The flood has been a disaster. DAEC is still running at 100% but they were taking precautions if the water had gotten any higher. to put it in perspective, 93 was a bad flood for the cedar river, 19.3 ft. the other day the river in cedar rapids crest at 31.12 ft. hundreds of homes and businesses in the downtown area have been destroyed. this was also into if not beyond the 500 year flood plain, which most people in that 500 year flood plain didnt have flood insurance, for its only required in the 100 year flood plain. i heard a stat today that said something like only 30% of those that lost thier home or business had flood insurance. the hall for IBEW 204, which is DAEC's union, was completely underwater. for a while we didnt think we would even have drinking water, but now we are back up to 50% capacity. its been a terrible couple of days, luckily i live on the north side of cedar rapids by hiawatha and i was not affected. but for those of you that have worked at DAEC, the entire town of palo was flooded, and I mean every single home and business. for 3 days, palo was completely shut off from the world, every road leading into town was flooded. I took some pics to give you guys an idea.

the north side of quaker oats in downtown CR.

southside of quaker

1st ave SW, this picture is taken from the 380 bridge.

SW side

this was taken from edgewood road, just South of the cedar river, we are sandbagging to save the last running well house that pumps water to the treatment plant. when we got there, we there were only 6 of us. 1/2 hour later there was 30 of us, 1/2 after that, there were 2000! not to mention we did save the well house. if that went, CR wouldnt have had any drinking water.

another picture of the people sandbagging to save the well house. it was quite remarkable to see the amount of people come out. if KCRG had not broadcast that we were in dyer need of help, we would have lost that well house for sure.
As of right now, the water is steadily receeding. they say it should be a week before its back in its banks, and as of right now, it looks like the weather will be cooperating with us.
Nick Scott