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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #50 on: Jun 14, 2009, 03:43 »
Doesn't the Navy still do at least 4 24 hour duty days a month?
Lets see 3400 dollars/96 Hours. Do the math.

I more than made up any Star Reenlistment within 7 months of getting out and today is even more lucrative. If you're gonna stay in because of your commitment to your country then all power to you, but if you STAR because of the money you're a first rate Tool.

I was gonna say, depending on where you go/do, its pretty quick. Due to the moving allowance I was allotted alone, I surpassed any reenlistment bonus offered.  8)



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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #51 on: Jun 14, 2009, 05:06 »
All right, Enlightened One, here come the training wheels for you...

If I am a six-and-out person?  Where would you get that information from?  Perhaps from all of the voluminous reading you've done on this website?  I'm guessing (and this is just a guess) that a considerable percentage of the material you've read on this site consists of your own writing.  There are almost 100,000 posts in this forum; as for myself, I read thousands and thousands of them before I ever made my first post here.  Had you done something similar to that yourself, it would have been very obvious (because that ridiculous statement above would have never been posted).  But instead, it has become apparent on this forum that your main interest is simply the sound of your own voice.
did I specifically point you out?

no.  I merely stated that the Navy isn't for everybody.  At no point did I knock upon the "6 & Out" person.  It is a general statement based on the enormous amounts of people posting that are quite obviously 1st timers.  Again, nothing wrong with that.  Do your time and happy sailing to ya in the rest of your endeavours.

I don't understand you point in the above quote.  What is it exactly?
     Seems like you are more interesting in discreditting me, and my opposite views.  Sorry I cannot conform to your Negative (popular) viewing of the Star Program.

     I appologize for the apparent offense I have somehow given you.  You are right though, that does sound pretty good in the apparent vastness of my cranial cavity.

Are you a 6 & Out'er?

I'm going to list for you some examples of benefits which can be had from waiting to reenlist.  And depending on the individual involved in the decision-making at the time, some of the things below can actually be more important than the extra money the Navy gives you.  You should open your mind at this point to the fact that not everyone on the planet worships at the altar of Direct Deposit (nor should they have to).
please re-read my last post.

I like that..."Alter of Direct Deposit".  You are right, there is more to re-enlistment than the Almighty Dollar.  I am pretty sure I pointed out a few other reasons to Star other than $$$.

Perhaps you glossed over them?

Case #1:  Individual chooses to hold off on reenlisting, in order to use it as a bargaining chip to help in negotiating a set of follow-on orders that the individual would like.
true.  no argument there.  How do you think I got my current Shore Duty?...but I did it as a Zone B, not Zone A...long story, but basically I was on a boat for too long

Case #2:  Individual chooses to hold off on reenlisting, in order to preserve his/her option to get out of the Navy if the only follow-on orders to be offered aren't worth staying in for (in that person's eyes), even with the extra money.
again, read my prior post(s).  Lose/Lose in my eyes, but I've seen it happen.

Case #3:  Individual chooses to hold off on reenlisting, because they have a situation going on with their family; depending on the outcome of the family situation, reenlisting may or may not be a very, very bad (or good) thing.  However, the decision cannot be made promptly at the two-year point because the situation has not worked itself out at home yet; there just isn't sufficient information at the present time to make an all-around, well-informed decision.
nice generalization.  this is a very specific and rare case.  It does happen.  Anybody with Sea time has seen similar issues.  But for the everyday sailor, it isn't an issue
I bolded my words

Go on ahead and ask me if I made any of those cases up...  Certainly, the individuals in each case above made fewer than the absolute maximum number of dollar bills that they possibly could have made; but for every individual I've known that fell into one of the cases above, they got something even more important than the money by waiting - they got the freedom to do whatever they damn well wanted to do (or not do) with their reenlistment.  Some things are more important to some people than money.  Does that fact bother you?  Does it strike you as a crying shame that these people get to make decisions like that for themselves, instead of you making their decisions for them - what with your "both sides" enlightenment and all?  And shouldn't it seem obvious to everyone that you ought to have the authority to reenlist any sailor in the nuclear Navy at their 2-year point, because you and only you have all of the right answers; you and only you possess sufficient wisdom to see that it's utterly stupid for anybody to not reenlist at their two year point?
you are so self-righteous that you are perverting my words.  You obviously never read my prior posts.  You see certain key words that clicked in your head and trigger an immediate attack reflex.  And now you are convinced that I am the Super-diggit who is out to subvert every Baby Nuke out there.

Get over yourself.  Read my posts.  Feel free to comprehend what they say...don't generalize and gloss over my words to help you achieve your predetermined conclusion about what I am saying.

I presented the other side of the coin.  I have previously and still continue to say the Navy isn't for everybody. does have some very very big benefits for those who work 'em to their advantage.

My opening sentence could use some work...sorry about that one.  But the rest of my posts were spot on.

Is that a universal statement, or are the pissants in your camp specifically excluded?  Is this how you convince people of the merits of your conclusions?  I certainly applaud your convictions, but get a grip on the fact that somebody can disagree with you and not be completely out of their senses.

I'm coming down hard on you mainly because you are self-aggrandizing and are making broad, general put-downs.  If you clean up your act, you'll see a completely different side of me.  I can (and have) encouraged several people to reenlist in the nuclear Navy - and I did it without slinging the putrid crap you're slinging.

 - Greg
Shall I dig out the dictionary as well.  The "pissants" I spoke of are...well essentially what you are presenting.

You are so set in your self-righteous ways, that you see what I am saying as a personal attack upon everything you hold near and dear.

Not so.

I've said it several times now...but I'll say it again.  Feel free to reread, and actually comprehend what I've said.  I have not attacked anybody.  Perhaps my frustration with the stupidity of some comments came accross.

Basically, what you are posting on, and subsequently attacking me about is exactly the sort of stuff I deal with everyday.
I understand if it ain't for you.  But please don't ruin the guy coming along behind or with you.  Allow that person to reach their decision by themselves.

Give 'em your perspective.  They need to see both sides...but quite a few of the posts here are exactly what I am talking above.  I raised the dissenting point, and suddenly I am the devil.  Sorry...not. 

We've all seen the SNOB (Shortest Nuke on Board) and his little crowd of underlings eagerly awaiting the turnover.  They make life miserable for the Baby Nukes, and ridicule all who choose the Star Path.  People who Star, or stay Navy are labeled as "Chumps", "Tools", "Fools".  It quite frankly gets old see that kind of peer pressure ruin people who could have had a good career.

Baby Nukes need to hear it all.  Bashing upon them, and people like myself is crap.

Razzing somebody who disagree's with you is pure bull.  I'm not sure what your Leadership experience is, but I deal with this Situation fairly often.  I often see young sailors who are confused about their career paths.

Every time I get a new sailor I sit them down and go over their career and their intentions.  For those who are getting out, I go through the usual spiel and make 'em listen to it 1 time.  I present all of their options.  They may not want to hear it, but it has to be done.  Not everybody has a game plan for getting out.

If they are still adamant, so be it.  I will bring the subject up at Eval time, and during Career review boards.  But I respect their decision, and pretty much let it go at that.

But they at least get a fair shake.

If you are going to defend your position from my post, please leave the emotions at the door.  I didn't come across very well, but hopefully I have rectified that.


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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #52 on: Jun 14, 2009, 05:51 »
I think we have all been very clear that the only reason labels like "chumps" are applied, is if you are doing it for the money, which is all STAR is. That is the point. If you are doing it for the love of the Navy and to Serve, there is no one here that would look down on that point of view. Instead, we would applaud you.

But in all of your bloviating, all you said is this;

Not STARing for the money is stupid.

You are wrong about that.


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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #53 on: Jun 14, 2009, 11:33 »
You are such a fool.  Anyone who has taken the time to read though this forum knows where I stand.
« Last Edit: Jun 29, 2009, 03:03 by G-reg »
"But that's just my opinion - I could be wrong."
  -  Dennis Miller


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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #54 on: Jun 14, 2009, 02:15 »
But in all of your bloviating, all you said is this;

Not STARing for the money is stupid.

You are wrong about that.

and again.  read my posts.  I read all of your posts & others.  I actually read them several times to ensure I got 'em right.

I have put more reasons out there than simply doing it for the money.  I mentioned Career Advancement, Shore Duty, College, Benefits (Med/Dental)

My 1st post was a bit overkill, and sorry for it.  I guess during all of my bloviating you don't even bother to read posts.  Skimming misses the good stuff

There is more to life than blaming the Navy for everything wrong in your life, and subsequently trying to force the Hands of people coming behind you

I came to this site for a simple question about ESRP.  I got my answer...I think.  Thanks for that.
Otherwise, this site is exactly like being in the Engineroom.  A bunch of sad jaded little people who insist that getting out is the only viable alternative...and feel that belittling the "lifer" is appropriate.

I was hoping to be a postive contributer for the Original Poster and at least help them make an informed decision.  Rather than bandwagon against it.  My initial choice of words wasn't the best.   But everything I put afterwards is correct.

I'm glad some people apparently are able to get these wonderful jobs at powerplants.  It's nice to know the Nuke Pipeline has given some of us a better Job market on the outside.  Lets be realistic though.  They cannot hire every ex-nuke who so desires.  So there isn't a huge pool of highpaying jobs awaiting every Nuke who gets out.

I personally have yet to know a single guy I've served with yet who has gotten one of these Holy Grail jobs.  Always hear stories about guys who have friends that got hired...or people here on this site.  The jobs exist, but nowhere in enough #'s for people to place their entire Post-Navy career's hopes onto.

anyways, I'm out.  No reason to hang out on a Board where bucking the convention will get me attacked.  I can't sit idly by and see the very obvious Anti-Navy bias without chiming in.  So rather than waste more of my life and yours, I'll bow out.

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #55 on: Jun 14, 2009, 02:24 »

I came to this site for a simple question about ESRP.  I got my answer...I think.  Thanks for that.
Otherwise, this site is exactly like being in the Engineroom.  A bunch of sad jaded little people who insist that getting out is the only viable alternative...and feel that belittling the "lifer" is appropriate.

You couldn't be more wrong about most folks here.

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #56 on: Jun 14, 2009, 02:35 »
I personally have yet to know a single guy I've served with yet who has gotten one of these Holy Grail jobs.  Always hear stories about guys who have friends that got hired...or people here on this site.  The jobs exist, but nowhere in enough #'s for people to place their entire Post-Navy career's hopes onto

Just within the confines of this thread alone , the replies came from officers, plant operators, project managers and a Shift Manager. Finding a post-Nav job isn't rocket science, it's about networking. Heck, even a lowly fatbody like me managed to get a  guy into Grid Ops within 3 months of asking. I'd recommend working on your people "soft skill set".

anyways, I'm out.  No reason to hang out on a Board where bucking the convention will get me attacked.  I can't sit idly by and see the very obvious Anti-Navy bias without chiming in.  So rather than waste more of my life and yours, I'll bow out.

Man, I haven't cried like that since I watched Old Yeller...

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #57 on: Jun 14, 2009, 03:03 »
and again.  read my posts.  I read all of your posts & others.  I actually read them several times to ensure I got 'em right.

My 1st post was a bit overkill, and sorry for it.  I guess during all of my bloviating you don't even bother to read posts.  Skimming misses the good stuff

anyways, I'm out.  No reason to hang out on a Board where bucking the convention will get me attacked.  I can't sit idly by and see the very obvious Anti-Navy bias without chiming in.  So rather than waste more of my life and yours, I'll bow out.

   A little advice from another MM1/SS, we are a dime a dozen out here after more than 50 years of nuclear operations by the Navy. If you find yourself being treated like the "Nub" here there is a good reason for that. Try to remember back to when you had newbies come on board with what you considered naive questions. Please consider that everyone will have a different experience and perspective in and out of the Navy. We have a large number of curmugeons on here but they are for the most part very experienced, knowledgable, and in positions of responsibility in and out of the Navy.

   You are the first person I have "smited" in a year.

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #58 on: Jun 14, 2009, 09:02 »
Having read through all the posts on this one, it seems to me that this particular individual is going to fall under the category of "institutionalized" and is afraid to get out of the Navy for fear of having to deal with the "real" world.  Seen a few in my short career.  Usually they are the type that are rediculously out of touch, willing to throw people under the bus in a heart beat, and so incompetent that it scares their fellow workers.  Of course, I could be wrong.....
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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #59 on: Jun 14, 2009, 09:12 »
Did I miss a good donnybrook or what!?!?!

In another post, I repeated the axiom: "those who look for advice are really seeking an accomplice."

I've decided that the converse position is true as well.  It seems that a lot of people rationalize their own behavior and validate it by counting the number of people they can convince to emulate it.  Those who offer unsolicited advice are about as guilty as those who take it.

"Look how smart I am.  I did this, and you should do it too."

Well, I took the bait.  But I was already an E-5 when I did the STAR thing, so it didn't really get me anything but the SRB and PRO pay (which nukes didn't get back then unless they were hooked for an 8 year run or more).  Still, I doubled my income when I got out.  Kinda wish I had that extra two years.

Tylus really overlooked the big picture.  All the "extra" stuff like money, tuition reimbursement, and (hold me back) SHORE DUTY is  available in abundance when you get out of the Navy.  Not to mention the time that you get to live your life.  He is sitting on shore duty right now, and so am I.  But I can't get transferred to a fast attack out of Guam next week with no notice.

Gotta figure that a guy who got to be an MM2 at the three year point, why is he still an MM1/SS?  With all this new Early Promotion crap, a genius like that ought to be at least a Chief by now.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he sees his current job as a "paid vacation."

He wasn't hard to figure out -- even with his somewhat stylistic

line breaks.

He's the guy who's always trying to squeeze the juice from the rind while the rest of us are cutting into a fresh new piece of fruit.  For all his talk about us being Navy-haters, he had precious little to say that was positive about the Navy except for the few bucks he thinks he got over on them for.

All you newbies out there reading this should learn a little something.  Don't be full of yourself.  Don't validate your mistakes by convincing others to follow you.  And, if you love what you are doing, the money will follow, but if you hate it the money won't make it better.
« Last Edit: Jun 14, 2009, 09:20 by BeerCourt »
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #60 on: Jun 15, 2009, 02:42 »
Holy Cow! I think I'm walking into a hornets' nest on this one, but here is my two cents on this topic... I don't need to add two cents.

Why should I bother? There is a vast amount of posts/advice/knowledge all over this site. Please look it up before you make your decision. Spend four hours here looking through here before you commit. We are talking about a minimum of 2-years of your life; take the time to get the answers.

This site is a well-fount of knowledge and experience, and it's all at your fingertips. Please read the posts in Money Matters, Getting In, and (where this is posted) Navy:Staying In. That's a lot of reading, but I'm sure that anyone reading this is internet savvy and can filter for content.

Tylus is correct, there are benefits to reenlisting: Money, Shore-duty, Rank, etc... It is sometimes hard to put in perspective that in 4-years getting out has it's rewards that overcompensate for that; so, these immediate benefits sometimes look more tantalizing. I have to say, they are an illusion. Delayed gratification will net a greater monetary gain overall. Keep in mind that every year staying in is a year that you are missing out on advancing in the commercial sector. If you already know that's where you are wanting to be, then why not be there sooner?

To put it simply, there is only one reason to reenlist, and if you are really looking for advice, then that reason doesn't apply to you. Reenlist only if you like what you are doing and want to keep doing it. I am a rare breed in this. I desperately wanted to reenlist. I loved my job in the Navy. I hated leaving it. But even with all of that, I was a six and out. Why? Because I love my wife and son even more, and I never saw them. The Navy owns you for as long as you are in, and they will use what they own. Six months at a time... Gone. Dry dock refit/overhaul... Good as gone. Duty 1 out of every 3/4 days... Gone. Even when we were not deployed, out to sea for over 1/3 the days... Gone. I had to pick one or the other; Navy or family, and the Navy didn't stand a chance.

Now I'm out in the commercial world, and it's pretty darn nice out here. I still miss my Navy days, but everybody I know that stayed in when they didn't have my love for the job is sorry they did. Every. Single. One. I'm sure there are a few cases of those who arm-twist reenlist and end up loving the choice, but they are rare cases.

My point is, don't stay in unless you at least like what you are doing. Even if I (and everyone else) am completely wrong about the monetary compensation (which we aren't), money is not everything.

Everything you need to make your decision is posted here, just do a little digging... Okay, do a lot of digging. Don't stop until you know what you are going to do and why. You can go back to your boat and have more information about the whys and why-nots than anyone else there. Keep us posted.

I think I failed to not add my two cents. :D
« Last Edit: Jun 15, 2009, 06:54 by bradley535 »

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #61 on: Jun 15, 2009, 02:25 »
Regardless of the rantings of Tylus, I have to admit there are some benefits, albeit very short term in nature, to the zone A STAR re-enlistment. 

Re-upping would be beneficial for an E4 who was attached to a carrier in the following ways:

-E5 promotion makes you eligible for BAH right off the bat, thus making it easier to move off of the ship and out into town. 
-If you are a hard charger, you can get E6 in around 4 years, thus allowing you to get head of the line privleages during chow.
-You get a nice big bonus, which you can use to pay off bills or establish some personal long term goods such as furniture, savings, or purchase a decent car. 
-you get paid more for doing the same job as the E4s that haven't re-upped.  Thus make slightly more money during your time on board.
-Moves you up in the "Liberty Call" hierachy, thus increases liberty time by a few hours(a real problem on a carrier).

Like I said these benefits are good in the short term, but they can make life a little less miserable during the time on board.  However, these are only good for zone A.  Anything past that, you are just simply selling your soul for XXXX amount of dollars over the next XXXX number of years. 
"No good deal goes unpunished"

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #62 on: Jun 18, 2009, 04:55 »
Barack ran out of money ::).  As my father would say, the issue is now moot until next fiscal year, by then the decision should be easier.


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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #63 on: Jun 23, 2009, 01:35 »
Well, from my experience, there are many factors that go into someone's decision to reenlist or not. Regardless, I like many others here believe that waiting until being on your ship long enough to decide whether you like this or not is the way to do it. Plus, you do not always lose money when waiting to STAR. My case, I was on hold in the pipeline for about a year and a half total, and ended up on a precomm for my first ship. Most of my buddies STAR-ed for between $35k and 45k. I made E-5, then reenlisted for less time and got $60k. So, I get out before them by several months and got on average $20k more in reenlistment bonus. Why did I reenlist? I weighed my goals to my situation. I went to a Precomm almost at my 3yr point. I realized the instant I got there that while it would have been a great deal to get out with only maybe 30 days of total sea time, that I wanted more experience out of the navy before getting out. I wanted to qualify more than CRW, I wanted to do more. So I reenlisted. If I decide to stay on the ship and just get out, I'll get out with just over 8 yrs in the Navy. I'll have over 2 yrs of PPWS experience, and I will have truly enjoyed doing my job. If I decide to go to NPTU for a shore tour before getting out, I'll do it because of my desire to achieve the goals I set forth back when I was a nub doing VML while on hold in MARF, get out with my degree and EOOW qualified. And even now that I have learned more over the years, regardless of how "worthless" it might be when I get out that I qualified EOOW as an enlisted person, I will have achieved all of my goals in my time in. Someone's time in the Navy, whether it is 6, 8, or 20 years should be a compilation of goals and what you want to achieve in life balanced out with the other factors in your life. I am glad I got to be on hold and that I worked for the people I worked for. I think I got way more out of it and learned way more than if I had gone to some ship and worked for some first or chief walking around with a shovel. These people pretty much made me become what I am now, and taught me that you can be one of the best without being a diggit. They taught me to have pride in my job and for that I will be thankful the rest of my life. Now, if you love the Navy and want to stay in, make Master Chief or Capt, more power to you. Some good people have to stay and keep our nuclear fleet the best there is. Now if someone wants to get out, they did their time and served honorably doing the exact same job you do, and are entitled to move on to something better without having to be called any names

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #64 on: Jun 24, 2009, 11:12 »
Now, there's a well-thought-out course of action.  Those are very valid - though still very personal - reasons to STAR.

Setting goals - regardless of whether you finally achieve them - is the adult way of planning for your future.

The CCC's who dwell on the money do it because it is what works when trying to sell immature, uncertain, and disaffected young sailors.

"Sure it will suck a lot less if you get more $$$.  You'll get to move off the ship or out of the barracks.  Yadda, yadda, yadda."

If you are 20 - 23 years old, and want an apartment and a cool car, you can get that crap by shipping over.  If you are thinking of your career development, you can get that also by shipping over.  Either way, you have to give at least two more years of your young productive life to get what you want.  Now, ask yourself which of the above is worth it.  When you are trading your future for the immediate gratification of an extra stripe and some money that won't last very long, it isn't a fair trade.  When you are trading your future for a better one, that is a good deal.

Either way, without a calibrated crystal ball, you are betting on the unknown.  So don't bet more than you are willing to lose.  And have a plan that will work.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #65 on: Jun 24, 2009, 07:45 »
Now, there's a well-thought-out course of action.  Those are very valid - though still very personal - reasons to STAR.

Setting goals - regardless of whether you finally achieve them - is the adult way of planning for your future.

The CCC's who dwell on the money do it because it is what works when trying to sell immature, uncertain, and disaffected young sailors.

"Sure it will suck a lot less if you get more $$$.  You'll get to move off the ship or out of the barracks.  Yadda, yadda, yadda."

If you are 20 - 23 years old, and want an apartment and a cool car, you can get that crap by shipping over.  If you are thinking of your career development, you can get that also by shipping over.  Either way, you have to give at least two more years of your young productive life to get what you want.  Now, ask yourself which of the above is worth it.  When you are trading your future for the immediate gratification of an extra stripe and some money that won't last very long, it isn't a fair trade.  When you are trading your future for a better one, that is a good deal.

Either way, without a calibrated crystal ball, you are betting on the unknown.  So don't bet more than you are willing to lose.  And have a plan that will work.

Getting out of the Navy is also betting on the unknown.  I know many who post here were 6 and outs (or < 20 and outs) and have done well for themselves.   Many people get out because they want to spend more time with their families.  Some get out because they absolutely hate it.  As I previously posted, the things you do to be successful in the navy will also help you when you get out.  People who stay in sometimes have a hard time not coming across as a “digit” so that they are automatically discounted by those who couldn’t handle it or decided to take their skills elsewhere.

There is an intangible benefit of being a successful navy nuke.  You are good at something that most people don’t understand or, if they do understand, they lack the skills or desire to be successful.  However, if you dislike being a nuke so much that your behavior affects your and/or others’ performance, you should get out.  Make a decision and don’t look back!

Don’t get pissed, re-enlist!
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T. Roosevelt

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Re: can't decide if i want to STAR
« Reply #66 on: Jun 27, 2009, 06:24 »
Tylus has cognitive dissonance.

And, it seems (s)he...

Can't be a "she" and an "MM1/SS".
Disclaimer: there is no "tone" to my post.


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