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Watts Bar

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Author Topic: Watts Bar  (Read 286984 times)

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Offline Dream Tar Heel

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #200 on: Aug 17, 2008, 12:21 »
Rumor appear to be untrue! 8)
« Last Edit: Aug 20, 2008, 08:27 by Dream Tarheel »

Offline Limited Quanity

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #201 on: Aug 18, 2008, 03:48 »
There's always a "smidge of truth" in every rumor Brother-In-Law,,, and most of the time up there,,,it is ususally more than that,,,HeHe.  I haven't been gone that long.  What's the word on the shift supv. (why?) and techs job announcement that is out?  How many?  You think Sequoyah would hire too,,,worked the last 4 nights on shift, OT on T,W,T,  shift again for weekend, quick turn around and work off nights next Thursday morning,,,13 out of 14 days,,,rules what rules  :o 
Training block and "ALPO" visit,,,gotta love it,$$$,!!
I used to be a lifeguard until some blue kid got me fired.

Offline Dream Tar Heel

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #202 on: Aug 18, 2008, 05:04 »
Rumor appear to be untrue! 8)
« Last Edit: Aug 20, 2008, 08:26 by Dream Tarheel »


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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #203 on: Aug 22, 2008, 09:34 »
Thanks for the feedback.

I have completed my interview with the Fossil group and am now hoping to hear from the Nuke Group.  According to my HR contact the WBN NSGPO interview candidates should be selected and invited within the next couple of weeks... about the same time the Fossil group will be making job offers.   I am really striving to get into the Nuclear program so I hope to get an interview invitation before the "dirtburners" want a decision (as I feel they will most likely offer me a position).   The timeline is tricky, I only hope to avoid shooting myself in the proverbial foot before I can get it into the TVA door !!  :D

Thanks again and wish me luck,

« Last Edit: Aug 22, 2008, 09:39 by qballew »

Offline shehane

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #204 on: Dec 03, 2008, 03:12 »
There hasn't been an update in this group about the frisking party for quite awhile.  We are still here frisking!!!  Things have slowed down and we have lost most of the seniors that originally showed up in June.  On a daily basis, there is maybe one senior available for the free release work.  Other than that, we sit the access points due to treating the containment as a non RCA area.  Most weeks we are still working 4 tens.  When overtime comes around the house techs get first shot at the hours.  Rumor has it that after the first of the year the schedule will go to 5 days a week.  They haven't stated it yet but we all know that means 5-8s for the contractors and 2 hours a day for the house techs.  Not sure if 5-8s is worth it or not.  They hired 3 of the contractors here and more spots will come open in time.  This was supposed to be a 3 month project but here we are 6 months later with a schedule that takes us to March.  More later........
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Offline TN-Man

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #205 on: Dec 04, 2008, 10:33 »
So does this mean that the CTMT has been released?? How long did that take?? I heard about the three that went house. You'll miss WT as coordinator, but CB will be a good one. I guess if you want a house job you have to be the Barlett coordinator. Ask John if he has any extra ear pieces for the teletector lying around. I could use one.
Sometimes I look back on my life and think I could have had to work for a living. Thank God, I'm an HP.

Offline shehane

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #206 on: Dec 10, 2008, 11:27 »
The CTMT is not released yet but it's close.  Not sure if I would sign the paperwork but it is pretty clean.  They got three for house jobs and a couple more have had offers from Sequoyah, so WBN will need more contractors after the new year.  Don't think there are any extra earpieces around.  We had to search for one to get the westinghouse box surveys done this morning.
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Offline Limited Quanity

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #207 on: Dec 10, 2008, 06:00 »
The CTMT is not released yet but it's close.  Not sure if I would sign the paperwork but it is pretty clean.  They got three for house jobs and a couple more have had offers from Sequoyah, so WBN will need more contractors after the new year.  Don't think there are any extra earpieces around.  We had to search for one to get the westinghouse box surveys done this morning.

Ahh, make it last another couple months, at least till our shutdown...So have you guys heard on any report dates at Sequoyah???

Hey Slow Cooker, hope your still enjoying the good life in DOEville!  I might can dig u up a earpiece, you need one for the old model tele or the newer???  The plugs are different.  They are interviewing for a shipper at the Bar if your interested, CKW is very near to departing.  We're supporting them from down here and I hear WBN is wearing them out.  They draw straws, play rock, paper, scissors, or mash the fingers on the writing hand in a car door to not go!!!
I used to be a lifeguard until some blue kid got me fired.

Offline shehane

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #208 on: Dec 11, 2008, 10:09 »
Latest news is there are 3 definites that have accepted offers.  Not sure what the hold up is now.  Haven't heard any news about medical exams or security paperwork yet.  Should be there by the end of the next shutdown. 
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be! Dirk Gently

Offline TN-Man

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #209 on: Dec 11, 2008, 11:11 »
They are interviewing for a shipper at the Bar if your interested, CKW is very near to departing.  We're supporting them from down here and I hear WBN is wearing them out.  They draw straws, play rock, paper, scissors, or mash the fingers on the writing hand in a car door to not go!!!

A shipper job at the Bar!!?? I would expect they would have them lined up from the Portal to the OSGSF for that big money. Anybody reading this with Shipper Quals better jump on this one. The Sequoyah people are just spoiled. Here is somebody's chance to get in on the Nuclear Renaissance before it ends. This looks like the last chance. Life in in DOEville is too good to leave- even for double the money.

Slow Cooker Now just call me Simmer
Sometimes I look back on my life and think I could have had to work for a living. Thank God, I'm an HP.


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Hiring cycle for Watts Bar 2
« Reply #210 on: Mar 07, 2009, 03:56 »
This is my first post so please inform me if I make a mistake. I've searched a while before posting this. I am a MM1 with about 3 1/2 years left on this contract. I'm an about to go to Japan for 3 years. Then, hopefully they will send me back prior to my separation, which is in Nov 2012. I saw that Watts Bar should have their other plant operational by about 2013. Does anyone know when they will start hiring for operator positions? I'm hoping that I can slide right into a job like this shortly before or after my EAOS.

Thank you all for this website. It has been very informative and I've referred plenty of my friends to check this site out.


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Re: Hiring cycle for Watts Bar 2
« Reply #211 on: Mar 07, 2009, 06:39 »
They should be done well before then. I believe the big TVA hiring push ends in mid 2011.

Offline Bleyse

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #212 on: Mar 08, 2009, 07:44 »
Staffing for unit 2 is already well underway.  There are currently 3 NLO training classes (approx 20 students in each) going on at WBN right now.  Latest class started in January and no word right now on when the next class will start.  There are also two ILT classes going with another starting up soon. 
« Last Edit: Mar 08, 2009, 07:45 by Bleyse »


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WBN Staffing
« Reply #213 on: Mar 19, 2009, 10:19 »
Does anyone know who is staffing the Document/Admin. Personnel at Watts Bar?


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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #214 on: May 13, 2009, 07:50 »
Good evening all.  I am new to this site and currently I am a navy nuke machinist mate and have been for 4 1/2 years now.  Lately I have been really thinking about getting out of the navy and going civilian when my time is up (about 3 1/2 years left) on account that I want to actually be able to raise a family without having to leave all the time.  I have read pretty much this entire forum (along with the Sequoya plant) in hopes to find information on them.  As of right now if I get out I want to move to Tennessee, so thats why I am so interested. Currently I am thinking about going AO, but also not entirely certain what all is out there. Unfortunately I do have a few questions (some of which have been answered all ready but in very vague answers).
1)  What kind of jobs are available (nuke related), what do they do, and how does "advancement" work (for lack of a better word)?
2)  I understand that it is shiftwork so:  How long are the days and what is the cycle like for each shift?
3)  How much on average do people get paid, does qualifying EWS or getting a degree help get more?
4)  What are the benefits like, including say medical, dental, and retirement?
5)  Since I have a little bit of time left:  When should I officially apply for a job and take my POSS test (I would like to know that I have a job as soon as I get out)

Thank you everybody and sorry its such a lengthy post (and yes it is the same as the Sequoya site but I figured I may get more answers if I posted it on both)


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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #215 on: May 13, 2009, 08:34 »
Just an opinion, but neither of your posts were germain to either Watts Bar or Sequoyah.
I found it rude that you posted it on both threads.



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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #216 on: May 13, 2009, 09:17 »
Good evening all.  I am new to this site and currently I am a navy nuke machinist mate and have been for 4 1/2 years now.  Lately I have been really thinking about getting out of the navy and going civilian when my time is up (about 3 1/2 years left) on account that I want to actually be able to raise a family without having to leave all the time.  I have read pretty much this entire forum (along with the Sequoya plant) in hopes to find information on them.  As of right now if I get out I want to move to Tennessee, so thats why I am so interested. Currently I am thinking about going AO, but also not entirely certain what all is out there. Unfortunately I do have a few questions (some of which have been answered all ready but in very vague answers).
1)  What kind of jobs are available (nuke related), what do they do, and how does "advancement" work (for lack of a better word)?
2)  I understand that it is shiftwork so:  How long are the days and what is the cycle like for each shift?
3)  How much on average do people get paid, does qualifying EWS or getting a degree help get more?
4)  What are the benefits like, including say medical, dental, and retirement?
5)  Since I have a little bit of time left:  When should I officially apply for a job and take my POSS test (I would like to know that I have a job as soon as I get out)

Thank you everybody and sorry its such a lengthy post (and yes it is the same as the Sequoya site but I figured I may get more answers if I posted it on both)
1) Posted jobs are the ones usually available
2) Days are 24 hrs longs and the cycles length for each shift varies
3) People on average get paid the following: total number of plant employees divided by the total yearly pay of the total number of plant employees--EWS or/and a degree may or may not help you "get more".
4) Benefits are usually beneficial in direct relationship to the name of the benefit
5) You should start applying and take the POSS test immediately as 3 1/2 years of practice should sharpen your job-hunting skills to put you right on target of having all the nuclear Tennessee power plant employers begging for your services


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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #217 on: May 14, 2009, 08:18 »
yes I do kind of understand that it was a newbie question, but I think that it does pertain to these two places.  I don't give a rats @$$ about whats going on in Vermont or Nebraska, I wanna know how they run things in TN.  You know maybe I'm just naive but I would think that different people work at different places, so no I don't think it was rude posting it in both locations.  I think that it was having a legitimate question and hoping that if I posted it at both places I may find somebody that would be a little help.  And to be honest, I think that it was rude that I ask a few good questions and all I get is smartass remarks. 


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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #218 on: May 14, 2009, 08:44 »
yes I do kind of understand that it was a newbie question, but I think that it does pertain to these two places.  I don't give a rats @$$ about whats going on in Vermont or Nebraska, I wanna know how they run things in TN.  You know maybe I'm just naive but I would think that different people work at different places, so no I don't think it was rude posting it in both locations.  I think that it was having a legitimate question and hoping that if I posted it at both places I may find somebody that would be a little help.  And to be honest, I think that it was rude that I ask a few good questions and all I get is smartass remarks. 

It was rude and if this is how you respond you won't make it a day in the commercial world.


Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #219 on: May 14, 2009, 11:27 »
I don't give a rats @$$ about whats going on in Vermont or Nebraska

which is unfortunate, as that both places have BWRs which hire frequently, and fairly nice people to work with.

I have a hunch, based on this thread, that the poster can pretty much assume person(s) with hire/don't hire authority at TVA may have already made some mental notes...

« Last Edit: May 16, 2009, 01:26 by HydroDave63 »

Offline Bleyse

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #220 on: May 14, 2009, 11:41 »
1) Jobs available are on the TVA website.  That's the only way they hire, there's a nice search function to narrow down to the plants you are interested in.  "Advancement" is about like everywhere else; you put in your time, and if you do well enough and are motivated, you will 'advance'.
2) For Ops, it's 12 hour shifts, days and nights alternate weekly, 5 week rotation, training in middle, 8 day break at the end.
3) The pay rates for technical training positions are posted on the TVA website, and they are negotiated by union, so all employees covered by Trades and Labor agreements get the same rate.  As far as management goes, degrees and Naval accomplishments are more like minimum consideration qualifications.
4) TVA is a federal government corporation, so what do you think the benefits are like?  Seriously, you can find a lot of information on benefits on the TVA website.
5) POSS test is given to as many as 30 candidates all at once in a classroom setting; it's not gonna be an easy transition from Navy to TVA like you want.  The jobs that require people to take a POSS are usually only up for about 3-4 days, there's a very small window to apply.  

As you can see, at least three of your questions could have been answered if you just went to the TVA website and read the information that was posted there.  From that point of view, perhaps you can see why you ended up with some of the responses you got.


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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #221 on: May 16, 2009, 01:16 »
Thanks Bleyse.  I didnt realize that all this was found on their website.  Im going to have to go check it out now

Offline LOKI RAD

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #222 on: May 26, 2009, 05:28 »
Is there an Outage at WBN this fall?

Who is the HP contractor, Atlantic or Bartlett?

Do They hire just locals or is it a super returnee plant?

I heard Bill Jasper was the RPM now that Sawyer left for BFN, do you call him directly for a job?

Thanks for any help! :)


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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #223 on: May 26, 2009, 10:13 »
Bartlett has the HP contract.
They hire anybody, they are NOT a high returnee rate plant.
Bill Jasper is not the RPM, he is a supervisor.
I do think that they are having an outage, check the Bartlett wish list.

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Re: Watts Bar
« Reply #224 on: May 27, 2009, 08:14 »
We're starting our outage in late September.


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