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Author Topic: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:  (Read 12562 times)

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This is going to be a wondrous no-holds barred TMI post, so hold on and try and help me out if you can.

Here is what people see:
Nuke (MM, not ELT), 3 Yrs, Out on RE-4, weight issue, General (under honourable conditions) Discharge, E-3.

Here is what happened:
Prior to Navy, significant weight problem. Busted my butt and got off the weight, hoping for a bit more help while I was in. Get in and go to Powerschool, 3.51 in A school, 3.63 in Powerschool, First Mechanic in my duty section to qual at Prototype. Weight problem reappears, naval assistance involves yelling and threatening with mast.

Fleet life, sent to a boat in the yards for major DMP overhaul (Type 2 digital I&C, DSO mod, warm water mod, various mods to firecontrol, sonar, etc...). Everyone hates life, and everyones only purpose is to make everyone else more miserable than they are (direct quote). Manage to get fish, ERLL, ERF, SRW, 3M, Maint. Was on qual path for 2nd chemist. Get to go for a ride after taking advancement exam, have 3 failures and riding a waiver. Pull 2nd off test. Have to sign papers saying I can't have 2nd cause I'm a fat ass. Try to work out with 85+ hour average workweek. Try to diet when main stress relief is eating. Start really getting bitter and pissed off and flipping out. Flip out on Chief. Get sent to talk to EDMC, refuse to stand at parade rest outside door. Tell them I don't want to do it anymore and want out.

They flip out and send me to see the man. Become borderline suicidal. See the man for 'failure to stand at Parade rest'. Awarded, E-3 and 30 days at Correctional Custody Unit (see Brig, but more annoying "Where they teach sailors to be sailors again"). Become totally suicidal and leave CCU in an ambulance after attempting to drink bleach. Still not sure if that was for real or just me doing it to get out of the Navy. Spend 3 weeks in a psych ward. Get out, get off boat, go to wash out palace at Squadron. Meet a bunch of people in similar circumstances, they all stay in because they're thin. I get the boot because of my 3 strikes and current weight issues. Fine by me, I was sick of the BS anyways.

So the questions:
I love nuclear power, I was a good operator, but a horrid sailor. Any chance of going to civilian nuke ops or should I just give up and go work at a dirt burner? How much of this do I need to disclose? I'm guessing that stress levels at civilian plants are substantially lower and that most of the folks in OPS actually get along, act professionally and don't exist just to cause hate and pain. I don't have a problem with hours, so long as the environment is decent. But you combine everything together and I start looking for ways out. I'm guessing this would cause issues with FFD. And yes, I searched but couldn't find anything that really matched my experiences, maybe I missed it.

Basically how do I get over this hurdle.

- S


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #1 on: Jul 09, 2008, 03:35 »
I don't think you would have a problem in the Civ side of the nuclear industry. As for getting a job, and how much you need to disclose, well that depends. First off-The whole trying to kill yourself, well that's sick. Before you get out, I would have the Navy pay to get you some help. Who knows when your issues could strike again. They have a wealth of doctors, psychiatrist, and theripest who's jobs are to ensure you are living a healthy life. So take the Navy up on it. The industry outside the Navy is different, yes. But it too can be stressful at times. Especially during outages when its Groundhogs day over and over again. And as for how much you need to disclose. Well that's a tough one. I want to say be honest, but then again that can hurt you. I guess just answer what they ask, and don't include any extras. But you def. need to get help if you are suicidal. We don't need any more wackos in this industry. It's messed up enough with the screwballs in it now.


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #2 on: Jul 09, 2008, 05:45 »
I'm already out, but at the time I convinced myself that drinking bleach was a way to portray I was suicidal, and thus get out of CCU and the Navy. So I don't think I was actually suicidal, since I didn't actually drink any bleach. Probably should have mentioned that.

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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #3 on: Jul 09, 2008, 05:58 »
Here is what people see:
Nuke (MM, not ELT), 3 Yrs, Out on RE-4, weight issue, General (under honourable conditions) Discharge, E-3.

Hey, that's me! except my discharge was honorable. and i have been doing this for 18 years working at commercial and DOE facilities. you'll have to take the MMPI at your first nuke plant and probably talk to psych if any questions come up. other than that, i wouldn't expect many problems.
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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #4 on: Jul 10, 2008, 09:02 »
So the questions:
I love nuclear power, I was a good operator, but a horrid sailor. Any chance of going to civilian nuke ops or should I just give up and go work at a dirt burner? How much of this do I need to disclose? I'm guessing that stress levels at civilian plants are substantially lower and that most of the folks in OPS actually get along, act professionally and don't exist just to cause hate and pain. I don't have a problem with hours, so long as the environment is decent. But you combine everything together and I start looking for ways out.

Not to worry you but your statement (bolded) I can just laugh at.  Most Operators eat thier young.  If you had problems in the Navy then you'll have problems at a Commercial nuke plant as well.  Current status of Operations in most plants are long hours and STRESS.  If you can't deal with this then look for other areas in the process.  Have you thought about being a RP(HP) Tech or maybe Chemistry?  After reading your post I don't think you will adapt to the Operations way of life without problems.  Just my opinion though.

Good luck in what ever you decide.


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #5 on: Jul 10, 2008, 10:56 »
 The suicide issue is a no brainer when it comes to OPs.  Like it was said we don't need any more head cases.  The HP end of it might be a problem in some situations as far as surveys but I have seen some rather large techs sitting control points.  They MMPI at the first plant may be a problem but after that, as long as you keep working at plants within a year, you shouldn't have to take the thing again.  Some plants require you to take it no matter what so be prepared.  As far as disclosure, will that could be a touchy point.  Disclose what is required and don't add to the fire.  Its knd of like being a witness in a trial, answer what you are asked and nothing more.  The more your mouth runs the deeper the hole can become.  If the brig issue was considered criminal you will have to disclose it no matter what and regardless of the discharge status.  Do not lie!!!!  If your chem background is strong I would recommend the chemistry side of things.  It may fit your situation better than the HP/OPs side.  HP on the DOE side is easy and doesn't have many of the issues of working in PPs.  The conditions there are not as difficult, in most cases, as you will find working in the plants but the work environment can be a lot more difficult (i.e, weather, travel, location, etc.)


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #6 on: Jul 10, 2008, 11:46 »
Thanks for the replies all. The 'brig' was considered CCU, and thus not a criminal offense, unless NJP is considered a criminal offense.

Also, while the Navy thinks I tried to do something, I'm pretty sure I had no intention to follow through and was just using it as an early out. So, I guess we'll see what happens. I tend to be pretty good with ops though, I see what's happening and can quickly figure out what's going on and why and what to do to change it. Probably due to my drafting experience, having to break down 3d models to 2d shapes and vice versa. Gives one a good insight on how things go together in general.

Bottom line, I want ops, so I will make that happen one way or the other. I know it's hard but trust me when I say, I'm not really crazy at all. At worst I have minor depression issues and tend to over analyse emotional events leading to detachment to the event in question. That makes me calm and quiet. Celexa simply helps me express my feelings on subjects that are causing me stress so that mgmt actually knows what is going on and might give me some advice or work to fix the problem. So even though the Navy was somewhat a sucky experience, I've learned a lot from it, especially on the interpersonal relations front.


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #7 on: Jul 10, 2008, 01:40 »
Sorry dude but it sounds to me that you may get to an auxilliary operator position but I really don't think you will make it as an SRO.  Sorry but its my opinion since I have been in this business for over 30 years.  Good luck.

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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #8 on: Jul 10, 2008, 01:49 »
I guess my $.02 are due on this:

The stress levels in commercial nuke ops are very different than in the Navy.

But I do remember a buddy having a back problem and getting one of those nifty zappers to block the pain electrically. The doctor had never had someone request the model without a dial on the face. He explained that most people must not sit through requal every 5 weeks...

There ARE people in the commercial world that get a thrill driving someone else crazy; they also exist on websites and the US highway system. I think you will be able to handle that, knowing that you get to go home each night AND you could turn in your 2-week notice if you really decided commercial power wasn't the place for you.

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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #9 on: Jul 10, 2008, 02:05 »
Unless you are talking Material Science, stress is not derived from outside influences. It is derived from your reaction to outside influences. In the Navy you are subject to outside influences you cannot ignore. You are basically a captive audience to the people that choose to inflict stress on you. It is still a matter of how you handle it, but in the civilian world you can walk away from it if necessary. Just knowing that is often enough to enable you to handle the situation. It is the classic case of mind over matter... if you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #10 on: Aug 15, 2008, 10:08 »
If you want to get a license at a civ plant, you'd have to LIE on the MMPI because they definitely ask about suicide and thoughts about taking your life.  If they find out you lied then you won't be working for a plant anytime soon.


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #11 on: Aug 15, 2008, 11:56 »
If you want to get a license at a civ plant, you'd have to LIE on the MMPI because they definitely ask about suicide and thoughts about taking your life.  If they find out you lied then you won't be working for a plant anytime soon.

Why would he have to lie? He could answer truthfully and then explain his answers in his evaluation. The doc could give him the stamp of approval. No need to lie.


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #12 on: Aug 16, 2008, 01:34 »
The suicide issue is a no brainer when it comes to OPs.  Like it was said we don't need any more head cases.  The HP end of it might be a problem in some situations as far as surveys but I have seen some rather large techs sitting control points.  They MMPI at the first plant may be a problem but after that, as long as you keep working at plants within a year, you shouldn't have to take the thing again.  Some plants require you to take it no matter what so be prepared.  As far as disclosure, will that could be a touchy point.  Disclose what is required and don't add to the fire.  Its knd of like being a witness in a trial, answer what you are asked and nothing more.  The more your mouth runs the deeper the hole can become.  If the brig issue was considered criminal you will have to disclose it no matter what and regardless of the discharge status.  Do not lie!!!!  If your chem background is strong I would recommend the chemistry side of things.  It may fit your situation better than the HP/OPs side.  HP on the DOE side is easy and doesn't have many of the issues of working in PPs.  The conditions there are not as difficult, in most cases, as you will find working in the plants but the work environment can be a lot more difficult (i.e, weather, travel, location, etc.)

The only part of this I disagree with is the "no-brainer" part.  There is no such thing.

Getting a job as an operator and getting unescorted access art two different things.  Dude, you did a few things wrong.  That doesn't mean that you are a threat to anybody's reactor.  Your biggest obstacle isn't your service record, your medical record, or the MMPI.  It is your level of maturity.
You are still a very young guy, and by your account you react to stress in a relatively immature way.  But we have all been there at some point or another.  The trick is to get over it.  You need to spend a little time taking care of yourself before you worry about a career.  Get your head clear, and your body too.  You know as well as anyone that the two are interlocked.
When you are ready to put up with the bullshit that we call "working for a living" come on out and try.  There won't be a lot of pressure to keep your weight down - though you should do it for your own physical and mental health.  There will always be aggravations, but out here there are far fewer mind games, and people don't feel that they have the right to evaluate your worth as a human being every half-hour.  Your supervisor won't be someone who got promoted based on signing a contract to work two more years; he/she will be a person who has earned the position, and will not continually tell you that you are worthless because you don't fit into his or her paradigm of the perfect operator.
Having said that, I will warn you that there are a lot of judgmental a$$h01es out here with major "god" complexes.

I can tell you this much about the nuclear industry that I have learned over the years.

1. There are a lot of (mostly ex-navy) people who believe that the job they are doing is so crucial to the future of the world and so difficult that only someone as perfect as they are could possibly do it.
2. If they are perfect, and you are not exactly like them, then you cannot be perfect.
3. If you are not perfect, you cannot do the job that they do; therefore if you are not exactly like them you cannot possibly work at the same job.
4. They are delusional.  The delusion that one is perfect is a mental defect.  Therefore, anyone who believes that he is perfect simply cannot be right.
5. Since no two people are alike, the standard of perfection is as variable as they are.  So, if you DO impress one person as being perfect in his eyes, there will be 5,999,999,998 people who will not agree.
5. Finally, those who operate nuclear reactors fall into one of two categories - a.) those who are flawed and human and b.) those who refuse to admit that there is actually only one category.

Dude, stop judging yourself on what you have done - for whatever reason - in the past.  Set a goal, a realistic goal, and live up to it.  Good luck.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #13 on: Aug 16, 2008, 02:12 »
LOL that was a great post Beercourt.  Love the very human and down to earth explanation you gave.  Yah Sirveri I wouldnt worry bout getting a job, just tell the truth, give it 110%, and let the chips fall where they will.  We've all got things in our past and some even in our present that needs some work, but hey thats what being human is all about right? ???


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #14 on: Dec 01, 2008, 06:03 »
it may only be my experience but any military documented psych problems are a death blow to be hired as an operator in commercial nuclear power.  As others mentioned, it depends on what is documented.  Based on your post, my company would be extremely unlikely to interview someone with the same occurrences.  On the other hand, your willingness and strong desire to be an operator are a great asset to build yourself up with during an interview or with the resume.


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Re: Do I have any chance as a civ nuke with the following:
« Reply #15 on: Dec 01, 2008, 06:06 »
dont trust 110% people- they usually operate at 50% of what most of us do...  8)


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