NukeWorker Forum

News and Discussions => Nuke News => Topic started by: Marlin on Mar 25, 2024, 12:02

Title: If Pilgrim's radioactive water were shipped, here's what would happen
Post by: Marlin on Mar 25, 2024, 12:02
If Pilgrim's radioactive water were shipped, here's what would happen
Title: Re: If Pilgrim's radioactive water were shipped, here's what would happen
Post by: Mounder on Mar 25, 2024, 01:46
Based on their logic, all BWRs need to be shut down immediately.   Someone just has their hand out for a payday.  What else is new.
I think the NRC confuses them with "hydrogen-3".  From this day forward:  a bill is created to stricken the use the word "tritium.  Today is "Hydrogen-3 Day".

10 CFR 20.2003 Disposal by release into sanitary sewerage.
(4) The total quantity of licensed and other radioactive material that the licensee releases into the sanitary sewerage system in a year does not exceed 5 curies (185 GBq) of hydrogen-3, 1 curie (37 GBq) of carbon-14, and 1 curie (37 GBq) of all other radioactive materials combined.
Title: Re: If Pilgrim's radioactive water were shipped, here's what would happen
Post by: SloGlo on Apr 01, 2024, 10:16
could all waze use the water two make concrete jersey barriers for road projects. jest keep it <d.c.g.l. par barrier.
Title: Re: If Pilgrim's radioactive water were shipped, here's what would happen
Post by: Mounder on Apr 01, 2024, 11:32
Title: Re: If Pilgrim's radioactive water were shipped, here's what would happen
Post by: GLW on Apr 01, 2024, 01:03
could all waze use the water two make concrete jersey barriers for road projects. jest keep it <d.c.g.l. par barrier.

site specific or screening?
Title: Re: If Pilgrim's radioactive water were shipped, here's what would happen
Post by: Marlin on Apr 01, 2024, 01:08
Wastewater from closed Plymouth nuclear plant continues to evaporate. What's the plan?