NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Navy Nuke => Navy:Getting In => Topic started by: stephpatton on May 22, 2009, 01:13

Title: just learned something new
Post by: stephpatton on May 22, 2009, 01:13
I was researching some of the benefits the military has to offer. Ding, ding, ding!  Did you know that there is the Military Debt Relief Act?  It allows you to get all your interest rates on credit cards and loans (must all have been acquired before going to active duty status or deployment) dropped by your creditors to 6%.  I have seen my interest rates skyrocket 10% or more in the past year for no reason, so the cutoff rate will really help those who serve their country and deserve a break!  It also covers other things from home loans to lease terminations, judiciary hearings, and so on...give it a google. Talk about some relief...

I also read a post on some other site, can't remember which one, I think he was blowing smoke, because I haven't seen it on here.  This guy was going on and on about his experiences in the navy as a nuke and how great it was, and how he got special nuke pay every month on top of his bonus and base pay and sea pay yadayadayada....
here is why i believe he may be lying:
1.  he went on and on about how much he downright LOVED his job as a nuke.
2.  I have never even heard of nuke pay...other than enlistment bonus...i have looked under special pay.  I have looked at military websites.  I have even looked under my bed.  All I found was sea pay, combat pay, and my flip flops. 

So, i guess the moral is, don't believe everything you read without researching.  and don't ask questions until you have researched.  I have to admit, the more I get on this site, the more I get irritated (and embarrassed that I, too, was guilty of not properly researching) at people who refuse to read some threads and gain some knowledge before typing away...the same questions over and over and over...all i want to do is read something interesting and I end up with 10 different versions of "my recruiter said I got a 99 asvab and I should go nuke.  Is it a good idea?" 

P.S.  is it a good idea to study chem and math before joining?  JUST KIDDING!

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on May 22, 2009, 01:47
Not everyone knows that so thanks for sharing. I used it to my advantage when I was in.

In regards to your point about another poster;

1) I agree, that is an indicator of lying.  8)
2) There is nuke pro-pay. I believe its technical term is "special duty assignment pay." When I was in it was 150/month or 450/month for supervisors. That could be different by now.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: SSBN_SeaWolf on May 22, 2009, 01:48
A LOT of us really LOVE our job as Nukes. Please do not under estimate that, as you are still an outsider.
Officers get Nuke Bonuses, THIS IS NUKE PAY. A conventional Surface Warfare Officer does not get this. If you are a Bubblehead, you get Submarine pay.....

I guess you did not do your research.... because obviously you missed this.
P.S. Thanks for the Interest rate update, i didn't know this.

Are you going O or E?

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on May 22, 2009, 01:50
A LOT of us really LOVE our job as Nukes. Please do not under estimate that, as you are still an outsider.
Officers get Nuke Bonuses, THIS IS NUKE PAY. A conventional Surface Warfare Officer does not get this. If you are a Bubblehead, you get Submarine pay.....

I guess you did not do your research.... because obviously you missed this.
P.S. Thanks for the Interest rate update, i didn't know this.

Are you going O or E?

Are you sure you did YOUR research?

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: SSBN_SeaWolf on May 22, 2009, 01:55
I am 98% positive, I have hopes for an officer career, and I have spoken to Nuke Officer Recruiters, and confirmed this with those already accepted.
Thus, I asked if she is going Officer or Enlisted. I can not speak for Enlisted.
If she is going Enlisted, then she should disregard what I said.


Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on May 22, 2009, 02:02
Then it would be inappropriate to point out her alleged lack of research when you only have 50% of the answer based on your research, and on what you "know" you aren't even 100%.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: playswithairplanes on May 22, 2009, 02:10
Long time lurker, first time poster.  I was a Nuke ET for 12 years.

The relationship with the Naval Nuclear Power Program is sort of a Love/Hate kind of thing. Many nukes hate what they do, but wouldn't do anything else. So saying that someone is lying purely because he says he "loves his job" well... that's a stretch.

Nuke enlisteds DO in fact get "Nuke Pay", called Pro Pay or Special Duty Assignment Pay. There are two versions, standard and Supervisor version. Nukes qualify for the supervisory version upon qualification of Senior in rate watch station (ROs and EOs = SRO, for MOs = ERS for Blue shirts, for Khakis it's EWS/EDPO if age and too much beer haven't blurred the memory).
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Fermi2 on May 22, 2009, 02:11
A LOT of us really LOVE our job as Nukes. Please do not under estimate that, as you are still an outsider.
Officers get Nuke Bonuses, THIS IS NUKE PAY. A conventional Surface Warfare Officer does not get this. If you are a Bubblehead, you get Submarine pay.....

I guess you did not do your research.... because obviously you missed this.
P.S. Thanks for the Interest rate update, i didn't know this.

Are you going O or E?


Are you even a Nuke yet? By that I mean been through Nuke School and Qualified all your watches.

In answer to Steph, Without any background whatsoever why would you assume someone wasn't telling you the truth.

1: Yes many of us love our jobs though at times I want to do something else.

2: Yes Nukes get extra bonus pay provided they meet certain qualifications and positions.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Gamecock on May 22, 2009, 02:15
Justin is right....enlisted nukes do get Special Duty Assignment Pay every month.

For the record....I love my lies.

(and I also have all the answers) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Fermi2 on May 22, 2009, 02:24
LOL Gamecock

"I could have gotten a high school senior to write that."
--Professor Andrew Kadak, my thesis adviser

This took me back to something a college professor of mine wrote on a friend's paper. We were both linebackers on the football team and we had a chemistry paper due. My buddy did a crappy job but he handed it in anyway hoping he the ton of BS he put into writting would divert the prof.

Here is the classic response the Prof wrote across the top of the paper.

"Mr Brennan, you should really learn to take more pride in your work, next time you submit a paper of this quality go all out and write it in crayon"

When he showed it to me I about broke a rib from laughing so hard!.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Gamecock on May 22, 2009, 02:31
LOL Gamecock

"I could have gotten a high school senior to write that."
--Professor Andrew Kadak, my thesis adviser

This took me back to something a college professor of mine wrote on a friend's paper. We were both linebackers on the football team and we had a chemistry paper due. My buddy did a crappy job but he handed it in anyway hoping he the ton of BS he put into writting would divert the prof.

Here is the classic response the Prof wrote across the top of the paper.

"Mr Brennan, you should really learn to take more pride in your work, next time you submit a paper of this quality go all out and write it in crayon"

When he showed it to me I about broke a rib from laughing so hard!.



Great story......

My story does have a happy ending, as my thesis was signed (eventually).

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Fermi2 on May 22, 2009, 02:34
By the way I wasn't implying what you wrote was crap! I know the hard work you put into your thesis! My bud on the other hand put no effort into his paper, though everything he did after that was grade A work. We both played inside linebacker on a 4-4 defense and he was a great guy to roam the middle with me.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Gamecock on May 22, 2009, 03:16
By the way I wasn't implying what you wrote was crap! I know the hard work you put into your thesis! My bud on the other hand put no effort into his paper, though everything he did after that was grade A work. We both played inside linebacker on a 4-4 defense and he was a great guy to roam the middle with me.


I didn't take it that way.  It ended up being 99 pages, and I am extremely proud of how it turned out.  I appreciate the help you gave me. 

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Innocent on May 22, 2009, 03:33
Glad to hear that some people seem to actually like this job, I've been reading many threads on this site over the past week and in general all I read are negative comments with most people seemingly happy that they did (notice the past tense) it but who seem to hate it nonetheless.  To an outsider considering Navy Nuclear Power, this negativity is very pronounced.
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Fermi2 on May 22, 2009, 04:24
Oh I actually had a great time in the Navy. I met some great people, learning was fun, and to be honest the needs of the Navy doesn't happen to the extent that I believe anyone should worry too much about it.


Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: HockeyFan on May 22, 2009, 05:28
"A b----ing sailor is a happy sailor."  How long has that saying been around?

You'll complain about the food, the extra watches, field day, duty, going out to sea, whatever.  The Navy will not please you in every facet of your life, and you will complain, I'm sure.  One day though, you'll remember mid-rats fondly.  You may even tell sea stories.  At the end of the day, you will feel good about yourself.  You'll have friends who like the same things you do.  You may have learned a trade.  You'll be proud of your accomplishments.  You will have served your country honorably.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: JustinHEMI05 on May 22, 2009, 07:16
"A b----ing sailor is a happy sailor."  How long has that saying been around?

You'll complain about the food, the extra watches, field day, duty, going out to sea, whatever.  The Navy will not please you in every facet of your life, and you will complain, I'm sure.  One day though, you'll remember mid-rats fondly.  You may even tell sea stories.  At the end of the day, you will feel good about yourself.  You'll have friends who like the same things you do.  You may have learned a trade.  You'll be proud of your accomplishments.  You will have served your country honorably.


Well said!

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: stephpatton on May 23, 2009, 09:24
going enlisted..

sorry my sarcastic tone doesn't get translated into typed phrase when I made the comment of the "love" of being a navy nuke. 

Just making a comment based on the majority of the posts I read on job satisfaction and retention compared to the few and far between I read who actually are satisfied and stay....Honestly, I look at it like this, since I have been out of highschool a little longer than alot of nukes getting in:  Regardless of how much I wanted to work at a veterinarians office ever since I was a small child, because I was 18 when I actually got the job, I was not ready to "Love" it. So I quit and went back to school. How many people actually get out of highschool and enjoy their first few jobs.  How many people enjoy their first career altogether?

So, do the math: the nuke career is first centered around new up and comers to the world of working, and they are given such a schedule to work around that is not exactly the highly sought after 9-5, and (I am not yet a nuke, so this in an assumption) the job is stressful (watch, sea duty, long hours, work 6, sleep 6, off 6, work 6 sleep 6 off six. No wonder so many want out at the end of 6 years. 

I can see why there are plenty of negative comments about staying in, being in, and wanting out...But I have not read one post that says they REGRET every moment of it or that it did not prepare them somehow for their future.  So inevitably, it is good, bad, and sometimes ugly, but you are better for it.
That is what I pick up from here.  I look into it everyday...its very nice to see that it isn't all bad.  I look up to you guys, and I know not everyone enjoys their job, I work at a dialysis unit, which is both rewarding and crappy.  I'm sure the same goes anywhere in any field, but there are always little nuggets of rewards at the end of the day...whether its knowing you helped protect your country, saved a life, or heck, if all else fails, the paycheck. 

P.S.  you guys are intimidating.  I'm going to leave it up in the air for comment, because no matter what I say, someone has to jump my back about something.  No I'm not a nuke...yet...
Yes, I did research on nuke pro pay for enlisted...NON FRICKING EXISTENT.  As I explained I found different classifications such as combat, special hazard, sea, etc.  the list goes on...That dude that was glowering all over himself is probably just some fat 29 year old engineering major  living in his moms basement playing dungeons and dragons, and refusing to bathe because his girlfriend left him 2 years ago for his best friend.  His best friend is probably a nuke:)  God, I can't wait to join the ranks of you guys.  Should be fun:)
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: stephpatton on May 23, 2009, 09:30
wow, i really hope none of that came off wrong...just my sense of humor.
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Abiien on May 23, 2009, 11:34
Haha, I ususally tend to not have anything to say in threads due to the fact that I am still in DEP and all my questions are probably already answered. But I think you are a great addition to this board, Stephp! It adds a whole new dynamic to what had been rumbling around in nearly every thread (especially when people misspell words and have improper grammatical errors).

If i could give ya karma, believe me, I would, and thank you for sharing your, however small, wisdom with us. It's really appreciated, and I can tell from everyone's post they would agree to some extent.

And as a fluent speaker of Sarcasm, I think if one doesn't understand it written down then they would have a hard time in person.

I did a little searching for the pro-pay/s.d.a. pay, and I see what you are saying about for Enlisted it is like a mythical creature (sort of like those found in that guy's basement D&D collection). Most of what I found was on boards and such, so I decided to go on and search a little. The ONLY thing i could find even resembling ENLISTED Pro-Pay was this : "Enlisted Duty Special Pay Benefits"

It read so :
There are a number of different types of Special Duty pay. The specific duties and nature of their service require different kinds of risk and special types of danger that are simply a part of regular duty. The military knows this and devised a compensation pay schedule to help compensate those members of the service who by the nature of their job undergo special or types of risks. Special Skills- This is a pay type for unique or specialized skills that the Service has a high demand for. One good example is foreign language proficiency pay, or nuclear reactor training. These are special skills that are vital to the operation of the service, and can result in several hundred dollars a month in additional pay.

There was also a DOD Publication I couldn't open, and also some information on Officer Proficiency Pay on the  Website, but alas.... no luck finding the Mermaid of the Navy...
I know it's there though! I am going to keep searching till i find it!
joking of course, I gave up 5 minutes ago.

Have a wonderful day!!

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Lorrie Henson on May 23, 2009, 11:38

If i could give ya karma, believe me, I would...

Become a GOLD MEMBER and you can give all the Karma you want.  It's only 10 cents a day, paid annually.
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Abiien on May 23, 2009, 11:40
Maybe I will when I have a bigger income... $0.00/mo  isn't hackin it.

Thanks for the information though, didn't know!
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Gamecock on May 23, 2009, 01:22

Yes, I did research on nuke pro pay for enlisted...NON FRICKING EXISTENT.  As I explained I found different classifications such as combat, special hazard, sea, etc.  the list goes on..

You get pro-pay after you graduate from NPTU.  It will be $150/month for you (which is exactly the same amount I got after I qualified at NPTU back in 1991). 

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: goobs22xx on May 23, 2009, 03:09
Nukes qualify for the supervisory version upon qualification of Senior in rate watch station (ROs and EOs = SRO, for MOs = ERS for Blue shirts, for Khakis it's EWS/EDPO if age and too much beer haven't blurred the memory).

Anybody else remember it this way?

I've been qual'd ERS for a year and am still getting the standard $150.

I'll follow up on Tuesday when I go back to work but wanted to know if this was indeed correct info.
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Fermi2 on May 23, 2009, 03:14

If i could give ya karma, believe me, I would, and thank you for sharing your, however small, wisdom with us. It's really appreciated, and I can tell from everyone's post they would agree to some extent.


Please do not speak for me.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: DDMurray on May 23, 2009, 03:31
Anybody else remember it this way?

I've been qual'd ERS for a year and am still getting the standard $150.

I'll follow up on Tuesday when I go back to work but wanted to know if this was indeed correct info.

You're eligible for supervisory NEC once you've qualified senior-in-rate and have six years in (5 years if you qualify EWS).  Here's a link to the instruction.  It's from a previous post I made.  From the instruction:

(a) The criteria for recommending a supervisory NEC
(336X/339X) are:
1. Paygrade E-5 or above (if paygrade E-5, must
have completed all military and professional requirements for E6).
2. Demonstrated effective supervisory skills as
determined by the individual's Commanding Officer;
3. Qualified Surface Warfare (SW) or Submarines
(SS) as appropriate;
4. Completed six or more years of active naval
service based on Active Duty Service Date (ADSD);
5. Currently qualified on specified watchstations listed below:

3365 E-5/6 Engine Room Supervisor and Shutdown Roving

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: Gamecock on May 23, 2009, 03:48
You're eligible for supervisory NEC once you've qualified senior-in-rate and have six years in (5 years if you qualify EWS).  Here's a link to the instruction.  It's from a previous post I made.  From the instruction:

(a) The criteria for recommending a supervisory NEC
(336X/339X) are:
1. Paygrade E-5 or above (if paygrade E-5, must
have completed all military and professional requirements for E6).
2. Demonstrated effective supervisory skills as
determined by the individual's Commanding Officer;
3. Qualified Surface Warfare (SW) or Submarines
(SS) as appropriate;
4. Completed six or more years of active naval
service based on Active Duty Service Date (ADSD);
5. Currently qualified on specified watchstations listed below:

3365 E-5/6 Engine Room Supervisor and Shutdown Roving


Or in layman's terms for senior supervisory pay....

It is E5 over 6, qualified EWS/PPWS
or E6 over 5, Senior-in-rate.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: G-reg on May 23, 2009, 04:35
So inevitably, it is good, bad, and sometimes ugly, but you are better for it. That is what I pick up from here.
Well done!  You're going to go far -
That dude that was glowering all over himself is probably just some fat 29 year old engineering major  living in his moms basement playing dungeons and dragons, and refusing to bathe because his girlfriend left him 2 years ago for his best friend.  His best friend is probably a nuke:)
as long as you can "get" as good as you "give".  (I have no reason to suspect that you can't.  I'm just sayin', is all...)

Yes, I did research on nuke pro pay for enlisted...NON FRICKING EXISTENT.
The source document for SDAP is OPNAVINST 1160.6B (, but that only talks about the program in general.  Specifics about who is elegible, and for how much, are determined by the CNO (and the specifics change from time to time).  Currently, NAVADMIN 101/08 ( sets all of the SDAP levels for the Navy; refer to paragraph 8.N if you want to read about Navy Nukes.

All of this information fairly well jumps off the page at you - why would this be so difficult for some people?   :P
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: jowlman on May 23, 2009, 10:28
The info that I am given is dated, I got out in 86. Back then people only got pro-pay for being "Career Designated" which meant that you had reenlisted. The only exception to that was they were hurting so bad for surface ELT's that they started paying us pro-pay back in I think 85. To get the higher rate of pay, you had to be qualified your senior in rate watch.Our senior in rate watch was debated and on California, determined to be Lead ELT and they created a qual to go with the title.
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: HydroDave63 on May 23, 2009, 10:54

Yes, I did research on nuke pro pay for enlisted...NON FRICKING EXISTENT. 

As I explained I found different classifications such as combat, special hazard, sea, etc.  the list goes on...That dude that was glowering all over himself is probably just some fat 29 year old engineering major  living in his moms basement playing dungeons and dragons, and refusing to bathe because his girlfriend left him 2 years ago for his best friend.  His best friend is probably a nuke:)  God, I can't wait to join the ranks of you guys.  Should be fun:)

Replies #1, 6, 7 and 8 tell you otherwise. And they all either served recently or are still active duty. So, really you owe the "dude" from the other website, and those that answered your question here, an apology for wasting their time when they gave you the answer ...
Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: DDMurray on May 23, 2009, 11:43
Or in layman's terms for senior supervisory pay....

It is E5 over 6, qualified EWS/PPWS
or E6 over 5, Senior-in-rate.


No.  In layman's terms:

E-5 or E-6 over six qualified SIR (senior-in-rate)

E-5 or E-6 over five quailfied EWS.

I thought the instruction was pretty clear.

Title: Re: just learned something new
Post by: G-reg on May 24, 2009, 12:46
the ever popular and wildly accurate .... HEY, SHIPWRECK (fourth episode of the first year).
Ahhhh, TubeDaze - all the news that's fit to parody.   ;D  ;D  ;D

Thanks for the trip back down Memory Lane, H/C !