Recently a buddy asked me (via Nukeworker PM of course) what an NRC exam is like. I gave him directions to find out for himself. Later I realized I had heard many similar type questions, but haven't shared it with everyone.
So here goes:
Use this link: then click on "Begin Adams Search" in the middle of the page
search for
nureg-1021 es-401
Then click on the "acrobat document" on the left of any line that is at least 75 pages (Cooper was at the top on my list) 11DEC2007
I realize the NRC website is not easily navigated. If you can't open any NRC exams with this search technique, you better pay a lot of attention in class (because someone will have to feed you all the information required). Perhaps you think you can search by site name or license #, but then anyone could find anything so they have made those modifiers ineffective.
I particularly like the questions that tell you WHY the correct answer is correct but the others aren't. But I don't think telling them on your SGPO interview that you made 94 on their most recent NRC exam will convince them to hire you (but you will at least show you have been looking at their plant).
Hope you have plenty of time on your hands; 100 question NRC exams are administered in 4-8 hours (depending upon the site) with allowances for extensions.