NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Navy Nuke => Navy:Getting In => Topic started by: powersch on Jun 25, 2009, 02:38

Title: Bout to go to Meps, Couple Questions.
Post by: powersch on Jun 25, 2009, 02:38
First off great site, i appreciate the stickys and yes, i have searched.

I like my recruiter, but i am not about to make a 6, or more year decision based off him. He has told me straight forward that their district is full on quota, in fact they are way over, and are being 'vacationed' from MEPS for 2 weeks.

I am planning on making it into the nuclear field as enslisted. I am choosing this because i am tired of working jobs and going no where. I have already taken my ASVAB and got a 98, and 279 on NUC, no need for the NAPT. I am looking for school, a challenge, and a career. I see that navy nuclear is a program made for people like me.

I do have a few waivers i might need to get in
1. i am 26 now, and in October 27 (i only have 2 college level classes taken right now, avg of about 95)
2. about 8 speeding tickets, most recent was over 3 years ago
3. misdemeanor that was dismissed, 7 years ago
4. medicore HS grades, never failed any. GPA 2.9 or so.

My questions.

1. What are chances of getting all my waivers approved, how long can i expect?

2. I am by FAR most interrested in the nuclear field. When i go to MEPS i plan on listing those three ratings. Once i sign paperwork and swear in. IF for some reason i cannot get waivers etc to get into NF, would i still be obligated to the Navy?

3. TBD

Thanks for all your help and expertise.

Title: Re: Bout to go to Meps, Couple Questions.
Post by: powersch on Jun 28, 2009, 01:52
Thanks for the reply's, ill let you know what happens,

I have also considered several careers in the airforce, any form of electrical or mechanical 'engineering' is good by me.

Nuke seems to me to be rather interresting, offers alot of school for 'free', good future careers, and bonuses never hurt.

Hope to be fully inducted soon.

Title: Re: Bout to go to Meps, Couple Questions.
Post by: powersch on Feb 10, 2010, 09:27
kinda late to reply here, but it took about 2 months to get all waivers through. unfortunatly i was denied. Thought others may be interrested in knowing based off my situation.
