NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Nuclear Operator => Topic started by: ccx2zu on May 23, 2009, 10:18

Title: NLO
Post by: ccx2zu on May 23, 2009, 10:18
Does the industry look down on people that take meds for ADHD?
Title: Re: NLO
Post by: Xenon_Free on May 23, 2009, 08:35
Well, I don't know if the industry looks down on it... I've seen some guys with ADHD who either didn't know it - or didn't tell it.  They were among the best RO's in the Biz because they were constantly looking for problems.  They did have problems advancing beyond RO since they had difficulty with the big picture.  The NRC has very stringent guidance regarding acceptability of Operators - IIRCC ADHD is not one of them. I'm sure someone here has the CFR down well enough to enlighten you.
Title: Re: NLO
Post by: elwood on May 24, 2009, 07:57
Probably depends on the medication you are taking. Apply and see what the plant tells you. Good Luck
Title: Re: NLO
Post by: Fermi2 on May 24, 2009, 03:59
From a Fitness For Duty aspect you'd have to claim any medications you are taking, otherwise it shouldn't be an issue.

Title: Re: NLO
Post by: Bham_Dave on May 27, 2009, 01:09
Does the industry look down on people that take meds for ADHD?

Might depend on how stingy you are with your meds.  ;)

Seriously, just make sure to disclose this where and when requested and it shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure you won't be the first or the last with a similar situation.

Make sure you disclose if asked though, because depending on what meds you take for ADHD  they will show up on a drug test as a controlled substance, and if your test comes back positive they'll start to check DEA Rx numbers, so you won't be able to pull a "poppy seed" muffin excuse, and the nondisclosure will come back to bite you.

Title: Re: NLO
Post by: ccx2zu on May 27, 2009, 08:39
Well today I talked to the person in charge of FFD, She had me fill out a prescription form and said I'm all good to go. She also said that the medication will not affect me getting a license. The NRC will just require me to take as prescribed. Thank you all for the responses.