NukeWorker Forum

Career Path => Navy Nuke => Navy:Staying In => Topic started by: Adidas2806 on Oct 14, 2004, 11:52

Title: nps car?
Post by: Adidas2806 on Oct 14, 2004, 11:52
are yuo allowed to have a vehicle while at school in charleston? just an oddball question my idiot for a recruiter didnt seem to know. thanks!
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: jeepgirl1 on Oct 15, 2004, 07:48
My recruiter said that yes we could have a car.  He said whether there would  actually be time to use it is a completely different story  ;) :P ;).
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: SSN21LELT on Oct 17, 2004, 10:01
Yes, you can have a car at Nuke School.  No, you won't have much time to use it, but you'll want it anyway.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: ET3Workman on Oct 17, 2004, 12:26
You won't have any time for one? Whatever, I'm in NPS right now. I've been here for 8 months now, and I don't have car. This stuff about not having time for a car is a little exaggerated. Jesus, you got people talking about how they spend every waking moment on this base at the school, which is HIGHLY discouraged by students AND staff. Trust me a car is very useful. I get so tired of bummin' a ride from my friends or waiting for the loser cruiser(weekend bus that goes to the mall, best buy, etc.) Don't buy into all that crap about never having free time. Do you spend a lot time in the school? Yes you will, but is that the only thing you'll be doing for the next year and a half? Hell no, you will go insane if you do that. Good luck to ya.  :)
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Jorderon on Oct 17, 2004, 10:34
I never had a car at NPS.  However a car is basically Required at Prototype, at least in New York.  I had a house about 12 miles from the site, and thats a very long drive in the middle of a New York winter at 1 in the morning after a swing shift (having never driven in snow before was a truly awakening time in my life), which I was priveralged enough to experience.  But on the Bright side, New York is a MUCH better place for military folk, the locals treat us alot better than in Charleston I can tell you that.

Dont say that "oh your gonna have time at NPS for partying and lots of drinking" and whatnot, because it varies from person to person.  Personally I was one of the lucky few who got hated on by everyone having never put in any serious time/effort studying, but still making a upper half gpa, and now that I look back on it, Id rather have put in the extra mile and been in the upper echelons of my class in 20/20 hindsight.  My good but not great NPS gpa was, I found out later, THE reason I didnt get ELT pickup, and then got Nuke Welder (which is a good deal anyway, but i still would have rather been an ELT).

In any event, you will offically be able to own and operate a Personally owned vehicle after week 4-5 of training in A school, but you probably wont use it until about week 8, when you get the majority of your boot campesque restrictions lifted (Daily off base civilian clothing liberty at 1600).  However remember that if you decide to do something dumb, you'll loose your privelages quickly.  Even keeping a messy room will get you in the hole with your Chief or First Class, and can lead to some rather unplesant "upgrading".  Anyway if you have any other wierd questions about the pipeline, feel free to ask.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: sean.denny on Oct 20, 2004, 09:24
The program has changed a lot in recent years, meaning the last 5-6.  The program is significantly easier now than it was in the past.  This lends itself to a lot of free time.  I was an instructor in Charleston for 4 years and that base is not near to anything of interest.  A car would be useful. 
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: ELTsmag on Nov 01, 2004, 10:51
If you don't have a car now just wait to buy one.  Once you show up in Charleston you'll be E-3 and Navy Federal Credit Union automatically pre-qualifies you for at least $8,000 for a vehicle, bad credit or good credit.  If you can hold off until you graduate A school and get promoted to E-4 then they bump that up to $14,000 you automatically qualify for (which I did and bought a Camaro)
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: ODiesel on Nov 02, 2004, 09:02
I am currently a staff instructor at the NPTU Charleston(prototype). You will NEED a car to get too and from work when you get to prototype. As far as A-School and Power School are concerned, you will WANT a car to get you away from base whenever you have free time. Believe me you will want to get away from the site as much as you can!! As far as being allowed to operate a car, you will be able to in week 4 or 8 of A-School if I remember right. When you do bring your car to the site be sure you have your insurance and registration available to get DOD stickers, or you will not be able to park on base and that will put you in a world of hurt. I also think the Navy will ship your car to you from your hometown for free as a 1 time deal, not too sure on that but your recruiter might know. I think it can be part of a "home of record" move. Either way, good luck in the nuclear program, work hard and you'll do fine!!!

-EM2 O'D
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: eric9dodge on Nov 03, 2004, 11:13
I went through Orlando and I put in mando 35s when I was there.  Class 9802 started up early December, we got a Holiday break, I bought a year old car at a good price and drove it back down.  It was handy to have a car and even with the hours I put in.  Of course, I went to Prototype in New York, and one definately needed a ride up there.

Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: theJam on Nov 09, 2004, 02:01
OK, I'm gonna sign up next week after I take my ASVAB (thatis, ohping I score well!).  I have a another question about the car situation...

My Dad owns my car, but I own the insurance.  Will that be a problem?  I figure I can just pay my Dad the Credit Union loan and buy it from him.

2004 Mustang GT ;D
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Roll Tide on Nov 09, 2004, 07:56
OK, I'm gonna sign up next week after I take my ASVAB (thatis, ohping I score well!).  I have a another question about the car situation...

My Dad owns my car, but I own the insurance.  Will that be a problem?  I figure I can just pay my Dad the car allowance and buy it from him after I receive it.

2004 Mustang GT ;D

You need a signed letter from Dad in the car giving you permission. It is required for getting a base decal, and could help with any local law enforcement problems.

Keep the registration, your drivers license, and the insurance through the same state. If you change one, change them all. (Simplest thing is to keep everything on the back home address!)
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: theJam on Nov 09, 2004, 07:57
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: jeepgirl1 on Nov 10, 2004, 10:14

My Dad owns my car, but I own the insurance.  Will that be a problem?  I figure I can just pay my Dad the Credit Union loan and buy it from him.

2004 Mustang GT ;D

I thought that in order for an insurance company to issue a policy, the car title had to be in the principle policy owner's name?  Just wondering ...

I'll take the letter suggestion by RollTide one step further and  suggest that you get your father to get a power of attorney that will allow you sign for all things in regards to the car. 
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: GARYGWOODJR on Nov 10, 2004, 11:14
Buy a bike and ride it back and forth to work.  There used to be a bike path that would take you anywhere on the base.  If I remember correctly, it used to take me the same amount of time to ride from the center of housing (Petral Street) as it did to drive to prototype.  It will reduce stress and your waistline (which has a tendancy to grow when you sit at a desk or cubicle most of the day) not to mention saving you money.  Just a thought.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: bmctee on Dec 03, 2004, 08:00
If you don't have a car now just wait to buy one.  Once you show up in Charleston you'll be E-3 and Navy Federal Credit Union automatically pre-qualifies you for at least $8,000 for a vehicle, bad credit or good credit.  If you can hold off until you graduate A school and get promoted to E-4 then they bump that up to $14,000 you automatically qualify for (which I did and bought a Camaro)

We just had the Indoc class yesterday where NFCU came in.  I believe E-3s are automatically approved for 10K now.  She didn't mention E-4s.

I've been here for two weeks today, and can tell you that I'm definitely bringing my truck back from Texas after Christmas leave.  I've been getting rides from "Crazy Carl" for $2/ride.  But having to wait 30min-1hr every time you need to go somewhere is not too fun.

You have 3 stages of freedom.  Straight out of boot-camp you'll have NMT Phase 1, which is highly restricted (no cars allowed, no civilian clothes allowed, dress or working blues off-base).  Phase 2 (after 4 weeks, should you not get in trouble for anything) you will be allowed the car, and off-base liberty starts at 1600 on each Friday, ends at 0015 on Sunday.

If you have any questions about the beginning of A school or anything from boot camp, please ask.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Rad Sponge on May 15, 2005, 03:47
I know this is a dead thread, but nukes will be buying cars during NPS and Proto for years to come.

WARNING to all you newbies: Where there is a base there is a used car salesman. Beware of zero-down loans and low monthly payments, you will be getting screwed somehow. Beware of all signs that say "E-1 welcomed"!!

If I am not mistaken, the Fleet and Family Service Center which i am sure has a outpost somewhere on the Weapons Station offers counseling for car buyers. Navy Legal should be able to review contracts, etc.

Always Always Always seek some sort of official counseling before buying a vehicle, get it documented because if the deal flies south and trust me, it can, you will not be left looking stupid for trying to do it on your own.

It will be a sign of maturity if you seek advice from your advisor, LCC, whoever because we have all seen young Sailors get screwed by car deals.

Seek counseling and be sure you are aware of your state's lemon law.

Lastly, please do not blow your bonus on a new ride.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: JoeFlo on May 28, 2005, 09:11
I've been getting rides from "Crazy Carl" for $2/ride.  But having to wait 30min-1hr every time you need to go somewhere is not too fun.

Be their in bout twenty minutes! HAHA...I remember that. I thought you could get free rides to the landing strip? I bought a car at the beginning of power school. I'm glad I did because when I got out of school I wanted to get as far away from the site as possible.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Fermi2 on May 29, 2005, 10:53
Does anyone remember that awesome Automoblie workshop the Navy had for the nukes at NPS Orlando? That place had 20 of everything.

Does Charleston have anything similar?

Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: 20 Years Gone on May 30, 2005, 09:26
   Yeah, I remember changing my breaks at the Auto Hobby Shop in Orlando on my first car.  I paid them 5 bucks, and they spun my rotors right there in front of me.  They had a bunch of crusty old timers working there, and every time I'd get stuck, they'd come over and tell me what to do next. 
  Charleston also has an auto hobby shop, but it's not quite the same.  Not as many stalls, or as much equipment.. It's also a little more regulated, it seems. 
   On a different note, I remember on my last tour at Goose Creek, I'd head down to the Best Buy or ckt city in North Charleston to pick something up.  As I was leaving, I'd invariably see a grop of kids in their white hats, waiting with their purchases for a cab to gouge them for a ride back to base.  If I was in the mini van, I'd show them the ID, and offer them a ride back, since I lived in navy housing, and that was very close to the barraks drop off.  I never had a group of young sailors turn down a free ride.  There were, however, forces at the command who frowned on this behavior, saying it was fraternization.  I always thought that was too bad, that we were so afraid of fraternization that we weren't supposed to help save these young sailors a few bucks, and the who-knows-how-long wait on a cab.

Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: kwicslvr on Jun 01, 2005, 04:40
   There were, however, forces at the command who frowned on this behavior, saying it was fraternization.  I always thought that was too bad, that we were so afraid of fraternization that we weren't supposed to help save these young sailors a few bucks, and the who-knows-how-long wait on a cab.


I here ya.  During my instructor tour at NPTU Ballston Spa, I was the same way.  If one of the students needed help with anything outside of work I would always help when possible.   To me that was just a part of the Navy family and watching out for each other.  My superiors always frowned on me for doing it and received a little talking to from time to time but that was the extent.   They knew in the end that what I was doing was the right thing, they just had to do their job and say there preprogrammed part.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Rad Sponge on Jun 01, 2005, 05:59
To hell with fraternization.

I have given more rides to more junior folks than I can remember. Thats called being a shipmate and supercedes all policies crafted by brass asses.

I'd take a bunch of nubs to dinner if it meant they weren't out drinking and driving. Call it fraternization, but a nuke arriving to the barracks alive is better than being splattered out on Redbank road somewhere after being hit by a car as he attempted to hoof it from Best Buy to base-

"Recently, a third class petty officer, while........"
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: cincinnatinuke on Jun 01, 2005, 08:51
I here you guys on this fraternization thing.  I can remember new arrivals in their dress uniforms trying to lug a t.v. or stereo back from just the NEX.  I'd always stop to help out a shipmate, since I was married and had access to a car.  Funny though when the rest of the bunch comes out of the woodwork with all their stuff wanting a ride or someone decides they needed the biggest darn t.v. in the store.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: p90lady on Jun 17, 2005, 08:15
Morning all,

Thank you for restarting this thread.  My son will be leaving for Great Lakes next month and will be going Nuke after that.  I have been trying to warn him to be careful and not jump into any financial issues once he first gets in. (Did that 20 years ago in the Air Force and still regret it!)

I sent him the info from this site -better coming from you than old mom!

I appreciate all of the information - having a better understanding of what he will be going through helps me to let go!

Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: taterhead on Jun 17, 2005, 02:18
There is a wealth of info on this site about what he can expect, as I'm sure you already know.

Feel free to ask any other questions that might pop up in the "Getting In" forum.  We are here to help!

Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: dan11 on Aug 27, 2008, 02:30
is this thread still accurate?
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: withroaj on Aug 27, 2008, 05:16
Specifics about money and such... I don't know.  The phases of NMT... yes (as of about 5 and a half years ago).  Four weeks into A-school you can go off base after school and wear civvies on the weekends.  Eight weeks into it you can wear civilian clothes and even leave base on the weekdays.  You can drive a car at the four week point if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: dan11 on Aug 27, 2008, 10:28
Check out this thread about Cars at A School.,12341.0.html

You could have just commented on underage drinking + driving than have me read that whole thread :P

More specifically when I bumped this topic, I own a vehicle but I'm in California. Will the Navy ship my car to A school at little or no cost? If not, I'll probably get a bike, but will I have time to take all the necessary classes to get a license to operate a motorcycle? When I'm getting my vehicle registered, will I get Gov plates that allow me to park anywhere :D
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: HydroDave63 on Aug 27, 2008, 10:36
You could have just commented on underage drinking + driving than have me read that whole thread :P

Or YOU could have thanked a Sr. Moderator for taking the time to post an answer to your question.

Loss of Karma stripe for Article 91 in Nukeworker.

Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Preciousblue1965 on Aug 28, 2008, 06:32
You could have just commented on underage drinking + driving than have me read that whole thread :P

More specifically when I bumped this topic, I own a vehicle but I'm in California. Will the Navy ship my car to A school at little or no cost? If not, I'll probably get a bike, but will I have time to take all the necessary classes to get a license to operate a motorcycle? When I'm getting my vehicle registered, will I get Gov plates that allow me to park anywhere :D

Ok first things first, the Navy WILL NOT ship your car from California.  The ONLY time the Navy will pay to have a car shipped is if you are transferring outside of the Continental United States(Italy, Hawaii, etc).  I know that from California to SC was about 800 Dollars back in 2003 so figure about a grand now(Besides you get that nice bonus money after NPS now plus all that money you saved during boot camp).  I do not know much about motorcycle classes other than sometimes they fill up pretty quick and other times they do not.  Most of the classes are on the weekends I believe.  Perhaps someone with more knowledge will lend some info. 

As far as the Government plates, Sorry Charlie but those plates are for "Official Government Business" only such as Duty Vans, Admiral's being driven around, and Recruiters.  But to make you feel better you will get a nice window sticker from both DoD and from NNPTC/NPTU that says you can come on base and park in the parking lot. 
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: ISFSI on Aug 28, 2008, 09:12

Wow....reading this is interesting...

Class 9802?...

I was in class 8507.

I was stationed in Charleston when they first brought the Rayburn floatatype and moored it.  Actually got a tour when we were there.

Sounds like the educational part may have gotten abit easier - God kows it was easier for me in '85 than the guys who went thru at Mare Island back in the 60's.

My how times have changed...

Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Motown homey on Aug 28, 2008, 09:27
Navy Nuclear Power School Class 73-01 at Mare Island.  Long time ago - but from what I'm reading, not much has changed in the presentation and curriculum. 

I didn't have a car at NPS, but I bought one prior to starting prototype in Idaho.  You could have gotten by without one, but I never would have seen so much of the mountains - Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, Mount Bozrah, Little Lost River Valley.  I'm glad I had it.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Cycoticpenguin on Sep 03, 2008, 05:19
Does anyone remember that awesome Automoblie workshop the Navy had for the nukes at NPS Orlando? That place had 20 of everything.

Does Charleston have anything similar?


an emphatic yes mike. Its called the "hobby shop" and it is glorious :) I spent 80% of my free time with friends wrenching on our cars (Even when nothing needed to be wrenched lol).  Has 6 lifts, and 5 work bays (3 indoors, 2 outdoors, but covered), and heavy duty machines for the DIY'ers.

As for the thread... get the damn car. You will absolutely hate not having one, I promise. Bumming rides absolutely sucks, and taxis are NOT cheap!

precious blue -> No they wont pay to have the car shipped, but the government WILL pay for a "home of record" move! (Shoot, I still have to do mine haha). Thats a terrific loophole to have the navy pay to move your car.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: 93-383 on Sep 03, 2008, 06:05

precious blue -> No they wont pay to have the car shipped, but the government WILL pay for a "home of record" move! (Shoot, I still have to do mine haha). Thats a terrific loophole to have the navy pay to move your car.

I'm not 100% certain but I don't think that a home of record move will move your car unless your home of record is Alaska or Hawaii
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Cycoticpenguin on Sep 03, 2008, 06:07
I'm not 100% certain but I don't think that a home of record move will move your car unless your home of record is Alaska or Hawaii

I should specify, doing a dity move will essentially pay him to move his car (and then some!).
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Wanna Know Mom on Oct 29, 2008, 08:38
Sounds like a home of record move is once in your Navy career???   Can it be used by an E-4 after prototype graduation from Charleston to the first duty station? ( I'm thinking car. one stinkin' big TV, and some personal belongings....) :)           thanks, Kathy VPNM
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: Gamecock on Oct 29, 2008, 08:57
Sounds like a home of record move is once in your Navy career???   Can it be used by an E-4 after prototype graduation from Charleston to the first duty station? ( I'm thinking car. one stinkin' big TV, and some personal belongings....) :)           thanks, Kathy VPNM

Yes it can be used by an E4, as long as he has never shipped anything from his home of record.  However, they won't move a car unless home of record is outside the continental USA.
Title: Re: nps car?
Post by: bdhoe on Oct 29, 2008, 08:06
Sounds like a home of record move is once in your Navy career???   Can it be used by an E-4 after prototype graduation from Charleston to the first duty station? ( I'm thinking car. one stinkin' big TV, and some personal belongings....) :)           thanks, Kathy VPNM

And also when using this move you should consider what state you are in when doing it. If you come from a state that does not require you to pay income tax (like I did) while in the service be careful not to home of record to one that does (which would have been my case)...(paying $1000 dollars to move is better than paying $1000 in state taxes every year)...and if your parents are nice they could perhaps come visit you with your stuff...(its a win/win  ;D)