NukeWorker Forum

News and Discussions => Nuke Community => Fallen: => Topic started by: Eric_Bartlett on Jan 15, 2007, 04:59

Title: Dale Nutting
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jan 15, 2007, 04:59
Once again it is with deepest regret that I post on this thread.  I was just informed that Dale Nutting, SHP out of New York, has passed away.  I always found Dale to be a straight shooter, great guy, and excellent tech.  God bless. He will be missed.
Title: Re: Dale Nutting
Post by: illegalsmile on Jan 15, 2007, 05:19
Dale and I shared the same home town where he was active in many communitiy activities including the Volunteer Fire Dept/Ambulance. I haven't seen Dale in a couple of yrs, and now it looks like it'll be a couple more. Certainly bad news. What happened?
Title: Re: Dale Nutting
Post by: Waffleman5000 on Jan 15, 2007, 05:56
Dale was a poker buddy.  Matter of fact the last time I saw him, (over the holidays) was at a game, and quite a few of us lost our money to him.  We spent quite abit of the last year and a half around each other, and he will be missed greatly.  West Valley hasn't been the same with out him, and I guess it never will be again. 
One of the last times I spoke with him, he said he was gonna keep fighting the cancer because he did not want to end up a thread on NUKEWORKER.  lol  Well he fought alright, but he still ended up here.
Title: Re: Dale Nutting
Post by: Camella Black on Jan 16, 2007, 10:38
Could someone tell me more about Dale? Henry and I knew some Nutting's that worked at Robinson back in the 1980's and came here to Barnwell once and worked at Chem Nuclear. I don't remember his first name, but I believe he and his brother both worked in the business. If Dale is related, then he came from a great family. Regardless I will pray for his family and friends.
Title: Re: Dale Nutting
Post by: let-it-ride on Jan 16, 2007, 10:56
Dale was not only a poker buddy, but a friend. I knew Dale from the days at Fitz and Nine Mile, plus West Valley.
He was always dependable at work and never left anyone hang. He might seem quiet but had a great sense of humor.
I am sorry that another one of the good guys has left us.
As Dale always said, "Are You Kidding Me!"
Title: Re: Dale Nutting
Post by: illegalsmile on Jan 17, 2007, 08:45
I don't think Dale ever worked at Barnwell or Robinson. He was a NY Country boy through and through. I think you might have run into Fred, who was not related to Dale. They worked together at Fitz in the early '80's and it was pretty funny since they were physical opposites  but both had irrepressible, dry senses of humor.
Title: Re: Dale Nutting
Post by: Llama on Jan 19, 2007, 06:32
Dale will be truly missed. A soft spoken person with a heart of gold. He really loved the home made lasagna. We will miss ya Dale

Marty and Sharon
Title: Re: Dale Nutting
Post by: galent on Mar 19, 2008, 02:37
Hadn't seen Dale since the famous Vermont Yankee recirc pipe replacement outage 1985-1986 although I did talk to him about three years ago on the phone and we reminisced and he tried to talk me into coming to West Valley. He didn't mention cancer which doesn't surprise me. A bunch of us including Dale used to spend the last half-hour of our day in the break trailer playing liar's poker and what a blast we all had. Dale will be sorely missed.