Google Earth (Used to be called Keyhole) – Explore, Search and Discover
A 3D interface to the planet
Want to know more about a specific location? Dive right in -- Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips.
It also lets you overlay roads, hotels, banks, churches, topography, zip codes, crime stats... and power plants...
Here is the link to the Google Earth Viewer (free). for the really cool part, after you have installed the software, and have it running; click on the attachment below, and it will add all of the nuclear facilities to your google earth placemarks. (Choose open)
After you have opened the file, it will automatically add the folder of placemarks to your earth viewer, located in your "temporary placemerks" folder. You need to move it to your "my placemarks" folder, by draging and droping it.