NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Navy Nuke => Navy:Staying In => Topic started by: Cycoticpenguin on Nov 13, 2007, 06:12

Title: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Cycoticpenguin on Nov 13, 2007, 06:12
Hello ladies and gentlemen -

I am "quasi" scheduled to leave on the 15th of december. And im supposed to report 2nd of January. Should I be pissed that my brethren are getting 28-40 days of leave, whereas im getting <15? Should I just eat it/suck it up? After graduating week THIRTY NINE(!!) out of 24, Im slightly upset.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Nov 13, 2007, 06:35
I didn't read your post but to answer your subject question, yes you are getting screwed.  :P

Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Nov 13, 2007, 06:36
Ok I read the rest of your post. Suck it up or talk to someone is about all you can do. Its the Navy's needs... not yours... that matters. The sooner you come to terms with that the better.

Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Rad Sponge on Nov 13, 2007, 06:57
Ok I read the rest of your post. Suck it up or talk to someone is about all you can do. Its the Navy's needs... not yours... that matters. The sooner you come to terms with that the better.


Now that's funny. You're first reply.

Justin, you are my favorite bitter nuke, ever.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: 93-383 on Nov 13, 2007, 07:16
This is transfer from prototype to ship? If so your are not neccesarily getting screwed. Your leave may be limited by the ships deployment schedual and the travel time you are aloted. Just look at it this way its leave you will have to use another day, and it dosn't take long before 30 days of leave gets boring. Some people may have exciting stories of how they spent their transfer leave but for the most part people just don't use it well. I mean think about it you have been working you butt of for the last two years and now you will have nothing but time, most people in that situation don't even know what to do with it
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: on Nov 13, 2007, 08:08
Besides everything else mentioned, everybody goes negative on leave taking 40 some days after prototype.  I sucks going negative, heck you probably are at about 2yrs in, you should be thinking about saving up for terminal already.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Kev3399 on Nov 13, 2007, 10:59
Hello ladies and gentlemen -

I am "quasi" scheduled to leave on the 15th of december. And im supposed to report 2nd of January. Should I be pissed that my brethren are getting 28-40 days of leave, whereas im getting <15? Should I just eat it/suck it up? After graduating week THIRTY NINE(!!) out of 24, Im slightly upset.

Are you getting screwed??? :) :) :) :) Yes

I think Justin summed it up nice with his second post.

Orders are orders. Just wait until your wedding gets screwed over or you miss one of your kids births because "you are on the tip of the spear". Go ahead and laugh.......I've been told that. That little "motivational" statement has a special place in my heart. I'll never forget it.

On a helpful note, go talk to your LCC from crew or PMC. Orders can be changed, usually the reason they can't be changed is because someone is lazy and doesn't want to do their job.(I won't name any Navy administrative rates) I know that in Charleston we were putting a pretty heavy emphasis on ensuring that the students who got shuffled in the NY disaster got everything they needed.(Leave/Travel Pay/PSD Help/Housing) I'm sure its not a secret up there that you are one of the "week 39" students. Find someone that cares and see what they can do for you.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Nov 13, 2007, 11:28
Now that's funny. You're first reply.

Justin, you are my favorite bitter nuke, ever.

LOL thanks... I think!? :)

Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: jim2752 on Nov 13, 2007, 11:29
What is "NY disaster" referring to?  Some accident at prototype?
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Kev3399 on Nov 14, 2007, 12:47
What is "NY disaster" referring to?  Some accident at prototype?

Poor use of words on my part. NY Prototype shifted a large portion of their students to Charleston. For us instructors in Charleston, it was a disaster. We were barely manned for our current student loading and then it essentially increased by about 25% within a month. Within 6 months our student loading had doubled. The students out numbered staff on crew by about 3 to 1 at the peak. There are several threads dedicated to this discussion.

I can only imagine what it was like at A-School and Power School......I think they squeezed in a few more golf outings and cups of coffee in the office.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Navnu on Nov 14, 2007, 09:21
From what we were told...  Further information removed due to sensitive nature of speculation.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: War Eagle on Nov 14, 2007, 11:22
From what we were told...Further information removed due to sensitive nature of speculation.

Please keep things general in this forum. The story you heard is not correct.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Nov 14, 2007, 11:33
From what we were toldFurther information removed due to sensitive nature of speculation.

Yes be careful about what you post here. This forum is being watched.... by "them." I can personally attest to the ass chewing I got from the CMC for... and I quote..."damaging national security" when I told a dude when we would be starting back up in NY. I had to come and ask that discussion to be deleted. In fact, if I were you, I would modify your post or ask that it be deleted ASAP.

Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Roll Tide on Nov 14, 2007, 12:38
Hello ladies and gentlemen -

I am "quasi" scheduled to leave on the 15th of december. And im supposed to report 2nd of January. Should I be pissed that my brethren are getting 28-40 days of leave, whereas im getting <15? Should I just eat it/suck it up? After graduating week THIRTY NINE(!!) out of 24, Im slightly upset.

They are doing you a favor. Your leave will be worth more as a 1st Class, when you decide to take it terminal or re-enlist and get paid for it.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Nuclear NASCAR on Nov 14, 2007, 02:47
Yes be careful about what you post here. This forum is being watched.... by "them." I can personally attest to the ass chewing I got from the CMC for... and I quote..."damaging national security" when I told a dude when we would be starting back up in NY. I had to come and ask that discussion to be deleted. In fact, if I were you, I would modify your post or ask that it be deleted ASAP.


Posts have been modified per your good advice.  Thanks for looking out for both the site & our posters.  Karma to ya.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: ddklbl on Nov 14, 2007, 03:54
I am "quasi" scheduled to leave on the 15th of december. And im supposed to report 2nd of January. Should I be pissed that my brethren are getting 28-40 days of leave, whereas im getting <15? Should I just eat it/suck it up? After graduating week THIRTY NINE(!!) out of 24, Im slightly upset.

MILPERSMAN 1050 - Leave and Liberty (

Depending on where your orders were to, you could get up to that much time in travel allowance (which doesn't count against your leave balance).  There are valid reasons to have your leave cut short.  Find the answer to what you are allowed in the leave manual then ask why you are only getting what you are.

Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Wirebiter on Nov 14, 2007, 04:02
If you do make it to your next duty station with only the 15 days you spoke of, let your LPO/LCPO know about it.  When the opportunity to take leave presents itself again, you may be able to take a longer period, or take it outside of a preset amount of days.  That s a big maybe.  It will depend heavily on your command though.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Cycoticpenguin on Nov 18, 2007, 10:32
thank you for the answers gentlemen :)

I guess Ill just have to wait and see. Not a huge deal, I was just making sure there wasnt some mandatory leave time required that I was getting screwed out of. (Im sure everyone here knows of the rampant spread of rumours throughout the nuke community). I spoke with my cheif, and he said I get 9 days of travel and 3 days of "something else" (i dont remember), so I will only be charged like 5 days of leave :)

Im getting even though. One of the good things qualifying a month before graduation is that I can take as much leave as i want from here to there :)

Thanks again :)

EDIT: oh, I found this in my orders, can someone explain it?

Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: ddklbl on Nov 18, 2007, 11:22
You will get 3 days of proceed time.  That snip from your orders is just reiterating everything we've already said.  All the answers you need are in MILPERSMAN 1050 (,12170.msg66884.html#msg66884)
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Kev3399 on Nov 18, 2007, 11:28
30 days is the max amount of leave you can take between duty stations with PCS(Permanent Change of Station) Orders. It is a max, not a privilege.....As you are seeing with your current situation. You can take added Leave with your PCS, but it is rare and you must have a good reason. I can't think of a real good reason for that unless you need to take Emergency Leave during your PCS(thats a whole different chapter of the MILPERSMAN) or you need extra time to establish a home in a foreign country for overseas duty. Thats the only thing that really comes to mind.

That other word your Chief used was "Proceed" time. Travel and proceed time are essentially an estimate of how many days it will take you to travel to you new duty station. The Navy pays you for those days and doesn't force you to use your leave for those days you are on the interstate.

In your situation, theoretically you could delay in reporting to your next duty station for 42 days.
30 days of Leave
9 days of Travel
3 days of Proceed

I wouldn't recomment taking that much leave at all. I'm a workaholic and I did that once and almost lost my mind. Have a safe trip.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Nov 18, 2007, 12:17
30 days is the max amount of leave you can take between duty stations with PCS(Permanent Change of Station) Orders. It is a max, not a privilege.....As you are seeing with your current situation. You can take added Leave with your PCS, but it is rare and you must have a good reason. I can't think of a real good reason for that unless you need to take Emergency Leave during your PCS(thats a whole different chapter of the MILPERSMAN) or you need extra time to establish a home in a foreign country for overseas duty. Thats the only thing that really comes to mind.

That other word your Chief used was "Proceed" time. Travel and proceed time are essentially an estimate of how many days it will take you to travel to you new duty station. The Navy pays you for those days and doesn't force you to use your leave for those days you are on the interstate.

In your situation, theoretically you could delay in reporting to your next duty station for 42 days.
30 days of Leave
9 days of Travel
3 days of Proceed

I wouldn't recomment taking that much leave at all. I'm a workaholic and I did that once and almost lost my mind. Have a safe trip.

I agree with Kev on taking too much. Along with what he said, if you were gone for 40 days, what little knowledge you now possess would be gone and you would be that much more useless when you show up.

Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Cycoticpenguin on Nov 18, 2007, 11:09
Thanks! :)

Whats the difference between "travel" and "proceed" time though? Can't google a straight answer. Im taking the 22nd - 4th of dec off, so Im having my cake and eating it too :)

Thanks for the information.

Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: ddklbl on Nov 19, 2007, 12:11
Whats the difference between "travel" and "proceed" time though?

MILPERSMAN 1320-090 (

MILPERSMAN 1320-100 (

Learn how to find "Navy" information.  A YN worth his weight is rare.  They are out there, but you won't know what you had until he's gone.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Kev3399 on Nov 19, 2007, 02:01
MILPERSMAN 1320-090 (

MILPERSMAN 1320-100 (

Learn how to find "Navy" information.  A YN worth his weight is rare.  They are out there, but you won't know what you had until he's gone.

To add to this post......The MILPERSMAN has been mentioned a handful of times on this thread. I recommend reading it. Nothing on your sub or carrier will be handed to you. Especially when it comes to your quals. You won't have a forum to turn to for everything. Knowledge is power. Get use to digging thru books to find information. Especially when you've already been given the reference or root document.
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: 93-383 on Nov 19, 2007, 12:08
To add to this post......The MILPERSMAN has been mentioned a handful of times on this thread. I recommend reading it. Nothing on your sub or carrier will be handed to you. Especially when it comes to your quals. You won't have a forum to turn to for everything. Knowledge is power. Get use to digging thru books to find information. Especially when you've already been given the reference or root document.

I agree 100% it wasn't until I was studing for the CPO exam that I read the Navy Personnel Manual. I came to find all sorts of things that I had always heard about but had no idea where to find them. However in many cases it dosn't matter how many OPNAV, MILPERS, or other instructions you have to back you up if you have a cheif who dosn't care you are screwed unless you want to go over his head and be labled a "sea lawyer"
Title: Re: Leave time - am i getting screwed?
Post by: Cycoticpenguin on Nov 20, 2007, 03:48
Im not lazy, I promise! :D 

I do use this forum as a reference though, its full of knowledgable people who are willing to help. I am personally not willing to spend hours reading a document when I can get specific answers from people who already know. I have read a bit of it, and I understand the leave policy a lot better now! thanks for posting it.

Thanks again.
