I remember "travel time" once depended on your stated mode of transportation. Not sure if they still do it that way, but in 1979 I was on a Gearing class destroyer in San Diego and although I didn't have a car I told them I was driving to Orlando for NPS (with another nuke student on the same ship). I think they gave us 7 days travel time or something like that. Anyway, I flew home to upstate NY for a few days and then flew to Florida so I got almost a week of vacation and it didn't cost me any leave.
still get travel time. 1 day for every (i want to say 400 but im not positive) 4 or 500 miles. If you have even 10 miles over the limit for one day, you get a whole extra day.
sn bass - if you want perks in the navy, you need to work for them. I busted my butt at prototype and got shafted. My TC recognized this, and allowed me to take 3 and a half weeks of leave after we started up and I qualified. Then 2 weeks later, went to grad week, and then for 30 days more of leave
I still have 20 days left -.- something aint right haha.