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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #125 on: Nov 27, 2007, 01:09 »
What other states can you file (as you can in Mass)?
Mass only uses the last 4 quarters and I need one that will use the 1st 4 of the last 5 quarters.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #126 on: Nov 27, 2007, 01:34 »
The actual term to use is a Combined Wage Claim. If you are claiming Mass. unemployment then you have to go there to file the first time. After that all you have to do is go to your home employment office and have them file the form for you and Mass will automatically start sending your checks as soon as they recieve the form. When your claim runs out you have to go back to Mass to start a new  claim. I was told by someone here that Pennsylvania will let you file online but I haven't tried myself. Fly to hartford and take a 15 minute taxi ride to Springfield  office in and out in about an hour. Good luck

I just got caught up in the numbers game today.
My current claim runs out on December 1st.
The period they draw from in Mass. is 10-1-06 to 9-30-07, and I didn't go to work in PA until 10/21/07.
I can't claim in Mass because I worked in OH for that entire duration.
They did tell me that if my unemployment was paid in 2 different states, and not necessarily worked in 2 different states, that I would be eligible. I know Bartlett draws from the state that you work in. Not sure about Parallax yet.

Anybody know the PA and OH weekly check amounts??


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #127 on: Nov 27, 2007, 02:41 »

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #128 on: Nov 27, 2007, 03:47 »
Anybody know the PA and OH weekly check amounts??

I don't know Ohio but Pa, gives up ~$475.00 per week, paid every two weeks. The amount will vary based on number of dependents. Very easy to file in Pa., not sure on Oh.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #129 on: Nov 27, 2007, 04:24 »
Thanks, Guys.

I don't think I will be able to file in PA, because I only worked there for 28 days from 10/21 to 11/16.
I will have to look into it, because that is $100+ over Ohio's weekly.
I'll find out tomorrow.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #130 on: Nov 27, 2007, 11:24 »
What other states can you file (as you can in Mass)?
Mass only uses the last 4 quarters and I need one that will use the 1st 4 of the last 5 quarters.

New York uses the first 4 of the last 5, unless this causes you a lower benefit than the last 4.  If that happens, they use the last 4.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #131 on: Nov 27, 2007, 11:34 »
Thanks, Guys.

I don't think I will be able to file in PA, because I only worked there for 28 days from 10/21 to 11/16.
I will have to look into it, because that is $100+ over Ohio's weekly.
I'll find out tomorrow.
You can claim in any state if you had wages reported to two states during your eligibility period.  However, the company that you worked for in PA reported your earnings to your home state.  Even if it were otherwise, those wages won't be counted by any state until the quarter is over.  You would have to wait until Jan 1st to use those wages unless you use the alternate period.  (Mass will use the current quarter under certain circumstances.)  I wondered about this, but the woman who took my claim in Mass. told me that they basically can report your earnings anywhere they want.  She also told me that income tax had nothing at all to do with unemployment, and that all those W-2's I had with withholding to MN, NJ, IL, MI, CA, and PA were not proof that I worked in those states.
There was time when Numanco always reported everyones wages to Oklahoma.  They stopped doing that, but it was always legal.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #132 on: Dec 04, 2007, 11:05 »
There is a lot of excellent info in this thread.  I'm going to try not to cover anything that's already been answered numerous times, I hope.

The current max in Mass is $600/wk as of Sunday October 7, 2007.  Plus $25 per dependent up to half you draw.  In other words you could have 12 kids and get another $300/wk.  You only need wages to support the WBR of $600, not the total amount including dependent allowance.  This is indeed good for 30 wks, all 49 other allow 26 wks.  Their year begins the 4th quarter of each year, not the 1st quarter, so their new rates begin in October.

I understand from a recent co-worker who is drawing from, and lives in, NJ that he's getting $542/wk.  I have no idea otherwise except to say it's my understanding they're a pain for non-residents.

That brings us to PA.  My state of residence.  The max is $520/wk as of January 7, 2007.  The dependent allowance is $5 for the first and $3 for the second for a total of $8.  Yes, it was a total of $8 in the 70's when my dad collected it on my sister and I every winter.  New rates will be out soon for January 2008.  Year begins 1st quarter.

I keep seeing quarters being discussed as January 1 to March 31 for example.  Unemployment is based on a week beginning Sunday and ending Saturday.  As such each quarter begins on the first Sunday of the month, but not necessarily on the first day of the month.

The issue of exhausting benefits has been kicked around a few times throughout this thread.  The question of available eligible quarters came up.  This is where states using lag quarters (Not using the most recently COMPLETED quarter) versus a state like Mass which uses the 4 most recently completed comes into play.  As an example let's say you want to take a 6 month vacation beginning essentially now.  If you were opening a claim in a state using a lag quarter, your best money and simplicity being PA which uses a lag quarter, they would be looking at the 3rd & 4th quarters of 2006 and the 1st & 2nd quarters of 2007.  You still have the 3rd quarter of 2007, and the not yet completed 4th quarter of 2007 as unused quarters to establish eligibility in Mass 6 months from now.  You open your PA claim, suffer your waiting week and draw 26 checks, and go to Mass the week immediately after filing for that 26th check from PA to open for another 30 weeks from them.

The question of why worry about any other state when Mass pays the most came up.  As a PA resident who is on my 4th Mass claim as of 2 weeks ago it's a fair question.  The only practical reason would be if you didn't have sufficient wages to max out in Mass.  If you're going to draw at least the same $520 as PA, or whatever it goes up to in January, or especially if you have several kids you can collect $25 each on to boot then Mass is a no-brainer.  If you're going to come up short of $520 total going to Mass it MAY benefit you to look at PA.

To qualify in PA you must meet the following 3 criteria in order to qualify for benefits.

1) You have total base year wages of $20,720 (Part C of the benefit rate chart-link posted below)
2) A minimum of 20% of your base year wages were earned outside of your high quarter.
3) You have 18 credit weeks.  A credit week is any week in which you earned at least $50.

You do need $13,520 in your high quarter to qualify for the max of $520, or so part D of the chart says.  The part you won't get from the benefit rate chart is that as long as you meet the 3 criteria listed above you may still qualify for max under the alternate benefit rate calculation.  This is calculated by taking your predominant hourly wage within your base year times 40 (hours) divided by 2.  If that number is higher you qualify for the higher amount.  I've personally used this alternate method to max out before I knew about collecting from Mass.  All you need to do is wait for your notice of financial determination in the mail.  If it will benefit you then you have 10 days to appeal the determination in writing.  Whatever you do, and no matter what anybody tells you over the phone, this MUST be done in writing within 10 days.  Sit back and wait for the make up checks for the difference to start rolling in about 6 to 8 weeks later.  You'll get the lower amount right along until they get it adjusted so you're not out everything waiting for them.

Benefit rate chart for PA:

Entire PA UC law: (for the rare few who like me read all this stuff looking for the loopholes)

It has been correctly stated that you must be in state in Mass to open, and you need only give them your home address wherever that may be.

As a PA resident I've never done a non-resident claim.  I do however know we haven't had any walk in centers for years now.  You used to have to do it all over the phone.  You can now open online as well.  I'm told by friends who have opened in PA that when done online there is one box to check stating you are inside PA when filing.  On this point I'm passing along what I've heard, but not personally witnessed.  I do however know that Pa has also done direct deposit for years.  Mass still mails me a paper check every week, in an envelope which expressly says do not forward.  It's an extremely minor inconvenience which I live with for the extra $100+/wk.

I'm sure somewhere thru typing all this I've forgotten something I meant to comment on when I read thru this thread.  I'm equally sure I've rambled on long enough for now.  If you want to hear about rambling ask Rennhack how long winded I got in person at Three Mile on the subject when it came up there last month.

The bottom line is that this is perfectly legal and not difficult.  I think everybody who is entitled should get every penny they legally can in unemployment.  Hopefully something I've said helps somebody out there just like I've benefited.  We all win when we help each other out.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #133 on: Dec 05, 2007, 07:50 »
You can claim in any state if you had wages reported to two states during your eligibility period.  However, the company that you worked for in PA reported your earnings to your home state.  Even if it were otherwise, those wages won't be counted by any state until the quarter is over.  You would have to wait until Jan 1st to use those wages unless you use the alternate period.  (Mass will use the current quarter under certain circumstances.)  I wondered about this, but the woman who took my claim in Mass. told me that they basically can report your earnings anywhere they want.  She also told me that income tax had nothing at all to do with unemployment, and that all those W-2's I had with withholding to MN, NJ, IL, MI, CA, and PA were not proof that I worked in those states.
There was time when Numanco always reported everyones wages to Oklahoma.  They stopped doing that, but it was always legal.

The way it panned out was this:

I claimed my last 2 weeks from Mass.
I had to open in a claim in Ohio right when the Mass ran out.
They gave me $431 a week, so Christmas will be fine.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #134 on: Jan 13, 2008, 06:42 »
Update on Mass -  You no longer need to go to an instate office to file an Interstate claim.

I just opened a claim for Mass via my Oklahoma office via phone.  Hope this holds true for all others as well.


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #135 on: Jan 13, 2008, 07:53 »
I just opened a claim for Mass via my Oklahoma office via phone. 

Were you in person in an Oklahoma office when you did this?

I'm wondering because my home state of PA hasn't had any walk-in unemployment offices in probably 8-10 years.  I can just imagine me calling PA's office, getting a newbie just like I get half the time trying to file an IB-1 to reopen, and then telling them I need them to conference me thru to Mass to open my combined wage claim for the year.  I'll never get to see that deer in the headlights look over the phone, but I'm quite sure somewhere in Lancaster that newbie will have just that look.  The good news is that worst case it's only 5 1/2 hours one way to drive to Holyoke MA as I've been doing.

On a separate note I just looked up the new PA max as of 1/6/2008.  It's up to $539/wk.  I also see they will no longer mail a paper check as of last October.  Direct deposit or debit card are your only choices.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #136 on: Jan 14, 2008, 07:21 »
Update on Mass -  You no longer need to go to an instate office to file an Interstate claim.

I just opened a claim for Mass via my Oklahoma office via phone.  Hope this holds true for all others as well.

Did you work in Mass?  You have always been able to open an interstate claim from your home state.  If you worked in Mass., you could file one of those.   The Combined Wage Claim, which is the one most of us have (worked in two or more states but not in Massachusetts), had to be done in person inside Mass.  They let me open one from New York a few years ago, but then they made me come in to the Mass. office anyway.

I'm also hearing rumors that Mass is no longer participating in the Combined Wage deal.  I can't believe that this is true.  Like most rumors, it is probably false, but I'm still curious.
« Last Edit: Jan 14, 2008, 07:23 by BeerCourt »
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #137 on: Jan 14, 2008, 11:41 »
Were you in person in an Oklahoma office when you did this?

Oklahoma no longer has walk in UE offices other than the central ones in Tulsa and OKC.  I filed online, but had to finish filing via phone call.  The online system does not yet have selections for Interstate claims.

Did you work in Mass?  You have always been able to open an interstate claim from your home state.  If you worked in Mass., you could file one of those.   The Combined Wage Claim, which is the one most of us have (worked in two or more states but not in Massachusetts), had to be done in person inside Mass.  They let me open one from New York a few years ago, but then they made me come in to the Mass. office anyway.

I worked for Bartlett.... and the Mass office stated that it was no longer required for one to travel for an interstate OR combined wage claim.  I have an Interstate claim active - at least until I hit the road again.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #138 on: Jan 14, 2008, 01:19 »
Interesting.  I wonder if that applies also to people who work for companies outside of Mass.  It would be very handy.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #139 on: Jan 15, 2008, 11:18 »
I'm also hearing rumors that Mass is no longer participating in the Combined Wage deal.  I can't believe that this is true.  Like most rumors, it is probably false, but I'm still curious.

I had heard the same thing before going to open my most recent claim.  I asked the guy who took my claim in Mass about it.  He said that if anything changed it wouldn't be at Mass's request, but it is in the US DOL right now being reviewed.  According to him the other states, and the employers, are essentially whining that it's costing them money.

The reality is different from their complaints, but when has that ever gotten in the way of whining?

If we open a Mass claim ALL the monies paid into each state we worked in is forwarded to Mass.  If at the end of the year there is money left on the table Mass gets to keep it.  The other states no doubt are upset we're not opening there and allowing the money left on the table to become theirs.  In their opinions that should be their money and as such they are losing money.  In reality we can't open in multiple states at the same time so those monies from all but one state would have to be forwarded somewhere.  In other words it was never their money in the first place and you can't lose something that isn't yours.  You can however steal something that isn't yours and that's apparently what they hope to do.

He told me that there were several possible directions under consideration with the most restrictive being a requirement to physically work in whatever state you're claiming.  That would essentially mean interstate claims would continue unchanged, but combined wage claims would cease to be.

This DOL decision needs to take another year until administrations change and see if it doesn't die in the next term.  This guy we have now loves to break it off in people who work for a living.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #140 on: Feb 04, 2008, 07:03 »
Hello 1st time poster here. really like your site.  now on to my question:
I am confused as to how long ago you can have worked in different state and can still claim in Massachusetts. I thought I saw 15 months somewhere in this post but when I sent a email to Massachusetts asking them if I was eligible they told me 12 months. Is this correct? Here is the email I sent and their reply

Dear Sir,
     I would like to know if I am eligible for Massachusetts
unemployment.I live in Wisconsin but I do most of my work in Illinois. I
worked in Illinois in 2007 and the first month of 2008,  but in 2006 I
worked in Wisconsin for a few weeks. my last day on the job in Wisconsin
was October 30th 2006. I understand you can go back 15 months but I am
confused as to weather you go by the last day you worked till the day
you sign up for unemployment, or only by the quarters that you worked
in, I believe this would be 5 Quarters.

Reply:In Massachusetts the primary base period (the period that we use to
obtain wages and calculate your benefits) is from 1/1/07 to 12/31/07. In
order to qualify for a combined wage claim you have to have employment
in 2 or more states during that period. Since you worked only in
Illinois during this period you do not qualify for a claim in MA.   

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #141 on: Feb 04, 2008, 07:17 »
They may count this quarter as an active quarter, You wrote them and they gave you an Answer, I wrote them and they gave me the answer I wanted. In this case they gave you one you did not. 

The only other thing I think is that you rephrase the question and use another email address if possible and tell them you are filling for a combined wage and how far they would go back so you could make this claim.  also the minimum amount of weeks you have to work in another state to make a combined wage claim.  If you left October 30 2006, they could only use 4 weeks going 5 quarters back.  It won't hurt to write again. 


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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #142 on: Feb 04, 2008, 11:48 »

By my understanding the only methods available for base year calculation in Mass are what they told you, base year being 1/7/07 thru 1/5/08, or to use the current quarter in which case you would be 4/1/07 thru today. 

Technically even their reply lists incorrect dates, albeit well intentioned and referencing the correct 4 quarters, because unemployment quarters roll over on the first Sunday in each new quarter, NOT on the actualt first calendar day of a quarter.  That is why I've listed the 4th quarter of 2007 as actually ending on 1/5/08 because that week began on Sunday 12/30/07 and as such the entire week is 2007 as far as unemployment weeks and quarters are concerned.

IF you are unable to establish eligibility in Mass, and as much as I hate to say this I doubt you can, you always have the option of states which use a lag quarter and do actually go back 5 quarters.  I know Minnesota is the 4th or 5th highest in the country and closer to you than PA.  I however don't know if they go back 4 or 5 quarters.  Maybe somebody can answer that for you.  I do however know that PA goes back 5 quarters and is up to a max of $539/wk.  I am a PA resident and am on my 4th claim in Mass myself and wouldn't recommend PA to anybody as a first choice, BUT if you can't establish eligibility in Mass it's your best second choice available.  There is a thread with some specific regarding PA unemployment that should be of help if you find yourself going that route.  If you have any specific questions on PA that you're not finding answers to in that thread feel free to ask them in that thread or fire me a PM with them.  The link for the thread I mentioned is below.,10552.0.html

Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions.  We all learn valuable info from each other and all put a little more money we're entitled to into our pockets.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #143 on: Feb 10, 2008, 07:43 »
thanks for the reply guys. decided to claim in Pennsylvania used their web page to start claim. I,ll let you know how it goes..

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #144 on: Mar 31, 2008, 04:26 »
I applied for MASS unemployment back on Jan.7 and still haven't gotten a check. I was only out 2 weeks but wanted to have ready to start when the job I am on now finishes. The company I worked for claimed my earnings as NC for taxes and SC for unemployment insurance. I talked with the MASS office and faxed a copy of my W-2 form at my request showing NC wages. I tried to get in touch with NC to see if there was anything I could do to have the funds transferred and never even got a response. A very nice lady at the MASS office took the NC # I had and called and got to talk to someone and now they are looking at it and I should know in the next 30 days if I am going to be able to file a Combined Wage claim. I wonder if in the future I should make it part of my employment condition that the company claim the wages against the state I am working for.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #145 on: Apr 21, 2008, 01:52 »
Okay, everyone seems to go to the Mass. Unemployment Office in person...but the website has the following about filing by phone...has anyone tried that?

File by Phone

There are two ways to file an unemployment insurance (UI) claim: by telephone or in person.
File by phone
Call the TeleClaim Center at 1-877-626-6800 if you are calling from the following area codes: 351, 413, 508, 774, and 978.

Call the TeleClaim Center at 617-626-6800 if you are calling from any other area code.

TTY/TTD: 1-888-527-1912

How to obtain services by telephone
When you call the Unemployment Insurance TeleClaim Center, you will press a number on your telephone to choose services in English or another language.

Press 1 to file a new UI claim or to reopen an existing claim. You will be asked to enter your social security number and the year you were born. You will be transferred to a DUA agent who will help you file your claim.
Press 2 for immediate information on the status of your check. Enter your social security number and the year you were born. You will be able to obtain automated information on the status of your weekly signing or your UI check. This is the same information available to DUA staff. If there is a problem with your claim, you will be transferred to a DUA agent.
Press 3 for customer assistance, to resolve a problem, to provide a social security number for a dependent child, or to change your address.
Press 4 for information on the unemployment insurance program, how to file for benefits, and how to obtain job search and retraining assistance. You can listen to recorded information on the unemployment insurance program and obtain the addresses and telephone numbers of the nearest Career Center providing reemployment services and information on training opportunities.
DUA TeleClaim Center Hours
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.

Shorter waiting times can be expected later in the week.

These hours are for telephone services only and do not apply to Walk-In Centers.

Calling the TeleClaim Center makes it easy to:
File a new claim for benefits
Reopen an existing claim
Be interviewed if there are issues that affect your eligibility
Resolve problems with your claim
Obtain up-to-date information on the status of your claim and benefit payment check
When you call the TeleClaim Center, you will be asked to enter your social security number and the year you were born—using the numbers on a touch-tone telephone. You will then be transferred to an agent who will take the information necessary to file your claim.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #146 on: Apr 21, 2008, 06:00 »
Your initial interstate claim must be in Mass. After that you can call or do by internet.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #147 on: Apr 21, 2008, 12:14 »
You can't open or reopen a claim on line or by phone.  You can do your weekly update that way, but a Combined Wage claim has to be done in-person (actually, you show up in person and they put you on the phone)

To reopen after a layoff, you have to file an IB-1 with you home state that they will send to MA.

You can try to call the teleclaim number to reopen, but that only works when you get somebody who doesn't know what they are supposed to do.  It is actually easier and better when somebody who isn't knowledgable does the work.
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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #148 on: Apr 21, 2008, 12:21 »
You can't open or reopen a claim on line or by phone.  You can do your weekly update that way, but a Combined Wage claim has to be done in-person (actually, you show up in person and they put you on the phone)

To reopen after a layoff, you have to file an IB-1 with you home state that they will send to MA.

You can try to call the teleclaim number to reopen, but that only works when you get somebody who doesn't know what they are supposed to do.  It is actually easier and better when somebody who isn't knowledgable does the work.

Legally, you have to be in the state, as Troy stated. And we only condone doing things legally.

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Re: Unemployment Claims
« Reply #149 on: Apr 21, 2008, 09:23 »
Legally, you have to be in the state, as Troy stated. And we only condone doing things legally.

Yeah, we were going to be in-state...but thought that if we could call from the airport, it would make plane tickets easier to manage...

Thanks for all the info!
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