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Author Topic: General Info About Shore Duty  (Read 11672 times)

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Offline Styrofoam

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General Info About Shore Duty
« on: Jul 30, 2010, 02:50 »
I haven't been able to find any information about shore duty other than the cycle. For some reason all of the info I have been able to find is relating to sea duty.

I'd like to start with general stuff like what kind of work could/would I be doing, where it may be, and anything else you feel I should know.



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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #1 on: Jul 30, 2010, 04:26 »
Have you been to sea yet?


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #2 on: Jul 30, 2010, 05:03 »
I haven't been able to find any information about shore duty other than the cycle. For some reason all of the info I have been able to find is relating to sea duty.

I'd like to start with general stuff like what kind of work could/would I be doing, where it may be, and anything else you feel I should know.
Perhaps in order of probability:
1.  Teaching.  Back to NFAS, NPS, Prototype.  There, a myriad of jobs is possible...classroom teaching to maintenance.
2.  Maintenance and/or Radcon support.  TRF Kings Bay, Shipyards.  There are several government shipyards and two private shipyards (e.g., EB and NGNN).
3.  Staff Duty.   Fleet Squadron, Type Commander, etc.  (Usually E-7 and up).  Nuclear operations and maintenance management.
4.  Recruiting. 
5.  General. Anything/anywhere.   This one usually doesn't help and may hurt your nuclear career.  Nukes that sit promotion boards generally don't like to see you working in a non-nuclear job.  However, some nukes are going to Iraq, which looks extremely favorably and are getting advanced ahead of their peers.

Offline Styrofoam

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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #3 on: Jul 30, 2010, 08:58 »
I know it's still a way off.

I want to know as much as I can about what I'm signing up for.
« Last Edit: Jul 30, 2010, 09:00 by Styrofoam »


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #4 on: Jul 30, 2010, 09:45 »
I know it's still a way off.

I want to know as much as I can about what I'm signing up for.
Forgive the Salty Dinosaurs.  They had no Internet when they were in your shoes they had to ask Noah to help patch up the ark for their shore duty.  "ADM Rickover, can I pleeeeez go help Noah put EB-Green on the Ark?"

While it is possible to enter the Nuclear Navy and succeed for 20+ years without posting a single question to Nukeworker....why, I ask?   8)

Let's start Marissm's "School of the Boat"....his own Sub-Forum.  The first topic: "Delayed Neutrons for Delayed Entry Nukes".  Naturally, there will be a continuing training exam where the forum member GPA has to be 3.25 with 2 failures (e.g., the two most junior DEP'ers).

On a positive, on topic note, being able to handle this type of banter will save you being the target during maneuvering/EOS midwatches. 

 [nuke] Co60 [nuke]


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #5 on: Aug 02, 2010, 10:10 »
I want to know as much as I can about what I'm signing up for.
...and in my experience, when one person asks a question, many others around him/her have the same question and it just takes someone to have the courage to ask it.   This is a valuable professional tool for you to use during a pre-evolution nuclear briefing when you don't understand what is going on.   Similarly, when you're in a reactor physics class and don't understand something...chances are others around you don't either.   

So, given that 396 lurkers, guests, and members viewed this thread, you generated some interest.   The only thing absent from this thread is that your NPS GPA follows you forever (as do college grads for those heading to a Commission).  A low GPA shuts the doors down the road.  As Marssim illustrates, you'll likely change your mind several times (perhaps even about staying in the Navy).   The equation that I know works:  give 110% NOW.  Rewards (i.e., good shore duty assignments) come later.

I've met a few Nukes that hit the ground running in their career and quickly went from sea duty to sea duty...always taking on more responsibility.   E-1 to E-9 in 13 years (i.e., never passed over for a promotion when eligible).  Then, they went to shore duty, started a family, etc.  The one truth in most military branches is that the people that take on the hardest assignments...sea duty, overseas assignments, etc are the ones rewarded the most.  The people that received perfect FitReps for handing out basketballs at the military rec center for shore duty (yes, I've seen it) whine because they had a "4.0 Fitrep" but didn't get advanced. You can figure out now what "sounds good", but what may be fun/easy will NOT payoff later. 

On the other hand, if you don't care and just want to be stationed in one geographic location, people make that work too sometimes.   If all comes down to your personal desires/goals.

You shore duty options/desires will become obvious to you, I believe as time goes on.  Once you get into the Navy and into the groove, you'll meet many Chiefs and Officers that will share their stories of what works and what doesn't in 2010 and beyond.  If you're looking at a career...again consider it even if you're a "6 and out" since never know when you'll change your mind.   It doesn't change a thing:  give 110% and get as much out of your Navy experience as you can.   The crime comes when you leave feeling like you wasted six years of your life.

Many of us have been in DEP and tried counting the days away.  Then, you get into Boot Camp and count those days away,  Then, NPS...prototype, etc.   Deployment...count/sleep them away.   What you have in the end is what matters and hopefully it's more than a calendar with crossed off days.  As posted in other threads, we encourage you DEP'ers to stay proactive/productive.  (One mother's post about anchoring some good family time is among the best won't see them much for 2-3 years after you get in the Navy.  Go make some good memories).

Meanwhile, I didn't have the internet 20+ years ago to get ready.  Nor did I have this:

Scroll down through the DOE Fundamentals Books...Math, Material Science, Reactor Physics.   The NNPP is a joint DOE/DOD Program.  While the specific data in NPS is classified, these DOE Books are not.  It's safe to say that a delayed neutron in the Navy is the same as DOE or Commercial.

If you want to address your concerns/fears...start reading.  I'm repetitive on this subject, but if you want to "get ahead", start studying math, physics, etc.   



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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #6 on: Aug 02, 2010, 11:12 »
Here's the problem;

1) one of the resident khakis has just come in and given us an inspiring impartment of wisdom

2) as the wisdom was good but not tear wrenching I, as a resident blueshirt who is diligently fighting back the impulse to roll my eyes, am casting my obsolete four arm, swiveling roller chair to the back corner of the office and opening the student progress files in the drawer labeled "S"

3) then I pull out the file with the name "Styrofoam" across the label tab...
Here's another problem,

I don't do uniforms or titles.  You have a lot to offer all of us...including me.  It's a brand new game out here (i.e., life after the Navy) and while my Navy resume is excellent, it's now irrelevant.  Even ADM Bowman found that out at the NEI, but we'll save that full story for a WikiLeaks article.

Second, for those that care...I post for the full 396 viewers to a thread, not the one.  There are many that come in here and we spend many man-hours answering continuing questions.  They're answered in the archive now...I don't have to repeat the Shore Duty question/answer again.  Or maybe I will...but if I do, I hope I don't make the "asker" pay for my desire to volunteer my time here.

As for the "student"...she (et al) needs to start studying.  From the "general orders of a sentry" to neutron life cycles.  Oh...they're waiting to be spoon-fed thinking they're still in High School.  They'll find out that the only person in charge of their schooling/career (i.e., now a paycheck) is THEM. 

So for the people asking the (sometimes silly, repetitive) questions, hopefully you're listening to everyone's message (including Broadzilla's unique style) and taking heed.  Or not.  You'll learn it eventually and some just "have" to go the difficult route.  All we can do here is try...and have some fun here along the way.

Meanwhile, if Marissm told me I was dink, I'd listen.  Perhaps he just did though. 


Offline Styrofoam

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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #7 on: Aug 02, 2010, 07:07 »
Thanks, Co60Slr, for your posts.

Them - "What's your worst weakness?"
Me - "I plan too far ahead."

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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #8 on: Aug 02, 2010, 07:17 »
heheheheheheh,'re only young a little while,..... 8)
Ain't that the truth....

You really do wake up one day, and realize that you are "old."
“If the thought police come... we will meet them at the door, respectfully, unflinchingly, willing to die... holding a copy of the sacred Scriptures in one hand and the US Constitution in the other."


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #9 on: Aug 02, 2010, 07:52 »
Ain't that the truth....

You really do wake up one day, and realize that you are "old."

Navy retired and off in my 2nd nuclear career.  Me?  Still young.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  ;-) [quit]


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #10 on: Aug 02, 2010, 08:01 »
Them - "What's your worst weakness?"
Me - "I plan too far ahead."
Nah.  Add to your reading list a few personal growth books.   I'm usually looking for things to knock me out of my comfort zone.   For example, this guy has been fairly influential for me:  Brian Tracy.  He has a great book on "Goals".  See for yourself: 

No thanks required.   Tell us how you kicked ass on the NPS Comp. Exam when the time comes.  That's all the thanks we need.  If you DEP'ers can't do that, we're all wasting our time in this Forum.


Offline MMM

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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #11 on: Aug 05, 2010, 03:22 »
Actually, the detailers just changed things up again. Now the order for nuke shoreduty is:

Instructor (NPTU then NNPTC/NFAS)
General shore (hope you don't plan on staying in)

Also, the first sea tour is now 36 months, with the expectation of going to NPTU at your 3 or 4 year point, recruiter is the next possibility and the only way you'll get the maintenace billets is if you don't meet the requirements or absolutely refuse to go to the first two. Finally, even if you're getting out in 6 months, if you hit 5 years on your ship, you'll get transferred to another ship, at least that's what was put out by the detailers when they came to visit about a month ago.


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #12 on: Aug 05, 2010, 04:10 »
Nah.  Add to your reading list a few personal growth books.   I'm usually looking for things to knock me out of my comfort zone.   For example, this guy has been fairly influential for me:  Brian Tracy.  He has a great book on "Goals".  See for yourself:  

No thanks required.   Tell us how you kicked ass on the NPS Comp. Exam when the time comes.  That's all the thanks we need.  If you DEP'ers can't do that, we're all wasting our time in this Forum.


Books about leadership, goals, and self help are the biggest bunches of pure BS I've ever seen in my life.
« Last Edit: Aug 05, 2010, 07:23 by Nuclear NASCAR »


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #13 on: Aug 05, 2010, 05:13 »
I've been fine and as you can see I've mellowed out! I couldn't stand to see any more of this guys misguided mumbo jumbo being accepted as real advice anymore!

How have you been my fine friend?


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #14 on: Aug 06, 2010, 08:57 »
I couldn't stand to see any more of this guys misguided mumbo jumbo being accepted as real advice anymore!
Naturally, the world's finest nuke that regales us not only with stories of sleeping with his NPS Instructors, but tells us "janitors" how/why we should leave the NNPP and what's wrong with the NNPP (e.g., spelling) can certainly pull out his exMM2 leadership prowess and simply jump right into these threads.   As I told Marissm, I'm happy to listen to anyone that has nuclear experience; however, no one is going to listen to only emotion.  There are a few people here that like to simply log on and point out how a volunteer is all screwed up (case in point here), without offering any solution.  (Hint:  you're all part of the problem unless you offer a fact or positive solution for the poster).

So, Broadzilla, as you have bragged what you tell your Crew on Shift, "get back to me when you have facts and a recommendation for me".   Again, I don't work for you...nor vice versa.   But, I'll be happy to listen to your public complaints.  However, most of the "real" nukes that I know debate issues with facts, not bi-polar emotion.

For the record though, YOUR OWN senior managers do read that "mumbo jumbo" as do countless other enlisted, officers, RADCON techs, QA Inspectors, refueling managers, Shift Managers, etc that are looking to improve themselves.   Some of them log onto and try to help others.   Some of them think this site and the core group that simply seeks to degrade other people are not worth the time/energy.  I try to project a positive energy, but I can see why the profiles of some members has turned black (i.e., deleted).  You think I should delete my account and move on?

Here's some advice for you, which I'm sure you'll laugh at.   "Who Moved My Cheese".   If you haven't read the "mumbojumbo" yet, it's a great short read about Change.   It applies to joining the Navy, joining Commercial Power, the changing era of RADCON contracting, new Nuclear Construction, SRO Training, the short-duration Outages, INPO always finding something for you to work on, a retired ADM leaving NEI.   You can start with the video: 

You're the guy sitting in the empty room Broadzilla.  You'll have a few people come back to your "room" and check on you...give you some encouragement, but no one cares about your Ego bragging (e.g., "I nailed my NPS Instructor") or your title.  You didn't respect the officer titles as an MM2 (perhaps with good reason), so why should the junior nukes out there now look at you with any respect just because of your self-proclaimed title...especially through an Internet Forum?  Haven't you become "that Officer" that held the most disdain for in the Navy?

The sad part is that we need you.  Your plant needs you, this Forum, these junior guys/gals trying to get into the Commercial Industry.  I see many posts on LinkedIn by your Senior Recruiting Manager...why not give her a hand?  Have you been invited to attend Job Fairs in Charleston, have other SROs, Shift Managers?  Why not get up to speed in the year 2010...forget about your MM2 Navy days and help staff your plant with qualified nukes.   

Oh, another thread where you're threatening to leave again?  Let me temper that above...all of those people CAN get along without you, me, GC, Marissm, CruiseMM, etc.   Even after a Submarine CO gets fired, someone steps in and the mission continues. 

This is a volunteer site Broadzilla.  If you want to login, kick the volunteers, "high five" your buddies, and then leave for another two weeks...that's your choice..and it's not MY site.  It's not MY reputation that's at stake.  The people that called and emailed me after your little rant assured me of that.

Sorry Marissm...I'm all out of cute icons today.


Sun Dog

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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #15 on: Aug 06, 2010, 11:16 »

Add to your reading list a few personal growth books.   I'm usually looking for things to knock me out of my comfort zone.   


Want a "personal growth" book that will knock you out of your comfort zone?  Pick a copy of "Why We Suck" by Dr. Denis Leary, ISBN: 978-0-670-03160-3


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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #16 on: Aug 08, 2010, 06:03 »
Want a "personal growth" book that will knock you out of your comfort zone?  Pick a copy of "Why We Suck" by Dr. Denis Leary, ISBN: 978-0-670-03160-3
I downloaded the audio by the author.  I didn't get past the prologue and I was laughing out loud.

Thanks for the recommendation!



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Re: General Info About Shore Duty
« Reply #17 on: Sep 02, 2010, 02:25 »
A friendly bump to this thread- I just joined a while back still [dink] with 9hrs on the forum and want to get it out there for newbies to read this.

Meanwhile, I didn't have the internet 20+ years ago to get ready.  Nor did I have this:

Thanks for that link, need to study up.


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