NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Navy Nuke => Topic started by: 93-383 on Oct 25, 2008, 10:06

Title: The nuke curse
Post by: 93-383 on Oct 25, 2008, 10:06
On the ship we often joked that nukes where cursed to only have girls, and for the most part (for my division) it was true. I'm just wondering if this is a trend through the community.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: HydroDave63 on Oct 25, 2008, 10:14
On the ship we often joked that nukes where cursed to only have girls, and for the most part it was true. I'm just wondering if this is a trend through the community.

it's the same for astronauts and high-hours pilots. Rads kill the weak swimmers, which happen to be Y chromosome more often than not.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: HydroDave63 on Oct 25, 2008, 10:21
I get more RADs just by turning on the instruments in most modern (pre-LCD displays) jets before push back than I got in one week of High Power Operation on the submarine.

Not to mention the high altitude operations.

Good thing I don't want kids.

They might end up *normal* ;)
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Gamecock on Oct 26, 2008, 07:47
I have three boys, no girls.  I've known a bunch of folks that have both, and some that have only girls.

There is no nuke curse that I've observed.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: cincinnatinuke on Oct 26, 2008, 10:24
I have heard the same thing.  2 girls in the Navy and a boy after I got out..........wait a minute! :o

Actually I picked up more dose since being out than I was in.  In fact I hit the 1 Rem club twice since I got out.  Probably some truth to it, but I am no genius.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Already Gone on Oct 26, 2008, 11:04
Dude, I hit the one Rem mark the same year I got out - and I got out on Sept. 25!!

I got more dose in one week at Indian Point 2 than my whole enlistment.

Of course, plants are much tighter and cleaner now.  I've been stuck at 12 Rem for five years now.

Four girls.  One boy.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: rmuto on Oct 26, 2008, 02:55
Been a navy Nuke (ELT) for almost 20 yrs.  In the 2 rem club currently.. Only made 2 boys.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: deltarho on Oct 27, 2008, 08:21
I don't think the poll polls what the pollster was trying to poll.

I have 6 children: 4 boys and 2 girls.

BUT, during my power plant exposure period I had one of these six, which happened to be a girl.

I had conceived two during NSSF exposure (very minimal, the majority of my exposure came from running drills on the H.S. Nautilus) and both were boys. 

So, my case supports the curse.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: retired nuke on Oct 27, 2008, 02:28
Been a navy Nuke (ELT) for almost 20 yrs.  In the 2 rem club currently.. Only made 2 boys.

2 rem/yr or 2 rem lifetime -  ???
2 rem lifetime doesn't warrant a club..... ;)
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: rmuto on Oct 27, 2008, 05:56
hehe 2 rem lifetime.  Which in the navy is getting harder & harder to come by.  On last boat only 1 person had more than me and that was a 24 yr master chief.

I realize for some of the older guys 2 rem was something you got the day after the quarter started. :)
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Already Gone on Oct 27, 2008, 06:13
More like 2.750 the last day of one quarter, and 2.750 the next day, but only if your HP was a total wimp.  A real man would cook em up to 3.000 both times and let the TLD give back a couple.  (TLD dose is notoriously lower than the dose on a PIC)
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Marlin on Oct 27, 2008, 06:40
Two girls, one boy, and I had 3.5 R at the end of 8 yrs in the canoe club. I wonder about the non-nukes in the nose cone. Our background dropped after submerging underway, the only people who had recorded exposure were ELTs and nubs sleeping over a warhead in the torpedo room. That would imply that most nose-coners should have a reverse ratio of gender in offspring as they received less than average background.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: HydroDave63 on Oct 27, 2008, 07:19
That would imply that most nose-coners should have a reverse ratio of gender in offspring as they received less than average background.

Nope, just driven closer to the mean. You having a girl doesn't cause someone else to have a boy
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Preciousblue1965 on Oct 27, 2008, 07:27
That is funny, I always thought that Coners had a hard time finding people to procreate with as it was.  Their numbers would have to be skewed as it was.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: kp88 on Oct 27, 2008, 07:41
More like 2.750 the last day of one quarter, and 2.750 the next day, but only if your HP was a total wimp.  A real man would cook em up to 3.000 both times and let the TLD give back a couple.  (TLD dose is notoriously lower than the dose on a PIC)

Does any reputable RP Department use a Pocket Ion Chamber?  (PIC)
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: DSO on Oct 27, 2008, 09:00
I had 3 girls-1 conceived prior to the Navy--1 conceived at Protype and the last one after 10 years in--due to having 3 girls I am cursed regardless if its the Nuke curse
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: itsaparent on Oct 27, 2008, 09:18
 :o  Um, perhaps one might want to phrase the problem as, 'I feel cursed to have no son (or not enough sons)', vs. 'cursed with daughters' least, I HOPE that better conveys the situation  ;)

If your daughters or their mothers read those posts, well, then you really might find yourself to be cursed by your daughters, LOL.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Already Gone on Oct 27, 2008, 10:54
Does any reputable RP Department use a Pocket Ion Chamber?  (PIC)

We used them by the bagful back then.  There was no electronic alternative - just PIC's and stopwatches.

Update.  3 of the 4 daughters were born before I hit my first 300 mR mark.  The remaining daughter and son were concieved at around the 9 to 10 R point.

So, the rads actually brought my odds back to 50/50.  I guess the nuke curse worked in reverse for me.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: retired nuke on Oct 28, 2008, 06:49
That is funny, I always thought that Coners had a hard time finding people to procreate with as it was.  Their numbers would have to be skewed as it was.

Coners had more time to procreate - something called liberty..... ;) nukes were pretty much left with themselves aft.... :o
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: HydroDave63 on Oct 28, 2008, 08:01
Coners had more time to procreate - something called liberty..... ;)

I thought that was called "dolphin quals"  ;)
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: RDTroja on Oct 28, 2008, 08:49
Does any reputable RP Department use a Pocket Ion Chamber?  (PIC)

Suddenly I feel very, very old. I remember putting 24 of them at a time on people -- 2 each on head, chest, back, gonads (well, close anyway), both arms, both wrists, both legs, both ankles.

I got over one REM about 4 hours into my first job in a nuclear plant (most of it in about 10 or 20 seconds) as a radwaste tech. That was when I decided the HP had the better job.

Let me know when you join the 20 REM Club. (No children here.)
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: retired nuke on Oct 28, 2008, 10:38
got 1 of each, their mom also has another boy, both of us are nukeworkers. Not much of a curse... ;D
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Oct 28, 2008, 06:42
I have had 6 boys.  I lost my 3rd son to SIDS.  The last 2 are Jim's and he's been in the biz for about 20 yrs.   I got preggers with #5 while working at Big Rock and was preggers with #6 while working at Crystal River.

I am the Queen of my castle and thank God my last one wasn't a girl, although I wanted him to be at first.  Then I had nightmares of having to deal with a teanage girl while in my mid 50s... YIKES   :o

So, I'm very pleased with my boys, although they are stubborn like their Daddy  :P
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Mnemorath on Oct 28, 2008, 10:12
I got one boy, 14mo old. I am on shore duty so no real exposure to speak of. Less then 400mrem lifetime. Once I get back to sea, we shall see I suppose. No curse that I know of so far.

Wife might be glad of one though. She wants a girl to play dress-up with.
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: Preciousblue1965 on Oct 29, 2008, 07:33
I would say that you got a 50/50/90 chance of getting one or the other.

I have one boy, but he was conceived post Navy and with no other radiation sources near by.   
Title: Re: The nuke curse
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 30, 2008, 10:08
wit three kids, it kant be a even split

son wuz conceived while a signed two da moisture seperators during outage at da peach

daughter wuz conceived during assingment as swing shift hp a da peach

daughter wuz conceived during job at bettis.

don't care two dig out da dose records, butt da  m/s @ peach wuz da highest dose 'n bettis da lowist.  go figger.

27rem club.