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Offline xjackstarrx

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Recommend Best Courses for while in Navy
« on: Mar 28, 2011, 06:36 »
I am currently AD and working on college degree, and I am looking to see if anyone has any advice on training or online courses that would be the most beneficial with regard to credit/time.
Specifically I speak with regard to ACE accreditation and my smart transcript, with focus on putting my college education on the fast track.

For example, the navy “Submarine QAI School,” offers two L credits, for industrial/mechanical. “Armed Sentry/Security Reaction Force – Basic” provides three credits in criminal justice (humanities).
I also have been informed that EPA school, R-114 School, OCIP, ADAMS, and MTMO also provide college accreditation.
I have additionally, heard rumors that via Nko courses, credits can be earned, but do not know anyone who has done so first hand.

Note: I am aware that one can research this on ACE’s website, however the new system is search based rather than a book/catalog. This makes it rather cumbersome in finding out what schools provide accreditation without first knowledge of all that school’s information. Additionally I have spoken with my both my career and college counselors and I am fully aware of CLEP and Dante exams, which i have utilized.

Also I want to note before the flack starts pouring in, that my intentions are not to wrongfully take advantage of the navy or pull a fast one on anyone. It is just that as all former and current nukes know, time and manning limits the number of schools that can be taken by each member. I am just looking to make sure I know which schools to request and push for to get the most bang for my buck. 

Offline xjackstarrx

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Re: Recommend Best Courses for while in Navy
« Reply #1 on: Mar 28, 2011, 06:39 »
Additional note:
just because a school says it is ACE accredited on the website does not necessarily mean it is when you attend the school! R-114 for example is ACE accredited in every training location except NBK TTF Bangor, this is because the course was never formally reviewed at this location by ACE.

very frustrating...

Offline xjackstarrx

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Re: Recommend Best Courses for while in Navy
« Reply #2 on: Mar 28, 2011, 06:56 »
BTW any ideas about how to learn small engine repair and/or auto mechanics while in?

Ive heard about opportunities for members working with marine batallions durring off hours, while on shore and community college, but the colleges in my area aren't offering night classes.


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Re: Recommend Best Courses for while in Navy
« Reply #3 on: Apr 04, 2011, 10:24 »
PACE courses, TESC, Excelsior are your best bets. Theres a good reason so many people are doing that.

Point is, every college has their own agendas and how much credits for military training they are willing to give. TESC offers the most, by far.


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Re: Recommend Best Courses for while in Navy
« Reply #4 on: Apr 04, 2011, 12:58 »
I am currently AD and working on college degree, and I am looking to see if anyone has any advice on training or online courses that would be the most beneficial with regard to credit/time.
Specifically I speak with regard to ACE accreditation and my smart transcript, with focus on putting my college education on the fast track.

For example, the navy “Submarine QAI School,” offers two L credits, for industrial/mechanical. “Armed Sentry/Security Reaction Force – Basic” provides three credits in criminal justice (humanities).
I also have been informed that EPA school, R-114 School, OCIP, ADAMS, and MTMO also provide college accreditation.
I have additionally, heard rumors that via Nko courses, credits can be earned, but do not know anyone who has done so first hand.

Note: I am aware that one can research this on ACE’s website, however the new system is search based rather than a book/catalog. This makes it rather cumbersome in finding out what schools provide accreditation without first knowledge of all that school’s information. Additionally I have spoken with my both my career and college counselors and I am fully aware of CLEP and Dante exams, which i have utilized.

Also I want to note before the flack starts pouring in, that my intentions are not to wrongfully take advantage of the navy or pull a fast one on anyone. It is just that as all former and current nukes know, time and manning limits the number of schools that can be taken by each member. I am just looking to make sure I know which schools to request and push for to get the most bang for my buck. 
I have been doing courses for years now and getting so close to my degree. I found for Mechanical Engineering that about 54 was about the average offered. University of North Dakota has online engineering programs that have ABET accredidation and ODU claims theres can be done entirely online too. Regardless of what you choose, you will most likely need stuff like English, History, Calculus, Public Speaking, Ethics, and those type classes. PACE usually offers those and they are way easy (except Calculus, they wouldn't offer that one for me).... The Navy College Office can show you distance learning courses in CD-ROM and Teleconference format. The college office should be able to help you out here if your ship didn't cut the Education Boss due to budget cuts like ours did.

CLEP/DANTES are great, I have done 10 of them passed them all. They aren't too bad. It was nice when they used to offer them on the ship but utilize them while they are free. I am glad you have already hit these up. Be careful though because alot of colleges won't accept them because of essay requirements so check into that first. I only got to use about half of mine.

Don't spend too much time trying to get credit with ADAMS classes and QA classes. Pick a degree then pick a college and then pick courses that will work towards your degree.

and the best advice I can offer on this DO NO WAIT! So many people wait until they are qualified this and then this and then they are busy and then they don't finish. Get hot! It sounds like you are on the right track. Good luck to you and as always, PM me if you have a question. By serving your country, your are entitled to an education, you are scamming nobody.... Get educated!!!!


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