NukeWorker Forum

News and Discussions => Nuke Community => Fallen: => Topic started by: azkidd on Sep 04, 2003, 10:29

Title: William 'Bill' Rooks
Post by: azkidd on Sep 04, 2003, 10:29
Just a little note to let everyone know who knew him;  Bill Rooks died last evening (September 3, 2003) while at work here at Grand Gulf.  He had just recieved turnover, and suddenly he collapsed. There was no sign of anything wrong. Apparently of a Heart attack.  We have qualified EMT's in our department, but there was nothing they could do to revive him.  I will post info on services as I recieve them.
Title: Re: William Rooks  (Bill)
Post by: azkidd on Sep 05, 2003, 11:41
A service will be held in Bills' memory on Saturday Sept. 6, 2003 @ 2:00 pm.  The location is at 6188 Hwy. 61 N , Port Gibson, MS.  This location is his residence.  He died of a Pulmonary Embolism, not of a Heart attack.
Title: Re: William Rooks  (Bill)
Post by: Jill on Sep 05, 2003, 07:31
:(  Wow, I am soooo sorry to hear that.  He was a really great guy and a lot of fun!  I remember going to the driving range with him to practice IN HOPES of him teaching me to play golf.  Well, after my pectoral muscle pull was healed (don't ask!  That musta been a helluva swing!) I decided to just stick to driving the golf cart and drinking beers on the course!  My thoughts and prayers go out to all his family.  I will miss him..... :'(
Title: Re: William Rooks  (Bill)
Post by: jskirk on Sep 09, 2003, 07:32
I sure was saddened to read of Billy's passing.  I met Billy at San Onofre in 1989.  He needed a place to stay and we shared an apartment in Luguna Beach together.  He sure was a character.  He made so many people laugh and truely enriched their lives.

This is a great forum.  Thanks to those who keep us informed so that we may pay tribute to our fallen friends and colleagues.

Scott Kirk  
Title: Re: William Rooks  (Bill)
Post by: charterboat on Sep 19, 2003, 11:56
Is thid the Billy Rooks that worked River Bend Years Ago and that made homemade Kalua ? If so we partied and fished together. Best of Luck on the Other Side
Title: Re: William Rooks  (Bill)
Post by: nekbyter on Nov 11, 2003, 07:17
Im sadden of the news, Im late it seems, I am an old girlfriend of his and one wish he had asked was for me to attend his funeral which it seems I did not keep due to I havent heard from him since 1988.  I shall cherish his memories and prayers go to his friends and family.  Karen
Title: Re: William 'Bill' Rooks
Post by: palongrifles on Feb 27, 2004, 01:37
Well this was freaky as all get out.  I am sorry to hear of this man's passing, but I just gotta share the wierdness.

I am also William (Bill) Rooks.  As was my father.  My father died of pulmonary embolism, and I had open heart surgery in 2000 in California.

It gets wierder.  I also have a nuclear engineering degree, and worked at River Bend (Library Systems not nuke plant) as a computer tech.  I had received a job offer from VEPCO North Anna plant but passed it up to return to get another degree.

I found this post by doing a google search on my name.  Imagine my surprise to find I was deceased and nobody bothered to tell me. 

At any rate, my sympathies to the friends and family of my namesake.  Hopefully this Bill Rooks (me) has a few years left in him.

Title: Re: William 'Bill' Rooks
Post by: MrHazmat on Nov 10, 2004, 01:17
I know this is really late, but I worked with Bill at CNSI, Barnwell, S.C. for years. He was always full of life and enjoyed every minute of it. Lost track after his divorce and he left the area. I know he did more living than most of us will ever do.

So Long Bill
Rene' M. Johnson
Title: Re: William 'Bill' Rooks
Post by: bcchp on Nov 17, 2004, 07:47
RIP Bill

I worked with Rooks at BFNP back in the day (all 3 units running)  and spent many hours partying and playing music with that crazy dude at his house in Athens AL. See ya when I get there too Bill.

PS he had a beautiful wife DeeDee at the time and a little boy named Adam who must be 25 by now.  My prayers to them