NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Radiation Safety => Topic started by: Zorro1 on Nov 30, 2015, 03:05

Title: Gollnick problem... can't solve
Post by: Zorro1 on Nov 30, 2015, 03:05
I know the solution to this is probably simple but on problem set 9 of ch. 2 in Gollnick's Basic rad pro tech. it asks: Calculate the average energy of the negatron and neutrino emitted in the beta decay of 90Y..... the answers are (Beta = 0.758 MeV, neutrino = 1.52MeV)    how did they come to this?
Title: Re: Gollnick problem... can't solve
Post by: Rennhack on Nov 30, 2015, 06:28
Good question, thank you for asking.

Chapter 2, Page 44:
In beta decay, we often call this energy the endpoint energy or Emaximum. On the average, betas carry about 1/3 of the endpoint energy.

2.278 * 1/3 = 0.758

Chapter 2, Page 46:
Remember that the betas emitted have a range of energies up to the value of the decay energy, Emaximum. On the average, they carry 1/3 Emax and the neutrinos 2/3 Emax.

2.278 * 2/3 = 1.52