NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Navy Nuke => Navy:Getting In => Topic started by: martian on Jan 17, 2014, 11:53

Title: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: martian on Jan 17, 2014, 11:53
I know a standard approximation of 3.7 has been mandated for the nuclear reactor position.  Are there any exceptions to the rules? I have a GPA currently of 3.5.  I say this because of the following "parameters" which apply to me.

  4 years prior enlisted navy, currently in Air National Guard
  currently studying chemical engineering, at one point was a dual math major until wife got pregnant with baby 2,
  Proven myself in the past two years by only getting A's,
  My school is Washington State University,
  Studying for my nuclear reactor operator license at WSU TRIGA reactor,
  Soccer Coach, Assistant Scoutmaster,
I never backed down from my weak points, I got 2 C's in Calc but determined to dual major in math to overcome this, got A's in multiple upper division math.  The NR position is what I want to do, no qualms about it.

Thanks for all your guys time, consideration and efforts in this site!  Just want to let you know your appreciated! ;D
Title: Re: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: Rennhack on Jan 18, 2014, 12:38
Click here (
Or here (
GPA requirement while in nupoc (,34955.0.html)
Graduating in May with a low GPA in Nuclear Engineering, need advice (,35520.0.html)
Chance to get in Nuke Program With Low GPA (,16885.0.html)
Title: Re: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: martian on Jan 19, 2014, 11:52
     I have scoured this site quite a bit and found a lot of great information, unfortunately I have yet to hear, specifically, extracurricular activities, prior service, and in general everything else involved in your life is taken into account for a Nuclear Reactor Engineer position.  What I mostly hear is GPA GPA GPA for students. While I have seen someone whom has graduated with a low GPA but has certifications and experience was considering applying.  However that doesn't help me.
    Anyway I shall be applying whether or not I know the odds are stacked for or against my favor, I guess I was just hoping for reassurance...... LMAO silly...
Title: Re: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: klj3827 on Jan 20, 2014, 09:44
     I have scoured this site quite a bit and found a lot of great information, unfortunately I have yet to hear, specifically, extracurricular activities, prior service, and in general everything else involved in your life is taken into account for a Nuclear Reactor Engineer position.  What I mostly hear is GPA GPA GPA for students. While I have seen someone whom has graduated with a low GPA but has certifications and experience was considering applying.  However that doesn't help me.
    Anyway I shall be applying whether or not I know the odds are stacked for or against my favor, I guess I was just hoping for reassurance...... LMAO silly...

And yet, you still don't know the proper title of the job for which you want to apply.

GPA is not the only consideration but it is important to get your foot in the door. It should be noted that Naval Reactors is not immune to the government funding/personnel reduction debates that are ongoing.
Title: Re: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: spekkio on Jan 20, 2014, 11:28
    I have scoured this site quite a bit and found a lot of great information, unfortunately I have yet to hear, specifically, extracurricular activities, prior service, and in general everything else involved in your life is taken into account for a Nuclear Reactor Engineer position.  What I mostly hear is GPA GPA GPA for students. While I have seen someone whom has graduated with a low GPA but has certifications and experience was considering applying.  However that doesn't help me.
Your job is to hire people who will design nuclear reactors. A design flaw could have catastrophic consequences via personnel, environment, and even the survival of Naval Nuclear Power.

You're reviewing resumes and one guy has a 3.9 and another has a 3.6 in EE, but the latter was the president of some club. Who do you want designing reactor plant electrical instrumentation?

I don't know if the nuclear Navy gives GPA waivers or not. But I know that if I were the guy hiring people to design (or operate) nuclear reactors, I couldn't care less if they were president of the chess club or were captain of the intramural football team. I would just want guys who know their s**t. My perception of NR is that they would feel the same way, but that's just a post JOs opinion and is worth less than a bitcoin.
Title: Re: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: spekkio on Jan 20, 2014, 11:34
Click here (
Or here (
GPA requirement while in nupoc (,34955.0.html)
Graduating in May with a low GPA in Nuclear Engineering, need advice (,35520.0.html)
Chance to get in Nuke Program With Low GPA (,16885.0.html)

One of those links has a question with no replies. The Google search yields this thread as the 2nd result -- hardly a bastion of information. One of those links is specifically about commercial nuclear power. The other links on this site deal with NUPOC in general and not Naval Reactors specifically -- and they also deal with people who have sub 3.0 GPAs. None of them deal with his question, which is concerning a not-quite-there GPA applying to NR.
Title: Re: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: GLW on Jan 21, 2014, 07:15
One of those links has a question with no replies. The Google search yields this thread as the 2nd result -- hardly a bastion of information. One of those links is specifically about commercial nuclear power. The other links on this site deal with NUPOC in general and not Naval Reactors specifically -- and they also deal with people who have sub 3.0 GPAs. None of them deal with his question, which is concerning a not-quite-there GPA applying to NR.

pretty much,...

the OP could click on the "Navy:Getting In" at the top of this thread in the forum title: NukeWorker Forum > Career Path > Navy Nuke > Navy:Getting In,...

then the OP could type "nuclear reactors" in the search box at the top right of the page, then click on the Search button and the OP will get about two pages worth of threads to read through looking for something similar to the OP's scenario or perhaps a current user on these pages who may respond to a well presented PM asking for insight,...

the OP could also type "NR" in the search box at the top right of the page, then click on the Search button and the OP will get about two/thirds of a page worth of threads to read through looking for something similar to the OP's scenario or perhaps a current user on these pages who may respond to a well presented PM asking for insight,...

the OP has not checked back here for two days, then again, maybe the OP is on a two day cycle for checking back,... :-\

well, best of luck anyways,....
Title: Re: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: Ksheed on Jan 21, 2014, 02:38
I don't know if the nuclear Navy gives GPA waivers or not. But I know that if I were the guy hiring people to design (or operate) nuclear reactors, I couldn't care less if they were president of the chess club or were captain of the intramural football team. I would just want guys who know their s**t. My perception of NR is that they would feel the same way, but that's just a post JOs opinion and is worth less than a bitcoin.

They way I remember it, everyone in the military was the captain of the football team. So, I doubt that will hold much clout.
Title: Re: Nuclear Reactor GPA waiver????
Post by: Gamecock on Jan 21, 2014, 07:57
The C's in Calculus will be the killer.  This proves a lack of understanding of first principles.