Thought you might. For those not familiar with the legend, Pat had a coffee cup that hadn't been cleaned in years that had built up that "patina" that only a coffee cup that hadn't been cleaned in years can acquire. Pat came in to lead his shift one day toward the end of a refueling outage to find his cup sweeky clean. Thus started the witch hunt.
The final clue was written on the top of the inside of the Palisades containment dome with "Pat, I cleaned your coffee cup." and signed by the perpetrator. The thing that surprised me about the incident wasn't the fact that the guy crawled up there to do it and it wasn't surprising that Pat went up to see who it was; it was the number of other people that had to see it too.
Palisades in the early 80's was a real hoot. I'd go back if I thought my liver could take it. Other funny memories from those days were the cartoon character "Bobby Burden" that appeared in various parts of the containmment and the final note; "Palisades '83 Refueling Outage, in a respirator nobody can hear you scream."
Bill Wattson