The MMPI is the most common form of pysch test used in employment; it was updated in 2001 and looks for a variety of problems.
"Ten clinical scales (as found in the original MMPI) are used in assessment, and are as follows: hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, psychopathic deviate, masculinity-femininity, paranoia, psychasthenia, schizophrenia, mania, and social introversion.
There are an additional three validity scales; (i.e., if the test-taker was truthful, answered cooperatively and not randomly) and to assess the test-taker's response style (i.e., cooperative)."
Although I don't work in the nuclear field anymore I am often exposed to the workers when I travel along with my husband on the road and yes I have met a few strange fellows in my time but none that I was actually afraid of.
My problem with these tests are that I have seen people pass them with flying colors and yet they were either doing drugs (before FFD), were alcholics, couldn't stop cheating on their spouses or some actually were wife abusers.
I find it ironic that in an industry that tests for problems that so many of us have committed suicide or have died from accidental drug related deaths.