This is more of an informational post than anything else - Its been brought to my attention that a lot of technicians are not aware of or failed to understand that Bartlett is not sending out "Welcome Packages" as a standard now-a-days. Bartlett has set up Site Information Blogs on our website to furnish y'all with information y'all will need such as report time & place, directions, lodging listings, etc... Upon confirmation each individual should have been made aware of these blogs and if they did not have access to a computer a welcome package should have been sent. If for some reason you do not think that the recruiter who confirmed you this season informed you about this change please notify me so that I can get that recruiter recalibrated. To view these blogs go to, click on Outage List or Employment Forms on the Bartlett Home Page, then click on the "Site Information Websites" link to the left. This will bring you to a full listing of the outages that we are staffing for the Fall '08 season. If anyone should have any questions or concerns regarding these blog sites please contact me at the Bartlett office x1289 or drop me an e-mail