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Carolina Jethro:
Does anyone know anything about the Zune MP3 player. I bought my daughter one for Christmas but after reading about it I think I might have made a mistake. Seems like you can only download music with a subscription through Microsoft and when you cancel you lose all your music.

Roll Tide:

--- Quote from: Carolina Jethro on Dec 15, 2006, 01:33 ---Seems like you can only download music with a subscription through Microsoft and when you cancel you lose all your music.

--- End quote ---

That is the current arrangement with "Napster To Go" as well. You don't have to pay per tune, just keep your subscription current.

Carolina Jethro:
I reckon my next question should be can you buy downloads such as and load them on the Zune?


The Zune will play any music you put on it, like YOUR mp3's that you riped to your home computer.

I don't have a Zune player, but mine (Creative Labs Flash Player) acts just like a removable disk when I connect it to my computer.  I just have to transfer .mp3s to it and they play just fine...  If you don't have any mp3s you will have to convert your cd's to them, download from free websites, or pay for the downloads from the sites listed in previous posts.


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