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Author Topic: Radiological Instrument Calibration Procedures  (Read 7985 times)

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Radiological Instrument Calibration Procedures
« on: Dec 05, 2006, 09:49 »
Hi, I'm developing/revising calibration procedures for our radiological instruments.  I would appreciate any examples that someone may have so that I can compare format, topics covered, etc. We have the typical array of instruments; primarily Ludlums Models 2929, 2360, 2221 etc., and detectors 44-10, 43-89, 44-9 etc. Thanks!!

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Re: Radiological Instrument Calibration Procedures
« Reply #1 on: Dec 05, 2006, 10:02 »
have ya contacted yer instrument manufacturers for their calibration procedures per instrument?  while yer waiting fer yer source to arrive, building a range is a good idea.  a bench about 20 feet long with a tape measure glued down on it should suffice unless ya got bux to spare, then go for the infared rangefinder with ceiling/wall display.  very impressive. 
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Re: Radiological Instrument Calibration Procedures
« Reply #2 on: Feb 16, 2007, 05:33 »
 :)  I may be able to help you out.  I've found it very useful to compare prodedures.  You can email me at

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Re: Radiological Instrument Calibration Procedures
« Reply #3 on: Feb 17, 2007, 05:47 »
Go to Ludlum's website and they post EVERYTHING on their site.  It is one of the main reasons I will use only their stuff, along with cost and customer support.  In fact if you want something a little out of the mainstream for something special they will not only make it (like a probe with different mylar densities, or a probe resistored to operate at a higher voltage, whatever) they will also help you come up with a cal procedure.

Here is the link:

I see from the types of equipement you listed you have a Dual Channel Scaler, some portable scaler/ratemeters, gamma scintillation, Zn/S alpha/beta scintillation, and a pancake probe.  When I mentioned having my probes resistored it was so I could interchange probes with one common unit/base meter.

You can always call them.  They have always been willing to share cal procedures or discuss something I want to try.

If you want to post something more specific, or PM me, feel free.  I do this for a living, but I also like to see what others out there are trying to accomplish.  That is the geek in me I guess.


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