the total earnings in your base period
36% of total earnings calc: ($7,800+$7,800+$8,840+10,000) = =($34,440) x 0.36=$12,398

Benefit Credit = lesser amount of $10,860 

Calculating your Duration of Benefits:

Step 4: The duration of benefits is calculated by dividing your benefit rate into the total amount of benefits. 

Duration of Benefits = $10,860/$362.00 = 30 weeks

   ...all state websites give this type of information...

« Last Edit: Nov 26, 2008, 12:44 by wlrun3 »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #281 on: Nov 26, 2008, 12:31 »
Then, you would file a normal unemployment claim in MA.  You won't be affected.

You pretty much have to have wages in the state if it's a normal job (house tech).

However, the below link adds some interesting definitions for Bartlett employees - notice definition b:
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #282 on: Nov 26, 2008, 06:06 »
You pretty much have to have wages in the state if it's a normal job (house tech).

However, the below link adds some interesting definitions for Bartlett employees - notice definition b:

According to definition b, if you live in MA, you can file in MA.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #283 on: Nov 26, 2008, 09:37 »
I guess PA has started to screw people early on not letting them file now.They didn't wait to the new year.
I had a tech friend try to file today and the told him no way,so he is going to mass.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #284 on: Nov 27, 2008, 01:04 »
How can they do that?  The change doesn't take effect until after Jan. 6, 2009


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Re: dMass. Unemployment Claims
« Reply #285 on: Nov 29, 2008, 10:04 »
Being paid out of Ma. doesnt count I suppose??


Can we get Bartlett to say we were employed by them based out of Ma. but working on contract elsewhere. Damn, this sucks.

No, because as referenced several times above "you must have had employment AND earned wages in the paying state's base period".  I don't like it either but it means you PHYSICALLY WORK within the state or you don't file there.

..."this means, effective January 6, 2009 onward, that in order to file a Combined Wage Claim, you must have had employment and earned wages in the paying state's base period."
« Last Edit: Nov 29, 2008, 10:05 by Rob143 »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #286 on: Nov 30, 2008, 08:19 »
knot dat eye care, butt...............

Chapter 151A: Section 3.
(1) the individual’s base of operations is in the commonwealth or, if there is no base of operations, then the place from which such service is directed or controlled, is within the commonwealth

wood indicate dat bartlett's teks kin use mass.
quando omni flunkus moritati

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #287 on: Nov 30, 2008, 12:27 »
I wrote a letter to Mass last time I had Questions concerning unemployment with them.  Maybe someone can write them  a email and get a answer if it pertains to them after january 9,   If they Get a positive reply then they go and see if it worked, Then we will know for sure!!!  I got a semi permanent job and it does not pertain to me or I would write them.

It would seem that SloGlo is right if we can show we work diffrent power plants in diffrent states on outages but get paid from Mass with our pay stubs!!!
« Last Edit: Nov 30, 2008, 12:29 by thenukeman »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #288 on: Dec 02, 2008, 07:27 »
Well it looks like living in the South were the cost of living is cheaper and drawing off of the northern states doesn't pay any more.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #289 on: Dec 05, 2008, 03:05 »
I was wondering how long you had to work in a 2nd state before you can file a combined wage claim? does it have to be a week or more or will 1 or 2 days count?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #290 on: Dec 05, 2008, 08:05 »
You have to have wages in that state.  What you make in one or two days could be a whole week to someone else.  They don't report hours or days worked, just weeks and wages.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #291 on: Dec 07, 2008, 11:21 »
yes you can. I signed up in plymouth


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #292 on: Dec 07, 2008, 03:08 »
iam just wondering does anyone know the website to reopen your claim in rhode island
it is alot easier i have heard but dont know thesite

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #293 on: Dec 08, 2008, 06:45 »
This is Rhode Island's unemployment home page.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #294 on: Dec 08, 2008, 08:50 »
i can seem find it there

i need to reopen my existing claim not file a new one


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #295 on: Dec 08, 2008, 10:06 »
Has anyone opened a new claim in Ma. since they sent out the official letter stating the new policy beginning in Jan.??  Any problems?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #296 on: Dec 15, 2008, 09:01 »
I am headed to Ma on Wednesday...  I will let all know if I find out anything new.  I am also curious as to whether you can reopen your claim during your benefit year once filed and accepted?  Are you then forced to go with the new law or are they going to honor your original claim year?  Life is going to start getting real tough people... start preparing now... 
hang on for the next four year ride! 

You know some people think it is wrong to claim multi state  benefits even though you are completely entitled.  Somehow they feel your breaking the law.  It is insurance not welfare.  Those people need to "not claim an accident"  and pay for it out of their own pocket, on their auto's if they wreck them cause that just causes rates to go up for those who don't get in wrecks....   DUH !!!

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #297 on: Dec 17, 2008, 04:20 »
The way I read the change in CFR Citation: 20 CFR Part 616 any existing claims will be honored but after Jan 11th no one can open a new claim in any state if they haven't worked there.  Until Jan 6th the law stays as it read now.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #298 on: Jan 04, 2009, 10:46 »
Because of the new rules it now becomes important that we all know what each states rate is.  You can either make informed decisions as to where to accept work, or where to claim based on where you already worked.  Remembering that some states use the 4 most recently completed quarters and some the oldest 4 of 5 (lag quarter).

That said you can find much of this info for 2008 at

State law comparisons year by year can be found at I'm not sure when during the year they update this to include 2009.

If you're one of the few of us that like to peruse all the boring legal mumbo jumbo this is where those both come from and offers enough reading material to put any of us to sleep.

Good luck in the future maximizing your unemployment benefits.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #299 on: Jan 05, 2009, 01:25 »
Has anyone had any luck with NJ unemployment yet?  It looks like the benefits are better than PA, and the Base Year is the same as MA, so we who were getting MA unemployment wouldn't lose a quarter when switching.
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Re: Unemployment Claims FIGHT BACK
« Reply #300 on: Jan 06, 2009, 02:03 »
I am of the opinion that this law was better before it was changed. If we could get enough signatures on a petition, calls to our Representatives, etc. we could see this law put back the way it was. The new head of the Department of Labor will be Rep. Hilda Solis, who is likely to be favorable to this cause. Please, if anyone is interested and knows how to word a petition, and who would be willing to host it on their servers, lets start putting something together. Laws are like winds, they blow one way and then another. Don't think this can't be corrected. 


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Re: Unemployment Claims FIGHT BACK
« Reply #301 on: Jan 07, 2009, 07:38 »
I am of the opinion that this law was better before it was changed.

No doubt about it.

I'm not sure a petition as suggested works here but it can't hurt anything.

You are absolutely correct with the laws are like winds analogy.

I do think this issue will be revisited once the new administration takes over.  Once we have contact info a few thousands of nudges would be a starting point.  Write and call the new Secretary of Labor and don't take no for an answer.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #302 on: Jan 07, 2009, 08:26 »
Since Bartlett is in Mass and if you are paid out of Mass can you claim Mass. The way I read above you can.   Problem is no one has tried or got this in writing yet that I know of.  I would like to know if anyone has information on this.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #303 on: Jan 28, 2009, 12:36 »
    The federal government has done away with claims on 2 different states. I am lost as to how to file unemployment if you haven't worked in a state in the required quarters.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #304 on: Feb 06, 2009, 01:26 »
Where you able to open a claim anywhere ?


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #305 on: Feb 06, 2009, 01:27 »
I just filed a combined wage unemployment claim in california.  In the last year I worked in both California and Florida.  Originally I was told I would be eligible for $380 per week in CA.  Then I got a letter from CA saying I now was eligible for $421 in CA.  I got a separate letter from FL saying I was eligible for $275 a week in FL.  So... now what?  Do i have to choose between the two or did I get offered $421 because that includes the $275?  I'm so confused ?!?!?!?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #306 on: Feb 06, 2009, 01:39 »
I worked in five states last year and live in a another.  I have a coworker that their claim is out of funds ( Mass open until April ) they cannot get a extension.  Mass told them contact a state you worked, PA told him Mass had used all of his funds. I think Big Blue needs to report our wages to Mass.  If it is that simple.  This is going to to be a mess.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #307 on: Feb 06, 2009, 07:53 »
I worked in five states last year and live in a another.  I have a coworker that their claim is out of funds ( Mass open until April ) they cannot get a extension.  Mass told them contact a state you worked, PA told him Mass had used all of his funds. I think Big Blue needs to report our wages to Mass.  If it is that simple.  This is going to to be a mess.

It would be possible your co-worker is eligible for PA but the odds are against them.  If their Mass claim was opened in April 2008 then the base year to establish that claim ended with 1Q2008.  PA utilizes a lag quarter which means the current quarter AND 4Q2008 will not be used to establish a new PA claim.  You can indeed open a new claim in another state upon exhausting all benefits on a current claim, however you must have wages subsequent to opening the previous claim AND qualify under the rules of the new state. 

In order to qualify for PA now without the combined wage claim as an option your co-worker would need to have 1) worked in PA in 2Q2008 or 3Q2008 [to file an interstate claim] 2) worked 18 weeks in PA or a total of 18 weeks in multiple states including PA in 2Q2008 or 3Q2008 [there are only 26 weeks available in which to have done this] 3) have a minimum of 20% of your base year wages outside your high quarter [high quarter of $13,888, or $26.71/hr to qualify under alternate method, to max] 4) total base year wages of $22,240 to max.

It's not impossible in any way for them to qualify but it seems unlikely.  I do however find PA's comment about Mass using all their funds unlikely if not untruthful.  If he's just now running out of benefits on a claim opened 10 months ago he had to have worked in the interim.

He will need to determine exactly what weeks and wages he had during the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2008. Realize that the 2nd quarter is April 6, 2008 thru July 5, 2008 and the 3rd quarter is July 6, 2008 thru October 4, 2008 because unemployment weeks are based on the Sunday on which the week began.

Those 18 credit weeks include any week in which you had earnings of $50 or more and if you got a Sunday layoff you get an extra credit week out of that one day.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #308 on: Feb 06, 2009, 07:56 »
I just filed a combined wage unemployment claim in california.  In the last year I worked in both California and Florida.  Originally I was told I would be eligible for $380 per week in CA.  Then I got a letter from CA saying I now was eligible for $421 in CA.  I got a separate letter from FL saying I was eligible for $275 a week in FL.  So... now what?  Do i have to choose between the two or did I get offered $421 because that includes the $275?  I'm so confused ?!?!?!?

The $421 is what you qualify for under CA rules.  It has nothing to do with FL or their $275 benefit rate.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #309 on: Feb 07, 2009, 01:57 »
is there extentsions for unemployment now if needed?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #310 on: Feb 07, 2009, 02:19 »
what do you have to do to get an extentsion once you cash run's out for your year


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #311 on: Feb 07, 2009, 05:39 »
Mass. told me to call, I did, took < than a minute, it was done!

My Mass claim ran out back in November with quite a few checks left on the table so I won't be filing for one myself.  I did however have a co-worker tell me he was told that needed to be done BEFORE you drew out all money in your account.  Is that what Mass told you RB, or was I misinformed?  I would hate to see anybody lose 9 more checks simply due to not knowing that if it is correct.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #312 on: Feb 07, 2009, 09:11 »
thank both of you very much for the info


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #313 on: Feb 08, 2009, 12:01 »
Thanks for the info!! Does anyone know if you have to pay taxes on the money you recieve from unemployment at the end of the year or is it tax free?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #314 on: Feb 08, 2009, 06:15 »
You will get a 1099-G for your unemployment and it is considered taxable income... you have to claim it on your Federal and file a State form if the state you claimed on isn't a state-tax free state (there are only 6 states where you don't pay state taxes).

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #315 on: Feb 08, 2009, 07:41 »
RB when did you get your Mass extension?  I have friend who recently ran out off funds and they told him call a state where you worked.  He is getting the run around from Mass, PA, and SC. 

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #316 on: Feb 08, 2009, 09:29 »
That is wierd  his ran out at the same time.  Did you work in Mass or do you live there ?

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #317 on: Feb 10, 2009, 07:07 »
Looks like there might be some good that comes out of the stimulus bill.  I think a lot more people will sign up for Bartletts insurance if this passes.

If you are among the 1.5 million Americans who have lost their job since September 2008 and are paying to extend your company-sponsored health insurance under a law called COBRA, studies confirm what you already know: The payments are killing you. In 41 states, according to a recent survey by Families USA, average COBRA payments amounted to more than three-quarters of those states' average unemployment benefits.

But according to the fine print of the stimulus bill being hammered out between the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, help is on the way -- for those who elected and are paying for health insurance under COBRA, and for many of those who took a look at the prospective price tag and said "no thanks."

The two bills differ in how generously they will help the unemployed with their COBRA insurance payments. But the House and Senate bills contain COBRA subsidy packages, and the provision hasn't been controversial. So it's considered a good bet to be part of the final package adopted by Congress this week.

Here are the details, provided by human resources consultants of the New York-based Sibson Consultants:

-- If you were or are laid off between September 2008 and December 31, 2009, the stimulus bill provisions on COBRA subsidies would apply to you.

-- The stimulus program would subsidize your COBRA payment (the House version would pay 65% of it, the Senate version would pay 50%) by giving the organization to which you pay your COBRA bill (typically your former employer) a tax credit. You would first have to pay your share of the monthly payment, then the stimulus package would kick in its subsidy payment (which is really a credit).

-- If you lost your job within the designated period and did NOT elect to continue your health insurance under COBRA, your employer must offer you the opportunity to sign up for extension of COBRA coverage as soon as the bill becomes law. For those who maintained their insurance under COBRA, the federal subsidies are not retroactive -- meaning, you won't get any reimbursements for the cost of COBRA payments you've already made. Whether you sign on once the bill becomes law, or have stayed insured under COBRA continuously since you lost your job, the subsidy begins when the bill becomes law.

-- Eligibility for the subsidy is a maximum of 12 months, and you lose eligibility for it once you become eligible for coverage under another group health plan -- other than health flexible spending accounts. (COBRA benefits must be provided for 18 months by companies who lay off workers, and the bill paid by the laid-off worker -- pre-subsidy -- is the equivalent of 100% of the cost of coverage, plus 2%.)

-- If you lose your job between the time the bill becomes law and 2010, and you haven't exhausted your 12-months of subsidy coverage yet, you'll be eligible for the subsidy.

Want to check the fine print? See the Library of Congress' posting of the House bill known as HR 1, including congressional actions -- the Senate's passage today among them --that have amended it. Care to weigh in with your representative or senator on the matter? Try here and here, respectively.

-- Melissa Healy

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #318 on: Feb 10, 2009, 09:56 »
Work one day.  Get sick an hour before quitting time.  Go home.  Call off sick every day until they fire you.  Your unemployment can be denied for absenteeism but not for sickness.

Not likely.  No employer will fire you if they don't have to.  You don't show -- you don't get paid.  Why would they need to fire you?  Eventually, you will get tired of paying a hotel bill to live in a state where you are drawing no income.  You will forget to call in, or just quit.  Which is what they know you will do.  If you insist on coming back to work, they will cut you to two hours per day and cut your pay to minimum wage.  Being a part-time employee, you will no longer be eligible for benefits, so they don't have that cost to consider.  They are legally entitled to do that.  You will give up before they do.

No, they can't fire you for illness, but they can require you to provide documentation of the illness from a Doctor.  If you fail to do so, they can discharge you for misconduct and absenteeism.  Either will disqualify you from UI.

Nice try Sea Lawyer.  How about just giving a day's work for a day's pay and following the law.

Here's the thing:  the easiest person to cheat is a cheater, and the easiest people to take for a ride are the greedy ones.

In my hypothetical scheme, there is the one element that gets overlooked every time.  Remember this:  anybody who offers you a way to beat the system is really just taking advantage of your greed for his own purposes.  So, if somebody offers you a job in Massachussetts for the purpose of playing the system, he's really playing you.  Be careful, if you take a job mowing lawns in Pittsfield, don't be surprised to find yourself actually mowing lawns.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #319 on: Feb 11, 2009, 08:31 »
Not likely.  No employer will fire you if they don't have to.  You don't show -- you don't get paid.  Why would they need to fire you?  Eventually, you will get tired of paying a hotel bill to live in a state where you are drawing no income.  You will forget to call in, or just quit.  Which is what they know you will do.  If you insist on coming back to work, they will cut you to two hours per day and cut your pay to minimum wage.  Being a part-time employee, you will no longer be eligible for benefits, so they don't have that cost to consider.  They are legally entitled to do that.  You will give up before they do.

No, they can't fire you for illness, but they can require you to provide documentation of the illness from a Doctor.  If you fail to do so, they can discharge you for misconduct and absenteeism.  Either will disqualify you from UI.

Nice try Sea Lawyer.  How about just giving a day's work for a day's pay and following the law.

Here's the thing:  the easiest person to cheat is a cheater, and the easiest people to take for a ride are the greedy ones.

In my hypothetical scheme, there is the one element that gets overlooked every time.  Remember this:  anybody who offers you a way to beat the system is really just taking advantage of your greed for his own purposes.  So, if somebody offers you a job in Massachussetts for the purpose of playing the system, he's really playing you.  Be careful, if you take a job mowing lawns in Pittsfield, don't be surprised to find yourself actually mowing lawns.

EXACTLY!  We're not here to try to cheat the system...we're here to understand what benefits are available & how to claim them efficiently, but fairly...
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #320 on: Feb 13, 2009, 04:22 »
Let us also not forget this. You are a nuke worker, if you take a job mowing lawns of working in fast food, you are no longer exclusively a nuke worker. This means that you would have to be willing to take a job in those other fields or lose you benefits. Its like the people that say that they can't make you travel more than 50 miles from your home. Once you do it, you have set the precedent and can't un-ring that bell.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #321 on: Feb 13, 2009, 04:48 »
You are so correct!  If you "work one day" for minimum wage, then you have to accept any job at minimum wage or above if you don't want to lose your benefits.  So, even if they are dumb enough to fire you, you screwed yourself by taking the job anyway.

Of course, we could all just move to Massachussetts and forget a