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Offline hamsamich

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #75 on: Jan 18, 2007, 07:28 »
One thing to remember:  different states have different rules to qualify for the MAX benefit.  I can't remember what it was in 2005 exactly, but it seems MUCH harder to make the big bucks in MASS today than in 2005.  I think it was about 14k in total from 2 QTRS in 2005, but it is way more now, something over 25k I think to max out your weekly ben.  I'm probably wrong on the exact figures here, but unless you've made huge dollars in at least 2 quarters you may be way off the max in massa.  So people that don't work alot or people who don't make a large hourly rate (JR and Deconner take note, right?).  A jr I know was asking all the seniors where to file, and they all said MASS, so the jr went, and is only getting 350 or so.   I'm pretty sure its much easier to get the max in PA, but check me on that.  I checked MASS website to make sure amount was correct and the formula matches the assigned low $$$$ amount in this case, so MASS made no error here.  too bad, should of checked the formula before going all the way to mass!

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #76 on: Jan 18, 2007, 09:05 »
One thing to remember:  different states have different rules to qualify for the MAX benefit.  I can't remember what it was in 2005 exactly, but it seems MUCH harder to make the big bucks in MASS today than in 2005.  I think it was about 14k in total from 2 QTRS in 2005, but it is way more now, something over 25k I think to max out your weekly ben.  I'm probably wrong on the exact figures here, but unless you've made huge dollars in at least 2 quarters you may be way off the max in massa.  So people that don't work alot or people who don't make a large hourly rate (JR and Deconner take note, right?).  A jr I know was asking all the seniors where to file, and they all said MASS, so the jr went, and is only getting 350 or so.   I'm pretty sure its much easier to get the max in PA, but check me on that.  I checked MASS website to make sure amount was correct and the formula matches the assigned low $$$$ amount in this case, so MASS made no error here.  too bad, should of checked the formula before going all the way to mass!

This has already been covered with the exact information, please read the entire thread, and not just the last 2 or three replies.

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #77 on: Jan 18, 2007, 11:36 »
No disrespect inteneded, but I have read the whole thread.  If you look, I have a couple other posts in the thread.  I was just telling a story that recently happened to a friend of mine for real-world data.  I worded the post so people would realize how important it is to choose a state not just based on the MAX but also on the rules of the game per state.  There was an earlier post saying 575/week was all they needed to know, I didn't want a novice to the unemployment game getting the wrong idea from this info.

Offline thenukeman

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #78 on: Feb 06, 2007, 12:54 »
Another good thing about claiming in a state that you did not work in is that it does not count against your state income tax.  I filed in NC and CT for state income taxes but have Mass as my state for unemployment. But it seems it would have counted against me if I filed unemployment in either state.  :)  Like it was said before you have to check each state and each is diffrent. But this works for me.  I guess I will not be working Pilgrim. LOL  Bad thing though, I filed January 9th and they are still processing my claim.  :(  But I hope the money is worth the wait.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #79 on: Feb 06, 2007, 02:32 »
Another good thing about claiming in a state that you did not work in is that it does not count against your state income tax.

Check this in your own individual state...some (Idaho) will still want their cut...  :/
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #80 on: Feb 06, 2007, 07:08 »
Another good thing about claiming in a state that you did not work in is that it does not count against your state income tax.  I filed in NC and CT for state income taxes but have Mass as my state for unemployment. But it seems it would have counted against me if I filed unemployment in either state.  :)  Like it was said before you have to check each state and each is diffrent. But this works for me.  I guess I will not be working Pilgrim. LOL  Bad thing though, I filed January 9th and they are still processing my claim.  :(  But I hope the money is worth the wait.
You filed in NC and CT, but does your home state have an income tax?  If not, cool.  I live in New York, and have to pay state income tax on every penny I make, no matter where it comes from.
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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #81 on: Feb 07, 2007, 08:19 »
The IB1 form is one of the most crucial points in all of this. I completed mine 3 days after I claimed in Mass. and have had ZERO problems. I go online on Sunday and the check is in the mailbox on Thursday afternoon. A friend of mine claimed 3 weeks before me, and wasn't told about the form, and my 1st check came before his did. They may not inform you about this form, but you need to raise the issue when you claim and do it when you get back to your residence state. The problems will add up quickly if you don't follow through in getting this form completed ASAP.

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #82 on: Feb 07, 2007, 10:56 »
IB1 form..... what is it?

Offline thenukeman

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #83 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:08 »
My Home State is TN, No state tax. If you are going to be a roady. You may want to move to a no tax state. Like I said before you have to check each state. 
I filed my IB1 the day I came back from Mass.  I even wrote the problems resolution unit I mentioned previuosly and they promptly answered and indicated that it is still being processed and it sometimes takes a while to get info from each state you worked.  So now its been a month and Iam still waiting.
« Last Edit: Feb 07, 2007, 11:12 by thenukeman »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #84 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:08 »
Once you have opened your claim in Massachussetts, you return to your home state and call your unemployment office.  Tell them that you have an open claim in Mass. and ask them to submit an IB1.  You have to file one as soon as you open your claim and every time you restart your claim after a layoff.  Some people here claim that they can restart by calling Mass. directly (which they tell you to do when you open the claim) but this is a little spotty.  The correct procedure for a non-resident to claim UI benefits from any state is to have your home state file the IB1.
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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #85 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:20 »
IB1 form..... what is it?

Basically, it shows that you reside in the state that you claim to reside in.

I was directed to get on the phone in the Ashtabula, Ohio Unemployment Office and have the main Job Services operators handle it that way. I assumed that the humans working in that office didn't want to deal with it, so I was told to do it over the phone with someone who had time to do it. Physically going to the office is a must, but you may get pushed off to the telephone. 10 minutes of phone time, and I was on my way.

The IB stands for Interstate Benefit.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #86 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:22 »
My Home State is TN, No state tax. If you are going to be a roady. You may want to move to a no tax state.

I may be a roady, but I am first and foremost a husband and father.  There is no way I'm going to move my wife and children away from their home, their grandparents, friends, school, scout troops, church, and community just to save some state income tax - only to pay it in sales tax or property tax.
For years, people have been touting Florida to me because they have no income tax and comparatively lower property taxes.  They also have hurricanes, year-round mosquitoes, rednecks, sun-broiled trailer trash "living the dream", burning swamps, roaches so big that they are often confused for Volkswagens, and wind-storm insurance that makes my ridiculously high property tax look like parking meter change.
A state has to have money to operate.  Either you pay it one way or you pay for it in another.  I refuse to pay sales tax on milk, bread, and eggs.  And I refuse to live where the infrastructure and services are lacking because the state is too broke to provide better.
New York may have hight taxes, but Massahussetts has higher ones.  That is why they can afford to pay the UI benefits that are over THREE TIMES the rate they are in Tennessee.  You don't get what you don't pay for unless you steal it or it comes as a gift - like Massachussetts Unemployment.
« Last Edit: Feb 07, 2007, 12:07 by BeerCourt »
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #87 on: Feb 07, 2007, 11:38 »
 :) Well the one thing Mass offers that no other state dose is health insurance to their unemployed.... if you live and draw there they give you health insurance  ::)  I drawed their last year but didnt live there and was struck by illness no health insurance for me  ::) I wish more states would do the working person this favor  8)

Offline justme

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #88 on: Feb 07, 2007, 01:28 »
Mass will send a 1099-G to your home of record state.  Plus, it shows up on your federal taxes, as it is federally taxed.  You risk an audit if the state you live in sees it on your Federal return, and not on your state one.  Unless, of course, you live in a state with no income tax.
It is what it is!

Offline thenukeman

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #89 on: Feb 07, 2007, 04:25 »
I agree that there are more important things than a few bucks, I stay in TN because of Grandparents, schools etc.  It is a extra benefit to me to not pay state tax and only pay partial to the states I have worked in without them claiming my unemployment.  I could move to the border and shop in KY or NC and not pay sales tax for food but I choose not to.  If any of you squids are retired or are thinking of retiring there is a good place to retire. Clarksville TN. No state tax. Commisary at Fort Campbell Ky. KY state line a few miles away.  Good fishing hunting and can do a few outages if you want. Low taxes and reasonable housing costs which are three times less then the North east or California.  I had a few CT people tell me they were leaving CT because of the housing costs and taxes. One I know has already left.  One persons trash heap may be some one elses paradise.  And TN is mine with The MASS checks, If I ever get them. LOL  :) I do not consider these gifts either, I earned them by working 72 hours a week, But I only have to do this for 20 weeks and be off 32 a year to make 80K.  Thats enough for me.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #90 on: Feb 12, 2007, 03:46 »
OK, someone please, please, please tell me if this sounds correct!!!

I lived in NY and worked the same job in NY for 2 years then quit my job in July 2006 and moved to Minnesota. I didn't file a NY unemployment claim in July 2006 because I quit.

At the end of September 2006 I worked in Minnesota (now a resident there). On 12/29/2006 my temporary job was completed (layoff). I filed an unemployment claim in Minnesota the following Monday 1/1/2007. I included my employment from NY on the application. My MN claim was denied because I had no MN income in the base period because MN excludes the most recent 3 months of employment.

I then filed a claim in NY 2 weeks later. NY denied my claim stating I quit my job in NY and that I needed to earn 5X my weekly rate to clear my disqualification. But I had already earned 5X my weeekly rate in MN.

I called the MN UI line and talked to a supervisor and they told me I couldn't file a combined wage claim since I had no MN income in the base period. They told me to call NY and get the disqualification cleared so I could get my money from NY. NY said that my MN employment would clear the NY disqualification but that I had no new NY employer to draw money from NY state.

Does this sound right??? No claim in either state???

I thought this type of situation benefited from a combined wage claim???

MN or NY has to be wrong here.

Which state is wrong?

Is there anything that can be done? Even if I filed a new claim now I would "lose" all the weeks pay from January until now.

Request a hearing?

Someone please help me.

Thank you.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #91 on: Feb 12, 2007, 07:22 »
Call Massachussetts.

They will use the 4 quarters of 2006 as your primary base period - unlike Minnesota or New York.  Therefore, you can file a combined wage claim because you worked in two states during the base period.
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Offline thenukeman

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #92 on: Feb 12, 2007, 08:46 »
Mass is very liberal in using quarters and will even use your current quarter if it will help you. However you said you quit. They may not count the money you made from the company you quit from which will really hurt your benefits.  You can email Mass at  They are very prompt and informative.  Write all your specifics and they will give you an answer, See my previous post in this thread.  Hope this helps.  Also I was thinking that If they do not count the job you quit from you may not be able to file a combined wage claim.  Write Mass and get it in writing to take with you if Mass has a favorable response. I carried my response with me. This helped the office who may not be versed on all aspects to help you. They did for me.
« Last Edit: Feb 13, 2007, 10:30 by thenukeman »

Offline thenukeman

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #93 on: Apr 29, 2007, 03:53 »
I finally got my Checks from Mass, 609 a week.  I sent some money for my goldmembership on Nukeworker.  If this has helped anyone I encourage them to become a Gold member also.  We can help each other with current news and New Unemployment techniques!!! LOL


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #94 on: Apr 30, 2007, 08:47 »
what about if you exhaust your money in 1 state before the year is up. what are your options if any at all. i thought i seen someone reply early about being able to open another claim in another state once you exhausted in another.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #95 on: Apr 30, 2007, 10:44 »
 does anyone know if you can go straight to mass after your last job ? in my case its quad cities, or do you have wait a week before going ? also do you just need the company that you worked for in the previous year and their essential info such as address phone number ect. do you need to supply info as to what site you worked at also ??

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #96 on: Apr 30, 2007, 11:15 »
You can open another claim once your funds are exhausted in another state.  I did it in Mass. But you still need good quarters to draw from to make good money.  You need all the addresses of all the companies and sites you have worked for.  I did a google search for nuclear sites and it is.  Also for specific questions on when you can show up, Quarters you claim etc. Write mass at,  They will respond in about 1 working day.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #97 on: Apr 30, 2007, 11:52 »
Thanks for the info

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #98 on: Apr 30, 2007, 02:47 »
hey kave, just to let you know, I just exhausted my PA claim and they TOLD ME to go to another state even though my year wasn't up.  It worked out fine (i went to mass) because i had money left in unused quarters to draw from. sweet.  all you have to have is a ZERO BALENCE on your initial claim and enough money left in other quarters to claim with a second time...


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #99 on: Apr 30, 2007, 03:10 »
Ham, this past sunday was my last bi-weekly claim from do i have be inperson in mass to open another claim or can i accomplish it by phone or website.


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