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Author Topic: Would I be qualified to be a candidate for the nupoc program?  (Read 7672 times)

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Right now, I am a senior about to graduate from Polytech of NYU with a B.S. in mathematics and a minor in physics and chem. I have a  3.75 G.P.A in my math, 3.35 in my physics, and a 3.3 in my chem courses and a cumilative gpa of 3.64 in all my courses.  I would like to know if my major is technical enough and also if my age will be a problem. I turned 25 this year and was told that i could not get a waiver for the nuclear program as enlisted due to not only my age, but the fact that I have too many college credits.  I also scored a 98 on my asvab. Is that a good indication of how well i would do on the OAR test for officers. I remember the main line scores.

AFQT- 98

Any advice would be most appreciated. please contact or respond to this post asap. Thanks
« Last Edit: Jun 05, 2009, 11:47 by BeerCourt »

Offline Gamecock

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Right now, I am a senior about to graduate from Polytech of NYU with a B.S. in mathematics and a minor in physics and chem. I have a  3.75 G.P.A in my math, 3.35 in my physics, and a 3.3 in my chem courses and a cumilative gpa of 3.64 in all my courses.  I would like to know if my major is technical enough and also if my age will be a problem. I turned 25 this year and was told that i could not get a waiver for the nuclear program as enlisted due to not only my age, but the fact that I have too many college credits.  I also scored a 98 on my asvab. Is that a good indication of how well i would do on the OAR test for officers. I remember the main line scores.

AFQT- 98

Any advice would be most appreciated. please contact or respond to this post asap. Thanks

Contact an officer recruiter. He will have the most current gouge.

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Offline Neutron Whisperer

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Would i be qualify to be a candidate for the nupoc program?

With skills like that...yes!
Disclaimer: there is no "tone" to my post.

Offline juggalonic

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You should contact your local Officer Recruiter, make sure it is the Officer Recruiter.

The main screening classes are Calc I & II, and Calc-based Physics I & II.  Your age is not an issue at all, as the cap is 29 for the NUPOC Program (there are waivers for this, N/A in your case).  Which part of the program are you looking at?  Your GPA is a little low for Naval Reactors Egineer, but good to go for the other three - Submarine Officer, Surface Wareface Officer (Nuke) (no self-respecting man would want this though, you can do all those missions from under the water as a Subamriner), and Nuclear Power School Instructor. 

There is no OAR test for this program, you apply and then you get screened and invited to interview or not invited.

If you have other questions specific to the NUPOC Program you can check out the blog maintined by one of the other Nuclear Program Officers,

Offline HydroDave63

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Surface Wareface Officer (Nuke) (no self-respecting man would want this though, you can do all those missions from under the water as a Subamriner

Such as Pirate Interdiction (or spell check???)

Offline Gamecock

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Such as Pirate Interdiction (or spell check???)
Your GPA is a little low for Naval Reactors Egineer


Surprised you missed this one.


“If the thought police come... we will meet them at the door, respectfully, unflinchingly, willing to die... holding a copy of the sacred Scriptures in one hand and the US Constitution in the other."

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Sometimes even the fattest pug occasionally drops a kibbel....

when do we get a CGN(X) ?  ;)

Offline DLGN25

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Sometimes even the fattest pug occasionally drops a kibbel....

when do we get a CGN(X) ?  ;)

Not a chance... They are way to expensive to build and man, that is why the CGN's died with the Aegis gas turbine cruisers.
USS Bainbridge DLGN-25 crew 475
USS Leahy crew 445
and the last real cruiser, the USS Long Beach at 15,540 tons had a crew of 1,160

Compared to the gas turbine powered
 USS Bainbridge DDG-96 crew 270,
 or Ticonderoga-class Aegis guided missile cruiser with a crew 360

Surely oak and three-fold brass surrounded his heart who first trusted a frail vessel to a merciless ocean.  Horace

Offline RDTroja

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You're right with your observation.  But, that's what HydroDave was saying as well.  The little 'winkie' is the give away.

Hey -- let's not get personal here. The size of Dave's winkie is not for public speculation.
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Offline HydroDave63

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Y'all sound like a bunch of sub sailors!   8)

Offline RDTroja

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  • I knew I got into IT for a reason!
Y'all sound like a bunch of sub sailors!   8)

Never been one, so I wouldn't know...  :o
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

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