OK, here are a few questions about the 360 platform that is coming into use at BWRs everywhere....or so I'm told. Anybody that has worked with it that wants to share facts and opinions, please jump in. This is supposed to allow IVVI, etc
while fuel shuffle is taking place, by standing in a circular tub just above water level, while the fuel bridge passes over you...sounds interesting.

How much time / hassle / dose to set it up? - I've heard 10 seavans of equipment, 1000 manhours to put it together, etc.
What are the dose rates in the work area inside it vs. the dose rates on the bridge, where IVVI "usta" be done? Is shielding effective? Underwater pressure washing to reduce crud / dose rates? How often?
At the end of the outage, when everything is flying to get buttoned up - how much problem is this beast to put away? Any tips for contamination control / decon / what order to do things?
As you can probably tell, I haven't seen it, but it is coming to us (VY) in the late spring. It is supposed to save schedule time, but I am trying to figure out at what cost. Obviously, a couple of extra Rem vs a day of outage time is worth it, but I would like things to go smoothly....