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Author Topic: Eberline SRM-200  (Read 5186 times)

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Eberline SRM-200
« on: Sep 29, 2010, 07:48 »
Dear sirs, I'm an italian beginner in the field of Geiger counters.
I am not a nuke worker: I only was used to collect military timepieces. So, I wounder if they were too radioactive and I bought a Eberline E 120.
Now... I'm a collector of Geriger Counters and related items.
Now I've bought a Eberline SRM-200, but I know nothing about it and I have no manuals. Would you help me, please?
How does it perform? How would you compare it to the Eberline ESP-2 and to the Rascal? What is better? Could I use it with my HP 260 probe?


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