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Offline Roll Tide

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What is an NRC license exam like?
« on: Dec 12, 2007, 06:28 »
Recently a buddy asked me (via Nukeworker PM of course) what an NRC exam is like. I gave him directions to find out for himself. Later I realized I had heard many similar type questions, but haven't shared it with everyone.
So here goes:

Use this link:

and then click on "Begin Adams Search" in the middle of the page

search for

nureg-1021 es-401 

Then click on the "acrobat document" on the left of any line that is at least 75 pages (Cooper was at the top on my list) 11DEC2007

I realize the NRC website is not easily navigated. If you can't open any NRC exams with this search technique, you better pay a lot of attention in class (because someone will have to feed you all the information required). Perhaps you think you can search by site name or license #, but then anyone could find anything so they have made those modifiers ineffective.

I particularly like the questions that tell you WHY the correct answer is correct but the others aren't. But I don't think telling them on your SGPO interview that you made 94 on their most recent NRC exam will convince them to hire you (but you will at least show you have been looking at their plant).

Hope you have plenty of time on your hands; 100 question NRC exams are administered in 4-8 hours (depending upon the site) with allowances for extensions.

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Offline Len61

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Re: What is an NRC license exam like?
« Reply #1 on: Dec 12, 2007, 08:33 »
I took my RO NRC written in 2000, If I remember correctly we were allowed 4 hours with a 1 hour extension if requested.
Everyone had no problem completing the exam in the 4 hour time frame.
I took my SRO written in August 2007, we were allowed 8 hours to take the exam, it took me 6.5 hours and was the hardest exam I have ever taken. Every question on the exam required in depth knowledge on system inter-relationships.
Made a TVA 100.

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: What is an NRC license exam like?
« Reply #2 on: Dec 12, 2007, 08:39 »
hardest exam I have ever taken. Every question on the exam required in depth knowledge on system inter-relationships.
Made a TVA 100.

Right now I would be happy with that. (I got in trouble for explaining that the problem is how we write the exams; I based this on making higher practicing the most recent Wolf Creek exam than on the two most recent for this site; I have never even visited Wolf Creek or any other 4-loop non-ice condenser plant).
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Offline flamatrix99

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Re: What is an NRC license exam like?
« Reply #3 on: Dec 13, 2007, 07:48 »
Recently a buddy asked me (via Nukeworker PM of course) what an NRC exam is like. I gave him directions to find out for himself. Later I realized I had heard many similar type questions, but haven't shared it with everyone.
So here goes:

Use this link:

and then click on "Begin Adams Search" in the middle of the page

search for

nureg-1021 es-401 

Then click on the "acrobat document" on the left of any line that is at least 75 pages (Cooper was at the top on my list) 11DEC2007

I realize the NRC website is not easily navigated. If you can't open any NRC exams with this search technique, you better pay a lot of attention in class (because someone will have to feed you all the information required). Perhaps you think you can search by site name or license #, but then anyone could find anything so they have made those modifiers ineffective.

I particularly like the questions that tell you WHY the correct answer is correct but the others aren't. But I don't think telling them on your SGPO interview that you made 94 on their most recent NRC exam will convince them to hire you (but you will at least show you have been looking at their plant).

Hope you have plenty of time on your hands; 100 question NRC exams are administered in 4-8 hours (depending upon the site) with allowances for extensions.

Thanks Roll Tide.. We just took our Systems Comp last week. Everyone passed thankfully.. We started procedures this week. I believe we start the simulator in March.


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