OK, 1&2 are back!
Now the questions are:
1. Will the NRC re-issue the CP?
2. Will TVA build 3&4 (AP1000) and then 1&2 (B&W 177) or reverse order?
3. Can you really invest $20 Billion in a county of 55,000 people? 
When CNO Bill Campbell was at Sequoyah for his plant visit he told us that Bellefonte was back on the radar screen.
1) He mentioned requesting the construction permit to be reissued and had no concern about getting it.
2) He said that the two original units would be completed first since the cost ratio per kilowatt would be about half as much as the AP1000's. I forget the exact numbers he quoted but it was substantial.
3) Didn't talk about it. But how many times have we seen a "feasibility" study done on Bellefonte, BFN 1, or Watts Bar 2 and here we go again throwing millions out there to some lucky Engineering firm just to validate/reconfirm what I would think we know already, IMO. Besides with an address like "Hollywood", Alabama,,,55 Billion probably won't go far