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Brunswick / Re: Brunswick - Lodging
« Last post by on Yesterday at 09:09 PM »
There is a facebook group that has owners of short term rentals that rent directly or through vrbo and airbnb as well as local property managers. Many of them are looking for tenants for the outage period.
Nuke News / U.S. spent fuel liability jumps to $44.5 billion
« Last post by Marlin on Yesterday at 06:49 PM »
Plasma compression breakthrough: General Fusion hits 600 million neutrons per second
Nuke News / Nuclear power: ruling the waves?
« Last post by Marlin on Yesterday at 06:42 PM »
Site News / Re: New Quiz Software
« Last post by Rennhack on Yesterday at 06:14 PM »
Just purchased nuke worker practice quizzes. When I go to login, it asked me to pay the $64 again. Did I do something wrong? Or am I doing something wrong?


You likely tried to do it before your account was authorized. Your account was authorized on 2024-12-02. Try logging in again. 
Training, Tests & Education / Taking the RCT Core exam
« Last post by ebukovsky on Yesterday at 06:12 PM »
If someone wanted to take the RCT Exam what would be the best way to get started?
I am an employee at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-destruction Pilot Plant in Pueblo, CO. We have worked with a lady from WIPP in NM for RAD Worker training as well as RCT Core. She was able to proctor the exam at one time but that is no longer an option.

We have one employee now who is interested in taking the Core exam, she wants to be a Radiological Control Technician in Richland, WA.
Do you have any information I can pass along to her? She has been self-studying the material.

My understanding of it was that it is a very heavy lift, there is a lot of math involved, we only had 2 out of 13 people pass when we were able to offer it here so I know that it is no easy task.
What is FAC?
Site News / Re: New Quiz Software
« Last post by Rennhack on Yesterday at 06:09 PM »
I've paid for nuke worker twice and still haven't been given access

And you've read the instructions zero times.

According to Pay Pal, your Transaction date is December 4, 2024 8:57:59 AM PST.

Your payment came through today, December 4, 2024 at 11:50 am (EST), and 11:59 am (EST). And I have authorized your account.

How Long does the instructions say it will take to get authorized, and what does it say about paying twice?
Nuke News / Atomic Alchemy and Zeno Power to provide fuel for radioisotopes
« Last post by Marlin on Yesterday at 01:35 PM »
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