Hey all, hope you had a good Christmas. First, let me introduce myself, and say that I've searched a lot of Nukeworker and gained some great information. However, I haven't seen this question asked about my current situation. Anyway, currently I'm enlisted in the USAF as an Ammo troop, 3 years into my 6 yr contract. Been stationed at Nellis for going on 2 years, and I've had a desk job the entire time. In Korea I built missiles for a year, but that's about the extent of my "hands on" experience. Now, while I don't terribly mind my current position (it keeps me out of the heat in the summer, etc, etc), I can't help but feel like I'm being challenged or really going anywhere with my career. This is why I've been looking into officer programs, either in the AF or Navy. I have 3 years left in my contract, and by then, I should have my B.S. in Information Technology with a track in Information Security. Now, I understand in order to go to another service, I'd need to finish up my current contract.
My question is, how would that work out if I wanted to go into the Navy as an officer, and as a Nuke? I've tried contacting an officer recruiter but have had no luck here in Vegas. Would I just finish my contract, and during my terminal leave start getting things underway, or is there a better way to do it, preferably while I'm still in? From what I've read, it's my understanding that any technical degree should suffice; is that correct? On top of that, is there anything I can do to help get me into the Nuke officer program? So far my career has been great with no problems or disciplinary actions.
Ack, I apologize for the lengthy posts and numerous questions. Hopefully I can gain some more insight from you guys. I appreciate any help in advance. Thanks.