NukeWorker Forum

News and Discussions => Nuke Community => Clean Humor => Topic started by: Roll Tide on Jan 28, 2004, 01:31

Title: Science Humor Groaners
Post by: Roll Tide on Jan 28, 2004, 01:31
(Alternate thread title: Physics, chemistry, and other scientific discipline jokes. Please post the nasty stuff in the Bathroom.

The International Association of Physicists was debating the greatest discovery / invention of history. Soon the convention hall had divided into groups, and each group was allowed to make their case in from of the entire assembly.
The first group of physicists postulated that the wheel was the greatest invention of all time, since transportation would basically be limited to foot traffic or mounted on animals. Besides, since cogs and gears were required for factories, none of our other modern conveniences would be produced.

The second group of physicists countered that Fire was the greatest discovery of all time, since without no metals could be refined. Besides, all food would be eaten raw.

The third and smallest group of physicists presented their selection last. The greatest invention of all time was the Thermos. At this, the first two groups demanded to know how the Thermos could possibly compete with the wheel and fire!

Well, the Thermos keeps hot things hot and cold things cold, explained the third group of physicists.

Again, the first two groups demanded to know why that would qualify it as one of the greatest inventions of all time?  "How does it know?" defended the third (Auburn) delegation of physicists. :-X

(just waiting on the reply to that one, Silverback! I already gave you a +Karma in anticipation  :-*  )