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how should i go about this situation. Do i look to get out fast or stay in to get more expierience. which will help me more when i get out?

star reenlist at 2yrs
9 (69.2%)
star reenlist at 3yrs
4 (30.8%)

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The Inquirer

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Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« on: Dec 23, 2009, 11:06 »
I am not sure which to do as my 2 yr point is coming up. To be perfectly honest i consider myself to be a six 'n' out kinda guy, but there are reasons that i know of to stay in. Basically my research says dont get out if your not a first class or chief and dont get out if your not EWS. So really i want to know how fast are MM nukes are qualifying as EWS and how is advancement looking. Do I need to star reenlist to get a jump on second class? If so, i was told that star re-enlisting at 3yrs as a navy nuke means that one doesnt have to do an additional 3 yr enlistment to be an instructor at either protype or nnptc, is this true? if so would it be better or worse to do so. My eye is mostly looking towards getting out and making money. I set to get out at 25yrs old and i am married and am planning to get the nuke tech degree from tesc.

Offline Harley Rider

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #1 on: Dec 23, 2009, 11:20 »
EWS???? quite frankly I would be surprised if you make it through the program.
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Offline Neutron_Herder

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #2 on: Dec 24, 2009, 12:21 »
First off, proofread your post before pressing send...  Lack of capitalization and incorrect words do nothing but deflate anyone's impression of you before they even finish reading (if they finish reading, it was tough).

There are advantages to the extra two years.  The experience you'll gain by operating for that time will aid greatly in your understanding of how the whole plant works. 

There's no set standard for qualifying EWS, you go into quals when your COC thinks you're ready.  From what I've seen, MMs generally qualify faster than other rates due to their good knowledge of the engineroom.

A prototype tour is 42 months.  You're probably not going to get a shorter tour than that unless you're a really bad instructor.  You can go longer, but not shorter.

It sounds to me like you're just really looking at getting out...  If that's the case, then do it!  Finish your contract and qualify everything you can while you're in. 

To reiterate, proofread!  Go back and read your post, it's not good.  If you want to get anywhere, learn to convey your thoughts in a more organized manner.

Good luck, Happy Holidays, and thanks for serving!
"If everybody's thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking" - Gen. George S. Patton


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #3 on: Dec 24, 2009, 12:58 »
There was no "0 year" option so I couldn't vote.  8)

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #4 on: Dec 24, 2009, 09:32 »
I'd jump on that STAR good deal right NOW. I heard from a buddy who had a friend that whole program thingie might go away soon, so  I'd want to grab those goodies before they go stale!  :P

Go STAR, buy a car, put on a stripe and you'll go far !!


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #5 on: Dec 24, 2009, 10:22 »
Invest your STAR money in an English course!

The Inquirer

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #6 on: Dec 24, 2009, 12:11 »
Im sorry that i did not proof read my post before hand. It has been a while since i have written anything. I do thank some of those who were able to extract my question out of that mess and were able to help with so good answers. To those who had nothing more to say than take an english course i would tell them, "Go get a life and quit trying to make yourself look good because you just look like an      a-hole."

Offline SA82

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #7 on: Dec 24, 2009, 12:28 »
You should really consider waiting until you are at the end of your contract to decide if you want to re-enlist. After you go out to sea, you will have a better understanding of what the job requires of you. As a married man, your priorities might change later on. As a guy who re-enlisted at my 2 year point, I can tell you, as I was told by others on board my boat, wait. A lot of guys re-enlst for rank, the bounus, or the BAH (single guys). Re-enlist if you like the job. I realized at my three year point that I did not want to stay in the Navy. I had already re-enlisted at 2 years. I did my job very well and became the LPO of my division before I transferred, but I still wished I hadn't re-enlisted. I am at shore duty now while friends of mine have gotten out and now work at plants. They are doing well.

The Navy has the STAR program because they have to. It is a way to try and retain people for a job that has low retention. If everyone in the program enjoyed it, the Navy would end the STAR program and bonuses would go away.


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #8 on: Dec 24, 2009, 12:35 »
Im sorry that i did not proof read my post before hand. It has been a while since i have written anything. I do thank some of those who were able to extract my question out of that mess and were able to help with so good answers. To those who had nothing more to say than take an english course i would tell them, "Go get a life and quit trying to make yourself look good because you just look like an      a-hole."

I would say you're a nuke, hold yourself to a higher standard of conduct and ability to receive feedback. Also to learn to listen to your qualified betters without whining or crying.

The Inquirer

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #9 on: Dec 24, 2009, 12:48 »
I would say you're a nuke, hold yourself to a higher standard of conduct and ability to receive feedback. Also to learn to listen to your qualified betters without whining or crying.

You are right. This is getting out of hand and i was upset and being childish. Sorry if i offended you. I should have been thinking of what the overly large broadzilla would say.


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #10 on: Dec 24, 2009, 12:50 »

You are right. This is getting out of hand and i was upset and being childish. Sorry if i offended you. I should have been thinking of what the overly large broadzilla would say.

If you desire a career what you should be focusing on is presenting yourself better.

The Inquirer

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #11 on: Dec 24, 2009, 01:01 »
If you desire a career what you should be focusing on is presenting yourself better.

Sorry. Really and honestly i am sorry. If you wish to accept please send me a personal message. Once again i apologize and hope that you have a merry christmas

Offline DDMurray

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #12 on: Dec 24, 2009, 04:03 »
I am not sure which to do as my 2 yr point is coming up. To be perfectly honest i consider myself to be a six 'n' out kinda guy, but there are reasons that i know of to stay in. Basically my research says dont get out if your not a first class or chief and dont get out if your not EWS. So really i want to know how fast are MM nukes are qualifying as EWS and how is advancement looking. Do I need to star reenlist to get a jump on second class? If so, i was told that star re-enlisting at 3yrs as a navy nuke means that one doesnt have to do an additional 3 yr enlistment to be an instructor at either protype or nnptc, is this true? if so would it be better or worse to do so. My eye is mostly looking towards getting out and making money. I set to get out at 25yrs old and i am married and am planning to get the nuke tech degree from tesc.

You speak of these things as if you're walking down an aisle deciding on whether to go name brand or generic.  This is huge decision.  The feedback on format is spot on.  If you stay in you're going to have take narrative logs, write evals and various reports.  If you get out, you're going to draft a resume and have to effectively communicate with HR reps and managers.

When I was in your shoes I wanted to teach at NNPS (NNPTC).  In order to do that I needed to be top half at NPS and NPTU.  Once I got to the boat I needed good evals and to qualify EWS.  I was fortunate and got orders to NPS.  My goal at NPS was to do a good job and finish my degree going to school at night and get out of the navy at my 8-year point.  I accomplished those goals and made Chief along the way and ended up staying for nearly 25. 

If you consider yourself a “six and out guy”, get out and use the GI Bill to get a formal education in a field you can make good money at.  Re-enlisting without a plan is bad for you and the Navy.  Get qualified, learn your trade and then decide if you want to stay in.

By the way, the stuff about MMs being the best, or first to qualify EWS is bull.  Every right-thinking nuke knows that EMs make the best EWSs.  They have the best mix of ER and Maneuvering knowledge.

Good Luck with your decision.

The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.
T. Roosevelt

The Inquirer

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #13 on: Dec 24, 2009, 04:50 »
I was number 19 out of my powerschool class, and hope to do as well at prototype in Charleston. I know that mentally i can make it through and go on to qualify in the fleet. My motivaton to do well is there and i like the Navy so far. Im not sure of whether to stay in or get out because of the impact it will have on my career. I had planned on making this my career and using my GI bill to get a bachelors from TESC. I need to do more research on that as well. I believe that the best thing to do is just worry about prototype for now and wait until i get to my boat to do anything in regards to reenlistment. I will wait for about a year or so after i am there to decide. We'll see what happens. If i did reenlist i would hope to be able to come back as an instructor. I had a 3.65 out of NPS and enjoyed helping others, but i know that there is alot more to it than i have have any idea about. Thanks for the help.


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #14 on: Dec 24, 2009, 06:49 »
Every now and again a group of new guys STAR, and they wind up complaining A LOT within a week or two of swearing to "...bear true faith and allegiance to the same..."  I get tired of it.

Even though people talk about STAR reenlistment as if it only adds two years to your contract, you actually re-enlist for SIX years from the day you raise your right hand again.  If you want to stay in the Navy six years beyond a given point in the Navy, do it for the time you'll spend, NOT for the bonus or BAH.  Heeeeere's how:

1.)  Keep yourself out of debt while in school.  A lot of fellers re-enlist to erase their debt (and subsequently accrue far more debt than previously imaginable).

2.)  Study your buns off and make E-5 off of the test (google "Northstar Study Guides" and get a PMK guide).  That will make you eligible for BAH right off the bat when you get to your ship/boat.  A lot of fellers re-enlist to get BAH and live off base.

3.)  If you can't make rate off of the test and you NEED a place in town, find enough roommates and a big enough place to have a financially sustainable situation until you can get paid E-5.

4.)  If you interested and you get picked up as a SPU go ahead and re-enlist for the orders (though I know folks that did SPU tours without re-enlisting, but that's a thought for later).

5.)  If you're nearing the end of your sea tour and you'd like to spend some more time in the Navy, start negotiating with your detailer for orders you'd like; and re-enlist for those desirable orders.  A lot of fellers that STAR'd three or four years ago are regretting their decisions today when they can choose from NPTU, Guam, or a ship on the opposite coast.

First thing's first, though.  Go to prototype.  Put your hands on some equipment.  Qualify a watch station (maybe even stand it alone).  Participate in end-of-shift cleanup and field day.  Enjoy your time.  Then make a decision.

By the way... 3.65 was number 19 in the whole class?  I haven't been in that long, but...

For what it's worth, I didn't finish as high as 3.65 (if I remember correctly).  Good on ye.
« Last Edit: Dec 24, 2009, 07:17 by withroaj »


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #15 on: Dec 25, 2009, 08:00 »
I was number 19 out of my powerschool class, and hope to do as well at prototype in Charleston. I know that mentally i can make it through and go on to qualify in the fleet. My motivaton to do well is there and i like the Navy so far. Im not sure of whether to stay in or get out because of the impact it will have on my career. I had planned on making this my career and using my GI bill to get a bachelors from TESC. I need to do more research on that as well. I believe that the best thing to do is just worry about prototype for now and wait until i get to my boat to do anything in regards to reenlistment. I will wait for about a year or so after i am there to decide. We'll see what happens. If i did reenlist i would hope to be able to come back as an instructor. I had a 3.65 out of NPS and enjoyed helping others, but i know that there is alot more to it than i have have any idea about. Thanks for the help.

That actually sounds like a well thought out plan. By the way, your willingness to help others will hold you in good stead in this industry.


Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #16 on: Dec 25, 2009, 08:39 »
Merry Christmas shipwreck!!!!

Wouldn't that be "Merry Christmas in the UTC -6 Sierra Time Zone, Sea Warrior!" ?  :P

The Inquirer

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #17 on: Dec 25, 2009, 12:06 »
Thanks guys.

Offline Harley Rider

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #18 on: Dec 27, 2009, 01:32 »
Thanks guys.

Your welcome,,,keep the press on and do well.

Despite inflation, a penny is still a fair price for the thoughts of many people


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #19 on: Dec 27, 2009, 09:33 »
edited for punctuation - I've been up all night setting and wrapping presents, the little one (and the bigger ones too) are still asleep, I'm on a coffee buzz and it'll only be worse if I doze off now, see how it is shipwreck?!?!?! 21 years out of the Navy and I'm still pulling after watch field day and workup preps,....only now I get a better review by the "Captain",... ;)

Baaad analogy.  Unless of course, your Navy Captain fraternized with a crewmember every so often ;-).

Basically my research says dont get out if your not a first class or chief and dont get out if your not EWS.

You need to do better research, not just on  Plenty of 6 and out guys can land good jobs without being any of that good stuff.



Offline LivinginParadise

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #20 on: Dec 27, 2009, 08:59 »
Put this thread away and come back once you're on a real boat. Prototype is NOTHING like being on a real boat. There's a guy here that reenlisted while on hold in prototype, and hates his life now. Make sure you've seen the inside of the real deal before you elect to spend extra time on it.


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #21 on: Dec 27, 2009, 09:02 »
Put this thread away and come back once you're on a real boat. Prototype is NOTHING like being on a real boat. There's a guy here that reenlisted while on hold in prototype, and hates his life now. Make sure you've seen the inside of the real deal before you elect to spend extra time on it.

...yup.  Try adding a poll option "Don't re-enlist until you're qualified Senior In Rate."  See which option gets the most votes.  2 or 3 years makes it sound like a casual decision and doesn't take into account the amount of whining that usually comes from folks that re-enlist at their 2 or 3 year points.


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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #22 on: Dec 28, 2009, 11:46 »
" and i like the Navy so far "

All else aside, perhaps you should wait until after your first deployment to make any long term career decisions. This life isn't for everyone.  8)

Keep up the great work at Proto. You seem like a solid guy and will work everything out.

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #23 on: Dec 28, 2009, 12:48 »
I reenlisted at my 2yr and 9 month point..... I had been on a boat and had done a West-Pac...... I thought I knew what I was doing, but I neglected to think about getting good orders out of my reenlistment........ I was transferred to a new command about 8 months after reenlisting and started my countdown to get out with 1925 days to go........ :'(    Please listen to the advice about getting good orders and wait to see if you really like sea duty and the family separation that goes with it before you pull the trigger and only re-up if you want a naval career....... It is not for everybody...... Thank you for your service!!!!! :)

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Re: Star re-enlist at 2yrs or 3yrs
« Reply #24 on: Dec 29, 2009, 11:05 »
I agree with the basic meesage in most of the post here. It is not important what point you are at in your naval career. It is more important to wait until you spend time at your first sea command. You would not buy a car without a test drive. Do you think that the Navy changed the rules of STAR to allow shipping over at the 21 month point because it was in the sailor's best interest? No,they did it so that young adults in need of extra cash could do it before they knew all of the facts of navy life at sea and were more willing to sign the papers.


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