Career Path > DOE
Training and physicals?
--- Quote from: JApluto on Dec 14, 2006, 10:33 --- So why should I put up my own money for something that might or might not be accepted?
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ya shouldn't. iunless the company is willing to supply your physician with all the tests required for the physical exam and is willing, in advance, to take that physician's opinion of your physical state as a result of the exam there is absolutely no reason that you, as an unemployed future employee, should be required to fund the exam. however, if they insist upon your assuming the responsibility for the exam, and are willing to go the aforementioned conditions, then it would be prudent to request an adequate pay rate to allow you to become reimbursed for the expediture within a resonable amount of time, say a month on a year long contract. as a sweetener for the employer, you should offer to maintain the physical exam in a current state for the contract duration. since this will be a pass through for the employer, they shouldn't have a problem with it. except for the site management, they may figger ya to be too smart for them to manage. ;)
its a low ball bid method. OSHA physicals can run a few hundred dollars or more. You are the owner of that info in this case, if you have to get the physical, show them that you passed and then if they want the info they should have to pay for it or pay you back. sounds fishy
Camella Black:
I could be wrong, but I thought it was illegal to base hiring someone on a physical. I thought they actually had to hire you then you took the physical.
Anyway, hubby has worked DOE for a few years with a couple of different companies and we have NEVER had to pay for the physical. I would look elsewhere for a job.
Roll Tide:
--- Quote from: alphadude on Dec 15, 2006, 09:23 ---OSHA physicals can run a few hundred dollars or more. You are the owner of that info in this case, if you have to get the physical, show them that you passed and then if they want the info they should have to pay for it or pay you back.
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I kind of thought the same thing. You had to be HIRED first. It's hard enough trying to keep up all these quals when you are constantly working yourself out of a job and quals lapse because of it. I just try to think of it that a company that has a policy like that doesn't care if they get high quality people. Sometimes ya got to "help a brotha out" to get them back on their feet and a company that has policies like that, maybe I should't work for them anyway. I would think that if a company really wants somebody to work for them they would invest into their employees.
I mean I would figure >12 years in the business, NRRPT, degree, and prior management experience would be something of value. Maybe it's not!
This was just for a Tech job. Thats it. If they let something as stupid as a physical get in their way of being successful, then that's their problem.
Oh well!
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