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Offline hamsamich

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Re: Pro's and Con's
« Reply #50 on: Mar 27, 2008, 02:43 »
I agree we did get off topic somewhat, but it all indirectly at least related to positives and negatives of stuff in nuclear power, or at least to the "verification" of what somebody said about it.  people get emotional sometimes about stuff they care about.  I think this thread shows the positives and negatives of working with navy nukes, sorta like what justin was aluding to.

SN Bass

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Re: Pro's and Con's
« Reply #51 on: Apr 01, 2008, 06:53 »
Guys I do have one more question.  During schooling do you get any leave like over the holidays or anything.  It is just hard to imagine 2 years with no leave  :D 

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Pro's and Con's
« Reply #52 on: Apr 01, 2008, 07:42 »
Guys I do have one more question.  During schooling do you get any leave like over the holidays or anything.  It is just hard to imagine 2 years with no leave  :D 

Thanks in advance.

Yes, leave is a right, not a privilege.  But I don't want you to think you can take your leave anytime you feel like it because you can't.  There are some exceptions to what I'm about to say, but for the most part this is the way it works.  Typically, between schools, leave is able to be taken.  If you are in A school or power school at Christmas time, both of these schools shut down for the holidays giving you another opportunity to take leave.  Prototype only shuts down for two days at Christmas and two days at New Years and depending on what shift cycle you are in depends on the number of days you would be able to take leave...if you are ahead of the curve.  After prototype, there is considerable time for you to take leave if your boat/ship doesn't need you right away and typically they dont'.  So, if you do the math, you will see that it is real easy to go negative before hitting your first boat. [2.5 days of leave earned for every month you serve] 
Hope this helps. 

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Re: Pro's and Con's
« Reply #53 on: Apr 01, 2008, 08:00 »
I remember "travel time" once depended on your stated mode of transportation.  Not sure if they still do it that way, but in 1979 I was on a Gearing class destroyer in San Diego and although I didn't have a car I told them I was driving to Orlando for NPS (with another nuke student on the same ship).  I think they gave us 7 days travel time or something like that.  Anyway, I flew home to upstate NY for a few days and then flew to Florida so I got almost a week of vacation and it didn't cost me any leave. 


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Re: Pro's and Con's
« Reply #54 on: Apr 01, 2008, 09:52 »
I remember "travel time" once depended on your stated mode of transportation.  Not sure if they still do it that way, but in 1979 I was on a Gearing class destroyer in San Diego and although I didn't have a car I told them I was driving to Orlando for NPS (with another nuke student on the same ship).  I think they gave us 7 days travel time or something like that.  Anyway, I flew home to upstate NY for a few days and then flew to Florida so I got almost a week of vacation and it didn't cost me any leave. 

still get travel time. 1 day for every (i want to say 400  but im not positive) 4 or 500 miles. If you have even 10 miles over the limit for one day, you get a whole extra day.

sn bass - if you want perks in the navy, you need to work for them. I busted my butt at prototype and got shafted. My TC recognized this, and allowed me to take 3 and a half weeks of leave after we started up and I qualified. Then 2 weeks later, went to grad week, and then for 30 days more of leave :D

I still have 20 days left -.- something aint right haha.


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