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Nuke News / Uranium prices see increase as October begins
« Last post by Marlin on Oct 04, 2024, 10:01 »
Nuke News / GAO: DOE should pause work on Hanford’s HLW Facility
« Last post by Marlin on Oct 04, 2024, 09:57 »
Nuke News / AI’s nuclear opportunity
« Last post by Marlin on Oct 04, 2024, 09:48 »
Nuke News / Keeping up with Kewaunee
« Last post by Marlin on Oct 04, 2024, 09:43 »
Future fusion goals: US’ DREAM TEAM to 3D-print tungsten for nuclear reactors
Nuke News / Cleanup Progresses on Large Scale Across 13 ORNL Buildings
« Last post by Marlin on Oct 03, 2024, 01:19 »
The reactor is just 10 miles from my place. East Tennessee is not just talking about being a nuclear hub it is moving on it.  8)

Kairos Power Breaks Ground on Molten Salt Production Facility
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