This may come as a big surprise, but I don't think theirs a whole lot of techs with a Pioneering Spirit! Obviously if you're already being held prisoner in Idaho, about a thousand miles from civilization, the house jobs do have an appeal, but as McNavy summated, it isn't economically appealing! Everybody seems to be mystified by the end of August date, for PD cut off? It may be coincidental, but this date aligns with an anticipated large reduction of personnel, from a couple of other DOE facilities. Obviously somebody is talking to somebody!
Nice comment McNavy, "Contractor Scum"......How soon we forget! You are also a contractor, working for the prime contractor! I'm sure it would be somewhat refreshing to pack up the car, drive a couple of thousand miles and be greeted by the likes of you! Brings back memories of my last prostate exam! Not to worry, I'm sure you will have plenty of seats in the breakroom, of course I don't know if you'll have time to sit in them!
Your Onemanship has obviously overwhelmed me and I wish you all the luck in the world! So long as your luck holds out there, I know over here is a much nicer place!
Have a Great Day,