NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Navy Nuke => Navy:Getting In => Topic started by: Jeromeab9231 on Aug 13, 2008, 08:48

Title: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Jeromeab9231 on Aug 13, 2008, 08:48
Hey everyone I'm new to the forum and I was hoping someone would help me decide on a career path to work in a nuclear power plant. From all the posts I've read I'm starting to get the idea that the best way to go is to join the Navy for 6 years (was hoping for only 4...) as an EM. I'm not sure but it seems that this is the most desirable when applying for a job after the military but to be honest I'm not sure exactly what kind of work to expect after I got out.

I'm open to any suggestions and look forward to hearing the responses.
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: withroaj on Aug 13, 2008, 09:12
I'd recommend poking around the forum a bit more.  It's easier to answer specific questions.
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Jeromeab9231 on Aug 14, 2008, 02:09
I guess specifically what I'm asking is: Is the best way to get into this field through the Navy, and if so is being an electricians mate the best route?

I'm also sort of apprehensive about just jumping into this field, but I've been doing research and it appears that the turnover rate is low and this is a good field for a lifelong career, so I was hoping that someone could either reassure me before I sign anything or tell me to run  :P
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: retired nuke on Aug 14, 2008, 03:54
I guess specifically what I'm asking is: Is the best way to get into this field through the Navy, and if so is being an electricians mate the best route?

I'm also sort of apprehensive about just jumping into this field, but I've been doing research and it appears that the turnover rate is low and this is a good field for a lifelong career, so I was hoping that someone could either reassure me before I sign anything or tell me to run  :P
OK, many people in the commercial nuclear industry got there via the Navy. At least as many didn't. Many went to college, at least as many didn't.
Unless you have some burning desire to work long hours wearing blue, the Nav isn't the only way to work in nuclear power.
Best is a hard term to define without knowing the context -
insufficient data provided, null answer..... ;)
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Aug 14, 2008, 12:20
I guess specifically what I'm asking is: Is the best way to get into this field through the Navy, and if so is being an electricians mate the best route?

I'm also sort of apprehensive about just jumping into this field, but I've been doing research and it appears that the turnover rate is low and this is a good field for a lifelong career, so I was hoping that someone could either reassure me before I sign anything or tell me to run  :P

Knowing what I know now (9 years Navy, 1 year commercial), I wish I would have found before I joined the Navy, or just figured out how to find nuke jobs, and just signed on as an NLO somewhere. That isnt to say that I regret my Navy time or anything like that, but it certainly wasn't the easiest way. So, the EASIEST way would be to get a 2 year technical degree and sign on as an NLO somewhere. But is that way any better or worse than 6 and out in the Navy? Well that is all subjective. There are those that will tell you that the worst operators they have seen were ex Navy. There are those who will tell you that the best operators they have seen are ex Navy. There is no one best way or easier way for everyt situation. What it really comes down to is this, and there is no getting around it... what is the best way for YOU? None of us here on nuke worker could possibly answer that for you. All we can do is give you our experience and anecdotes explaining our experience. But again, in the end, only you can figure out whats best/easiest for you.

As for EM vs other rates... that has been hashed and rehashed a million times here, and in fact there is a current thread on the topic. Here is the reality...

A Navy nuke is a Navy nuke is a Navy nuke. No one rate gives you an advantage over another. No one rate is hired more than another due soley to that rate. No one really cares what rate you were.

What does this lead to? Oh ya, what do YOU want to do? I don't know and I am sorry that I can't tell you the answer to that.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: KJC88 on Aug 14, 2008, 12:44
If you want a general Navy description then check out

Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Loffy Muffin on Aug 14, 2008, 12:46
Miami-Dade County CC is working with FPL to train workers in apprenticeships.  FPL has guaranteed to hire a specific number of graduates as a minimum.  I would think other plants are doing something similar in their area.  

graduation= about $25-30/hr to start plus OT, full benefits.
20YO and making 70-100K plus.  
20YO  and starting what should be a good career.

Navy to be a swabbie?  Come on.  Read some of these posts. These people or people like them will have total control of your life.  Total.  Think DMV supv only you never get to leave work and you can't quit.  You also are a contributer to the economy instead of living off the worker's taxes.  The last thing we need is more people in the gov needing to be supported.  
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: HydroDave63 on Aug 14, 2008, 03:54

your karma was at -1, probably because someone was annoyed at the neophytic nature of your questions, I bumped you back up to a neutral zero, since I think all nubs are due a little grace time

I give them 24 hours ;)  +K to ya for noticing!
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Smooth Operator on Aug 14, 2008, 07:09
If you want a general Navy description then check out

I remember this brochure. It started the ball rolling for me.
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Khak-Hater on Aug 15, 2008, 12:23
Do not join the Navy to get into the nuke industry.  Join the Navy because you want to serve your country (e.g., keep the world safe for democracy).  The last thing that the Navy needs is one more misguided opportunist counting his days until he can get out and make the "big bucks." 

If you want to get into the nuke industry and make some "big bucks," then just go get a Nuclear Engineering degree from a state university that isn't too expensive (e.g., the University of Tennessee, the University of Florida, etc.).  Employers don't pay any more for people with degrees from expensive schools than they do for state schools.  I promise you that were you to work full time at some retail job (e.g., at Toys'R'Us) and go to school full time, you'd have more money, more free time, and do less work than you would during the same four years in the Navy Nuke program.  Given the minimum Navy nuke six year enlistment, that gives you two full years in the industry as an engineer [making some pretty nice money], before you'd be getting out of the Navy. 

I personally know a kid who took that exact route and was making six figures within six years of starting his NE degree at UT, and he's making well over 150 now at age 32 or so.  That's working 40-hour weeks, no nights, no shift work, no weekends.

The navy is not a shortcut or a good deal financially.  It's a way to serve your country and build some character.  The training and experience are just a bonus.

Good Luck,


Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Jeromeab9231 on Aug 15, 2008, 03:02
Thank you to everyone who posted, I'm very grateful to you all who took their time to help me try to figure out what I'm doing with my life.
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Aug 15, 2008, 09:31
Do not join the Navy to get into the nuke industry.  Join the Navy because you want to serve your country (e.g., keep the world safe for democracy).  The last thing that the Navy needs is one more misguided opportunist counting his days until he can get out and make the "big bucks." 

If you want to get into the nuke industry and make some "big bucks," then just go get a Nuclear Engineering degree from a state university that isn't too expensive (e.g., the University of Tennessee, the University of Florida, etc.).  Employers don't pay any more for people with degrees from expensive schools than they do for state schools.  I promise you that were you to work full time at some retail job (e.g., at Toys'R'Us) and go to school full time, you'd have more money, more free time, and do less work than you would during the same four years in the Navy Nuke program.  Given the minimum Navy nuke six year enlistment, that gives you two full years in the industry as an engineer [making some pretty nice money], before you'd be getting out of the Navy. 

I personally know a kid who took that exact route and was making six figures within six years of starting his NE degree at UT, and he's making well over 150 now at age 32 or so.  That's working 40-hour weeks, no nights, no shift work, no weekends.

The navy is not a shortcut or a good deal financially.  It's a way to serve your country and build some character.  The training and experience are just a bonus.

Good Luck,


Very well said.

Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Aug 15, 2008, 09:33
Thank you to everyone who posted, I'm very grateful to you all who took their time to help me try to figure out what I'm doing with my life.

Good luck to ya! Keep us posted and feel free to ask any questions you have!

Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: rockneveau on Aug 16, 2008, 02:11
Miami-Dade County CC is working with FPL to train workers in apprenticeships.  FPL has guaranteed to hire a specific number of graduates as a minimum.  I would think other plants are doing something similar in their area.  

graduation= about $25-30/hr to start plus OT, full benefits.
20YO and making 70-100K plus.  
20YO  and starting what should be a good career.

Navy to be a swabbie?  Come on.  Read some of these posts. These people or people like them will have total control of your life.  Total.  Think DMV supv only you never get to leave work and you can't quit.  You also are a contributer to the economy instead of living off the worker's taxes.  The last thing we need is more people in the gov needing to be supported.  

Ohhhhh...sailors are "living off the workers taxes" ?????  That an awful thing to say.  Clueless = do you really think the military is a drain on our society?
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: alphacookie on Aug 16, 2008, 11:00
Knowing what I know now (9 years Navy, 1 year commercial), I wish I would have found before I joined the Navy, or just figured out how to find nuke jobs, and just signed on as an NLO somewhere. That isnt to say that I regret my Navy time or anything like that, but it certainly wasn't the easiest way. So, the EASIEST way would be to get a 2 year technical degree and sign on as an NLO somewhere. But is that way any better or worse than 6 and out in the Navy? Well that is all subjective. There are those that will tell you that the worst operators they have seen were ex Navy. There are those who will tell you that the best operators they have seen are ex Navy. There is no one best way or easier way for everyt situation. What it really comes down to is this, and there is no getting around it... what is the best way for YOU? None of us here on nuke worker could possibly answer that for you. All we can do is give you our experience and anecdotes explaining our experience. But again, in the end, only you can figure out whats best/easiest for you.

As for EM vs other rates... that has been hashed and rehashed a million times here, and in fact there is a current thread on the topic. Here is the reality...

A Navy nuke is a Navy nuke is a Navy nuke. No one rate gives you an advantage over another. No one rate is hired more than another due soley to that rate. No one really cares what rate you were.

What does this lead to? Oh ya, what do YOU want to do? I don't know and I am sorry that I can't tell you the answer to that.

Hope this helps.


Well written!

The key here is that going Navy is one of many paths to a goal.  I do not regret my time in the Navy as well.  However, I do regret spending to much time in the Navy spinning my wheels and sacrificing precious time with family.  Now that I am in the commercial industry, it is readily apparent that I am behind the career curve of those my age that did not spend so much time in the Navy or did not join the Navy at all.  Hard pill to swallow but it is true.  The only thing Navy will give you is experience on a nuclear reactor and that is all any nuke plant cares about.

So, how do you set yourself apart once you choose your path?  Bust your a$$.......period.  As Justin said, it does not matter what rate you choose/get assigned or even if you were an officer(a.k.a. Khaki).  I was enlisted for many years and then became a Khaki(Yuk....but a different story).  Guess what?........ It did not matter, except I was able to meet the experience requirements to work at a commercial plant.

Are previous Navy operators better than those that went a different route?  Definitely not.  Are operators that came straight from school and have worked commercial many years better than those that went Navy Nuke?  Definitely not as well.  The only thing that I can say with certainty, is that previous Navy operators that think they are hot s^!# because of their past experience and those "seasoned" commercial operators that think they are hot s^!# because of their past experience are the ones that suck the most and the ones with attitudes.

Bust you a$$, learn all the time and work as a team and you will go far!
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: alphacookie on Aug 16, 2008, 11:22
Miami-Dade County CC is working with FPL to train workers in apprenticeships.  FPL has guaranteed to hire a specific number of graduates as a minimum.  I would think other plants are doing something similar in their area. 

graduation= about $25-30/hr to start plus OT, full benefits.
20YO and making 70-100K plus. 
20YO  and starting what should be a good career.

Navy to be a swabbie?  Come on.  Read some of these posts. These people or people like them will have total control of your life.  Total.  Think DMV supv only you never get to leave work and you can't quit.  You also are a contributer to the economy instead of living off the worker's taxes.  The last thing we need is more people in the gov needing to be supported. 

This post has me SERIOUSLY considering becoming a Gold Member just so I can assign you NEGATIVE KHARMA!!!!!

As a former member of the military, I can definitely say that I have paid more than my fair share of taxes to support the chronically unemployed, those on welfare, those on drugs and etc.  THEY are the true drains on mine many hard working peoples salaries, NOT those that SERVE OUR COUNTRY.

I do not know if you were in the military or not.  Either way, your assessment of the military and those that serve is false.  You obviously don't get it and never will.  You and people like you ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT to this country and make our country appear weak in the eyes of those that want to hurt the USA!
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: HydroDave63 on Aug 16, 2008, 12:23
This post has me SERIOUSLY considering becoming a Gold Member just so I can assign you NEGATIVE KHARMA!!!!!

As a former member of the military, I can definitely say that I have paid more than my fair share of taxes to support the chronically unemployed, those on welfare, those on drugs and etc.  THEY are the true drains on mine many hard working peoples salaries, NOT those that SERVE OUR COUNTRY.

I do not know if you were in the military or not.  Either way, your assessment of the military and those that serve is false.  You obviously don't get it and never will.  You and people like you ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT to this country and make our country appear weak in the eyes of those that want to hurt the USA!

How many field days did I spend in the ER?  Not many, I was in the sonar shack snoozing with my sonar friends....  then the COB comes by telling how nice the sonar looks.... while the nukes have to work extra because the ER is "not clean enough".  so, I'm in the crews mess eating ice cream while the nukes are doing extra.

Consider the source.
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Aug 16, 2008, 10:57
This post has me SERIOUSLY considering becoming a Gold Member just so I can assign you NEGATIVE KHARMA!!!!!

As a former member of the military, I can definitely say that I have paid more than my fair share of taxes to support the chronically unemployed, those on welfare, those on drugs and etc.  THEY are the true drains on mine many hard working peoples salaries, NOT those that SERVE OUR COUNTRY.

I do not know if you were in the military or not.  Either way, your assessment of the military and those that serve is false.  You obviously don't get it and never will.  You and people like you ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT to this country and make our country appear weak in the eyes of those that want to hurt the USA!

I wanted to give you double karma for this but the site only allows one karmic action per day. I will hit you up tomorrow. :) Thanks for reinforcing my points too!


Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Aug 16, 2008, 10:58

You've offered some good advice for the youngsters.  You've showed your dislike for poor advice.  You've even considered the correct course of action to the problem.

For only 10 cents a day you can give out EARNED Karma (negative or positive) to those in need.

Its also a great way to support the site.

Sr. Moderator

+K for the best sales pitch ever.  :P

Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Loffy Muffin on Aug 17, 2008, 11:58
Nuclear waste? You are trying to flatter me now.  Well, the "nukewaste" from my class got sent to Naples Italy for  'hard time" on a tender doing 8 section duty.  I wish I was nuke waste, those Italian women are smoking hot. But I graduated and  I finished out my tour working for DMV type management and quietly (sort of) doing my tour on a 637 class slow attack doing port and starboard.  While I/we beat communism, I notice my Ivan/commie buddies are paying 14% flat tax while I'm paying almost 50%.  We won the war right?  The east block socialist countries now pay less then half what I pay, a flat rate?  oh, ok.   I think I am owed some back pay for time wasted. Or a 15% tax rate.  My bill rate is kinda high, so this will not be pretty.  Not holding my breath on that check. 

Back on topic: FPL just graduated their first class from Indian River CC and hired  100% of the class.  They will work at the St Lucie plant.  Miami Dade is doing the same for the Turkey Point plant.  The South Texas Project is building new training buildings to staff their new nuke builds.  I was at the kick off meeting for the nuclear build in Bay City Texas as the Lead Principal Rotating Engineer for Fluor (the constructor) and I've seen the buildings myself and heard it from the site VP that South Texas Project is committed to training for the future.   I am now a Project Manager for a $1,100,000,000 Power Uprate, the most complicated nuclear project ever attempted in the US (per site VP).  I can tell you 100% that going to a plant's training program will prepare you better for a job in the industry, make you more money, make you more happy, and make you more marketable.  If you can get into one of these programs; take it.   I think they might even pay your tuition.  If you want information from the tip of the new nuclear build sword, I'm giving it to you.

If any of the other "nukes" have direct info on new builds, EPU projects, have sat in meetings with plant VP's, been to KO meetings at new construction builds and feel Navy Nuke is better for a commercial job; please share.  I want to see why telling the dude how to make a million plus more dollars over his career (at least) and working less hours is poor advice. 
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: DDMurray on Aug 18, 2008, 07:54
Nuclear waste? You are trying to flatter me now.  Well, the "nukewaste" from my class got sent to Naples Italy for  'hard time" on a tender doing 8 section duty.  I wish I was nuke waste, those Italian women are smoking hot. But I graduated and  I finished out my tour working for DMV type management and quietly (sort of) doing my tour on a 637 class slow attack doing port and starboard.  While I/we beat communism, I notice my Ivan/commie buddies are paying 14% flat tax while I'm paying almost 50%.  We won the war right?  The east block socialist countries now pay less then half what I pay, a flat rate?  oh, ok.   I think I am owed some back pay for time wasted. Or a 15% tax rate.  My bill rate is kinda high, so this will not be pretty.  Not holding my breath on that check. 

Back on topic: FPL just graduated their first class from Indian River CC and hired  100% of the class.  They will work at the St Lucie plant.  Miami Dade is doing the same for the Turkey Point plant.  The South Texas Project is building new training buildings to staff their new nuke builds.  I was at the kick off meeting for the nuclear build in Bay City Texas as the Lead Principal Rotating Engineer for Fluor (the constructor) and I've seen the buildings myself and heard it from the site VP that South Texas Project is committed to training for the future.   I am now a Project Manager for a $1,100,000,000 Power Uprate, the most complicated nuclear project ever attempted in the US (per site VP).  I can tell you 100% that going to a plant's training program will prepare you better for a job in the industry, make you more money, make you more happy, and make you more marketable.  If you can get into one of these programs; take it.   I think they might even pay your tuition.  If you want information from the tip of the new nuclear build sword, I'm giving it to you.

If any of the other "nukes" have direct info on new builds, EPU projects, have sat in meetings with plant VP's, been to KO meetings at new construction builds and feel Navy Nuke is better for a commercial job; please share.  I want to see why telling the dude how to make a million plus more dollars over his career (at least) and working less hours is poor advice. 

How did you gain your omniscience about nuclear power?  When you got your first civilian job after leaving the navy, did you wow your interviewers with your feats of cleaning bilges like you have on these forums?  Do you think Florida suddenly said we need to train our kids to be nuclear operators because it's a rewarding field; or did they recognize there isn't enough qualified people (former navy nuke or others) to stand watch safely; so if we don't make our own operators we risk having to shutdown our power plants?  Why were you port and starboard?  Were you in ERLL?  After 4 years on board most MMs are standing ERS who would be the last of the MMs to be P/S unless there's more to the story.

I congratulate you on your success (if you are really in the 50% tax bracket, you are making huge money!).  Your points about not needing the navy to be a civilian nuclear operator are on the mark, in my opinion.  If somebody is looking to develop as a person, and make a decent living while learning technical, leadership, and "people" skills, then the nuclear navy does offer an alternative.  Thousands before you and I have done it.  There are intangible skills that people learn in the service.  One is to recognize that there is honor in serving your country, even if you didn't originally enlist just to serve your country.  I've also learned that no matter what we do to try and improve the quality of life of our people, it's never enough. 

Finally, if life is so much better in the socialist countries, perhaps you should move there and pontificate about the waste in their defense budgets and how maintaining a strong defense is for the weak-minded. 
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Preciousblue1965 on Aug 18, 2008, 10:23
This post has me SERIOUSLY considering becoming a Gold Member just so I can assign you NEGATIVE KHARMA!!!!!

As a former member of the military, I can definitely say that I have paid more than my fair share of taxes to support the chronically unemployed, those on welfare, those on drugs and etc.  THEY are the true drains on mine many hard working peoples salaries, NOT those that SERVE OUR COUNTRY.

I do not know if you were in the military or not.  Either way, your assessment of the military and those that serve is false.  You obviously don't get it and never will.  You and people like you ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT to this country and make our country appear weak in the eyes of those that want to hurt the USA!

Well you have to wonder if there is such a thing as a maximum Negative karma.  -14 so far is got to be a record.  But as was stated.  "Consider the source". 
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: HydroDave63 on Aug 18, 2008, 10:32
Well you have to wonder if there is such a thing as a maximum Negative karma.  -14 so far is got to be a record.  But as was stated.  "Consider the source". 

Max negative Karma was recently -101 I think. You can always get a GoldMembership and help send others to test the depths ;)
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on Aug 18, 2008, 11:08
Well you have to wonder if there is such a thing as a maximum Negative karma.  -14 so far is got to be a record.  But as was stated.  "Consider the source". 

Not quite a record, there are others who are worse off LOL

Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: Preciousblue1965 on Aug 18, 2008, 01:34
He does seem to have the most negative of anyone that frequently posts under the Navy Nuke Forum. 
Title: Re: Thinking about joining up.
Post by: HydroDave63 on Aug 24, 2008, 09:11
then try to figure out how to keep my mullah.

I think Mullah Omar and Mullah Moqtada Al-Sadr are still available for you....

Or was that "keep your mullet" ?  ;)