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more psych tests needed?
« on: Dec 03, 2006, 06:53 »
Ok so I said i wasn't going to post on here anymore, but I decided after my day at work to try this out and see what people think....There are quite a few (how do you say)  "unique individuals" that somehow manage to get into the plants.  So my question is.....How many people think they should do more extensive psychological testing on workers before letting them into the plant?  And I know I am not the only one who has worked with a total whacko before so don't even pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

Charles U Farley

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #1 on: Dec 03, 2006, 09:57 »
Are we talking about commercial or navy psychos?  Because, yes, I do know exactly what you're talking about. 

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #2 on: Dec 03, 2006, 10:19 »
Ok so I said i wasn't going to post on here anymore, but I decided after my day at work to try this out and see what people think....There are quite a few (how do you say)  "unique individuals" that somehow manage to get into the plants.  So my question is.....How many people think they should do more extensive psychological testing on workers before letting them into the plant?  And I know I am not the only one who has worked with a total whacko before so don't even pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.


Glad to see you back  ;D Interesting thought, more psych tests, but in reality is it needed? I agree that this industry has some "unique individuals", but the question is ...are they dangerous? That being; dangerous to someone else on site or to the systems and/or components?

There was the recent incident at Turkey Point that could make one say we need more testing, but I think that incident probably had nothing to do with a lack of in depth psych testing.

Who knows, I'm not sure if the testing that could be done is justifible from a monetary standpoint. How much are you willing to spend, not only in time to test, but in time to evaluate, and possibly to interview (read psychologists), hundreds of contract workers each outage?

Sounds like a lot of cash to me, and is it worth the benefit? Meaning have there been enough incidents realitive to not testing (extensively) to warrant spending the money.

Looks like you may have another hot topic on your prepared ;)
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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #3 on: Dec 03, 2006, 10:49 »
...And I know I am not the only one who has worked with a total whacko before so don't even pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

Brings to mind the gentleman at Clinton in the early '90s who started every-other sentence with, "I know 50 ways to kill you without getting any blood on myself!"  ;)

However, he is the only one I've ever felt was whacked enough to hurt someone (and the MMPI weeded him out at the next plant we went to), so I would vote against trying to do more tests.  I always thought it was a waste of time to do the MMPI at every plant and was glad when PADS came along so they could track such things more easily...
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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #4 on: Dec 03, 2006, 11:26 »
The MMPI is the most common form of pysch test used in employment; it was updated in 2001 and looks for a variety of problems.

"Ten clinical scales (as found in the original MMPI) are used in assessment, and are as follows: hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, psychopathic deviate, masculinity-femininity, paranoia, psychasthenia, schizophrenia, mania, and social introversion.

There are an additional three validity scales; (i.e., if the test-taker was truthful, answered cooperatively and not randomly) and to assess the test-taker's response style (i.e., cooperative)."

Although I don't work in the nuclear field anymore I am often exposed to the workers when I travel along with my husband on the road and yes I have met a few strange fellows in my time but none that I was actually afraid of.

My problem with these tests are that I have seen people pass them with flying colors and yet they were either doing drugs (before FFD), were alcholics, couldn't stop cheating on their spouses or some actually were wife abusers.

I find it ironic that in an industry that tests for problems that so many of us have committed suicide or have died from accidental drug related deaths.

Offline hamsamich

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #5 on: Dec 03, 2006, 11:44 »
the problem with the mmpi is that it is just an indicator of possible problems, it isn't even close to being perfect.  some things on the mmpi will show major problems are likely, but other indicators just say "hey, take a look at this guy and make sure he can form complete sentences"!  If you didn't hire all the people that spiked one indicator or another, u would lose about half the work force.  you don't usually "fail" the mmpi or other psychological tests, they just show possible problem areas that may require a little probing to ensure the person doesn't have real problems.  do you not hire a person because he spiked the manic portion of the test?  He may be the guy you need to run the refuel floor and runs around like a crazy man getting everything done.  a lot of the stuff we do in  the nuc world is a little crazy so it kinda requires people who may a spike an area or 2 on the mmpi.

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #6 on: Dec 03, 2006, 01:14 »
Sure, there are a lot of people you meet at work who might strike you as odd.  There are more still with whom you would not choose to socialize outside of work just because they are so much different from yourself.
Some things that you or I might find objectionable are totally harmless.
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Offline biloxoi blues

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #7 on: Dec 03, 2006, 01:19 »
We had a fellow employee who was out of the commercial business for over a year (but had been working in DOE) so that person had to take the MMPI and failed.  The psychologist gave an over the computer evaluation and also failed the person.  Person was said to be a quiet, hard worker, and a well groomed person (by fellow co-workers) who had been in the business for a while with no criminal history.  Now this person has a denied access.  So the system might also keep out "normal" people and keep them from being employed after this person had passed a previous MMPI test and worked in the commercial business without any problems.  So just a view from the other side of the coin.
« Last Edit: Dec 03, 2006, 01:23 by biloxoi blues »

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #8 on: Dec 03, 2006, 10:12 »
depends on what ya mean by "more psych tests".  more, as a greater number to be taken per entrance per plant; or more as a larger menu of tests to be given to prospective employees, be they house or roadies. 
da mmpi was designed to be used as an once time tool.  i believe the origins stated that it would be invalid if taken more than three times in a lifetime.  lol!!! i've taken more than 3 versions of the mmpi, and i don't think i have taken any one version only one time.  i've had shrinks tell me that i was visiting them because no one could be that good.  i had some tell me that they were perplexed, because my interview didn't match up with my test results.... had i ever taken this test before?  i haven't taken it for a very long time, but i have no doubt that i could not take it without skewing the results inadvertently.  it might take me two times to get back into mode where i could skew the results however i chose.  but when you take that test 4 ore more times a year for over 10 years.... boredom does demand an outlet.
sew, iffen ya gots a buncha tests for adminstrators to give, it'd probably be a good thing.  would it keep the crazees out?  only the amateurs.  like my man hunter sayed, ' when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
quando omni flunkus moritati

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #9 on: Dec 03, 2006, 11:01 »
i've only had to take the mmpi test once since i started in 1999.  i just think some people are a little cuckoo.  i know that you have to be a little cuckoo anyways to work in this business, but i think a more extensive checking of people might weed out the real "whack jobs".


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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #10 on: Dec 04, 2006, 11:23 »
The MMPI satisfies the ANI underwriting requirement, not to mention the NRC licensing requirement, that a psyche test be administered.

You're not going to get much money above that - because the trend line indicates there is no problem, i.e. the "events" you experience don't make the evening news and all performance indicators are "under the bar."

So the folks you run into in these power houses are no different from the folks at any other industrial complex - or retail outfit - or driving in the car next to you on Intersate 95. 

If you come across one, step back - avoid them - and watch the show from a distance. Try to look at it as free entertainment.

Of course - if they go "over the top" - there's always notifying your supervisor, security, - - - FFD. Hope this helps.

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #11 on: Dec 04, 2006, 11:35 »
Now BC, I have socialized with you outside of work.  Where does that put us?  Maybe we both need more random psych test!
Naw.  We both need more adult beverages.  Booze always washes the truth up to the surface.  Maybe that's why the shrinks always want me to be a heavier drinker.
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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #12 on: Dec 04, 2006, 03:36 »
What exactly does MMPI stand for?

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #13 on: Dec 05, 2006, 06:23 »
My opinion -
A.) Those of us old-timers already know that the TRUE whack jobs were already weeded out (pardon the expression) when FFD came along; and

B.) Having just spent a year out of the business working with a bunch of programmers and other high tech brain types, let me tell you...the Nuke Industry aint got nothing on those folks. Whacko is an industry standard over there.

Therefore, let's just go with the good old MMPI and enjoy our diversity.
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Offline SloGlo

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #14 on: Dec 05, 2006, 09:00 »
i've only had to take the mmpi test once since i started in 1999.  i just think some people are a little cuckoo.  i know that you have to be a little cuckoo anyways to work in this business, but i think a more extensive checking of people might weed out the real "whack jobs".

only won time?  oh, dang.  i took it twice that many times when i got to my second junior job.  sonds like maybe yer next thread could be..... wack jobs i have worked with.
quando omni flunkus moritati

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #15 on: Dec 06, 2006, 01:06 »
You know thinking about it...we need to keep the unique people...makes going to work enjoyable.  Of course there is a difference between crazy interesting good to go for a beer with and crazy coo coo. They can keep those coo coo types LOL.

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #16 on: Dec 06, 2006, 11:29 »
" I feel as if I'm floating outside my own body..."  lol

Hey, while you're up there, can you get some smears from the top of that pilot valve?


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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #17 on: Dec 06, 2006, 12:28 »
As long as the MMPI keeps letting me in, I'm happy with that!  No I'm not.  YES I AM!


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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #18 on: Dec 08, 2006, 06:26 »
As long as the MMPI keeps letting me in, I'm happy with that!  No I'm not.  YES I AM!

you can't fool us with that "i have multiple personalities" col...  i got at least four voices in my head here that says you're only kidding...


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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #19 on: Dec 09, 2006, 08:46 »
I was a PEO for almost 2 years and was about to be promoted to APO and start school for my Reactor Operator's License when I decided to switch to HP. My nuclear career came to a screeching halt when a Pittsburg doctor deemed me unfit (after having questions about my screening exam) to operate in the field. 26 years later, I am happy to say that I have not injured anyone (including myself), broken or sabotaged anything, engaged in any anti-American activities or contiplated suicide.

I was 20 years old and had been working 84 hours a week as a level II for almost a month and met with the shrink to take the MMPI at about 11 or 12 at night after a flight to Pittsburg. I hope I have the right exam. It was about 600-700 questions. I was scared to death and my fears were justified. He asked me about some of my responses regarding the fact that I believed in God, the existence of evil, etc. I will never forget one of the questions that I answered innocently but stupidly. I totally missed the point of the question. Like I said, I was exhausted. It was, "do you see things that others don't?". I was notorious for being observant and my mental laser went straight to that train of thought. It didn't occur to me till I had lost my job that they wanted to know if I saw things that "really weren't there".  It ruined my career. In 1992, I turned to computer support and network administration to get my technology fix. I should have stayed in Power Generation. I'd be retiring in 2008 at the age of 48. As of Dec 5, 2005, I entered Real Estate full-time. I want to come back and I am currently looking into the feasibility of doing just that. Funny, every now and then I still actually dream of being back in a control room or doing rounds...analog meters, teletype printer and all. LOL. My favorite 2 spots at Hatch, as a PEO, were night time on the roof of the turbine building and watching the water at the cooling towers. Of course, the spent fuel pool was quite cool as well. Never take your experiences and opportunities for granted.

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Re: more psych tests needed?
« Reply #20 on: Dec 14, 2006, 10:22 »
another victim of the bad side of psychology and it's hard-labeling of people.  just be glad you weren't a women in the 1950's who may have been deemed "neurotic" enough to be given a lobotomy.  sad stuff that still goes on today in different ways. the mmpi is just one example of psychology tests mis-used and abused.


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