NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Radiation Safety => Topic started by: iandad on Feb 11, 2017, 03:31

Title: Back in the Saddle?
Post by: iandad on Feb 11, 2017, 03:31
Hey All,

Just wanted to throw this our there. I've been out of the industry for about 15 years or so. Since  then I have been working in the transmission line construction sector: training (including CBT/WBT development), procedure writing, bid prep, and project management. At this point I am tired of the PM "grind" and am casting my gaze on my old trade. I am 55 and plan on working at least another ten years, seasonal or contract work  would be perfect as kids  are grown now.

HP Background:

I think I could spin back up on the quals fairly easily and am looking at the current qualification list(s). l know the industry is kinda soft right now but I have tremendous skills over and above just swinging a meter. Would be able to start back with doing that though if that's what it takes as I have a good nest egg.

Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions?
Title: Re: Back in the Saddle?
Post by: Rennhack on Feb 12, 2017, 09:26
l know the industry is kinda soft right now but I have tremendous skills over and above just swinging a meter. Would be able to start back with doing that though if that's what it takes as I have a good nest egg.

You allude to two things.  One, coming back as a technician, and another coming back as... you don't say as what.

What is your REAL question.  Do you want to come back as a tech, or as something else, and if something else, then what?

If it's coming back as a tech, there are some great tools available to help you pass the RP test with little pain and agony.  If you want to come back as something else; its submit your resume, and roll the dice.

You MAY need to work one tech job to get your clearance back, to make you more marketable... you may not.
Title: Re: Back in the Saddle?
Post by: iandad on Feb 12, 2017, 06:04
Thanks for the prompt reply. In regards to your question(s):

Of course I would like to have another professional position, particularly training.  That said I would indeed be willing to come back as a tech just to get my foot back in the industry. BTW, I am also looking at doing the same in Industrial Radiography although that market seems a little soft also.

I have browsed the study sites and found the study guides, etc. Much better resources than we I went through all the first go-round. I have also seen the posts on the decline of the folks getting registered, it was a big deal back in the day. Now, it appears, not so much. I would have no problem with the other quals, just need some time going through the material and crunching the calcs.

I also have traditional safety quals : OSHA 500, Red Cross FA/CPR/AED instructor, and a ton of experience in the electrical utility industry.

I am just looking at HP work as one possible option... Thanks again!!
Title: Re: Back in the Saddle?
Post by: SloGlo on Feb 13, 2017, 11:59
currant time frame wood bee berry good to catch an outage. hit the big boys, bhi and d&z. that'll get clearance taken care of as mike related. plus yule have a chance two rub shoulders and converse with sum in the industry for available positions. good luck, butt move quick!