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Plum Brook

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Author Topic: Plum Brook  (Read 127323 times)

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #50 on: Jul 23, 2005, 01:39 »
What about Harry? is he off to red sox land?
go yankees

Offline HousePuke

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #51 on: Jul 27, 2005, 10:39 »
Harry is still here.  I don't know for how much longer (for any of us), but Harry's here.
Irish diplomacy is the ability to tell a man to go to hell such that he looks forward to making the trip.

Inspite of inflation, a penny is still a fair price for most peoples thoughts.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #52 on: Jul 27, 2005, 02:40 »
Any info on what will happen after this fall? what about any additional financing becoming available so that the site might be completed?


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #53 on: Aug 20, 2005, 12:39 »
Whats up with plum brook?

Offline HousePuke

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #54 on: Aug 22, 2005, 03:35 »
Continuing roll back of government property.  Doing end state surveys.  The end of this week lots of folks will be leaving.  More to follow around 9/2.  It was nice while it lasted. :(
Irish diplomacy is the ability to tell a man to go to hell such that he looks forward to making the trip.

Inspite of inflation, a penny is still a fair price for most peoples thoughts.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #55 on: Aug 25, 2005, 01:11 »

are they looking to lock the place up and hold the keys like they did before? well good luck to all, I hear a big layoff is tomorrow? with more to come later.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #56 on: Aug 25, 2005, 07:08 »
sounds to me the smart ones left early .

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #57 on: Sep 16, 2005, 12:01 »
Well, the end is here.  By COB next Thursday MWH and all the subs will be gone.  Mota has a two year contract in place with NASA to continue on a relatively small scale.
It's been real and it's been fun...y'all know the rest.
Irish diplomacy is the ability to tell a man to go to hell such that he looks forward to making the trip.

Inspite of inflation, a penny is still a fair price for most peoples thoughts.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #58 on: Sep 16, 2005, 09:37 »
what about the guys that bought  houses there are they going to leave the site as will?


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #59 on: Sep 17, 2005, 08:26 »
well i guess as the saying goes " all good things must come to an end" we all know that these projects end when we take the assignment. all you can do is do the best job you know how to and go to the next job when it's done. as for people who bought houses ect. My guess that they will find gainable employment. well best of luck to everyone in their future endeavors.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #60 on: Sep 17, 2005, 10:18 »
Is good old Randy Flower still there flying his airplane or did that whole crew get laid off as will?

Halcyon Daze

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #61 on: Feb 01, 2006, 07:18 »
Randy's gone....been gone. There were 9 MOTA techs but we had one give notice the other day and another one got fired for raising safety issues. You might be able to get in here now.
They had a big public meeting last week and NASA promised everyone they were committed to finishing the project (but I'm sure that means "as long as we get all the money we ask for.")


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #62 on: Feb 02, 2006, 07:47 »
Just to set the record straight that nobody from MOTA has been released from Plum Brook for raising safety issues.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #63 on: Feb 02, 2006, 07:57 »
in response to what daze posted. as a former worker and lead tech at plumbrook i find it hard to believe that an employee would be fired for raising safety issues ! Normally someone is laid off because of bad work practices, poor attendance, or just a reduction in force which may be related to site not having the financial resources to maintain the current staffing of such said site.

Halcyon Daze

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #64 on: Feb 02, 2006, 10:50 »
The tech was terminated about 1 hr after raising a safety issue at a morning briefing. He was told it was for 'disruptive behavior,' but they refused to tell him what the 'disruptive behavior' was. He was never counseled for any type of 'disruptive behavior,' and again, was not told what behavior was considered disruptive. On the crew that he was covering, two of the workers had gotten into a fight (not an argument, a fight..rolling on the floor and punching) in a High Contamination Area/Airborne Radioactivity Area) and received no diciplinary action. You be the judge.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #65 on: Feb 02, 2006, 05:20 »
Sounds like to me you are trying to stir up issues that never happened in defending your friend. I have worked out there and nothing like that, as far as I know, every happened. When I was there every issue we had was brought up to supervision and they were addressed. It seems to me that you might be making up stories to make people or organizations look bad. If you are so worried about this person, then have you brought it up to your supervisor? If not why? For someone to get terminated over raising safety issues, to me, just sounds dumb and maybe you should contact this person and find out the real reason. 

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #66 on: Feb 02, 2006, 06:40 »
Let's remember about assumptions and try not to make them.  In this case the ones who know the truth about what happened are those involved.  In an open forum we can only hope that all who post are doing so truthfully.  This applies to all of us.  Unless someone has proof that something did not happen we have to take it as truth until proven otherwise.  Likewise, if we post erroneous information unknowlingly and find it out later then we are obligated to correct the error.  If we follow this I think we can avoid the "did too, did not" scenario that serves nothing but to make all involved look immature & foolish.

Thanks in advance for keeping this in mind, not only in this thread but any others we might read or post in.
« Last Edit: Feb 02, 2006, 06:48 by Nuclear NASCAR »
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #67 on: Feb 03, 2006, 01:56 »
I am the person who was terminated. The story that HD has related is essentially truthful in it's facts.(the action occurred about 2 hrs after the morning briefing where I raised the issue and I was given no reason for the termination beyond the claim of 'disruptive behavior' despite specifically asking for clarification. Another tech and I had been reprimanded the previous week for talking during a briefing. We were asked if we could tell the Project Mgr what the briefing had been about and we did, to his satisfaction. At the time of my termination, the RPM stated that he had no idea what it was about. Regarding the fight, I was not covering the crew at the time this allegedly occurred, but I heard talk about it afterward.) Whether or not my termination was due to my raising of safety issues (and I had raised several, including reprimanding a construction supervisor for passing contaminated material out of the CA) is an interpretation of the facts and each person will have his/her own. I'm sure MOTA management would deny it if it were true (they'd be pretty dumb not to) so that would be a pointless pursuit. HD is currently employed at Plum Brook, and is in a much better position than any former employees to speak on the current environment and events. I agree w/ NN, this is not a place where anything can be solved. If I wish to take issue with this action, I will address it through NASA and/or NRC reps, not But I didn't want to sit here and watch people who have no idea what went on call HD a liar. Like most experienced techs, I had no problem finding another job. Thanks for your concern, though.
« Last Edit: Feb 03, 2006, 02:38 by halflifer »

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #68 on: Feb 03, 2006, 03:36 »
Thanks for bringing the rest of the story out to us.  There's nothing like getting it straight from those involved.  Glad (and not surprised) to hear that a new job didn't take long to find. 

"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #69 on: Feb 03, 2006, 06:19 »
I really hate to play this game of "did not", "did too"; but the fact of the matter is I have been a D and D tech at Plum Brook for 3 1/2 years now and I was on the crew that H D was talking about and I was there through all of the happenings with Half Lifer.  Here is the truth.  There was no fight in a High Contam zone.  One of the things Half Lifer did was when he had a safety concern, he would run to upper managment instead of telling the worker to stop what they were doing.  He had an entire crew wondering what kind of fabricated story he would concoct to get someone fired.  His goal since day one was to get are safety tech fired so his wife could get a job.  This was no secret, as he would often say that our safety man was a "walking head wound".  This man was fired for disruptive behavior, what do you think he is doing on this website?  Being Disruptive.  I just wanted to set the record straight for all of us D and D techs who had to work with the guy who tried to get us all fired.  Good bye and good riddence.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #70 on: Feb 03, 2006, 08:12 »
To Bad Jim Crocker was not there he would have fixed all of the 1st day.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #71 on: Feb 03, 2006, 09:13 »
Just to clarify the record even further, I am also employed presently at Plum Brook and let me back up what randomuser was saying by letting everyone know what kind of person this Halflifer was while on site....(1) If a fight happened (which everyone on site knows that it didn't) on site why didn't both Halflifer and Halycon Daze report it???? (2) If a worker was to breach a contaminated boundary why didn't the RP (Halflifer) report that as well. And (3) if he was so safety conscience then why did he take every opportunity to undermine and belittle the safety department. In closing, all parties that have worked with Halflife at Plum Brook are happy with the decision mangagement made to release him from the project. In talking with numerous people around the site (with the exception of a couple) the feeling of relief was and still is felt by this decision. Also all the outlandish claims being made by Halflife and HD i've found rather amusing. Let me guess, the next claim that they will make is that Aerosmith will be playing at their next party (HD I think you know what I mean)!!!!!

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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #72 on: Feb 03, 2006, 09:43 »
Ok, everyone has had their say.  Please let this rest.  I fear it is about to get out of control.

So.... No more clarification about halflifer, or his termination.

Thank you.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #73 on: Feb 03, 2006, 11:41 »
I cannot speak for any current events at PBRF. Yet the recent incident, and person(s) involved compelled me to reply.  I was the first RP/RCT on site, and was there for roughly three years. What should have been a great job and resume enhancer turned out to be a black eye for all involved, and continues evidently to this day. For the first 1.5 years, NASA/Army Core of Engineers and prime where more concerned with a new fleet of company vehicles (while they questioned us [company] why we could not characterize fast enough, when all we had where two [2] friskers and a Tennelec with a waste stream a mile long). Ask Warnick, he knows. When I left, I felt guilty, for nothing was ever accomplished. Once I (along with company) were gone, you realize that with two government agencies, both competing for money, nothing was ever going to be agreed upon. Leaving there hurt, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I am know at INL, and prior to arrival read the blogs on this site. All I heard was doom and gloom, and that if you are a sub... watch your back.  Thou there might be some truth to the atmosphere, if you are willing to put in the time and effort, good things will come. As far as I am concerned, this is the best DOE site I have worked. 

My point is, take what you hear with a grain of salt, unless you experience it for yourself. There's good and bad out there, yet, most of all, it's up to you.


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Re: Plum Brook
« Reply #74 on: Feb 04, 2006, 12:13 »
we are all over looking the real Darth Vader!  discontent is breeding instead of us watching out for each other,what ever happened to that?  Our Darth Vader at this site will one day have to answer all of these questions if we all stick together.  lets make a pact and stop all of this finger pointing and move on to the professionalism that is expected of us... dont fall to the darkside.


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