I wrote the following questions to Massachusetts Problem Resolution Unit. Just copy this line to a letter to your email with questions you may have according to your situation. ProblemResolutionUnit@detma.org
They responded in 1 work day.
I have taken out some personal info and condensed this.
To: ProblemResolutionUnit@detma.org
Subject:Unemployment Benefits Interstate Claim
Dear Sir:
I have worked in Three states, NC, CT and TN in the last year. I have worked for Bartlett Nuclear of Plymouth Mass. doing outages at Nuclear Plants. I have made approximately the following, 1qtr 2006 18000, 2qtr 10000, 3rdqtr 1000, 4thqtr 13000. I filed in TN for unemployment and they used my 2005 quarters. I filed on February 17, 2006 but my benefits run out December 30, 2006. Bartlett has offered me a 3 month job starting February 18, 2007 and I have accepted it. I have been permanently employed prior to 2006 for 19 years.
The questions I have are,
1. Can I file in Massachusetts an interstate claim?
2. Since my benefits end on December 30, 2006, can I apply Jan 2nd? ( assuming first day Massachusetts unemployment open after December 30, 2006) If not, when can I apply?
3. Given the 4 qtrs of 2006 I have estimated, what would be my estimated unemployment for Massachusetts? I have 2 children under 18.
Thank you for your time and information.
( This was Massachusetts reply)
We don't make predeterminations. You have the right to come to Ma to file when you benefits are exhausted in Tn. We will send a form to the States where you have worked to verify wage and separation information. When the wages are transferred to Ma, we can then determine your eligibility.
When you file in January, we will be using the base period of 01-01-06 through 12-31-06. If the quarterly wages that you gave me are correct, you should be eligible for $575 per week. However, we do have to verify your earnings with the States where you worked.