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Plum Brook

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Author Topic: Plum Brook  (Read 132042 times)

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #100 on: Aug 26, 2006, 09:47 »
 I agree with Duke, I'am sure where ever Harry is things are running smoothly.

 About the Mota safety man, I once again agree with Duke he is a good safety man and he does his job top notch.

 About the rest of the crap on this thread I have my own opinions, and I choose to keep that to myself..

Karma to you Duke AKA Safetyman Sasser.

PWHOPPE Karma to you also for trying to not let this thread spin out of control.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #101 on: Aug 26, 2006, 07:53 »
hey just to set you straight, we are not the ones doing the slander. So you can quit pointing fingers this way. until just now we did not even have an account.
SOME of you guys are good people and we were glad to have worked with you, others well....... nevermind.
I am glad I no longer work there and have to deal with this childish BS.
I think there is some truth to some of the postings but not all of it.
Have you ever heard of not believing every thing you read or hear.
 But really  who cares, if you did not do any thing wrong why worry?

You guys take care....see you down the road.

The General

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #102 on: Aug 28, 2006, 09:29 »
I am responding to the "locals that take the cake". I think just about every one of them worked for me at one time or another. 95% of them I would hire in a minute. They may have been "locals" but they had more common sense, talent & a better work ethic than some of the "experienced". This is a little advice for the people who have all this negativitiy towards Plum Brook & the management. I understand when someone has a problem with the way a job is being conducted ie: safety, rad issues, or some other nonsense, but don't just say "can't do", figure out a way to get it done (that is what you are getting paid for). Look at the problem, find a solution! I must say that the majority of the personnel (Local & Roadies) I did work with are extremely talented & professional. This a just a little advice to all who are still there, if you don't like your work enviroment LEAVE & if you do like it good for you, it's not such a bad place. Oh one other thing, MOTA H&S Manager & RPM are two of the best I have ever worked with.

The General


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #103 on: Aug 28, 2006, 10:25 »
I am responding to the "locals that take the cake". I think just about every one of them worked for me at one time or another. 95% of them I would hire in a minute. They may have been "locals" but they had more common sense, talent & a better work ethic than some of the "experienced". This is a little advice for the people who have all this negativitiy towards Plum Brook & the management. I understand when someone has a problem with the way a job is being conducted ie: safety, rad issues, or some other nonsense, but don't just say "can't do", figure out a way to get it done (that is what you are getting paid for). Look at the problem, find a solution! I must say that the majority of the personnel (Local & Roadies) I did work with are extremely talented & professional. This a just a little advice to all who are still there, if you don't like your work enviroment LEAVE & if you do like it good for you, it's not such a bad place. Oh one other thing, MOTA H&S Manager & RPM are two of the best I have ever worked with.

The General

Great post!



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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #104 on: Aug 28, 2006, 10:34 »
     first off i would like to hand out my Karma Awards to the following: the general, jr8black, and duke. for not only keeping it real but for shedding some positive on plumbrooks work environment and management. if people are truly dissatisfied with where they are then you people know where the door is. i do not feel this forum is the place that randomuser should name certain people as to their level of dissatisfaction. remeber what you say here can follow you to your next project. for now i will keep my thought about the project to my self and leave the high schoolish bickering to others.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #105 on: Aug 28, 2006, 10:52 »
     first off i would like to hand out my Karma Awards to the following: the general, jr8black, and duke. for not only keeping it real but for shedding some positive on plumbrooks work environment and management. if people are truly dissatisfied with where they are then you people know where the door is. i do not feel this forum is the place that randomuser should name certain people as to their level of dissatisfaction. remeber what you say here can follow you to your next project. for now i will keep my thought about the project to my self and leave the high schoolish bickering to others.

Another great post!


Offline Rennhack

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #106 on: Aug 28, 2006, 11:39 »
     first off i would like to hand out my Karma Awards to the following: the general, jr8black, and duke.

Too bad you can't actually give them karma.
« Last Edit: Aug 28, 2006, 11:39 by Rennhack »


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #107 on: Aug 28, 2006, 11:55 »
yea i know but i could they would have it and at least they know where their opinions stand with me

Offline PWHoppe

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #108 on: Aug 29, 2006, 05:54 »
yea i know but i could they would have it and at least they know where their opinions stand with me

There IS a way for you to give them Karma you know  ;)
« Last Edit: Aug 29, 2006, 05:55 by PWHoppe »
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

Forum rules..


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #109 on: Aug 29, 2006, 03:11 »
This is a very interesting thread. Some people think PB is a dream and some think it's a nightmare. Some think the RPM/'Safety Guy'/and PM are brilliant and some think they are ineffectual (tryin' to keep the personal terms out of this). I'd love to know what spawns the divergent views.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #110 on: Aug 29, 2006, 03:33 »
Could you please direct me to where in this thread someone stated the PM is brilliant?


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #111 on: Aug 29, 2006, 10:38 »
Some one wants to know! how  a person knows what is going on.
For the fact at one point in time I was the over site safety manger for MWH at this site.. So I did get to know everyone at the site at that time. now that the other company has the pie will they have some good personal working there. Or they would not be there. A lot of these jobs people want to come and sit a read there books and tell storys of the weekend and items, and some of these jobs you have to do things. That is they way it is . And there are others who worked there way out of the heard, Just  think on it
It is better to be out of the heard and calling the shots then to be in heard getting branded.
all in all every job go's with good planning and a good safety program.
I even put some of the team that is there in for the Army Corp safety awards. So you do have some good guys there.
keep up the good work and hang in there.
by the way MWH took the workers out for lunch as will.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #112 on: Aug 30, 2006, 08:05 »
There is nothing like PB. All hands meeting this morning. Got our jobs threatened for something that happened in " 05 " .
And the people in the meeting played no active role in the incident.
There are alot of good people here and then there are a few who don't belong in this business. And thats what makes it sux....
« Last Edit: Aug 30, 2006, 08:23 by Lucky13 »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #113 on: Aug 30, 2006, 08:35 »

Blue Heron

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #114 on: Aug 30, 2006, 03:48 »
Well a lot of folk tried working out of the herd and still got branded.

PB sure had its ups and downs.  One thing I know is there were some(not all) real good safety people out there trying to get things to work and trying real hard to watch other peoples back.  Some of 'em took a lot of heat for stuff, stuff that got blown way out of proportion at the time, and heat for stuff that happened behind closed doors.  I wonder what happened to a few of them?



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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #115 on: Aug 30, 2006, 09:39 »
Hey, you guys are supposed to be professionals in your field.  Please invest in a dictionary; it would really help your cause.  And by the way…E.B. is my hero P.E.  in his latest adventure....AND...B.K. deserves kudos for Cell One!!!  If you have anything to say, come in my office (you know where I sit) and I’ll have no qualms about setting the record straight.  To all of you who feel the need to fuel the are no better than the wrong.  My advice is to either bring it up, suck it up or shut it up.  This is a decent place to work..if you don’t like it …LEAVE!


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #116 on: Aug 30, 2006, 10:31 »
Wow....can you say...Safety Conscious Work Environment


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #117 on: Aug 31, 2006, 07:10 »
Like I said some people belong in this business and some do not.
« Last Edit: Aug 31, 2006, 08:03 by Lucky13 »


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #118 on: Aug 31, 2006, 07:36 »
Way to go BK doing all that work by yourself.

This place is a cyst on MOTA'S @@@, that is going to keep festering under the current "leadership".

Halcyon Daze

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #119 on: Aug 31, 2006, 01:53 »
 now that the other company has the pie will they have some good personal working there. Or they would not be there.

but that doesn't mean they're the ones running the show. Cronyism reigns supreme here.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #120 on: Aug 31, 2006, 07:54 »
whats the hurry go to surry!


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #121 on: Sep 01, 2006, 09:20 »
whats the hurry go to surry!
??? ??? ???
What's Surry got to do with PB?
« Last Edit: Sep 01, 2006, 09:31 by illegalsmile »


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #122 on: Sep 02, 2006, 09:46 »
I agree with Duke on this one:  If you don't like plum brook or the management, leave.  A great deal of work went into cell one from the very beginning and the crew did a vary impressive job even with all of the setbacks.  BK deserves credit along with the crew, because he was in there with his crew working very hard.  What did you do to further along this project, Rad X?  Obviously not much considering your posting times are during working hours.  And as for any road techs, I offended, I apologize to the ones who are good workers and the ones who I have become friends with.  My comments did not apply to you.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #123 on: Sep 02, 2006, 12:05 »
I don't even work for Mota, but I did throw some Karma to Sandra for her comment on how well BK did with cell one. BK was  a working lead and along with his crew they did a great job, I seen it day in and day out.. So many Kudos to BK and his crew..

Offline PWHoppe

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #124 on: Sep 02, 2006, 12:22 »

OK...Enough already....PLEASE stop with all the name calling and other such stuff :(

This thread is getting out of hand and I'm going to put a halt to it SOON!

I realize that feelings and emotions here are high but please try and be professional about it. There are always going to be different sides to every issue and you can't always agree, sometimes we just have to "agree to disagree".

Please everyone, let's just respect each others opinion and move on...OK ???

'Nuff said'

your friendly neighborhood moderator.

hopster  ;D
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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